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Release Notes 10/14/2016

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,105 Cryptic Developer
edited October 2016 in Release Notes
  • Addressed an issue where some of the Bloodmoon hero passives were scaling based on their HP.
  • Lowered their health to 2.5 mil (from 3.5).
  • Lowered Deathlord Health to 5 mil (from 7).
  • Fixed a bug where the old bloodmoon costume unlocks could produce a dummy item after unlocking if you had set gear equipped (these are safe to discard if you wound up with one).


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    spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Thank you for fixing the bugs Kaiserin. Toning down the Hit Points is a fine change as well ^_^
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    royalflvshroyalflvsh Posts: 165 Arc User
    Agreed. Thank you!
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    decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    Let's give 'er a test run. Thanks for not slamming it back all the way to the old way. This SOUNDS like it should be about right.
    'Dec out

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    nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    This seems more of a sensible buff.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
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    ashstorm1ashstorm1 Posts: 102 Arc User
    Thanks for the fixes !

    Would it be also possible to have these auras from the Blood Moon vendor set to Bound to Account instead of Bound to Character?... Some of us have low level alts who could use those while not being automatically capable of handling the Blood Moon daily content.

    Thanks again !
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    lunnylunnylunnylunny Posts: 186 Arc User
    Thank you, for the bug fix and mainly(for me) the HP change. I'm very glad we could find a middle ground between and I'm sorry for the storm of comments from myself yesterday, I should've left it at only one comment.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    @Ash: you can give a heap of the reward bags to your lowbies. They're not bound at all. Then open them for coins.

    Hmm... not sure this is working as intended, got one-shotted several times by Johnny Hercules. On one of them I don't think he was targeting me or using his BOOM attack.

    Another thing that's been an issue is the dark rift things in the big fight. If two of them spawn nearly on top of each other the pull is sometimes too strong to escape. Would it be possible to make it so only one pull effect is active at a time?
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    warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,090 Arc User
    Those are good fixes. But what about the fact that the random GEAR rewards from the Undead Heroes are lvl 1 or 2?

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    Thank you for the quick fixes and sorry if some members of the community gave you a hard time over it ^^
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    riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    Thanks for boss fixes things have been going smoothly. Was on a 5-man team that didn't seem to have a problem with Johnny Hercules. Who was quite frankly a beast before.

    Strength of Takofanes seems a little overpowered and it would be nice to see him tweaked somewhat. He's manageable if you ar packing lots of dps. But if not killed quickly his starts to become a problem as his enrage stacks build. Especially, Unleasehed rage which becomes a one hit killer with max enrage stacks.

    This might be WAI but figured I'd mentioned it.
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    magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Thanks for making the changes. Buffing Strength of Takofanes and the Harbinger is fine. The Undead Heroes are still a major bore, though; 15 minutes pressing 2 to defeat Vigil, once the Tank had turned up, is too long, and the Undead are out of proportion to the rest of the event. Suggestion: Lower the HP to around 1,000,000 and make them spawn more zombies in lieu of an AoE - a rush to defeat villains when they spawn is more fun then defeating them by letting your cat stand on the keyboard (she's better at CO than me, it seems).

    Bug: Characters entering the Crypts appear to be randomly affected by AoED. Might be to do with Strength of Takofanes applying AoED to you as well as to themselves?

    Bug: Rewards from Undead Heroes are scaled to Level 1. For example... Pestilent Cloud Summon. Does 9.1 damage per tick.
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User
    2.5 millions still seems way to high for undead heroes. Maybe %10 of that would be more appropriate? At this point I don't want to fight undead heroes anymore.
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    roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    Good stuff, and thanks. I'm glad that it makes sense to form small teams of 5-10 characters to fight the Undead Heroes.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    2.5 millions still seems way to high for undead heroes. Maybe %10 of that would be more appropriate? At this point I don't want to fight undead heroes anymore.

    I've seen what a team of high-DPS characters can do. O_O' If they were dropped all the way down to 250k, the DPSers would shred them like confetti.
    My characters
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User

    Good stuff, and thanks. I'm glad that it makes sense to form small teams of 5-10 characters to fight the Undead Heroes.

