(See below for the links to the uncompressed, full-resolution images!)

Link to full-res image: to full-res image without Ratty's speech balloon (figured some people might want just the pic without the text): to full-res image with character name tags: a note: I'm willing to do some more small changes for people who didn't see these updates in time, but I'm no longer making any large changes to the poster. I'm thinking maybe taking small changes for a week, but for anyone who's eager to print out a final version, this is basically it. Yay!
Hey guys, here's the probably final update! Please look it over and if you notice any goofs like a character doesn't have shadows or someone has three eyes but they're supposed to have twelve, let me know!
Please share around, as this may be the final thingy. If everything is cool by the end of the day tomorrow, we can call it finished! For those of you who want to make a print of this, don't do so until I put a big, fat FINAL note on this guy! Note that this image is NOT the full resolution piece! The link to the full, no-compression piece is just below it.
Probably Maybe Final Update Twenty Seven!

LINK TO THE FULL-RESOLUTION FILE! Twenty-Six: guys, I'm going to do a (hopefully) big superhero group shot filled with characters from our community.
I'm hoping for around 30 characters to draw on an 11x17" canvas. If it goes bigger than that, well bully for everyone! We've busted past 30 characters, but that's no problem! The image will just get larger to accommodate more characters! I'll accept character submissions for a week (until midnight on July 9th),
and your character will be drawn the day it's paid for (providing I have the time). I totally didn't expect this many people to participate (I thought like 3 characters a day might be a little unrealistic!) so your characters will be drawn as soon as I get to them, as there's a fairly large queue now. I
will be posting nightly progress pics, and the pace should pick up this Tuesday.
Characters will be drawn starting from front and center. Make sure to include what sort of travel power your character uses in your post. Any super jumpers/acrobatics can be drawn on the ground or jumping, flyers will be drawn in the air, teleporters can be drawn anywhere. If you have a suggestion for a pose, describe it in your post or link a picture to give me an idea of what you want.
Each character slot will be $10, payable through paypal. Include your forum name and character name in the "Notes" section when sending your payment so I know who has paid for which character. To participate, post some pictures of the character you want drawn, and send payment. Multiple submissions per player is fine.
If there's lots of empty space, I'll fill them in with generic/Champions/my own characters to keep it nice and big lookin'. Well that's no longer an issue! Thanks so much, everyone!
this link to get this thing going!
I'll accept submissions through to the 9th of July.
Help us fill this sad little lonely street! I'll try to update this each day that a character is added.

(More detail will be added to the background later.)
First Update: Update: Update: Update: Update: six: Seven: Eight: Nine:
Update Ten: Eleven: Twelve: Thirteen: Fourteen: Fifteen: Sixteen: Seventeen: Eighteen: Nineteen: Twenty: list:
Travels: Hyper roll and Superjump
Weapons: BIG O GUNS!
Pose: wherever you want me!
(ill email screenies since i can't post pic anymore)
Also I forgot to add, the final picture will be in full color. All characters will be drawn on their own layer, and individual shots of the characters can be sent to anyone who wants one.
Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
(link under construction)
(plus what you've done in the past is still current as far as her body type goes - the costume has just changed)
Travels: Flight and Acro (non-anime).
Pose: Something that looks cool. I like what you put in there as an example, honestly. Looks like she's leaping up ready to blast someone. Maybe add in some fire in her hands?
Thanks for doing this!
Razira's Primus Database Page
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Pose: Up to the artist, have fun!
Character: Wheelman --
Travel powers: Hyper Ball, Acrobatics
Perhaps a running or jumping pose that oh-so-slightly accentuates his rubbery flexibility?
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
The Peacemaker normally flies with his telekinesis, but he also has a pair of jet boots for speed. Whatever looks better on paper
Pose, well, if you're gonna draw him in the air, perhaps have him hovering, yet visibly ready to kick **** at the signal. I'm not good with describing poses, but I trust your judgement on that.
That reference album has a little image with a few notes if it helps!
Screen shots soon.
I'm gonna double dip. First my character Captain Adamant, the Unbreakable Man. I'm pretty simple and minimalist with his poses. If he's just standing tall, at the ready for any trouble that comes his way, that will be just fine!
Then, my teenage hero, Kid Ballistic, a young gunslinger with an attitude! As long as he's holding guns and grinning; a smile somewhere between charming and maniacal, that'll be lovely!
My forum name is CalamityCain! Thanks!
