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Advice for what to do with a bum character?

So I am a very new player, and have used both slots available for characters.

One of the characters has problems (bugged powers, the character was given my username automatically by the game, others).

The worst part, the buggy powers, has made it so I can't succeed at the big missions anymore. So I only have one functional character at the moment. I have tried approaching the developers but they are avoiding providing an answer.

Is there anything I can do about the bum character?
Can you change archetypes? How?
Can you "retrain"? (I have read about retraining, but I can't find any information on how to gain the ability to do it)

Just trying to figure out how the dynamics of this game work. The wiki doesn't seem to have anything and internet searches didn't turn anything up for me either.


  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    There are token for retraining and retconning (which allows you to restart the character from go, without having to lose levels). Those methods, however, generally cost either considerable in-game Resources or Zen. Unless you're particularly tied to this toon, you might be better off to delete and recreate from scratch.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    Where do you get them? How much do they cost?

    Honestly, I haven't found anyone in game who takes resources for anything meaningful, how are they useful? I mean, I bought a bag, and I know you can buy a couple minor items, but I haven't found anything else worthwhile.

  • kallethenkallethen Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    If you go into the powerhouse, you can remove powers/ranks/advantages one by one in reverse order that were chosen, at an increasing cost of resources (also can remove specializations, talents, and superstats in one shot for a cost). The costs for this also increase as you level.

    Retrain tokens and retcon tokens can be purchased with Zen in the Zen store. One allows you to switch ATs while the other will just reset all of your powers, stats, ranks, specializations, etc so you can reselect them, but keeps you in the same AT.​​
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  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Hi Erile

    Retrain and Rename options appear on the right hand side of the Character Selection screen.

    To Remove powers, reset your stats, etc, go into one of the Powerhouses and talk the Head Trainer - there is a remove powers option shown there. It costs resources to do so; you can spend those resources on either removing powers and advantages (one at a time, most recent first), or resetting stats and specialisations. Once you do this, stay in the Powerhouse and use the Training rooms to test your new build. Don't leave until you are happy. Why? Because you can continue to make changes for free - once you leave the PH your choices are locked and you have to pay again.

    When you say "bugged"... is the character an AT? If so, which one, and can you post the build choices? We might be able to help you out with some advice on power selection, etc.

    If you're using a Freeform then a) everyone gets it wrong the first time (and the second, most of the time) b) take a look at the "Builds and Roles" thread for some sample builds. Flowcyto and the rest of the people on that thread are very helpful.

    With regards to gear and resources: you need to keep improving gear as you level. It makes a huge difference. If you're still using the starter gear pack (level 6) and haven't loaded secondary gear as you go, then everything will feel difficult, regardless of power choices. Most of the things you need will drop from defeated enemies, but pick everything up as you go. The main general vendor in Ren Cen, Karneekie The Great (just to the right of the Powerhouse in Ren Cen) will buy your trash gear and sell you a new bag, if you need storage space. He also sells useful stuff like health boosts, power boosts, etc; all for the same currency (resources). The other place to spend resources is at the Auction House in Ren Cen. There are also specific currency types that you can collect along the way and use to buy various other things (boosts, costumes, etc) - UNTIL Recognition is the low level one (I think). You can use these at the UNTIL vendor in the Recognition section of Ren Cen.

    HTH ;)
  • doctordnadoctordna Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Personally I delete and recreate characters quite often in all the MMOs I play. I guess I never get so attached to my character. When playing in Guild Wars, I created Simon of Aragon and beat all 3 campaigns with him over the course of a year. I tossed all his stuff in my shared character chest and deleted him and created him over as Simon of Aragon. It only took me 100 hours or so the second time around. All my guild mates freaked out. I didn't even have all 8 character slots full, they could not grasp deleting my main to run him through again. It was at this point I realized my psychological outlook is very different than most gamers. I haven't run into anyone else freaking out as bad as they did in GW. I suppose the difference might be the birthday minis they pass out over a total period of 8 years, but I don't collect them, I give them away.