    Well I'm glad somebody is happy. For me the it's a long repetitive boring, tedious slog and not worth doing more then the absolute minimum needed to get the daily. I figure I'll try leeching this year. Kill some zombies: find a safe place to wait, and let everyone else defeat the hero so I can get access to the crypt. I can find a better use of my time while they preform the tedious task of killing the hero, like making and then drinking coffee or browsing the internet. If my computer could handle it I might see if I can play something else while I wait on other to do the make-work job.
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    spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User

    Thanks for taking the time, but its still needing a revert to sensible, non-slogfest levels.

    Ignore Jello and the Pigeon.

    BM are the right initials for this event now. Amirite? :smiley:
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    spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    Good stuff, and thanks. I'm glad that it makes sense to form small teams of 5-10 characters to fight the Undead Heroes.

    Well I'm glad somebody is happy. For me the it's a long repetitive boring, tedious slog and not worth doing more then the absolute minimum needed to get the daily. I figure I'll try leeching this year. Kill some zombies: find a safe place to wait, and let everyone else defeat the hero so I can get access to the crypt. I can find a better use of my time while they preform the tedious task of killing the hero, like making and then drinking coffee or browsing the internet. If my computer could handle it I might see if I can play something else while I wait on other to do the make-work job.
    You sound like you have a lot of fun playing this game o3o
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I mean, we were doing the bosses in a team with 1 Wardicator Tank (low DPS), 1 Unleashed, 1 DPS FF and 2 healers and it took 2-3 mins to bring down any of the Heros (Defiance ones took longer) which IMO is a much more realistic and lorefriendly time to take down something labeled as a Boss than the old 10 seconds.

    So far this event is shaping up really good, what with the community coming together to do the OMs and the self centered toxic players voluntarily removing themselves from participating cause "can't solo farm 100 Nimbus of Force"
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    pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    2.5 million hp is a perfectly reasonable number for a boss fight, it's in the same range as TA bosses, Rampage bosses, Qliphotic realm sub-bosses, and so on, so if the idea is that the undead heroes are team-level boss fights, 2.5m hp is about right. On the other hand, there are 13 of them, and each one of them is also an unlock for yet another mission, so I'm not sure they should actually be statted out that way; I'd rather see them at about a million hp and then have a daily mission to defeat them all.
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    xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 979 Arc User
    lezard21 said:

    I mean, we were doing the bosses in a team with 1 Wardicator Tank (low DPS), 1 Unleashed, 1 DPS FF and 2 healers and it took 2-3 mins to bring down any of the Heros (Defiance ones took longer) which IMO is a much more realistic and lorefriendly time to take down something labeled as a Boss than the old 10 seconds.

    So far this event is shaping up really good, what with the community coming together to do the OMs and the self centered toxic players voluntarily removing themselves from participating cause "can't solo farm 100 Nimbus of Force"


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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User

    2.5 million hp is a perfectly reasonable number for a boss fight, it's in the same range as TA bosses, Rampage bosses, Qliphotic realm sub-bosses, and so on, so if the idea is that the undead heroes are team-level boss fights, 2.5m hp is about right. On the other hand, there are 13 of them, and each one of them is also an unlock for yet another mission, so I'm not sure they should actually be statted out that way; I'd rather see them at about a million hp and then have a daily mission to defeat them all.

    This is a good post. Analyze the situation and propose an alternative instead of just "2 stronk based on someone else's opinion, not gonna bother, revert to their weak outdated way". If only more people would make good posts like this.

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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User
    lezard21 said:

    I mean, we were doing the bosses in a team with 1 Wardicator Tank (low DPS), 1 Unleashed, 1 DPS FF and 2 healers and it took 2-3 mins to bring down any of the Heros (Defiance ones took longer) which IMO is a much more realistic and lorefriendly time to take down something labeled as a Boss than the old 10 seconds.

