Also, check this one. I changed my shadow build a little bit. Changed spirit reverberation to another energy unlock. I found it a little bit... unreliable in the means of energy income. But Thermal reverberation + Flashfire give me a lot more. The difference is huge after testing. Also dropped Dark Transfusion for Endbringer's grasp. IT JUST LOOKS SO AWESOME! O.O Also thinking of dropping R2 and R3 of travel power for R2 of Resurgence. As an alternative - grab Conviction instead of it even. So... What do you think? Basett&d=1538b7PWaNXc360K000K503K205KC009F00KA03KD0728002C04KF05KE05QG00KH03EI040ckr1kvJ438W
As for the Shadow build- if TR is netting you better energy then go for it. Ya could also sue Absorb heat as the heal, but that requires getting close, and ya only have Flashfire's cd to re-apply CF with. Ya could also go w/ Palliate/absolve for a threat wipe + heal, though R2 Resurgence is also fine. I probably wouldn't take Resurgence to R3 now- that extra 25% is more likely to be over-heal unless ur using it at drastically low health.
Well, yet another challenge... I am making a "double-character". Two separate characters(ingame mechanics) being actually the same one. Just with different powers. One is being the actual character herself, "on foot", while the other one is her mecha-suit. Had to make this second char male, since costume editor doesn't let female characters be as big as males. Costumes may change a bit in the future, obviously, like the height of the char to fit into that mecha suit
Ranged PA builds can be very good dps, but it takes some practice juggling all the PA slotted powers and managing the energy required. Generic Ranged PA build from me:
Specializations: Constitution:Unyielding(1/2) Constitution:Fuel My Fire(3/3) Constitution:Resilient(2/2) Constitution:Adrenaline Rush(2/2) Constitution:Armored(2/2) Guardian:Fortified Gear(3/3) Guardian:Ruthless(2/2) Guardian:Find the Mark(2/3) Guardian:The Best Defense(3/3) Vindicator:Aggressive Stance(2/2) Vindicator:Merciless(3/3) Vindicator:Focused Strikes(2/3) Vindicator:Mass Destruction(3/3) Mastery:Constitution Mastery(1/1)
Defiance should considerably help w/ energy management. Ideal dps is to use Tac Missiles, Mini-gun, and Micro Muni all at once. If ya need healing, ya can sub out Micro Muni for Recon Circuits. Included Energy Wave w/ Rev Polarity as a larger AoE that can corral mobs (I'd also put CS on it, which isn't in the Planner yet). Gears mostly for Int and Con, and crit (and severity) on offensive gear for Adren Rush and for the extra dps/threat.
- The LS tank build looks fine, though ya can ditch the ranks on Defiance and put them elsewhere.
Yup. But I think even without D.Va, having a char to be like that (separately char and the power armor) is kinda cool .
Thanks for the PA build. Gonna try it out then. And thanks for looking at the LS build too. You just don't know how much you helped me... I'm In your debt for a long time already.
P.s. Question though, in your PA build... What if I change Power bolts to Wrist bolter with automated adv? Just wanna know... What's the difference. Right now, without any stats whatsoever, PB deals 41dmg and +14% energy with 1st shot and 20dmg and +7% energy with the rest. While WB deals 12dmg and +4.1% energy with 1st shot, but the next are 29dmg and +10% energy. PB only because of chance of plasma burn?
Wrist Bolter is fine as an end builder. I prefer power bolts only cause WB requires facing the target, which I find a bit annoying w/o changing some options I normally don't use (rather not do that for an end builder, imo).
The AA adv on WB is rather clunky, imo, (the switch from end builder mode to hand slot mode has a bit of delay) but viable. It can replace the hand slot, sure, but here if ya have the energy for it then Tac Missiles spam will be higher dps and quite higher threat w/ CripC added.
It can replace the hand slot, sure, but here if ya have the energy for it then Tac Missiles spam will be higher dps and quite higher threat w/ CripC added.
Ah! That's why... Ok, I'm dumb, sorry
What else can be placed in the last slot though? Another attack seems a little bit overkill. Except maybe Plasma beam for hand slot, but there's already tac missile... Particle smash? For burst damage. Sparkstorm with adv? Orbital cannon(could fit for concept, I guess)? Or... Ehh, no idea what to add there, honestly So many to choose from and yet I dunno...
