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Release Notes 3/24/16

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,164 Cryptic Developer
edited March 2016 in Release Notes
Players who owned the following powers will receive a respec:
Cleave, Annihilate, Arc of Ruin, Earthsplitter, Eruption, Skewer, Skullcrusher, Ebon Void and Ebon Ruin.

Note: All players with the above listed powers should get a free respec. If you did not receive one, please supply us with a screenshot showing that you do not have one and as much information about what powers your character has to help us out.

The Rockbox
You can visit Johnny Rocker in the Renaissance Center to check out our new lockbox, The Rockbox!

What's in the Rockbox:
  • Rocker costume set.
  • Feuerdrache and Bladed guitar heavy weapons.
  • Rock and Glam Stereo Glider vehicles. These come equipped with the new vehicle power: Sonic Boom
  • Regular, Acoustic and Electric Hoverboard versions of the glider.
  • Music and Symphony auras.
  • New Ultimate Power: Power Chord
    25ft pbaoe ranged damage sonic maintained attack.
    Deals escalating sonic damage and stacks the Rocking Out buff on you, which increases your damage for 10 seconds.
    When you stop maintaining knocks back all enemies and disorients them.
    This power is available in Might shared and uses your heavy weapon.
    Advantage: Rock Concert. Lets you boost up to 10 allies nearby with a minor damage buff and energy.

ZEN Store
Added the following items to the ZEN Store:
  • Sparkle Hair Pack
  • Metal Stereo Glider vehicle
  • Psychedelic Stereo Glider vehicle
  • Rockstar archetype

Gold Subscriber Reward
April Subscriber Reward:
  • Tinfoil Hat Ray and Tinfoil Hats costume
    Similar to Cowboyification, this device replaces your targets hat with a tinfoil hat for 20 seconds. It also gives 5% Resistance to ego damage. It can be claimed once per character.

Foxbatcon has come to Millennium City! You can find swag bags from random foes you defeat and turn in Foxbat Cred at the merchant in the Renaissance Center.

New Items this year for Foxbatcon:
  • Foxbat Mask, Microhpone Head, Spotlight Head, Camera Head and Camera necklace costumes.
  • Bobblehead aura.
  • Permanent Bubblegum Gun, Permanent Seismic Pong Pong Ball and Permanent Foam Finger Slap devices.
  • A lot of action figures.

Drifter Store
  • Added Glitter aura
  • Added Musical Notes Head Aura.
  • Added Industrial Stereo Glider vehicle.
  • Added Skull Guitar heavy weapon costume.
  • All mark 1 vehicles are now 120 salvage.

Questionite Store
  • Added Punk Stereo Glider vehicle.
  • Added Extreme Hair costume.

Collector Store
  • Added Blunderbus Pistol, Wheellock Pistol, Ice Blaster and Heroic Bow to the collector store.


New Archetype: The Rockstar
This is a new premium tank archetype.
  • Level 1: Bludgeon
  • Level 1: Cleave
  • Level 6: Defiance
  • Level 8: Vicious Descent of Decimate
  • Level 11: Enrage
  • Level 14: Arc of Ruin or Hyper Voice
  • Level 17: Annihilate
  • Level 21: Absorb Heat or Resurgence
  • Level 25: Thermal Reverberation
  • Level 30: Guard
  • Level 35: Aggressor or Brimstone
  • Level 40: Unleashed Rage

The Void has a new stat spread: Ego primary, Constitution and Presence secondary.
The Void has a new power progression:
  • Level 1: Shadow Bolt
  • Level 1: Shadow Blast
  • Level 6: Shadow Embrace
  • Level 8: Shadow Form or Aura of Ebon Destruction
  • Level 11: Grasping Shadows or Soul Vortex
  • Level 14: Concentration
  • Level 17: Ebon Void
  • Level 21: Ebon Ruin
  • Level 25: Spirit Reverberation
  • Level 30: Shadow Shroud
  • Level 35: Lifedrain or Summon Shadows
  • Level 40: Ebon Rift or Void Horror

The Devastator has a new power progression:
  • Level 1: Bludgeon
  • Level 1: Cleave
  • Level 6: Unstoppable
  • Level 8: Arc of Ruin
  • Level 11: Vicious Descent or Decimate
  • Level 14: Enrage
  • Level 17: Skewer or Skullcrusher
  • Level 21: Guard
  • Level 25: Thermal Reverberation
  • Level 30: Earth Splitter or Eruption
  • Level 35: Aggressor
  • Level 40: Brimstone

Device Changes
  • Cowboyification Ray
    Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds.
    No longer restricted to just Foxbatcon.
    Duration increased to 20 seconds.
    After the hat expires, players are immune to hatification for 10 minutes.
    These devices are disabled in the powerhouse theater and club caprice.
  • Waterballoon Crate's cooldown has been lowered to 300 seconds
  • Dragon Staff's cooldown has been lowered to 120 seconds
  • You can now equip multiples of Necrullitic Elixir. (The effect does not stack)
  • Fixed a bug where Totemic Helmet was requiring the wrong Subzero Servant mission.
  • Kryptos can only be summoned in the Vibora Bay apocalypse now.
  • Fixed descriptions on the old crafting location warp items to state where they actually take you.
  • Vehicles now have a cooldown of 15 seconds (from 30).