    I'm calling bull on this, 5 characters taking down an Undead Hero in 2 to 3 minutes? If you're going to lie take the time to actually try the content out before spreading your fantasy. You couldn't do the heroes last year in 2 minutes never mind 10 seconds. Maybe someone like Nimbus or Amazing Grace who had a dozen or more people camping them might have gone down pretty fast, but 10 seconds? You're a ridiculous person and I don't think you're here to add anything serious to this conversation.
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    You sound like you have a lot of fun playing this game o3o

    I love this game, I used to love this event, but it's no longer fun. I have no interest in participating for anything more then the absolute minimum. The thing I used to love was fighting undead heroes. That's no longer fun. Once I get that crow head I'm done with this event.
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    guyhumual said:

    lezard21 said:

    I mean, we were doing the bosses in a team with 1 Wardicator Tank (low DPS), 1 Unleashed, 1 DPS FF and 2 healers and it took 2-3 mins to bring down any of the Heros (Defiance ones took longer) which IMO is a much more realistic and lorefriendly time to take down something labeled as a Boss than the old 10 seconds.

    I'm calling bull on this, 5 characters taking down an Undead Hero in 2 to 3 minutes? If you're going to lie take the time to actually try the content out before spreading your fantasy. You couldn't do the heroes last year in 2 minutes never mind 10 seconds. Maybe someone like Nimbus or Amazing Grace who had a dozen or more people camping them might have gone down pretty fast, but 10 seconds? You're a ridiculous person and I don't think you're here to add anything serious to this conversation.
    Behemoth King's Unleashed has an average parsered DPS above 6kps
    Foxi has a parsered DPS of above 4kps
    I parser for around 800-1kps.
    Both Healers had AoPM.

    2.5m/180 sec = 13.8kps
    Our combined DPS as you can see was around 11kps, so yeah maybe it was 3 min and 15 seconds.

    My bad for lieing.

    However as you can see from this numbers, all it would take for the Heroes to go down in under 3 mins is for 6 DPS with around 2k DPS, which is something relatively easy to achieve if you have a tank that keeps the boss attention off the DPS.
    guyhumual said:

    spinnytop said:

    You sound like you have a lot of fun playing this game o3o

    I love this game, I used to love this event, but it's no longer fun. I have no interest in participating for anything more then the absolute minimum. The thing I used to love was fighting undead heroes. That's no longer fun. Once I get that crow head I'm done with this event.
    Good. As I previously stated, this event is good 2 fold. It adressed a lot of what was wrong with Bloodmoon for the past 4 years AND it brought about the voluntarily removal of toxic self centered players.

    You yourself just said it, you participate for rewards, not for fun or to work with the community.
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User
    lezard21 said:

    Good. As I previously stated, this event is good 2 fold. It adressed a lot of what was wrong with Bloodmoon for the past 4 years AND it brought about the voluntarily removal of toxic self centered players.

    You yourself just said it, you participate for rewards, not for fun or to work with the community.

    You don't know me, all I did last year was run silvers though crypts so they could unlock the archetype, but I don't need to defend my character. You're the one throwing shade on others, so before I state something rude I'll just say this: you're a proven liar, you're accusing me of things without evidence, and you think bleeding players from the event is a good thing. You're toxic and everything terrible about this community.
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User

    guyhumual said:

    2.5 millions still seems way to high for undead heroes. Maybe %10 of that would be more appropriate? At this point I don't want to fight undead heroes anymore.

    I've seen what a team of high-DPS characters can do. O_O' If they were dropped all the way down to 250k, the DPSers would shred them like confetti.
    Why are we balancing the game for high DPS characters? They have an entire zone now. They have Teleios Tower. They have giant monsters. For this very event they have Takofane. What about the rest of us? Don't we get to have content that we can do?
    I used to love this event so much that I took people trick or treating, pointing out where all the costumed tick or theaters were. I'm absolutely gutted. It feels like this event has been taken away from me.
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Feel free to believe whatever your tin foiled head allows you to think. The whole zone chat saw me, king, foxi, teal and fakkom (early it was kross) running OMs around for over 2 hours and calling out which we were doing for people to join.
    guyhumual said:

    you're a proven liar

    I'm actually interested in this part. Where was this proven?

