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Tips for Giant Monsters + Eidolon



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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User

    spinnytop said:

    PS: lrn2play & gitgud, too.

    That's true. All the negativity gets irritating quick, and when I'm irritated I play worse. It never seems to be the people who are contributing the most who are whining like babbies either... so, quite frankly, what I'm thinking in my head when people give their "win or I'm outta here!" stuff is "...you could leave now? :'D". Soon I might just start saying that o3o
    Heh. Run a parser, point out their pathetic dps/hp/whatever?
    OHH!!! make graphs and spreadsheets!

    See this blue line? *points at top of graph* This is my DPS.

    See this black line? *points at flat line in the middle* This is the average DPS.

    See this red line? *points at squiggly line that meanders on and off the bottom of the graph* This is your DPS.... the bottom of the graph is 0.....

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    pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    riltmos said:

    I have to admit I listened to most of the complaints and figured the giant monsters weren't worth the effort, but really they aren't so difficult to survive

    I had this happen to me for a long while with Rampages. All the tips and all the complaining made them sound so hard. Finally, after I had tweaked out my main with full Legion and Vig gear and retconned a dozen times, I went in. I was like, this is what all the fuss is about? After that, I learned to ignore the whiners and just hit all the "hard" stuff up to see for myself. Also, I would study the guides BEFORE attempting. That makes a HUGE difference.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,915 Arc User
    Yeah, if you can manage stuff like the event cosmics, the other cosmics aren't that bad.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Bumping this with two generally helpful binds for people running cosmics.....if you do them regularly put these on a key. I used numpad keys but you can pick any key you like.

    Toggle Block:
    /bind numpad0 PowerTrayExec 1 16

    This bind makes it so that when you press 0 on your numpad then your block power gets toggled on and stays on. To turn it off you can just press your regular block key. A must-have for tanks, especially in long fights, so that you don't have to keep actively holding the block button.

    Zoom Out:
    /bind numpad1 "camdist 150"

    This bind makes it so that you can zoom out enough to see the cosmic fight in its entirety. Even though the tells are rather explicit in these encounters, I've still found it very helpful and pretty fun to see the whole thing. It's especially fun to watch the Dino's DPS check when everyone is blasting their Ultimates all at once.

    There is an issue with this command where it will inexplicably zoom back in right after you use it. Just press the key twice really fast and it should stick.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Another tip regarding the Dino DPS check......due to the way timing works, pretty much 90% of the time the Dino tries to heal immediately after her breath attack. This is because her breath attack is her longest lasting one....so whenever she finishes it her heal is already off CD.

    I don't even track the seconds anymore and, as long as she's below 2/3rds, just watch for the breath attack then pop my AOs and make sure that my Ultimate is ready to go.
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    jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,447 Arc User
    What are the commands/binds to target the 2 types of crystals in Eido?
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    What are the commands/binds to target the 2 types of crystals in Eido?

    Green orbs: (they explode and kill players + heal the boss if you don't destroy them in time)
    /bind numpad4 target "Enervating Crystal"

    Red orbs: (they heal the boss if they are not cc-ed or destroyed)
    /bind numpad5 target "Shadow Crystal"

    I'm using the numpad keys so that people can just copypasta the exact lines above. But you can use whatever key is most convenient for you.

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    chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    trying to heal tanks in Ape fight. None in my group. all 3 in separate groups. Arcane vitality is easy, aim at the furthest. Bionic shielding on the other hand, I do this.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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    aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    Note that chaining target commands works well, since you never have different orbs out at the same time.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    aiqa said:

    Note that chaining target commands works well, since you never have different orbs out at the same time.

    That is an EXCELLENT tip.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    OP updated!!

    - Added a tip about Dino's DPS check. TLDR: most of the time it's right after her breath attack
    - Removed the notes about the Dino positions as those were out of date and the whole thing seems to be up in the air right now
    - Added a section about Eidolon. This is not complete yet. Please add your own tips in the comments so that I can incorporate them into the OP as the guide evolves

    Regarding the completion order of the Eidolon OMs....where we do Oub first then split for PG and Slug.....here are some details, justifications, minutiae, totally skippable, blah blah:
    other successful methods include Oubliette+PG first, then all together for Slug last. Also if you have a small specialized group of 5-10 players you can go through each OM sequentially. Finally, the dev's intended method is that all the OM's be done by separate groups of players at the same time.

