Like the title says, suggest really really bad powers that in no way, shape, or form will benefit anyone at all! Be silly and creative. Here, I'll start this off...
Rheumetoid Arthritis - Slotted Passive
- Deals constant Crushing Damage to self every 1 seconds for life.
- The damage dealt increases the longer you remain inactive.
- Will deal additional Crushing Damage when you become active.
- Deals additional Crushing Damage based on how close a weather front is to you.
- Cannot be unequipped.
Disadvantage: Will make you feel up to 10 times older than you really are.
Nuclear Diarrhea - PBAoE
- Will randomly deal a large amount of Toxic Damage to anything underneath you, including the environment.
- Affected targets may sometimes perform this ability as well, spreading the affliction.
- Will deal Fire Damage to your insides.
- Effects may be stronger if you have recently eaten something that does not agree with your body.
Disadvantage: May change the color of your underwear.
Zone Chat Banter - Target Self
- Reduces targets' Ego Damage Resistance and can apply the following Debuffs: Delusions of Godhood, False Logic, Demoralized, Spammed, and many more...
- Prolonged exposure may reduce the Max Health of your brain.
Have fun!
You burst into flames, crumble to dust and reform alive.
disads: you flambe everyone else within 100 yards of you. NO save or resistance.
It wasn't me - Taunt/ threat wipe
After deliberately pulling a huge group. you cast It wasn't me, point at someone and they get all the threat.
Does not work on anyone who has Challenge or is in Tank role.
Bonus vs people in support role or lowest level in group.
(After they toast that person of course, they will then do the standard attack nearest)
I am the greatest support passive
When in group combat, as soon as you take any damage. Every heal and buff affects you instead of the intended target.
ADV: I'm the greatest NOOB. If anyone else does damage before you, you get everyone's OFF/DEF added to yours.
If you attack first and someone then does more damage than your attack, everyone gets negative OFF/DEF equal to the difference in damage multiplied by your Off and Defence total multiplied by the amount of people who laughed at your effort.
Side effects : Your characters head explodes causing total destruction of the map you are on.
Note:After the first use of this power, you may find yourself banned from any group combat.
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Description: You proclaim to all those around you that if whatever is going on atm does not succeed, you're out! You sure told them, they'll really get their act together knowing that they might lose your sweet cherry boy self.
Mechanics: This applies the "Bluffing" buff to the player. Each time they die there is a 90% chance the duration of the buff will be refreshed by a random number of minutes, but the player also gains a stack of the "Salt" debuff, which decreases the refresh chance by 1% per stack. If the duration of the Bluffing buff runs out then everyone around the player gets a buff to all dps, healing, and damage resistence, and the player is teleported to a random zone.
Advantage: Empty Threat - the chance to refresh the Bluffing buff is increased to 100% and the amount refreshed is doubled. The Salt debuff no longer reduces the chance to refresh the Bluffing buff, and instead reduces the player's damage, healing, and resistance by 1% per stack.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Reverse Gravity – Travel Power
Suicide – Self Damage
Time Dilation – Hybrid Passive
Zombify – Single Target Attack
My characters
Everyone stops combat(except the enemy) and tries to locate the source, so that they can get away from it.
ADV: Kitten on the keys: You rush around in random directions, aggroing everything. Powers going off for no reasons.
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2-pt Advantage: No, You're Lagging - Applies Lag to target. Usable in PvP.
3-pt Advantage: It's Not On My End - Applied Lag to entire server.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Pretty self explanatory an edgelord appears kills your target's family then kills target then pretty much gets away with it with no real proper conclusion to the story arc.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
- Deals Fire damage to self for 8 seconds, chance to add Clinging Flames
Milk! - Self Buff(?)
- Currently does nothing, we are looking into it
my deviantart:
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@zemmax89 in game, former @Pallih
STO Beta Orbital Strike:
-Deals 1Hp damage
-5 Sec. Casting time
Slotted "Passive" Passive:
-You do nothing
(For Alert campers)
Useless Smoke Grenades:
-Creates a fog of smoke that blocks your view of your enemys on screen.