    Basically my advice to @erile#2692 is to first review the information on creating the character before you remake them.

    Wiki -- http://www.championswiki.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
    Hero Creator -- http://aesica.net/co/herocreator.htm

    Played "Star Trek Online" from 2011 - 2016
    Played "Neverwinter Online" from 2014 - 2016
    Still playing "Champions Online" on Linux Kubuntu 14.04 OS
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User

    To Remove powers, reset your stats, etc, go into one of the Powerhouses and talk the Head Trainer - there is a remove powers option shown there. It costs resources to do so; you can spend those resources on either removing powers and advantages (one at a time, most recent first), or resetting stats and specialisations. Once you do this, stay in the Powerhouse and use the Training rooms to test your new build. Don't leave until you are happy. Why? Because you can continue to make changes for free - once you leave the PH your choices are locked and you have to pay again.

    I didn't even know this existed until now. I spent a week trying to find the place you started in but gave up and thought it was only for the tutorial. The game spits you out over by the headquarters when you start so there is no way to know the glowing circle thing is that place. And its not like the game ever tells you these things. It prompts you to train your powers from the character screen.

    How do you effectively test powers in here? I found the room with dummies, but they aren't really helpful.

    When you say "bugged"... is the character an AT? If so, which one, and can you post the build choices? We might be able to help you out with some advice on power selection, etc.

    Its the marksman, and several of the powers are badly broken. Evasive Maneuvers only activates about 10% of the time when you select it, and none of the abilities I bought (regeneration, stealth, wiping threat) work at all. Its basically garbage, which is unfortunate because it is pretty important for playing solo. There is also an attack that doesn't do damage - it has the animation, hits the target, but does zero damage.

    So its not an issue with what I chose, I did review suggestions first, its a problem related to a broken character class. I've also been updating my gear as I go, including the mods in the gear.

    The other place to spend resources is at the Auction House in Ren Cen.

    Where is the auction house? I've tried ever vendor ten times the last few days trying to find these things and must be missing it. I'm a little disappointed that resources are the main currency in game but that they can't be used for anything really.
    doctordna said:

    I tossed all his stuff in my shared character chest and deleted him and created him over as Simon of Aragon.

    Is there a shared character chest?
    jonsills said:

    There are token for retraining and retconning (which allows you to restart the character from go, without having to lose levels). Those methods, however, generally cost either considerable in-game Resources or Zen.

    Where can you buy tokens with resources?
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    You can't buy the tokens with Resources, those are Zen only items.

    How do you effectively test powers in here? I found the room with dummies, but they aren't really helpful.

    When you enter the training area in the Powerhouse, stay on the transporter pad. Other options will appear in including one which says "Battle Station (instances by Team)". Selecting this will take you into another room - there's a terminal in front of you which enables you to set up three teams of enemies for you to fight. You can choose from the Purple Gang, PSI or Demon (Mil City enemies, basically - in other locations with PowerHouses you can test against the enemies most common in those zones), and then set up the level and team size. If you're having trouble, pick a small team and easy enemies (Purple Gang or PSI, below your level). These enemies will then act as they do in any part of the game (they can defeat you too, although you don't lose stars if they do). Use them to test out builds and play strategies.

    The Marksman is very squishy and Evasive Manoeuvres is not enough to make aggrieved enemies forget you - you need the Sleight of Mind advantage for that. It also has attacks - hello, Torrent of Arrows - which can go a very long way and aggro far too many enemies at a time, especially in Alerts. So.... you need to try and make yourself less squishy (some gear with CON statted is always a good idea) and make the most of the Advantages open to you. I use...

    Straight Shot/Split The Arrow - Diminishes your target's defenses
    Sonic Arrow / Deadly Dissonance - a full charge now stuns up to five enemies around the target
    Quarry / Fair Game - heals you every time you defeat an enemy
    Torrent of Arrows / Relentless Recurve - knocks all enemies back (needs care in use, though)
    Evasive Manoeuvres / Sleight of Mind / Stim Pack - Increases dodge, wipes threat, heals you over time
    Storm of Arrows / Achilles Heel - Roots all affected targets

    Combine that with proper gear and you have an effective toon; albeit one that will feel very squishy in high level content. All ATs without major self heals, CON as a superstat or a Defensive Passive feel that way. With the Marksman you have to know your distances and not try and stick around in the danger zone.... that's only logical, really.

