Just an idea that crossed my mind while respec-ing.
Majority of melee dps use Focus forms because they like to stack dex for more crits. So what if there's an Enrage form that is similar to a focus form?
I'm sure there are those who want to use Enrage/AotB as their form, but feeling lackluster because they don't crit often.
Here's a little example:
- Grants a stack of Enrage every time you deal a critical strike.
- Scales with Dex
Practically a reskin of FotT, but hey, reskin in this game isn't new.

Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Mirriam Webster:
1: mental skill or quickness; adroitness
2: readiness and grace in physical activity; especially; skill and ease in using the hands manual dexterity
1: great skill in using your hands or your mind
You don't need much physical ability to wield a sword that weights nothing. Slight movements would be more than enough to do damage. Normal sword techniques would be pointless and require far more effort than would ever be needed.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Also, how the heck did a topic about a Dex-scaling Enrage suggestion turn into other forms? I just wanted to suggest something that will benefit Enrage DPS users.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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. . . WHAT?
Intelligence is universal the Stat of Spellcasters
Dated back from D&D
There is nothing dumb with the Spellcaster toggle scaling with INT
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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I thought she may have been Sarcastic but nowdays I cannot say where someone is using sarcasm or not in those forums
myself included
Meanwhile, Laser Swords require intelligence to use. Doesn't matter if you're the scrawniest kid in gym class or if you have the dexterity of a baked potato--if you've got smarts, you're deadly with one. Yet, I can't see Stephen Hawking wielding one very well.
*claps* You win.
Incidentally, a Laser Sword has zero weight in the blade. The hilt would probably be all of a pound. Tap someone with a burning hot blade of death and you cause serious injury. No real effort required. It also doesn't require much intelligence to use a laser sword. Building it, sure, but using Int is due to it being in the Gadget tree. Kinda like how TK blades are in the tree associated with Ego, a part of the mind.
Last I checked, a toddler can normally still move. They'd probably hurt themselves though, being it is incredibly easy to do damage with a zero weight sword. Considering it's a sword made with the power of the mind, could you even drop it? It's not a physical item.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
And yet, some people will still argue tooth and nail that Dex makes more sense for the set than any of the stats themed around mental prowess.
Dexterity= nimbleness of mind and/or body, grace, precision
Yup, Dex makes no sense for wielding mental constructs in battle. ^_~
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
In the Champions PnP, which this game is based on, Dexterity is an entirely physical stat. If you want to use dictionary definitions for an MMO then maybe you could quote me the one that says telekinesis is all about psionic sword constructs.
Definition of telekinesis
1)Mirriam Webster: the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means.
2)Macmillan:the power to move or change the shape of objects using your mind
I don't have a problem with CO putting psionic sword construct in the game and calling them telekinesis, but let's not pretend that dictionary definitions work for an MMO or an RPG....
Definition of Strength(Dictionary.com)
1.the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor.
2.mental power, force, or vigor.
If we go by dictionary definitions then we can easily justify using Strength instead of Ego or Dex.
All that to say that it is folly to use literal dictionary definitions for stats and powers in an MMO
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Also in the combat log doesn't it also say you dealt Ego damage? (And there is a perk for that?)
EDIT: with that said I'm fine with DEX being used for what it is for the revamp. Back in the day Ego/Dex used to be paired together often.
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Regarding balancing it vs other stats, it's more likely that either DEX will get nerfed or EGO and STR will be given innate damage buffs and energy stats will be given a reason to exist - either by making powers more costly or by nerfing cost discount gear / EUs.
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Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Every other melee set has several valid options to build with. TK melee got shafted in that there is no form that scales off of ego for melee without taking a damage penalty. (Let's not pretend AotM isn't a down grade with less potential damage and no energy gain.) I can make a Brick build with str just as easily as I can go dex and get full benefit from my form. Even MA, Laser Swords, and Bullet Beatdown can go either dex or str just fine. But TK blades? Nope.
We can sit here and use definitions to prove any point we want, but TK blades still lost its ego scaling form with no decent replacement option unlike all other melee.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
I also don't think that devs are getting paid enough to deal with such things.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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