Can be another AoE attack if ya want, though that's not essential either. Could take CoPD for some knock resist and extra threat when standing in it, or Rebirth, or Bionic Shielding.
Geyser is on a short cd and makes for a quick, cheap MSA trigger. The build should be a bit more survivable w/ Con SS, though if ya want more defense ya can go w/ Guardicator (at the expense of Preemptive Strike). Gears mostly for Int and Con, w/ some End for the extra energy and Dex for crit (30% more return on that via Enlightened).
Yea it looks alright, save a few tweaks. KI would work easier w/ the build than MSA, though that means getting Ego SS. Also, iirc, any threat wipe won't apply to ur drones if they're out. I'd also get MD over Unbreakable if not ranking up the latter.
Specializations: Ego:Force of Will(2/2) Ego:Insight(3/3) Ego:Follow Through(3/3) Ego:Sixth Sense(2/3) Guardian:Fortified Gear(3/3) Guardian:Ruthless(2/2) Guardian:Find the Mark(2/3) Guardian:The Best Defense(3/3) Sentinel:Torment(2/2) Sentinel:Caregiver(3/3) Sentinel:Moment of Need(3/3) Sentinel:Wither(2/2) Mastery:Sentinel Mastery(1/1)
Gears mostly for Ego and Con. I passed on Sentinel Aura if only to avoid the AoE aggro it can give as a non-healer/tank (can pick it up if ya want, though).
So I see most of the powers in telepathy are... "meh"? Like Mind break, for example... It seemed nice on paper.
A question about your build tho. Telepathic Reverberation is for held/confused/disoriented enemies. So, other than Ego sleep(Disorient) on lvl23, what other powers gonna give me energy income..? O.o I don't get it... It feels a lot better to get DoTs with cd and MSA with them. So, what about a DoT build? Could be nice to try it out.
TP Reverb allows Ego Blast's MO adv to work (so you tap-spam the blast when its up, like the old ice blast w/ hard frost). MSA won't enable that- otherwise I'd go that route.
TP Reverb can proc via charged Ego Blast, Ego Sleep, TK Maelstrom, and Mental Storm here.
TP Reverb allows Ego Blast's MO adv to work (so you tap-spam the blast when its up, like the old ice blast w/ hard frost). MSA won't enable that- otherwise I'd go that route.
TP Reverb can proc via charged Ego Blast, Ego Sleep, TK Maelstrom, and Mental Storm here.
DoT builds aren't very good as Mental Storm's DoT dps was greatly nerfed, and most DoTs have longer cds now. For dps, I wouldn't take them, but their debuffs are still good.
Comments Clarke&d=1234ObGMHPKV300920095039G041503A6009H087G00J503CH0566049R091303EI04CI000n2E2MGB3T5X
Or this(Lightwave slash instead of Sparkstorm): Clarke&d=1234ObGMHPKV300920095039G041503A6009H087G00J503CH0566049R099A03EI04CI000n2E2MGB3T5X
Also, check this one. I changed my shadow build a little bit. Changed spirit reverberation to another energy unlock. I found it a little bit... unreliable in the means of energy income. But Thermal reverberation + Flashfire give me a lot more. The difference is huge after testing. Also dropped Dark Transfusion for Endbringer's grasp. IT JUST LOOKS SO AWESOME! O.O Also thinking of dropping R2 and R3 of travel power for R2 of Resurgence. As an alternative - grab Conviction instead of it even. So... What do you think? Basett&d=1538b7PWaNXc360K000K503K205KC009F00KA03KD0728002C04KF05KE05QG00KH03EI040ckr1kvJ438W
As for the Shadow build- if TR is netting you better energy then go for it. Ya could also sue Absorb heat as the heal, but that requires getting close, and ya only have Flashfire's cd to re-apply CF with. Ya could also go w/ Palliate/absolve for a threat wipe + heal, though R2 Resurgence is also fine. I probably wouldn't take Resurgence to R3 now- that extra 25% is more likely to be over-heal unless ur using it at drastically low health.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
I am making a "double-character". Two separate characters(ingame mechanics) being actually the same one. Just with different powers. One is being the actual character herself, "on foot", while the other one is her mecha-suit. Had to make this second char male, since costume editor doesn't let female characters be as big as males. Costumes may change a bit in the future, obviously, like the height of the char to fit into that mecha suit
So... I already found a good build for the first char, but the second, the mecha suit... I'm stuck. I have a few options already, but I have no idea if any of those are good. I used some old(2012-2015 i guess?) research material on google for some of em too. Just saying, since I still suck at it.