    The main issue with the intended method is now you're stuck with 6 tanks....2 tanks per OM and that sucks because then we have to wait forever to get organized plus the DPS checks for the final boss get to be pretty high.

    The main issue with the small and specialized group is that there are not that many players who can do this due to the high DPS requirements and this is not a private zone or alert for one team to queue up for so when lots of people want to do Eido then this goes out the window.

    Doing Oubliette+PG first has the potential to be the best method, but as of right now too many people are not practiced at blocking Oubliette's heal....which causes the PG team to waste their time. Right now, Oubliette comes first because her heal is the tipping point for the entire effort of unlocking Eidolon.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    Some notes on Eido:
    - the more observant of you will note that this fight mixes in many mechanics from other endgame encounters like the cosmics and rampages

    - you'll also note how the mechanics of the OMs are meant to "prep" us for what's coming in Eido.

    - finally you'll see that the countdown for the unlocked Eido is an entire hour. It's going to be rocky. There will be wipes. You will die. Expect it. That's why you have a whole hour. Because you have to get it wrong a bunch of times in order to get it right.

    - I've seen groups succeed with less than 10 minutes to go after repeated setbacks for 50+ mins. I've also seen groups give up at the 40 minute mark.....why? If you're expecting perfect runs please don't come at all. You'll just be disappointed. It's new content. People don't know what to do and they need practice. I read @lezard21 's guide 4-5 times before doing my first run and a few times after. I still made tons of huge obvious mistakes up until my 5th successful Eidolon. These guides help A TON. So read them and ask others to as well. But there's no substitute for experience so get people to run with you and don't blow up at new people when they mess up - it's how we all get better.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User

    What are the commands/binds to target the 2 types of crystals in Eido?

    Chained version:

    /bind F1 "target "Enervating Crystal" $$ target "Shadow Crystal" $$ target "Shadow Portal""
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    Today's Eidolon run was excellent. It was going super well. Then got messed up at 1/3rds HP - which is usual. Then we had a full wipe with 24 mins to go.

    People came back, rallied, and we won. It felt fantastic. Thanks everyone who didn't bail too early!
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    chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    this has been happening recently, someone decides sigils will help with heals, which they do,
    unfortunately there is a side effect.
    This picture is at 135 dist. and yes I have bloom down.I moved form the back to close to kigas feet to be able to see.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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    pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Yeah, radiant sigils are a bit too effective at blinding people.
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    On Warzone, the land of Bloom AIDS, any sigil or circle during the first phase of Eidolon should be avoided too, since they can cover up the Shattering Rain circles, and since this is a fight where everyone needs to stay grouped together, it can take down a handful of people with ease.

    Still, since it's the 1st bar, it's no biggie. But just avoid using them if possible.
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    morigosamorigosa Posts: 710 Arc User
    A couple of small notes:

    Eidolon first bar, there's actually no advantage to being grouped up (and some advantage to _not_) - but if you're going to do anything like that, be aware that Eddy transitions to his phase two attacks early - somewhere around 75% HP rather than 66%. So if you can see that his HP is clearly less than 5/6ths (halfway through the first bar), that's the time when you need to start grouping up.

    And, since it's (as far as I can find) never actually called out in a fresh post: the OM mission changes include both scaling HP and scaling boss damage; this means that: even if a team is unlocking the very first OM of three, you should stay out, because too many people will make the OM bosses start killing the tanks.
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    pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    morigosa said:

    you should stay out, because too many people will make the OM bosses start killing the tanks.