[center]Check out the Calamity Cain Cast of Characters here on [url=]PRIMUS Database[/url]![/center]
I has no paypal so I'll just wave pompoms and watch eagerly over here.
Flying and holding up her sceptre of power triumphantly!
I'll send you a reference image shortly.
Edit....just sent it via a message on your account here in arc
She's a tall drink of water, standing around 2m tall (6' 7"), and the outside of her cape is a simple field of the same red she uses elsewhere.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Travel powers are Acrobatics and Teleportation, either one works fine. I'd like for him to either have his hands in his pockets or brandishing his katana.
Reference images can be found here:
I'd like in on this... add SPARROWHAWK to the mix. Just give her a fun martial arts style action pose.
Reference shot:
Note: If she's wielding her batons she won't be carrying that staff - it separates to form the batons.
Also LASH, the super powerful teen airhead. She uses Flight to get around and has a light green fire type aura that trails behind her. For a pose, Lash probably grinning very happily and may or may not be carrying a SUPER obese gray Scottish Fold cat with her (your discretion, obv... if you go to Lash's PDB page you can see her pet cat).
Reference shot:
THANK YOU so much for doing this, I'm so excited to see how it turns out!
He uses athletics and swinging and has dual flintocks and dual fantasy rapiers. I trust you to make him look sexy and dashing.
Here are some reference images for him....
Difficult to see on these images because of angles and shadows, but the inside of his cape is an ever so slightly lighter colour than his belt pouch.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Or not.....
'PayPal.Me isn't available in your country.'
Hopefully they add it.
Pip pip cheerio.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Flight TP. Think Zarya cosplaying as Iron Man, and you'll get it.
Reference screenshots:!Al54S1StMlh_y2lI0bAs8_m2QBbY
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I go by the handle @Angelight and the character I am using is the Cosmic Glory. I have her photos here.
If you need more information, there's also other references in her PRIMUS page but I think this should do it.
Cosmic Glory PRIMUS:
Though she has fire flight and could hover or do a land pose shot. She is the optimistic type which goes hand in hand with her powers so anything that looks pretty inspiring works.
Payment has gone through and the links to screenshots have arrived! Let me know if you want them elsewhere. Also, yes. I would love to have individuals of them both.
For Anatari:
She is a being of life and light powers, an avatar of godlike energy whose sole purpose is to empower and heal allies. As for personality, she tends to just follow her mission with an air of power, trying to encompass those she stands beside. She is also a flyer and gets a slight joy seeing her gifted power being put to grand use.
For Turando:
This one has many faces. One moment, he could be simply being compassionate yet serious, another seemingly joking and happy, and then next he's fierce and aggressive and out for blood. Since there wouldn't be any blood in the scene, we can disregard his feral attitude. I imagine he would look somewhat ready to act following the role of a Medic.
For additional reference, here's Alex Dai's commission of him, showing a bit of everything.
Yes, his coat is supposed to be entirely closed, but with the coat tail out.
His Nanite Sprayer/Medigun is standalone, meaning there is no backpack or external tubing with it.
Turando is somewhat athletic and can move relatively fast on the ground.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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EDIT: You already know what I look like. So no need for me to post pictures.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
Character: Collectigus
TP Flight/Hover Disk (Note i use it to have Collectigus floating like his throne chair.)
Also Payment is sent to you buddy!
Sent payment
Here's two pics of her. I haven't made an updated pic of her without the leg holsters, but she no longer has those.
And here's her in-game;
I would request to have her holding 2 Berreta M9s in any kinda cool pose you can think of. OH! btw, she is supposed to have that long ponytail i draw, ingame its short due to the LACK of a long ponytail ;_;
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Old Glory VII@captmoonlight
I just added you Par and Captain Glory. I will leave it up to you to post the pictures and how you want them both posed.
For Glory.
is the name of the character I have paid a spot for! Pictures here:
(annoyingly the fact that I hardly use the forums means I still can't post links.)
She's a celestial/sorcery healer who uses the athletics travel power and wields a magical staff.
Here's one of Glory. I belive he has Acro and Superspeed. Maybe a classic hero-type pose- unassuming, standing with his arms crossed low over his hips? With a wee bit of a smile visible under his mask. He was always smiling.
I have to think of who I want
Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
(link under construction)
Exitus uses flight, obviously, being the angel with his own emotion and curiosity. Protective of humanity to the point of self sacrifice without a second thought, i'd at least suggest a protective gesture while in the air. I will let you decide what pose best conveys that.