Costume Changes
  • Fixed a bug where Teleios boots were not unlocking all materials.
  • Dogz can now drop their tank top costume.
  • Added Electric and Acoustic Guitar Heavy Weapons. These costumes are available to everyone.
  • Added Jagged Spiral and Rocker emblems. These are available to everyone.

Power Changes

Darkness Framework
New Power: Soul Vortex
Deals Dimensional damage over time and has a chance to apply Fear to targets.
Advantage: Soul Drain. Soul Vortex now applies Dependency to targets once it expires.
This power is free to freeform players.

Vampiric Sympathy advantage now has a 20ft radius (from 15ft).

Grasping Shadows
New Advantage: Applies a heal over time to allies near you based on how many targets you hit.
New Advantage: Void. Grasping shadows now applies the Trauma debuff to all targets.

Dark Blast
Now debuffs Dimensional resistance by 18%.

Ebon Ruin
No longer applies Trauma.
In place of this effect Ebon Ruin now has a chance to summon a shadow pet. This pet heals you for double the damage it deals.
The dot on Ebon Ruin is now called Despair and applies when you fully charge the power. Can stack up to 3 times.
Paranormal Paranoia advantage no longer debuffs resistance. It now gives Ebon Ruin a 30-100% chance based on charge time to fear targets.

Ebon Void
Voracious Darkness advantage now costs 3 points to place it in line with other advantages of its type.
Voracious Darkness now caps out at 5 stacks.

Fire Framework
New Power: Absorb Heat
Absorb Heat consumes all of your Clinging Flames on foes and heals you and your team based on the number consumed.
This power also applies a heal over time based on the number of clinging flames consumed.
This power is free to freeform players.

Debuff no longer scale with rank. It now provides a flat -3% res to elemental damage and -5% res to fire damage per stack. Firesnake now stacks up to 3 times per player and has a global cap of 9 stacks.
Firesnake's chance to apply clinging flames is now 10% at R1, 20% at R2, and 30% at R3. Lowered Firesnake's cooldown to 25 seconds (from 30).

Clinging Flames
Duration increased to 12 seconds (from 8).
Damage increased slightly.
Can no longer crit.
Can no longer be dodged.

Thermal Reverberation
Fixed a bug where Thermal Reverberation was going beyond 10 stacks.

Fixed a bug where Flashfire, Pyre's flame pit and Firesnake allowed players to get more than one stack of clinging flames.

Might Framework
New Power: Hyper Voice
Cone Sonic based attack that disorients foes. Fully maintaining this powers knocks down does.
Deafening Advantage: Lowers sonic damage resistance.
Rattle Advantage: Chance to Disorient foes.
This power is free to freeform players.

Heavy Weapons Framework
No longer applies Enrage.
Has an increasing chance to apply knockdown as you progress through the combo.
Has a chance to apply Clinging Flames.
Lowered damage variance so the damage is more consistent.
Arc increase to 360 degrees for the first two hits. Arc reduced to 50 degrees for the third hit.
Damage increased slightly.
New Advantage: Cleave now applies Reckless which is an Offense and Knock resistance buff.

Note: Damage variance is how high or low a power's damage can swing. Example: A power that deals 100 damage that has a power variance of 10% can deal as high as 110 damage or as low as 90 damage. Lowering the variance on a power makes its damage more reliable, but does not change its overall output.

Moved to tier 3.
New Advantage: Scorching Blade Annihilate deals an additional 30% damage against targets affected by clinging flames.
Damage increased slightly.

Earth Splitter
Moved to tier 2.
Now has a 42-100% chance based on charge time to apply Clinging Flames.
No longer applies Enrage.
Now applies Reckless.

Arc of Ruin
Fixed a bug where it did not count as an AoE.
Lowered damage variance so the damage is more consistent.
Arc increased to 360 degrees.
Now has a 42-100% chance to apply Disorient based on charge time.
No Quarter advantage now debuffs Crushing damage by 15% and fire damage by 15%.
The No Quarter debuff now has a global cap of 3
Arc of Ruin now has the Wildfire advantage which refreshes all Clinging Flames.

Vicious Decent
Moved to tier 2.
Lowered damage variance so the damage is more consistent.
Now deals split fire and crushing damage.
No longer applies Enrage.
Now applies Reckless.