    And 'stay out' means 'leave the immediate region' -- the area over which people is counted is larger than the OM (unclear how large, it may be the entire named region).
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    jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,447 Arc User
    This is getting to the point of bad design. If someone is in the Qzone doing his/her dailies, which are often in or are in the vicinity of the OMs, he/she can inadvertently screw up the OM for others. Since many/most of the OM raids are organized privately in private channels, the person doing the dailies may be completely unaware he'she is having this effect.

    morigosa said:

    you should stay out, because too many people will make the OM bosses start killing the tanks.

    And 'stay out' means 'leave the immediate region' -- the area over which people is counted is larger than the OM (unclear how large, it may be the entire named region).
    Note that if one shows up with a hybrid in the Qzone for OMs some players will make you feel unwelcome. Same if you make a mistake in the mechanics. Not all, but some.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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    pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    Note that if one shows up with a hybrid in the Qzone for OMs some players will make you feel unwelcome. Same if you make a mistake in the mechanics. Not all, but some.

    The problem is, mostly, hybrids using support passives; because of the way CO adds diminishing returns to support passives, the presence of one can be actively harmful to everyone else (yes, this is also bad design).
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited February 2017

    Note that if one shows up with a hybrid in the Qzone for OMs some players will make you feel unwelcome.

    This is mostly true for 1 raid method, since bosses Hp scale from 200k to 500k per player and you have to succesfully take down each boss within 4 minutes to prevent the first OM from resetting.

    At 4 million Hp from 10 people in raid, discounting healer and offtank since they don't directly attack the boss, this will put the necesary DPS to complete the OM within 4 minutes to around 2k -2.2k (to compensate a bit for main tank since their DPS is lower). If you as an hybrid can dish out that DPS, then I don't see an issue with Hybrid joining 1 raid method.

    In 2-3 raid method being DPS hybrid is not an issue since you have much more leeway on time.

    Same if you make a mistake in the mechanics. Not all, but some.

    I'll take that bullet.

    Note how for the past 3-4 days we've been stressing out in Cosmic HQ the importance of asking before jumping in; updating guides and providing links to said guides; broadcasting instructions over zone chat, etc, etc.

    I have absolutely no problem in explaining beforehand, but when we have 20 minutes of downtime and you don't ask and then make a mistake, then yeah, I will get upset. Not for a mechanic like "Dodge Geysers" or "DPS not high enough for Ennervating Crystals" since there are a lot of factors that can be out of your control, but yes for mechanics like "Block Oub Lunge" or "Stack up" where, pardon if it comes out harsh, the only 3 factors for such mistakes are not asking, not reading or not researching.
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    jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,447 Arc User
    You're missing another possibility. If one hasn't seen the actual mechanic before (or not in awhile), then even with all the before hand reading, asking, etc. you can still make mistakes. You have to try, make a mistake, and keep at it. Encouragement, rather than belittling, tends to be a great motivator for people to keep at something.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    S*** so now "the best players" have to write guides, explain, organize, cover the main roles needed, bring in new people AND encourage other people with kind and sweet words least they hurt their feelings leading them to add you to ignore causing further OMs/Cosmics raids to fail due to not seeing a command issued by said ignored person, whereas the "not quite so best players" can play with the toon that they want with no regards if it's going to be useful or not to the raid and get a free "whine and b***" ticket when "the best players" don't write guides, explain, organize, cover the main roles needed, bring in new people AND encourage other people with kind and sweet words?


    I think I want a demotion to "not quite so best".
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User

    Note that if one shows up with a hybrid in the Qzone for OMs some players will make you feel unwelcome. Same if you make a mistake in the mechanics. Not all, but some.

    Not just Hybrid, people in Tank role too - if they can't actually tank. Anyone that can't do their part is unwelcome.

    This includes even the people who are part of the small gathering to run it. That's why you see them constantly asking what's needed and switching characters to help everyone complete the OMs in time. If they are doing all that and someone shows up that will scale the bosses beyond their contribution then yeah that person will be unwelcome.