Exitus as his original angel self is pretty big, about 11 ft. in height, but i imagine in the air it wont make much difference.
Sersay Swiftblade is a bit more lax. I'd say you can have her standing as such, as no action besides a new shadows short sword hidden behind her back, since she's the stabby sort you cant trust. Athletics is her TP but honestly, not used much so no need to have her bouncing around. Sersay's ment to be around 6'4.
NOTE on Sersay...She typically has 6 horns, not 4. This particular outfit just has her side horns absent in place of side guard armor, her side set of horns use Rock spike side ACC in the same coloring as the other horns, please include them.
I honestly didn't even know we'd reach the 30 character mark; I thought I'd be doing like 1 or 2 characters a day! You guys are great, and I thank you all kindly! I'll be posting a progress image tonight of inked characters.
The second character is Starblaze, she uses hardlight weapons, but you can draw her with or without her swords. She uses the jetpack TP
Here's some screenshots of him.
I would request that he be posed just standing on the ground with his sword on his shoulder and his other hand on his waist
(I'm @saburfang)
Travel powers are Athletics and Hoverboard as seen on that bottom image.
Tell your friends!
Could I have her in the Captain Smily-Face suit holding the helmet with a adorably dorky grin? Face visible, Pigtails. No backpack or wiffle bat needed- Unless you really wanna strap one on her? I'm not terribly fussy, so what ever you think looks good. She flies in game- but in character she walks, or rides on a bright pink vespa. Like Adam West Batgirl, but not so goofy looking.
Once again, Thank you Ratty!
Also I'm aware of some problems in the picture like Razira's gigantic right fist of justice; these things will be fixed, and I encourage you guys to point out stuff like this that I don't notice. Thunks!
Here are links of screens shots and reference pictures for my main hero, Rune, a Cosmic Bad **** with a very Captain Marvel / Quasar inspired "Marvel Cosmic Hero" tights look and theme. maybe a bit closer to Nova in powers, but fights mostly in melee with "Cosmic Energy Blades" [TK Blades power set in red, smaller strait blade shapes.]
Comic style art
A classic pose
An example of his Cosmic Energy Eyes [really ice eyes aura]
Reference on greenscreen with turnaround and profile.
He uses auras that give him a stary trail of white starpoint sparkles and a shadowed look in the deeper blue areas and shadows of his costume, not unlike the Cosmic Awareness special effect used on Captain Mar-vel and Quasar as seen here, except a few of the stars seem to trail out of his costume around him as a special effect.
Oops, Almost forgot.
He's only 5'9" and 220 lb.s or so, average height, but of course, in the super hero community that's probably going to make him look pretty tiny. He's quite buff but indeed has that 'triangular gym rat' sort of body rather than the more square 'real strong man' body.. he's more of an attractive Adonis body type that still looks flexible as well as strong and fit, rather than immensely powerful looking and broad [ although his powers of course, make him immensely powerful anyway.] He wears an easy smile most of the time and come cross as thoughtful and wise, but not always soft spoken, a cross between Giles [Of the Buffy TV show] Reed Richards and Indianna Jones in personality.
Billy Rizer is the Leader/General of the Planetary Defense Force, and a super soldier. A level-headed man in his mid 40's, with a look of determination, yet calm about him. Always has his 2 trusty custom tailored Desert Eagles in .50 Action Express at any given time on his person. Height: 6' 6'' tall. Muscular built. Athletic travel power, and R.A.D. sphere travel power.
For his pose, have him walking with his pistols on the ready towards the screen. One pointed towards the screen as aiming, the other as his waist (his is dominantly right-handed, so he would be aiming with the right pistol.)
Luna Mars looks like your typical human, but she is in fact an alien. A long tail protrudes from her backside, purple eyes, and an incredible power dwells within her. When she powers up, she ignites a bright green aura that surrounds her body. Athletic build, 6 foot tall. Travel powers are flight and athletics.
For her pose, have her in flight powering up.
This is the first time I have done a commission for any of my characters. If you need more info, please send me a message. Thanks!
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Mouth is the "Steel Shadow" piece.
If at all possible, pose him up like the picture below.
As for travel powers, on the ground will be just fine. He is a big man and gravity isnt to kind to him.
Thanks for doing this, it is a really great idea!
I emailed you Biff.