So, I took Power Cord since I didn't have meltdown. Thanks to the overly obnoxious CC on mobs, I rarely get to maintain it much. Sometime not at all. It looks pretty cool, but there isn't a point in even having it at all with how easily it can be stopped by anything. Charging up Crashing Incantation can be a waste of time too due to CC mob party.
These are supposed to be Ultimates. As in inherently full of awesome. Being easily interrupted makes them full of sadness.
No, I don't care about balance. Mostly because there isn't any. We have mobs with immortality shield spam that grossly outclasses anything a player has. Having an Ultimate that requires a cash donation not be interrupted would be a nice booby prize for dealing with ridiculous mobs control.
In a mini-second a trash mob use crappy 3 seconds stun on me
Ultimate goes on Cooldown
all maintain ultimates need CC immunity like Fury of the Dragon