    Also let me remind you
    guyhumual said:

    I can find a better use of my time while they preform the tedious task of killing the hero, like making and then drinking coffee or browsing the internet. If my computer could handle it I might see if I can play something else while I wait on other to do the make-work job.

    This doesn't sound toxic behaviour to you how?

    Finally check both this topic and yesterday's I've never thrown shade at anyone without prior provocation. People were preemptively QQing about the changes when they were stated to not be working as intended, so I pointed this out, and the name calling and insulting started. But I could careless about that. What I cannot stand is people behaving like spoiled childs against the first team in almost 5 years to actually give half a damn crap about the game.
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User
    lezard21 said:

    I'm actually interested in this part. Where was this proven?

    Right here for starters:
    lezard21 said:

    I mean, we were doing the bosses in a team with 1 Wardicator Tank (low DPS), 1 Unleashed, 1 DPS FF and 2 healers and it took 2-3 mins to bring down any of the Heros (Defiance ones took longer) which IMO is a much more realistic and lorefriendly time to take down something labeled as a Boss than the old 10 seconds.

    lezard21 said:

    guyhumual said:

    I can find a better use of my time while they preform the tedious task of killing the hero, like making and then drinking coffee or browsing the internet. If my computer could handle it I might see if I can play something else while I wait on other to do the make-work job.

    This doesn't sound toxic behaviour to you how?
    So it's toxic behavior to not participate in grinding? Calling people childish, telling them to leave the game, that's fine, but being upset at a game becoming more tedious and refusing to participate is worse.
    lezard21 said:

    Finally check both this topic and yesterday's I've never thrown shade at anyone without prior provocation. People were preemptively QQing about the changes when they were stated to not be working as intended, so I pointed this out, and the name calling and insulting started. But I could careless about that. What I cannot stand is people behaving like spoiled childs against the first team in almost 5 years to actually give half a damn crap about the game.

    Your very first post yesterday was to accuse someone of being wrong about the Blood Moon, saying that the changes were up for three weeks (you were wrong), and then in your very next post you accused everyone of lying when they said they liked the old Blood moon. So you're the one that started the name calling.

    Now as to this Dev team, I happen to like what they're doing for the most part. I haven't attacked them, I've defended them. I don't like this years changes to the event and I'm not enjoying this Blood Moon at all. Just because people criticize something doesn't mean they don't like the people behind the scenes who worked on it. If there's problems or complaints it's not personal and I've had a number of positive comments about what they've done. In fact I think Gradii started a thread thanking the Devs last year and I was the first person to chime in with my mutual respect.
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    pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    I'm calling bull on this, 5 characters taking down an Undead Hero in 2 to 3 minutes?

    Requires team dps of 14-20k. That's on the high end for a team of 5 but certainly possible.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    lezard21 said:

    I mean, we were doing the bosses in a team with 1 Wardicator Tank (low DPS), 1 Unleashed, 1 DPS FF and 2 healers and it took 2-3 mins to bring down any of the Heros (Defiance ones took longer) which IMO is a much more realistic and lorefriendly time to take down something labeled as a Boss than the old 10 seconds.

    I'm calling bull on this, 5 characters taking down an Undead Hero in 2 to 3 minutes? If you're going to lie take the time to actually try the content out before spreading your fantasy. You couldn't do the heroes last year in 2 minutes never mind 10 seconds. Maybe someone like Nimbus or Amazing Grace who had a dozen or more people camping them might have gone down pretty fast, but 10 seconds? You're a ridiculous person and I don't think you're here to add anything serious to this conversation.
    discussing people's street cred is best done with visual aides.

    For perspective, I got there when Radion was down to 1/3 health left. I hit him hard enough to earn a score of nearly 1M. It didn't take long at that point.
    My characters
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User

    guyhumual said:

    I'm calling bull on this, 5 characters taking down an Undead Hero in 2 to 3 minutes?