    Note that this only applies to small gatherings. Larger ones where people are splitting up provide a lot more time to get the OM done so the requirements are not as strict.
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    lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    I mean, I still remember both days no one would bring a CCer: the day that I delayed CCing hearts so that I would get credit cause people were burning through Ape so fast; and the day I needed credit on Eido for perk on my Tank but no one would bring a CCer so I switched, warned that when Eido was close to dieing I would switch, switched at 5%, people failed Green Orbs, Eido Spawned Red orbs, and he healed almost back to full health.

    Both days the "not quite so good players" b***ed at me for being selfish.

    But god forbid the "best players" having a negative comment upon people not reading, investigating or asking about a fight before jumping in.
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    jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,447 Arc User
    Hmm, you're missing my main point. That was, that even with all the before hand prep in the world players can still make mistakes when actually encountering a mechanic in a fight for the first time, or after quite awhile. Personally, I had never had Oub lunge at me before (I've done maybe a dozen Eidos total), so it startled me. Now I have a better idea what to expect and can better react accordingly. Will I make more mistakes, probably, but I'd like to keep on trying to get better, and that can only happen if I keep on practicing.

    Also, I did not say anything about "kind and sweet words." I just personally find that people respond better to positive encouragement rather that belittling.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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    jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,447 Arc User
    I'm always very grateful for the people who are willing to CC hearts and dogs. I personally have never said a bad thing about them. I even have a dog ccer in the works so that I can take a turn some day. I just hope people will be patient with the inevitable mistakes I will make. I have helped CC hearts on occasion. I do have 2 AoACers I bring fairly often. Always nice to hear when someone gives a shout out appreciating when one of them is there.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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    cptmassive1cptmassive1 Posts: 120 Arc User
    I was just updating my forum reading during the down time and was going to ask this question until I read the last few posts. Now I'm not sure but ah, heck...

    The best thing I did for learning the cosmics was simply standing far enough away from the group(s) to not affect the encounter and watch them being completed while reading the chat tips. I did this once or twice for each of the original 3 and it helped immensely.

    From the above it seems there isn't a safe spot to watch Eido - that is - without affecting others. I have never done one after we playtested it since I have been gone a few months (playing STO). Is there a spot this could be done? Maybe outside the wall?

    Watching is also fun to do once in a while when you're not worried about block timing, etc. so I hope this is an option.
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    pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    I don't know the range at which Eido can spawn crystals, but he can spawn shadow portals pretty far out. If you're too far to join in the open mission it's likely safe, but you won't be able to see much.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    Added some notes on the Dino fight:

    - ask that the Tanks all join the same Team Up group to make it easy for you to heal them
    - have at least 1 100ft heal. If everything you've got is 50ft you will severely limit who and in what situations you can be relied upon.
    - have at least 1 spike heal. As of right now, your most crucial targets...the Tanks...are subject to massive spike damage. Especially during an emergency. When there's just 1 tank left to take on Dino's 100k-300k dmg bites they're really hoping that you're not trying to slowly nurse them back to health with a maintain
    - have a self rez. It makes you much more reliable

    General Tips:
    - if you see the Baby Tank die, try to help out by going to take control of the Baby and spin it back around into position. You might die in the process but you will buy everyone else crucial time to get the fight back on track. If nobody steps up then you (and everyone else) will surely die anyway

    Tip for all Cosmics:
    if you keep dying, it's not your build and it's not your gear. I've seen a Behemoth AT solo tank Dinomom with Mercenary gear so just drop those excuses. As someone who has the best gear in the game, I can tell you that if you're doing the two things below then gear, build, heals, etc won't save you.

    Here are the top causes of repeated deaths:
    1. Standing in the wrong place. Stand with everyone else.....they're not all clustered up for the fun of it.