    PS I think the one that doesn't do any damage is Focused Shot/Ballista Bolt. Any damage you take during the charge of that power will cancel it.
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User

    Straight Shot/Split The Arrow - Diminishes your target's defenses
    Sonic Arrow / Deadly Dissonance - a full charge now stuns up to five enemies around the target
    Quarry / Fair Game - heals you every time you defeat an enemy
    Torrent of Arrows / Relentless Recurve - knocks all enemies back (needs care in use, though)
    Evasive Manoeuvres / Sleight of Mind / Stim Pack - Increases dodge, wipes threat, heals you over time
    Storm of Arrows / Achilles Heel - Roots all affected targets

    Combine that with proper gear and you have an effective toon; albeit one that will feel very squishy in high level content. All ATs without major self heals, CON as a superstat or a Defensive Passive feel that way. With the Marksman you have to know your distances and not try and stick around in the danger zone.... that's only logical, really.

    PS I think the one that doesn't do any damage is Focused Shot/Ballista Bolt. Any damage you take during the charge of that power will cancel it.

    Yup, I did all of those things exactly. It doesn't matter when powers don't work though.

    Evasive Maneuvers does not work: the activation is broken (10% success rate) and it doesn't wipe threat or heal you or give you stealth.
    Focused shot is broken because it doesn't do damage, not because of interruptions. It charges, hits the target, provides an animation, makes the target move, activates combat with the target (gain aggro), but it does zero damage. Before it stopped working, I only used it to initiate combat or in alerts. It stopped working though.

    So basically, really important abilities have stopped working for the Archetype and the 8 advantage points in them have been lost, so the character isn't much fun. And in reporting it, the developers have decided that it means I only get one character slot instead of two now and they told me that if I want two slots I can buy one.
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Really? I shall dig out my Marksman and try it. It worked last time I played (not that I don't believe, just if they've broken stuff it needs fixing).
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Sure, though I won't deny it could be something wrong on my end. I've had so many issues with bugs in this game, I've been debating figuring out how to do an uninstall/reinstall.

    Of course, there is the fact that the game auto-assigned the name for that character. I'm still rather annoyed about that.
    Post edited by erile#2692 on
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    yeah, given that your chat doesn't work... probably a corrupted install.
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  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    If the game auto-assigned a name to your character, wouldn't it been just to simply delete that character and make a new one?
    Don't know how the game naming your character is even possible. Since you can't even exit the creator without typing something on the nameline.
    And how to uninstall/reinstall? Just delete the CO's Live folder. But save the 'screenshots' one...
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  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    Like I said, I was new. I didn't know that you got to choose a name until I made my second character later on after the first one was level 25 or so. Otherwise I might have tried that. I also didn't know deletion was possible yet.

    Where it the CO Live folder? I can't seem to figure out where any of the Arc/Champions files are stored other than the installer.
  • doctordnadoctordna Posts: 23 Arc User
    You asked, "Is there a shared character chest?".

    There are shared bank slots available for purchase (zen), but you can share items with your characters in CO using the mail system. Just go to one of those computer terminals marked "Until" and use the mail to send items to your own @handle name. You can send up to 5 items per message and a total of 100 messages. The mail system is just like having a shared bank account with 500 slots.

    Not all items can be transferred to other characters, some items bind to you on pick up.
    Played "Star Trek Online" from 2011 - 2016
    Played "Neverwinter Online" from 2014 - 2016
    Still playing "Champions Online" on Linux Kubuntu 14.04 OS
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    You need to have a Hideout for those shared bank slots. You can't mail money or account bound items. But you can store those in the Hideout's storage, which is account wide.
    And how to find certain folders. I think you should do like a Google search of how to. Might be easiest that way.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • rtmartma Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    *Reads title* Get a Job! . . . Ahaaaaa, Just kidd'n, I'm not going to condone conformity.
    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User

    And how to find certain folders. I think you should do like a Google search of how to. Might be easiest that way.