-Enemys can still see you.
...oh wait, thats already in the game :P
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Turns your character into an evil supervillain rank NPC temporarily. You lose control of your character and your character acts like an evil AI until KOed.
rank 2, 2 points:
increases rank to Legendary
rank 3, 2 points:
increases rank to Cosmic
"I think I can control it", 3 point advantage:
You now randomly shift in and out of control.
My characters
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Supporter of the Titan Project.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
My characters
You character moves at a walk pace.
Rank 2: you stop next to any flowers and sniff them.
Rank 3: you stare at anything even remotely odd. Aliens, buildings, rubbish, other players(ok they aren't remotely)
Roller coaster TP
You sit in a small vehicle and hangon, as the TP makes you move between slow walk and 'OH the G's'
ADV: Which way are we going. The TP travels in the direction of several specified rollercoasters, making getting where you want to go, a problem.
Disad: May cause nausea or you to take impact damage due to not hanging on tight enough and being thrown off the ride.
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My characters
Trust me, I'm normal - Hybrid passive
Through years of acting practice(and a little mind control) you persuade all NPC's that you are not in fact, super powered but a normal person.(Using that term extremely loosely considering Hotdog Hero)
NPC's don't rush up to you and tell you of crimes being committed
Disad: you will be turned away from Alerts by the police."Just keep away, let the supers handle it"
Cosmics" Quick, everyone in the fallout shelters."
PVP You cannot be targeted and if you try, all NPC's nearby either laugh or call you insane.
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- Your interface goes pitch-black. Cannot be unslotted.
- You have a 80% chance each time you take a step to bump into an object and be stunned.
Daltonism - Slotted Passive
- You suddenly become color-blind. Cannot be unslotted.
- Permanently disables the tailor and causes your costume to gain ridiculously outrageous colors at random.
- Permanent -400 Ego debuff.
- NPCs randomly point at you and mock your sense of fashion.
Fat - Slotted Passive
- You become extremely fat. Cannot be unslotted.
- Causes your costume to burst at the seams.
- Narrow doors become a problem.
- Permanently disables the tailor and automatically states in your profile that you have a fat fetish. Cannot be modified.
Incontinence- Slotted Passive
- You can no longer 'hold it'. Will cause you to randomly wet your tights and suffer a -400 Ego debuff.
- Rank 2 : the pungent smell will regularly spawn a toxic AoE around you, causing toxic damage to yourself and your immediate surroundings.
- Rank 3 : Equips a diaper on your toon instead of their regular costume part. Permanently disables the tailor and states in your profile that you have a diaper fetish. Cannot be modified.
Emo - Slotted passive
- You become emo to an extreme degree. Cannot be unslotted.
- Your toon will randomly burst into tears.
- Rank 2 : will automatically and randomly make emo posts in zone chat.
- Rank 3 : your toon has a 90% chance to commit suicide each time someone blacklists you or does not respond to your IMs under ten seconds.
Cat-a-clysm - Ranged AOE Damage
- Causes dozens of kittens to rain onto your foes.
- Does 0 damage, but definitely has a "d'awww" factor...
Noobed - Slotted passive
- Causes an NPC called XxXTheRealBatmanXxX to spawn at your location and stalk you permanently, spamming you with friend invites, challenge requests, and begging for costume parts and ressources.
- Rank 2 : XxXTheRealBatmanXxX randomly spams emotes, throws water balloons at you and pop disco-balls over your head. He will also regularly pollute the zone chat with posts in caps.
- Rank 3 : XxXTheRealBatmanXxX regularly aggroes all mobs on a map and runs back towards you while spamming "HELP PLZ".
#Basic #Literally - Slotted passive
- You become incredibly basic. Cannot be unslotted, because you literally cannot even.
- Increases your Social Media Damage (Technology damage type) and this buff increases as you gain more likes.
- Whenever you attempt to chat normally, each sentence automatically starts with a hashtag and will not allow you to space out your words, until you start a new hashtag.