    2. Not blocking enough....this makes a huge difference. Big wireframes, BOOM warnings, scary looking animations....those are hints that you need to press and hold that block button.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    Added some notes on the Dino fight:

    - ask that the Tanks all join the same Team Up group to make it easy for you to heal them
    - have at least 1 100ft heal. If everything you've got is 50ft you will severely limit who and in what situations you can be relied upon.
    - have at least 1 spike heal. As of right now, your most crucial targets...the Tanks...are subject to massive spike damage. Especially during an emergency. When there's just 1 tank left to take on Dino's 100k-300k dmg bites they're really hoping that you're not trying to slowly nurse them back to health with a maintain
    - have a self rez. It makes you much more reliable

    General Tips:
    - if you see the Baby Tank die, try to help out by going to take control of the Baby and spin it back around into position. You might die in the process but buy everyone else crucial time to get the fight back on track. If nobody steps up then you will (and everyone else) will surely die anyway

    Tip for all Cosmics:
    if you keep dying, it's not your build and it's not your gear. I've seen a Behemoth AT solo tank Dinomom with Mercenary gear so just drop those excuses. As someone who has the best gear in the game, I can tell you that if you're doing the two things below then gear, build, heals, etc won't save you.

    Here are the top causes of repeated deaths:
    1. Standing in the wrong place. Stand with everyone else.....they're not all clustered up for the fun of it.

    2. Not blocking enough....this makes a huge difference. Big wireframes, BOOM warnings, scary looking animations....those are hints that you need to press and hold that block button.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    Some notes regarding the Dino fight based on the latest observations:

    - ask that the Tanks all join the same Team Up group to make it easy for you to heal them
    - have at least 1 100ft heal. If everything you've got is 50ft you will severely limit who and when you can heal
    - have at least 1 spike heal. As of right now, your most crucial targets...the Tanks...are subject to massive spike damage. Especially during an emergency. When there's just 1 tank left to take on Dino's 100k-300k dmg bites they're really hoping that you're not trying to slowly nurse them back to health with a maintain
    - have a self rez. It makes you much more reliable

    General Tips:
    - if you see the Baby Tank die, try to help out by going to take control of the Baby and spin it back around into position. You might die in the process but buy everyone else crucial time to get the fight back on track. If nobody steps up then you will (and everyone else) will surely die anyway

    Tip for all Cosmics:
    if you keep dying, it's not your build and it's not your gear. I've seen a Behemoth AT solo tank Dinomom with Mercenary gear so just drop those excuses. If you're doing the two things below then the best gear, build, heals, etc won't save you.

    Here are the top causes of repeated deaths:
    1. Standing in the wrong place. Stand with everyone else.....they're not all clustered up for the fun of it.

    2. Not blocking enough....this makes a huge difference. Big wireframes, BOOM warnings, scary looking animations....those are hints that you need to press and hold that block button.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    Updated based on latest changes to the Eido fight. I'll add below that currently the most commonly used method to unlock Eido is:

    1. Gather 2 Main Tanks, 2 Offtanks, 2 Healers, and around 4 DPS
    2. Split up the group evenly between Oub and Slug
    3. Do Oub and Slug at the same time. You have 10 minutes to kill them, so you don't need crazy high DPS here 4. Occasionally call out in Zone chat how much hp each boss has left so that they don't die too far apart
    5. 1st team to finish goes to PG. When the 2nd team finishes, their DPS ONLY goes to PG as well
    6. You only have 5 minutes from the time that either Oub or Slug die, to kill PG.
    7. Gather all the DPS you can and burn through PG asap.

    Offtanks, especially at PG, it's vital for you be able to grab the mobs fast. The best Offtanks don't need a healer, keep the mobs busy, and grab them so quickly at the start of the fight that the mobs don't get a chance to attack the healer.
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    jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,447 Arc User
    What's the best spike heal these days? Something like that would make a nice celestial ultimate.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User

    What's the best spike heal these days? Something like that would make a nice celestial ultimate.