    I've actually done tons of searches on how to uninstall Champions online, how to uninstall arc games, PWE games, etc. There is practically no information that I an find. The few I have found are old and refer to folders that do not exist anywhere on my machine. The instructions someone gave above don't even work - the previously referenced folder doesn't exist on my machine either. My machine has nothing entitled Champions, CO, Perfect World Entertainment, Cryptic, etc. There is an Arc folder, but it has one .ini file.

    So I really haven't found anything. Its not even in the programs uninstall list.

    The files for this game are really hidden well.
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Should just be in a folder marked "Perfect World", or "Champions Online_en". Your screenshots should be in Perfect World/Champions Online_en/Live/Screenshots

    Uninstalling just involves deleting the folder...
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    There is no such thing on my computer. There are only 9 files even containing the word "perfect" and zero folders. There are zero results of anything containing the word "champion" or "champions".

    And uninstalling with the goal of removing possibly corrupted files requires more than removing the game folder - highly relevant operational files will exist in other places and also will need to be removed to get a proper uninstall.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    On my computer, the game files are in one location. Uninstall/Reinstall works fine for me.
    Location on my computer is C:\Users\Roughbear\Games\Champions
    Potentially, there might be some settings in a User\Prefs folder, or maybe AppData, but I don't think so.

    As for powers . . . Evasive maneuvers works as intended on my toons that have it. Think the heal effect requires you to spend advantage points.

    It's worth noting, that a threat wipe generally only affects five enemies. If you are solo, and there are more than five mobs, threat wipe doesn't help much, since it ends if you attack anything.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Your Search Fu sucks.
    Uninstalling programs/games is some of the basics one should really know.
    Then you aren't looking properly. Since you need those files to run the game...
    Your game is in the Champions Online Live folder. You delete those files, your game goes PUFF. Then you just patch the whole game again.
    It's in the ARC folder if you're using ARC. support.arcgames.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4302/~/arc-and-game-uninstall-process <--that's a link
    Or in the Steam folder, if you use Steam.
    And you have the uninstall option in the Remove Programs in Control Panel.
    Or you've done something really weird there. I mean, can you actually launch the game?

    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User

    On my computer, the game files are in one location. Uninstall/Reinstall works fine for me.
    Location on my computer is C:\Users\Roughbear\Games\Champions
    Potentially, there might be some settings in a User\Prefs folder, or maybe AppData, but I don't think so.

    There is no such folder. Besides using windows search to prove that I had no folders or files with the text string "champion" in them as I already posted above, I have also already manually searched every single folder and file in the Users folder. The only thing for Arc is a folder in Users-Public-Documents-Arc, but that folder only contains a single file called "temp.ini".

    As for powers . . . Evasive maneuvers works as intended on my toons that have it. Think the heal effect requires you to spend advantage points.

    It's worth noting, that a threat wipe generally only affects five enemies. If you are solo, and there are more than five mobs, threat wipe doesn't help much, since it ends if you attack anything.

    I have spent all the advantage points on those powers. Attempting to activate the power does not even work. There is no backflip, there is no regeneration prompts (green numbers over the head), and i have tested it at least a hundred times against lone enemies where I targeted them, went near them without attacking them, got them to attack me, activated the power, and there was no wiping of threat assessment. They do not work.

    Your Search Fu sucks.
    Uninstalling programs/games is some of the basics one should really know.
    Then you aren't looking properly. Since you need those files to run the game...

    Being rude and accusatory doesn't help anyone.

    I've been installing and uninstalling programs on computers since 1984 and hand-building my own computers since the 1990's. I know what I am doing and this is not the basics.