1) Test&d=1537Y4TRUMHM30090049C0394039O039F009Q009U039S039I00EI049T03AI037E0437040CLK438W09gO
2) Test&d=1247Y8QUXLaM300910097019D039B0b7B007Q037P039N0J9I009Q007S059T03EI047F000mUB42yp3Svt
3) Test&d=1248K7TPaiHM300910097019D039B059I007Q037P039N0J7B013G009Q00EI0537047S050mUB42yp3Svt
4) TEST&d=11340000000M00090049D039G0897039P059I009F009Q0000000000000000000000000011Cf3V763bhs (Completely unfinished)
I'm not sure "what" I actually want from a build. Pure tank? I dunno, isn't it kinda boring? Low damage most of the time, long killing times... Maybe a survivable damage dealer? Not sure if it's possible to be fitting for a mecha. I have no idea... Any advices?
P.s. Also another test of a laser sword build, more of a tanky-type. Is it any good? Sword Tank TEST&d=1324eHMGPTK7300920095099H08I903A6007G00J5039R089A039Q019G04QG019L03EI042shp3SXU2MGB
Ranged PA builds can be very good dps, but it takes some practice juggling all the PA slotted powers and managing the energy required. Generic Ranged PA build from me:
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)
Level 1: The Invincible
Level 6: Healthy Mind
Level 9: Quick Recovery
Level 12: Negotiator
Level 15: Boundless Reserves
Level 18: Investigator
Level 21: Amazing Stamina
Level 1: Power Bolts
Level 1: Tactical Missiles (Rank 2, Crippling Challenge)
Level 6: Concentration
Level 8: Defiance
Level 11: Mini Gun (Rank 2, U-238 Rounds, Challenging Strikes)
Level 14: Micro Munitions (Rank 2, Rank 3, Challenging Strikes)
Level 17: Overdrive
Level 20: Reconstruction Circuits (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 23: Resurgence (Rank 2)
Level 26: Masterful Dodge
Level 29: Energy Shield (Rank 2, Phalanx Defense System)
Level 32: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Level 35: Energy Wave (Reverse Polarity)
Level 38:
Travel Powers:
Level 6:
Level 35:
Constitution: Unyielding (1/2)
Constitution: Fuel My Fire (3/3)
Constitution: Resilient (2/2)
Constitution: Adrenaline Rush (2/2)
Constitution: Armored (2/2)
Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)
Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (2/3)
Vindicator: Mass Destruction (3/3)
Mastery: Constitution Mastery (1/1)
Defiance should considerably help w/ energy management. Ideal dps is to use Tac Missiles, Mini-gun, and Micro Muni all at once. If ya need healing, ya can sub out Micro Muni for Recon Circuits. Included Energy Wave w/ Rev Polarity as a larger AoE that can corral mobs (I'd also put CS on it, which isn't in the Planner yet). Gears mostly for Int and Con, and crit (and severity) on offensive gear for Adren Rush and for the extra dps/threat.
The LS tank build looks fine, though ya can ditch the ranks on Defiance and put them elsewhere.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Thanks for the PA build. Gonna try it out then. And thanks for looking at the LS build too. You just don't know how much you helped me... I'm In your debt for a long time already.
P.s. Question though, in your PA build... What if I change Power bolts to Wrist bolter with automated adv? Just wanna know... What's the difference. Right now, without any stats whatsoever, PB deals 41dmg and +14% energy with 1st shot and 20dmg and +7% energy with the rest. While WB deals 12dmg and +4.1% energy with 1st shot, but the next are 29dmg and +10% energy. PB only because of chance of plasma burn?