    Requires team dps of 14-20k. That's on the high end for a team of 5 but certainly possible.
    Well if that's who the game's being balanced for then I might as well stop doing events. My highest level mod on any of my characters is a rank 6 and my best piece of gear is Legion. I haven't been on a team of less then eight players and it's taken over 10 minutes to take down any undead hero. Crusher took half an hour.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    guyhumual said:

    I'm calling bull on this, 5 characters taking down an Undead Hero in 2 to 3 minutes?

    Requires team dps of 14-20k. That's on the high end for a team of 5 but certainly possible.
    Well if that's who the game's being balanced for then I might as well stop doing events. My highest level mod on any of my characters is a rank 6 and my best piece of gear is Legion. I haven't been on a team of less then eight players and it's taken over 10 minutes to take down any undead hero. Crusher took half an hour.
    It's balanced so that such players can't wipe the bosses before lesser players get in enough hits to qualify for rewards.
    My characters
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    @biffsmackwell i think we need some cleanup action here...

    oh, and i just got done with a crusher fight - it most certainly didn't take anywhere NEAR half an hour

    just saying...and there weren't even that many people fighting him - maybe 10-13 or so​​
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User

    @biffsmackwell i think we need some cleanup action here...

    oh, and i just got done with a crusher fight - it most certainly didn't take anywhere NEAR half an hour

    just saying...and there weren't even that many people fighting him - maybe 10-13 or so​​

    Eight players, I don't think any damage was registering for the first 10 minutes. That was yesterday, maybe Crusher was fixed? Maybe if we had more players it would have gone quicker, our group had two tanks, one DPS, and two support I think. Our DPS was good and our main tank was great but we just weren't putting on any decent damage while his shields were down.
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    kallethenkallethen Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    Considering how quickly some undead heroes would splat last year, especially the popular ones like Nimbus, I honestly don't mind the HP buff as it is now. It gives people the chance to score.​​
    100% of the world is crazy, 95% are in denial.

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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    @biffsmackwell i think we need some cleanup action here...

    oh, and i just got done with a crusher fight - it most certainly didn't take anywhere NEAR half an hour

    just saying...and there weren't even that many people fighting him - maybe 10-13 or so​​

    Eight players, I don't think any damage was registering for the first 10 minutes. That was yesterday, maybe Crusher was fixed? Maybe if we had more players it would have gone quicker, our group had two tanks, one DPS, and two support I think. Our DPS was good and our main tank was great but we just weren't putting on any decent damage while his shields were down.
    Prepatch? yeah, I think his passive was one of the broken ones.

    One of the fights I did yesterday the zombie hero had a dodge passive that would reduce the damage of every charge or maintain attack by around 75%.... that's NUTS... One of the things that needed fixed I think.
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    it WOULDN'T have been registering any damage for a while yesterday because his passive is personal force field, and considering the scaling bug...​​
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User
    edited October 2016

    For perspective, I got there when Radion was down to 1/3 health left. I hit him hard enough to earn a score of nearly 1M. It didn't take long at that point.

    What I was dubious about was the claim that 5 people could take down an undead hero in 2 or 3 minutes. I'm well aware that some people can deal massive amounts of damage, and I'm not doubting that a team of 16+ can take out Radon really quickly. What I'm doubting is claims like taking out the undead heroes from last year in "10 seconds"
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    lemme guess he got a forcefield with 200k hp?
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    no idea; the only heroes i did yesterday were goblin and...nimbus, i think​​
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User

    lemme guess he got a forcefield with 200k hp?

    I'll be honest, I was one of the support, so I wasn't checking his numbers. It was not fun. If Crusher was one of the heroes that got adjusted I wouldn't mind.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    For perspective, I got there when Radion was down to 1/3 health left. I hit him hard enough to earn a score of nearly 1M. It didn't take long at that point.

    What I was dubious about was the claim that 5 people could take down an undead hero in 2 or 3 minutes. I'm well aware that some people can deal massive amounts of damage, and I'm not doubting that a team of 16+ can take out Radon really quickly. What I'm doubting is claims like taking out the undead heroes from last year in "10 seconds"
    I can't vouch for 10 seconds, but DPS like that could probably do it in under a minute pretty easy.
    My characters
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    guyhumual said:

    That was yesterday, maybe Crusher was fixed?