    If you want a more "Ultimate" feel, Illumination + Ascension's adv is basically an aoe Resurgence.
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    pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 978 Arc User
    Kiga Tanking/Healing Tip

    Not sure this has been mentioned, but Kiga's regular blast attack is AOE, but does not split. Only the BLAM attack splits. So the best way to do this is for the main thank to stand in one corner of the platform, and the soak / backup tanks stand on the other. This means that only 1 tank is taking that regular blast, which means fewer people for the healers to take care of. There's really no reason to be constantly healing 2 or 3 tanks, when the only attacks that affect the whole platform are his Blam and his breath.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
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    avianosavianos Posts: 6,028 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Kiga Tanking/Healing Tip

    Not sure this has been mentioned, but Kiga's regular blast attack is AOE, but does not split. Only the BLAM attack splits. So the best way to do this is for the main thank to stand in one corner of the platform, and the soak / backup tanks stand on the other. This means that only 1 tank is taking that regular blast, which means fewer people for the healers to take care of. There's really no reason to be constantly healing 2 or 3 tanks, when the only attacks that affect the whole platform are his Blam and his breath.

    THIS^ This needs to be highlighted

    A lot of tanks take unnecessary damage because of this and don't use strategy on their positions

    Position is the key, this will also allow healers to focus more on the main tank

    so if you are secondary tank in Kiga, please stand on the right and left edges, let on the main tank on the center of the platform's edge​​
    Post edited by avianos on
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
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    nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 769 Arc User
    For destroyer, these are non-negotiables really. From watching the last battle that came pretty close to winning.

    1. When destroyer falls to just a sliver of hp above the last 1/3 marker, he's going to drop geysers. Everyone needs to pay very close attention to the hp, and anticipate that it's coming, and begin spreading out. Then, after every, single reds; where everyone is huddled up for heals, the geysers almost always follow behind. The second that the reds vanish, -everyone- needs to spread out, so they can avoid the geysers. Dying here kills your form stacks, that kills your dps, then that makes greens blow, then it's just a snowball effect that's almost impossible to recover from before he heals more than 1/2 to 2/3 back up.

    2. When reds are near him, fire passive characters, pestilence characters, move away from the red orbs. Your passive is going to wake up the orbs nearby. The solution to this atm, at least for fire characters is to use ice form instead. Further on, most people think that attacks like lightning arc are single target. They're not. When a red orb is very near destroyer, and you're zapping away during this phase, you're actually hitting the red orbs randomly because that attack randomly arcs off to nearby targets out of your control. Attacking him during this time is perfectly fine, so long as you make ABSOLUTELY certain that the attacks you are using are indeed, SINGLE TARGET ONLY! Know your powers, know what you're hitting.

    3. All characters, and I do mean, -ALL- characters, should have AT LEAST enough hp to survive one green exploding. Two would be even better. This also contributes to the snowballing effect of greens consecutively exploding.

    4. All dps characters should have resurgence, or palliate. AND several stacks of TA juice heals, or some other, high potency healing device. When the triple orb sequence comes up, watch your hp very carefully, save these powers/devices for this time. If you feel that the next tick is going to kill you, pop your resurgence, then the juice right after it, this almost guarantees that you will survive this phase. The more people that survive the phase, without all of their form stacks falling off, the exponentially greater the chance that the next round of greens won't explode.​​
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    spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    3 and 4 are entirely negotiable. The character I bring to Eido doesn't do either of those things and she does great.
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    pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Note that the new strategy of 'kill the reds' eliminates 2 and makes 4 way less important.
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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    Now that we know that Greens have 270k HP and are up for 10 secs, the most important thing to have is reliable high burst damage.

    Let's use a typical Eido team makeup as an example. 1 main tank, 3 healers, 1 ccer, 10 good DPS, 10 bad DPS. 25 people total. That's how parses usually break down.

    "Good DPS" being defined as someone who is doing more than 2X the damage of the main tank.....because let's face it, the main tank is holding block ~70% of the time....any fair definition of good for the DPS side of things should at a minimum require those players to double the tank's damage.

    At the last 1/3rd of Eido's life, it is vital that we always take out 2/3 orbs. If two orbs blow up then it's typically a wipe and even when it's not a full wipe, Eido heals up a lot. But if we can guarantee that 2/3 orbs will be destroyed in under 10 secs then we normally break even on damage dealt to Eido vs his heal. We can then wait until a few lucky spawns bring the orbs close enough together for AoEs and bad DPS to do their part.