The AA adv on WB is rather clunky, imo, (the switch from end builder mode to hand slot mode has a bit of delay) but viable. It can replace the hand slot, sure, but here if ya have the energy for it then Tac Missiles spam will be higher dps and quite higher threat w/ CripC added.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
What else can be placed in the last slot though? Another attack seems a little bit overkill. Except maybe Plasma beam for hand slot, but there's already tac missile... Particle smash? For burst damage. Sparkstorm with adv? Orbital cannon(could fit for concept, I guess)? Or... Ehh, no idea what to add there, honestly So many to choose from and yet I dunno...
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science! Bass Bunny&d=1547UTWRg45n3p030003103330364033704J5037G003E037F007D05EI046604AJ003I030CJk43Oy3UbT
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Intelligence (Primary)
Level 10: Endurance (Secondary)
Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 1: The Glacier
Level 6: Healthy Mind
Level 9: Boundless Reserves
Level 12: Investigator
Level 15: Quick Recovery
Level 18: Negotiator
Level 21: Amazing Stamina
Level 1: Force Bolts
Level 1: Force Blast (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 6: Force Shield (Force Sheathe)
Level 8: Quarry (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 11: Concentration
Level 14: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 20: Force Cascade (Rank 2, Rank 3, Accelerated Metabolism)
Level 23: Force Eruption (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 26: Force Geyser (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 29: Masterful Dodge
Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers (Sleight of Mind)
Level 35: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Level 38: Gravity Driver (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Energy Slide (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Millennial Flight
Intelligence: Preparation (2/2)
Intelligence: Enlightened (3/3)
Intelligence: Detect Vulnerability (3/3)
Intelligence: Expertise (2/2)
Avenger: Ruthless (2/2)
Avenger: Round 'em Up (3/3)
Avenger: Offensive Expertise (2/2)
Avenger: Preemptive Strike (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (2/3)
Vindicator: Mass Destruction (3/3)
Mastery: Intelligence Mastery (1/1)
Geyser is on a short cd and makes for a quick, cheap MSA trigger. The build should be a bit more survivable w/ Con SS, though if ya want more defense ya can go w/ Guardicator (at the expense of Preemptive Strike). Gears mostly for Int and Con, w/ some End for the extra energy and Dex for crit (30% more return on that via Enlightened).
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Or am I doing it completely wrong, even though based on research on the Net?
Also, I found a few more, completely different ones... Tried to "play" with them here and there, switch a few powers/stats/etc... Here's what I got.
Any of those are good?
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Ego (Primary)
Level 10: Presence (Secondary)
Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 1: The Scourge
Level 6: Ascetic
Level 9: Shrug It Off
Level 12: Showmanship
Level 15: Quick Recovery
Level 18: Wordly
Level 21: Lasting Impression
Level 1: Psi Lash
Level 1: Ego Blast (Rank 2, Mind Opener)
Level 6: Telepathic Reverberation
Level 8: Concentration
Level 11: Ego Form (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 14: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Ego Sprites (Rank 2, Slave Mentality)
Level 20: Mental Storm
Level 23: Ego Sleep (Plagued by Nightmares)
Level 26: Resurgence (Rank 2)
Level 29: Telekinetic Maelstrom (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 32: Empathic Healing (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Telekinetic Shield (Rank 2, Telekinetic Reinforcement)
Level 38: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Travel Powers:
Level 6:
Level 35:
Ego: Force of Will (2/2)
Ego: Insight (3/3)
Ego: Follow Through (3/3)
Ego: Sixth Sense (2/3)
Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)
Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
Sentinel: Torment (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
Sentinel: Moment of Need (3/3)
Sentinel: Wither (2/2)
Mastery: Sentinel Mastery (1/1)
Gears mostly for Ego and Con. I passed on Sentinel Aura if only to avoid the AoE aggro it can give as a non-healer/tank (can pick it up if ya want, though).
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
A question about your build tho. Telepathic Reverberation is for held/confused/disoriented enemies. So, other than Ego sleep(Disorient) on lvl23, what other powers gonna give me energy income..? O.o I don't get it... It feels a lot better to get DoTs with cd and MSA with them. So, what about a DoT build? Could be nice to try it out.
TP Reverb can proc via charged Ego Blast, Ego Sleep, TK Maelstrom, and Mental Storm here.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Although... What about a DoT build?
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!