    You mean to say you have been arguing with me, and calling me a liar without even actually doing the content today, in the very same thread that said "Yo, we fixed some ****".

    Well, someone needs to feel bad about themselves now doesn't he o3o

    (Why do people keep doing this? I mean, I had the same issue with BGB where he was arguing with me about content he didn't test and required 3 other people to pop up and say "Yo, you are wrong" till he finally admitted that he hadn't tested said content)

    And the claims of last year were directed at, say, Nimbus for example, in a zone of 100 players, spamming AoEs, reducing everyones FPS to 1 and going down in 10 seconds causing:

    1) People with no mantain AoEs to not get credit since with all the lag you could barely do anything else
    2) People that showed at 11 seconds to not get credit
    3) Terrible performance issues
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User
    lezard21 said:

    guyhumual said:

    That was yesterday, maybe Crusher was fixed?


    You mean to say you have been arguing with me, and calling me a liar without even actually doing the content today, in the very same thread that said "Yo, we fixed some ****".

    Well, someone needs to feel bad about themselves now doesn't he o3o
    I did amazing grace and nimbus today, no noticeable change there, I also, just a few minutes ago, while waiting for Red Winter to pop watched a group take down Eclipse. Now admittedly Eclipse is one of the tougher heroes, but there were more then 5 of you in that group, twelve actually, though the last on the list only had 50 points so to be fair I'll say eleven, and when I got there you had about 1/3 of her life gone, and when the alert popped she wasn't dead. I only managed to see two minutes and forty five seconds of the fight. Maybe she took 5, which I'll admit freely is impressive, but that's not 3 minutes. And that wasn't 5 players.
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    eclipse also has significant healing ability, likely including regeneration as her passive (my guess based on comments i was seeing about her overhealing last night since i have yet to personally fight her - probably something like shadow form with a name like that, though) so it's going to take a far larger group than the other heroes to deal with her in a reasonable timeframe - same goes for that one with the perma masterful dodge​​
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    guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,395 Arc User

    I can't vouch for 10 seconds, but DPS like that could probably do it in under a minute pretty easy.

    I could see a minute, Nimbus always had a lot of people farming her and she went down very quickly. If someone was popular and I needed a toy part or a just a perk I always camped out.
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    chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    riverocean wrote: »
    Thanks for boss fixes things have been going smoothly. Was on a 5-man team that didn't seem to have a problem with Johnny Hercules. Who was quite frankly a beast before.

    Strength of Takofanes seems a little overpowered and it would be nice to see him tweaked somewhat. He's manageable if you ar packing lots of dps. But if not killed quickly his starts to become a problem as his enrage stacks build. Especially, Unleasehed rage which becomes a one hit killer with max enrage stacks.

    This might be WAI but figured I'd mentioned it.

    solo ranged, flying, PBR. Strength was only able to throw rocks.​​
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    guyhumual said:

    I did amazing grace and nimbus today, no noticeable change there, I also, just a few minutes ago, while waiting for Red Winter to pop watched a group take down Eclipse. Now admittedly Eclipse is one of the tougher heroes, but there were more then 5 of you in that group, twelve actually, though the last on the list only had 50 points so to be fair I'll say eleven, and when I got there you had about 1/3 of her life gone, and when the alert popped she wasn't dead. I only managed to see two minutes and forty five seconds of the fight. Maybe she took 5, which I'll admit freely is impressive, but that's not 3 minutes. And that wasn't 5 players.

    We didn't have a tank, I was on my DPS which is a glass cannon, so most of the fight was juggling the aggro around.

    But after Eclipse we went for Grace and we took it down in less than 3 minutes. Some heroes passive make this easier than others.
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    decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    BM are the right initials for this event now. Amirite? :smiley:

    "BM for Babymetal!"

    Sorry, couldn't resist... :p

    'Dec out

This discussion has been closed.