No longer refreshes Enrage.
Now has a 320 degree arc.
Increased cooldown to 8 seconds.
Now deals split fire and crushing damage.
Increased Magma Burst's chance to apply Clinging Flames to 30% to secondary targets and 100% to your primary target.

Fixed a bug where it did not count as an AoE.
Now deals split fire and crushing damage.
Has a 50-100% chance to apply Disorient.

No longer applies Enrage.
Moved to Tier 3.
Cost increased to fit the amount of damage it deals.
Now has a 22-50% chance to apply Bleed.

Decimate's initial delay when activating has been reduced slightly.

Misc Power Changes
  • Updated descriptions on the Force Sheathe and Laser Knight advantages to state what they actually do. This is just a description change.
  • Advanced Hyperkinetic Dampening System vehicle weapon now counts as being in blocking mode when used.
  • Fixed a bug where Chest Beam's -res was not set to its proper value of 12%.
  • TK Assault's hit fx no longer scales to target.
  • Fixed a bug where Gas Pellet's poison advantage let you get more than 5 stacks of poison.
  • Fixed a bug where Telekinetic Reverberation claimed it scaled off of Presence.
  • Dodging no longer plays a blocking animation.
  • Telekinetic Maelstrom no longer scatters rock debris FX.
  • Added Spotlights and Bits as pet options for the medic drones power.
  • Mental Leech, Shadow of Doubt and Mind Control should have sound effects now.
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • nacito#6758 nacito Posts: 981 Arc User
    the long waited patch has finally come, thanks!
    Just another reptile lover, known in game as @nacito

    This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    More for my learning curve to figure out, but don't let that stop you!

    Man, I seem to use a little bit of HW on a LOT of toons. :p
    'Dec out

  • originalbaxteroriginalbaxter Posts: 54 Arc User
    The change to Ebon Void I find very disappointing.

    First, let me say that only around 2% of my characters have Ebon Void. I am not overly invested in that particular power.

    Second, It is not the limit of five stacks that bothers me, that does "place it in line with other advantages of its type".

    It is changing it to a 3-point advantage. That's the same mistake that was made when they nerfed the damage of Mental Storm to place it in line with Mental Leech and Shadow of Doubt, but failed to include the CD reduction of Mental Storm per rank the other two have, resulting in a power that has 40% of the damage, but has the same range and costs more.

    Its a failure to understand basic game mechanics, or to not care. Ebon Void SHOULD be a 1-point advantage, as should Force Sheath, Telekenetic Reinforcement, et al that require the player to disable themselves for several seconds to reap the benefits of said advantage. Time when the could be doing damage, building threat, healing themselves or others but are instead in lock-down mode, only able to move at a slow crawl (so actually WORSE than a disable).

    The only shield advantages that should be 3 point ones are those that activate while you do other things, like Parry or Laser Knight.

    As I said, it is not the change to Ebon Void per se that I have a problem with, but changes of this type (such as the ridiculous energy cost of the current 2GM for a tier 3 AoE with a 3 target cap), wherin alterations are forced Live without regard to game mechanics.

    I had hoped that the developement team would listen to others on this matter before the change went to Live, but our feedback was either lost in the clutter or dismissed due to arrogance.

    Failure to fix this mistake (as well as Mental Storm) would only be the latter.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    The lack of people defending Devouring Darkness as it was shows how OP it was. You're right that there's no actual 'standard' for block lingers (Force Sheath is 1p, Flowing Like the River is 3p, Telekinetic Reinforcement is 1p), but 3p is not out of line.
  • zer0x0nezer0x0ne Posts: 113 Arc User

    The lack of people defending Devouring Darkness as it was shows how OP it was. You're right that there's no actual 'standard' for block lingers (Force Sheath is 1p, Flowing Like the River is 3p, Telekinetic Reinforcement is 1p), but 3p is not out of line.

    More than likely such posts were deleted. Because that's how we do things now.

    "I would be curious of your circles because I know I've never heard of you.​​" - championshewolf
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,116 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    HUGE Updates like this make me giggle like a School Girl
    Music and Symphony auras.
    Added Musical Notes Head Aura.


    Those auras are exactly what I wanted!
    Bought them with no regrets ! all 3 of them are excellent onion-23.gif
    New Ultimate Power: Power Chord
    25ft pbaoe ranged damage sonic maintained attack.
    Deals escalating sonic damage and stacks the Rocking Out buff on you, which increases your damage for 10 seconds.
    When you stop maintaining knocks back all enemies and disorients them.
    This power is available in Might shared and uses your heavy weapon.
    Advantage: Rock Concert. Lets you boost up to 10 allies nearby with a minor damage buff and energy.