    Your game is in the Champions Online Live folder. You delete those files, your game goes PUFF. Then you just patch the whole game again.
    It's in the ARC folder if you're using ARC. support.arcgames.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4302/~/arc-and-game-uninstall-process <--that's a link
    Or in the Steam folder, if you use Steam.
    And you have the uninstall option in the Remove Programs in Control Panel.
    Or you've done something really weird there. I mean, can you actually launch the game?</p>

    This is literally the third post in this thread where I am explaining this.

    The Windows Search does not turn up any relevant files. There is nothing at all with "champion" or "pwe". The only files with "arc" that are associated with the game are the arc installers and the arc folder with temp.ini as I have already described. The only files with "perfect" are the arc installers. There is nothing relevant with "cryptic" (one word file). Those are the most relevant searches. I have also manually searched the posted locations from 6 different websites and the posts in the forum and they do not exist. I have manually searched the entire users folder and there is nothing there.

    I have already looked at the forum post you linked. There is NO perfect world entertainment folder on my start menu. There is no game in my program uninstall list. I was told the game removal from the arc client will destroy the save data. I need to remove the game and all associated files just from my computer, which means I need to find the folders and other associated files wherever they are and remove them, manually file by file if need be.
  • if the search is turning up nothing on one drive, then the game was likely installed to another (unless you only have one actual hard drive, in which case you ROYALLY fudged something up)

    one thing you can try is search all possible drives for gameclient.exe, since that's the actual game executable that runs when the game is launched and will be located where the game was installed (of course, that exact same exe is also used for star trek online and neverwinter online, so if you also have either of those games installed, the search will probably pick up their versions as well)​​
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    Here's where Champions is on my system: C:\Program Files (x86)\Champions Online_en

    The executable itself is called Champions Online.exe.

    Your problem might be that you're not searching "system" files.
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  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    Ok try this as a last resort.

    - Right Click on the Champions Online Icon on your desktop.
    - Select "Properties".
    - In the Target Box you should see a string that shows you the exact location of the .exe file.
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  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    IIRC Windows 10 doesn't add many folders to its search index (and when you type into the search box it's searching the index only, not actually looking at the drive). This is done for good reasons, but it can mean that you can't find .exe files, program data, or the like. You'll have to go into File Explorer, access the C: drive and dig down through to the suggested file locations.....
  • riverocean wrote: »
    Ok try this as a last resort.

    - Right Click on the Champions Online Icon on your desktop.
    - Select "Properties".
    - In the Target Box you should see a string that shows you the exact location of the .exe file.

    if he installed through ARC, that won't work unless he also installed the game to the same place ARC is located - here's why:
    Target: "D:\Games\Perfect World Entertainment\Arc\ArcLauncher.exe" gamecustom co
  • doctordnadoctordna Posts: 23 Arc User
    Since I use Linux OS, I know exactly where mine is installed. After all I put it there LOL :D If the player is using the Arc launcher does this some how confound the issue. I don't need Arc or Steam and just use executable found in; /media/Drive C/Cryptic Studios/Champions Online/Live It has been my opinion that these game launchers are not much help.
    rtma said:

    *Reads title* Get a Job! . . . Ahaaaaa, Just kidd'n, I'm not going to condone conformity.

    Now you are making me think I should make "Cardboard Sign Man" as a superhero. I wonder if the costume would be possible? He would need to be freeform, with the powers; Whisky Immolation, Breaking Wind, Constipation, and Mental Leech. Then his weapon would be impossible to obtain in this game; a huge slab of cardboard and a black felt tip marker.

    Sorry I didn't mean to derail this thread. Back to the topic at hand, is there really anything that could be called a "bad build" in Champions? I seriously doubt it.
    Played "Star Trek Online" from 2011 - 2016
    Played "Neverwinter Online" from 2014 - 2016
    Still playing "Champions Online" on Linux Kubuntu 14.04 OS
  • dialamxdialamx Posts: 940 Arc User
    This entire thread seems extremely suspicious, and trolly.