    So the 10 good DPS are split between 2 orbs......5 players on each 270k HP orb. That means each of the good DPS needs to do 54k damage in 10 seconds to guarantee that we'll always take out 2/3 orbs. Considering that a single Ultimate can easily hit for 30-45k, leaving the rest of the time for other attacks to be used, this should be easily doable.

    I have not parsed Greens mitigating more than 17% of the damage dealt to them. Which also happens to be the mitigation of the test dummies in the PH. So if you are serious about beating Eido then go into the powerhouse and see if you can do 54k damage in 10 seconds. It will only take 10 of you to win the fight on a regular basis.....let's make this happen!
    Post edited by kamokami on
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    monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    EIDO run succeeded! (15 min cooking!)

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    kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,633 Arc User
    monaahiru said:

    EIDO run succeeded! (15 min cooking!)


    Love seeing those tips throughout the video. Great job!
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    monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,073 Arc User
    kamokami said:

    monaahiru said:

    EIDO run succeeded! (15 min cooking!)

    Love seeing those tips throughout the video. Great job!
    TY! I think as you advised us, good Tank and some Healers (1~4), with amount of DPS builds would make Eido much easier and quick just taking about 15min or so.
    I think its much better then just waiting for Kiga or Ape for hours expecting for good CCer arrive in team up.

    And the other video done by AoE DPS.


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    spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    Oh good a video I'm in :'3

    u3u ...did you call the orbs..."portals"?
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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    This world doesn't belong to us. There are other kings.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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    roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    Sooooo helpful with the analysis, and then that video.

    The heroes win . . . until the next Eido update.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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    pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Incidentally, I see the OP is a bit out of date. Current favored eido tactic is:
    • One main tank. Eido damage is technically splittable, but that cuts down on dps, forces healers to split healing, and means you get extra geyser spawns on the tank side.
    • One CC -- support role manipulator build with one of the major auras (suggest AoAC or AoPM).
    • Three healers -- support role, each providing one of the other major auras (AoAC, AoED, AoPM, AoRP).
    • Ideally, everyone else is dps. DPS should be organized in teams for debuff synergy -- crushing team, slashing team, other team. Remember to use your debuffs -- orbs do not have debuff caps, unlike bosses.
    Everything but the red phase is unchanged. Red phase, however:
    1. All reds will be killed.
    2. One person should be the designated target caller, typically starting with the closest to eido, though if there's a line it might be best to start at the end of the line. Everyone else (except the CC) should follow that person. It's possible for the tank to stay with eido, particularly if there have been aggro issues, but joining the dps makes healing easier.
    3. The CCer will stun the first two orb, and will either stun the third orb immediately, or paralyze/sleep it and stun it when the dps go over to attack it. Note that this requires a lot of stun duration, the third orb usually needs 25-30s of control times.
    4. DPS should not use any powers that stun, paralyze, or incapacitate, as doing so will add hold resistance stacks to the orb and may make it hold immune before it can be killed. Remember that some lunge powers stun, know whether yours does and if it does, don't use it. If your reflexes betray you, pull the power off your tray.
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    pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    The CCer will stun the first two orb, and will either stun the third orb immediately, or paralyze/sleep it and stun it when the dps go over to attack it. Note that this requires a lot of stun duration, the third orb usually needs 25-30s of control times.
    To me, it seems like if it is taking that long to kill Red Orbs 1 and 2, it is going to be a really tough run. The 10 minute run that I CCed, all 3 orbs died in about 15-18 seconds*. I know because the duration of my stun is around 11-12 seconds and it takes me maybe 3-4 seconds to get to the 3rd orb, and there was at least a couple seconds left. I know it might be picking nits, but killing reds fast seems to be a key to success.

    Also, I'm wondering if debuffing the damage of the 3rd green might be helpful. I still haven't figured out how or if debuffing works, but maybe if someone dropped some Sigils, Fear and Sleep on it, maybe it would make the damage survivable even for squishies. Obviously, the better plan is to kill all 3, but as a backup plan, this might work.

    (*No, I'm not exactly gloating about solo CCing the first 10 minute run of the new Eido... much)
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
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