- Your character's costume is instantly replaced with a #BasicCostume, which consists of a Ugg Boots, unnecessary shades, jeggings and a named brand jacket, such as Northface & the ever present iPhone.
- Your character will periodically update Chitter, InstaSnap and Face Space during combat.
- Offers basic defense boosts, but free wifi no matter where you are.
- Has a 50% chance to spawn Kale around you.
- Will instantly point out the nearest Pat's Coffee shop nearest to you.
#PSLTime - Crowd Control
You gain #PSLTime ability, which forces you and any NPCs and/or allies around you to stop whatever they are doing and drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
#Selfie! - Crowd Control
Your levels of basicness increases as you gain access to the #Selfie power. This ability allows you to grab an enemy and force them to take a selfie with you. This applies Severe Confuse debuff, which makes enemies look at you strangely for a few moments. As well as dealing minor Social Media Damage.
#WithFlash2BTotesLit - #Selfie advantage - Your #Selfie now stuns targets.
#ThrowiPhone - Ranged Damage Attack - You can throw your iPhone at enemies with surprisingly painful results...for them. As you have a great coverage plan, you can throw multiple iPhones without a problem.
#BlockFriendRequest - Block - You can summon a gigantic hashtag which will ensure that all those enemies who are hitting on you will not become your social media buddies whilst it is active.
#MidCombatSelfie - Ranged Damage Attack (heavy hitter) - You can now turn the power of #Selfies into a highly offensive weapon which deals high Social Media Damage and blinds targets.
#YouDidNotJustSayThat - Active Offensive - Someone has just insulted Taylor Swift. #FlipOutAndTeachThemALesson
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Cat-A-CLYSM adv:
Velcro kittens: all kittens are under 6 weeks and cannot retract their claws. Everyone has to spend time, unhooking and detaching the kittens.
ADV Disad:WHOAH MAMA: Mother cat turns up. Anyone with a screaming kitten on them is attacked. Anyone stroking a kitten is defended.
+10% all damage and defence per kitten in 100ft area.
I'm telling the SPCA/RSPCA on you- just think about it.
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WHAT? Speak louder.
You can't keep a good man down or Terminal Indigestion- melee attack
you allow the mob(giant sized and over) to swallow you.
The problems of trying to digest you cause them to focus entirely on you... well while they are alive.
You have the satisfaction of knowing that you took one for the team. While you wait for your 24hr repawn and decontamination to happen.
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It's not just me- Passive aura- everyone within 100ft of you, suffers massive snr's everytime you try to do something.
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We're not sure what it does, but we're going to keep moving it around the spec tree so that you spend more time in the Powerhouse than fighting crime.
Permanent side kick: Witches Cat
Boost sorcery damage by 10% to all allies within 50ft and appliesAmusing Antics , which causes enemies to become Distracted. Distracted enemies may attack, but in an off-hand sort of way, because they've just seen a really amusing video where the cat gets in a box....? Cat may Wander Off at any time. Animals may that have Wandered Off may not be summoned for, like, some time.
Passive - provides immunity to all lag powers, even if someone uses the "Just Because It Doesn't Happen To You Doesn't Mean It Isn't Happening To Anyone Else" power. When someone does try to use that power on you, you get temporary access to the "Reveal Strawman" power.
Reveal Strawman
Redirects all attacks made against you off into a place that doesn't exist.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
slotted defense passive
Gain stacks of "Triggered" each to an attack is used near you.
Triggered stack up to 50 and each reduces your damage resist by 1% while increasing Dodge and evasion by 1%
My characters
Attack Strawman - creates new target next to your intended target, with no defenses. Strawman Target is incapable of attacking, blocking, or in fact taking any meaningful action at all. All player attacks are automatically directed to Strawman Target rather than intended target. This does not prevent NPC villains from attacking player.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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^you forgot to add visuals!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Constantly gain stacks of irony, stacking to infinity.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
- While active, you passively aggro other players, friendly and hostile alike. Each player attracted to you grants you a stack of Stupidity, reducing your Ego Resistance, Intelligence, and sometimes applying other debuffs such as Blubbering Idiot, Butt of the Joke, In Denial, and World's Cruelest Handicap.