    You say you've been using, and building, computers since 1984, but can't figure out how to uninstall the game. You're claiming your powers, and your chat, are glitched, when they work perfectly fine for everyone else. You're claiming you're playing the game, yet turn around and say the files required to run the game do not exist on your computer. And you're basically telling every person who gives you detailed instructions on how to fix your issues that they're wrong, and getting defensive about it.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    doctordna said:

    Sorry I didn't mean to derail this thread. Back to the topic at hand, is there really anything that could be called a "bad build" in Champions? I seriously doubt it.

    Choosing the wrong SuperStats goes a long way towards making a build bad. like say, a melee character who has Ego as a SS. Or choosing ranged and Strength. Then there's powers that just don't work well together. for example choosing a power that ruptures bleeds, but not choosing any powers that create bleeds.
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  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    Even if local data is destroyed, that has no bearing on your gameplay.
    Saved local data are screenshots and user preferences for game settings like brightness and screen resolution.

    You can completely remove Arc. Everything important about the game is stored server-side.

    I've played my game account on completely separate computers. No issues, and local data just doesn't matter.

    As for Evasive maneuvers not working, not sure what to tell you. Works for my toon every single time.

    Anyone else here have issues with that power being non-functional?

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    It's not very good without the advantage, would be my view. If I was building an FF around it I wouldn't bother (unless it was a wholly Dodge-based character or I needed something to proc MSA).
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Oh, and re: computer knowledge and CO installation. I have it installed twice. Once in the main folder, once in a sub-folder of that main folder. Arc got confused one day and started denying the program was installed at all, and then reinstalled it in a slightly different default folder to the one it installed it in the first ime. Nothing to do with me.

    And Bad Builds? There are loads. CO offers you many choices but few good ones.
  • doctordnadoctordna Posts: 23 Arc User

    doctordna said:

    Sorry I didn't mean to derail this thread. Back to the topic at hand, is there really anything that could be called a "bad build" in Champions? I seriously doubt it.

    Choosing the wrong SuperStats goes a long way towards making a build bad. like say, a melee character who has Ego as a SS. Or choosing ranged and Strength. Then there's powers that just don't work well together. for example choosing a power that ruptures bleeds, but not choosing any powers that create bleeds.
    Ok, I get that, pretty obvious, like having a sword that lengthens poison on a target but you need a skill to apply poison to make it work. However it seems like other games have less than obvious "bad builds" such as the time I put an energy buff on a monk and everyone jumped down my throat about it. I am just saying, the only way to make a "bad build" in CO is not to research the skills in the first place. You know me, I am all about the research.
    Played "Star Trek Online" from 2011 - 2016
    Played "Neverwinter Online" from 2014 - 2016
    Still playing "Champions Online" on Linux Kubuntu 14.04 OS
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User

    Oh, and re: computer knowledge and CO installation. I have it installed twice. Once in the main folder, once in a sub-folder of that main folder. Arc got confused one day and started denying the program was installed at all, and then reinstalled it in a slightly different default folder to the one it installed it in the first ime. Nothing to do with me.

    That is just fascinating. I've seen MS programs have issues with setting files that way by accidentally making two, but making two separate installs, wow.

    I found the files. I just need to figure out exactly what to remove to make sure any corrupted files are gone (or any files that would interfere with reinstall).

    I think the mere fact that there is nothing in the program list, and the fact that in the control panel the programs and features list doesn't contain anything related to champions, is a strong indication that the game didn't install properly in the first place.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    nah, the program list is only for things that were registered in it when installed. ARC only registers itself. What I've done in the past is to simply rename the directory all the program data is in. In my case that means renaming "C:\Program Files (x86)\Champions Online_en" to something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Champions Online_en.bak".

    Then launch ARC, and find Champions inside ARC, ARC should prompt you to reinstall.
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  • before you go deleting anything, you should try force verifying the game's files through the champions launcher first; if there are any corrupted ones, that SHOULD fix them

    how to do that will have to posted by someone else...i must pass out now​​
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    on the same screen that has the play button there's an options button at the top
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  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    I got instructions from support on how to do a force verify. (Deleting localdata folder first and then selecting Force Verify).
    This will take some time, so I may not do it today.
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    I followed support's instructions for a force verify. Now trying to load the game leads to a fatal graphics error. yay...