- Prolonged exposure may reduce the Max Health of your brain.
Disadvantage: Stacks of Stupidity don't fall off, ever. Not even after this form is toggled off. This is a feature, not a bug that will be fixed.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Tail Spring Bounce - Travel Power - Super Jump
Ear Flap Flight - Travel Power - Flight
Bloody Corpses - Travel Power - Tunneling
Fart Jet - Travel Power - Jet Flight
Helpful Tools: - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
I can unfortunately, see those being popular... especially the first and last.
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- You constantly Anger your spouse by doing nothing. This effect is amplified if you ignore them.
- Your spouse will pick random times to attack you, becoming more frequent and dangerous the more Anger they have. They will attempt to embarrass you, murder you, or guilt you depending on the severity of your actions.
- This passive is acquired when you say your vows and cannot be unslotted from then on.
Disadvantage: Your spouse will remember that.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
i'll take that one gladly; my deer avenger homage would appreciate that very much
- Yes you are, and you're in Denial for thinking otherwise.
- You'll see things other people don't see, or are you really seeing them? Nobody else will ever know. Only you know, or you'll think you do.
- You'll give yourself a slight decrease in Ego Resistance every time someone doesn't believe you, but gain a little Energy to use to prove them wrong.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Description: Your enemies find you annoying. Thus they will constantly attempt to squish you. You think you're a hero, but you're really a big-mouthed loser. You annoy everyone, then get annoyed because you die SOOOO much. Good'll nee--never mind, it won't be enough.
Whether you're bored, have an ego the size of the multiverse or just tired of farming 1 mob at a time, you start yelling abuse at your opponents or anyone else who happens to be there. This gets them so annoyed they call in reinforcements.
summon 200 Level 45 skull minions plus a Level 50 cosmic Boss called Master Villain De'Fault.
They proceed to lay a major smackdown on you and everyone else near you.
AS you all lie in a heap the Boss says "It is all de fault of you."
ADV: But I want more.
the numbers are reversed. 200 cosmic bosses- random, plus 1 Level 45 minion to keep score.
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This passive gives you 1000% resistance to people typing in caps in zone, and allows you to continue to use your powers even while other people are using different powers.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Teleport to Club Caprice Device.
The Pretentious Erper become Device it comes in two flavors :
Become Annoying Albino Nine Tail Fox.
Become Electro Nympho.
New hideout: Mom's basement.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Renders you defenseless and aggroes everything--and I mean everything. All regular mobs are converted to Grond clones. All NPC's are converted to Gravitar clones. Birds, cats, dogs, mice and manhole covers are converted to Kevin Poe clones. All enemies receive 300,000% threat towards you. They destroy you then play kickball with your limp defeated self, which cannot be rezzed or teleported away. While playing kickball, all enemies receive stacks of End It All!! until, well, it all ends. At this point, the zone is permanently destroyed, giving Cryptic a reason to hire more workers, and all your characters are completely erased, resetting your account to "haven't played yet, not even once". If you've earned or bought any character slots, those are gone too.
This is what you deserve for using a power called "Imbecilic Self-Destruction". Do not be surprised if the devs ban you from the game for life. After all, you just destroyed one of the zones they made. Imbecile.
Amazing new passive idea:
- Every time you type in capslock in zone or local it activates a temporary aura that effects all players around you
- gives them +100% damage output (base)
- causes their block to automatically activate when something is about to damage them
- causes their character to automatically move when they are in an area where a negative effect is about to occur.
- prevents attacking an object affected by a hold.
- The duration of the aura scales positively with your Presence stat.
- There is a chance, which scales with your Ego stat, that when you type in caps lock it will instead come out as unhelpful gibberish and will deal 500 permanent damage to everyone's Faith In Humanity stat.
NOTE: Anybody using the Tunnel Vision passive is immune to the aura from CAPSLOCK COMMANDER.My super cool CC build and how to use it.