    And it didn't fix any of the issues regarding missing uninstall access.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    So, what exactly are the folders you have in Champions Online/Live folder?
    Sounds like you're trying to run game higher settings than your computer can handle.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    .patch, cache, localdata, logs, Microsoft.VC80.CRT, piggs, prepatch, screenshots

    But the game graphics worked fine for weeks and including the minute before the force verify. The problem only happened after the force verify. It went from working to completely broken after only one action.
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    Been trying to get information from support for weeks on how to do a proper complete uninstall.

    There is no uninstall program for the game or Arc on the machine and removing the folder and trying to reinstall prompts a repair or remove option. Both of those options prompt an error telling me that the folder is missing so they can't operate. The error also prompts me to do a manual uninstall, which I've been trying to get support to help me with for a month.

    I started a thread in the tech help forum to see if anyone here knows how to do a manual install, but no luck yet.

    It seems that Arc put corrupted files on my machine which are interfering with the install/uninstall/reinstall/update process.

    Any suggestions?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    delete the folder containing all the game data files?
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  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User

    delete the folder containing all the game data files?

    That's what I did. The entire Arc folder is gone.

    When I try to reinstall, it only lets me repair or remove (because it's clearly detecting files embedded in Windows somewhere).
    And both of those options prompt an error where it complains about the files not being where it expects them and tells me to manually uninstall things. I'm ok with computers, but I do not know where the Arc userfiles are hidden within Windows, nor do I know where the regkeys are etc.

    That's where I need help. Either how to get a reinstall to work or how to manually remove the program so it can start over.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    Right click the ARC shortcut icon.
    Click 'Open File Location'?
    Click 'Properties'. Check the file/folder Location. Go to Location?

    shout 'Fkc U Windows 10'
    uninstall it,
    install Windows 7

    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    Oh you killed ARC too(I meant Champions, not that)? That's a registry thing. It sounds like the installer is looking to see if it's installed in the windows registry. Manually editing the windows registry is probably a bad idea. Did you look in add/remove programs, or whatever Win10 calls it?
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  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited May 2017

    Oh you killed ARC too(I meant Champions, not that)? That's a registry thing. It sounds like the installer is looking to see if it's installed in the windows registry. Manually editing the windows registry is probably a bad idea. Did you look in add/remove programs, or whatever Win10 calls it?

    So the Arc install was corrupted in some way, and failed to add itself to the add/remove program list. and failed to install the uninstall shield. It also refused to allow itself to be installed in a new location, because it senses the old location. So there are no uninstall/repair options.

    So I deleted (I can recover it) the Arc folder. There was no PWE folder and there was no Champions folder (Champions runs through Arc - they don't allow direct installs anymore).

    So now the reinstall attempts still sense that the program should be there (through the registry or something) and they want to repair it or remove it, but if you try to repair or remove it, you get an error that it can't find the old location and it refuses to function.

    So I need a technical way to trick it to do the right thing or remove the components manually. I've edited the registry to remove programs manually before, but you have to know exactly what keys to remove.

    Right click the ARC shortcut icon.
    Click 'Open File Location'?
    Click 'Properties'. Check the file/folder Location. Go to Location?

    I said that I deleted the Arc folder, so it won't find anything.
    Post edited by erile#2692 on
  • areeeareee Posts: 847 Arc User
    I don't know if it will help at this stage but whenever I want to work uninstalling stuff I use IObit uninstaller. I've never run across your problem myself but when it uninstalls it starts the normal way, then it will use it's own uninstaller. Even if it works or not it will run it's own scan. Takes some time when the install is bugged then it will list all the files and registry entries when it prompts you with what you want removed or to stay.
  • erile#2692 erile Posts: 70 Arc User
    I finally got support to tell me where some of the hidden files are. It only took 30 attempts over the last month and some times where they even denied the existence of those files.
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