    New Power: Hyper Voice
    Cone Sonic based attack that disorients foes. Fully maintaining this powers knocks down does.
    Deafening Advantage: Lowers sonic damage resistance.
    Rattle Advantage: Chance to Disorient foes.
    This power is free to freeform players.

    Again million thanks, this Update complety revamped Crescendo build (and appearence)
    Now I can run a LEGIT Sonic-themed build​

    I hope in the future we will get a full SONIC poweframe~​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    zer0x0ne said:

    The lack of people defending Devouring Darkness as it was shows how OP it was. You're right that there's no actual 'standard' for block lingers (Force Sheath is 1p, Flowing Like the River is 3p, Telekinetic Reinforcement is 1p), but 3p is not out of line.

    More than likely such posts were deleted. Because that's how we do things now.
    Plenty of complaints about other topics didn't get deleted.
  • kallethenkallethen Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    zer0x0ne wrote: »
    More than likely such posts were deleted. Because that's how we do things now.

    It's a conspiracy!!!! /s

    Seriously, I've been quite active on the PTS forum threads and I don't think anybody even sneezed at the change to Ebon Void's advantage. And believe me, I was QUITE vocal in posting complaints about other changes that made it into this patch and my posts were not deleted.
    The lack of people defending Devouring Darkness as it was shows how OP it was. You're right that there's no actual 'standard' for block lingers (Force Sheath is 1p, Flowing Like the River is 3p, Telekinetic Reinforcement is 1p), but 3p is not out of line.

    Force Sheath and Telekinetic Reinforcement aren't on the same par as DD though. While I can understand wanting it at 2 points instead of 3, I don't think 3 is out of line.​​
    100% of the world is crazy, 95% are in denial.

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • zer0x0nezer0x0ne Posts: 113 Arc User

    zer0x0ne said:

    The lack of people defending Devouring Darkness as it was shows how OP it was. You're right that there's no actual 'standard' for block lingers (Force Sheath is 1p, Flowing Like the River is 3p, Telekinetic Reinforcement is 1p), but 3p is not out of line.

    More than likely such posts were deleted. Because that's how we do things now.
    Plenty of complaints about other topics didn't get deleted.
    A dissenting post I made about something else in these patch notes was quite quickly removed.

    "I would be curious of your circles because I know I've never heard of you.​​" - championshewolf
  • rerrotrerrot Posts: 80 Arc User
    Is it working the perk of the 3 items (the fish and the 2 guns) or continue with bug?
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,394 Arc User
    Is there a new form for Heavy Weapons? Because a ton of powers no longer give stacks of Enrage. That's going to destroy most of my Heavy Weapons builds and it means that these powers are no longer useful in the might framework.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    zer0x0ne said:

    A dissenting post I made about something else in these patch notes was quite quickly removed.

    I don't know your situation, but nearly every time we've had these kinds of accusations, it turns out the posts were removed for obvious other reasons than complaining.

    'Dec out

  • soulman5000soulman5000 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    What happened to The Void AT? instead of END CON EGO its superstats are now EGO CON PRE.
    whilst i may prefer ego primary, these changes were not mentioned in the patch notes and i feel The Void now struggles in terms of energy management.

    Also, why put trauma on a 3 second must charge rooting power? An AT like void should be able to apply trauma dependently, where as the new pistol whip power can apply it instantly (the specialist gets this)


    Post edited by soulman5000 on
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    I use 2 of those abilities in various builds, so here's my thoughts on them:

    Ebon Void - Voracious Darkness really wasn't powerful enough to warrant both an increase to 3 advantage points as well as a reduction in stacking ability. Consider this instead:

    - 1 advantage point
    - Stacks to 5
    - Buff duration increased to 20 seconds

    This makes it less of a micromanagement power and allows it to be less powerful overall, and yet still keeps it relevant. By comparison, with Force Shield + Force Sheath or Telekinetic Shield + Telekinetic Reinforcement, all one has to do is tap the block button and the buff is up and ready to go. Neither need to ramp up, both only cost 1 advantage point (which is fine), and Force Shield in particular even gives energy as though the player was blocking.

    Or for something completely new:

    - 1 advantage point
    - Tapping block applies Voracious Darkness to the player (no longer stacking or on-damage)
    - Similar damage reduction as Force Sheath
    - Ebon Void's heal + damage effect can trigger while Voracious darkness is active.

    Vicious Descent - Now that it's become significantly less powerful, there's practically no reason to take it over the other gap closing abilities. Let's compare:

    Vicious Descent:
    - 15 second cooldown
    - 38 energy
    - Tier 2
    - No stun, root, etc
    - AoE damage, mediocre self-buff

    All other gap closers
    - 3 second cooldown
    - 9.2, 13, 15, or 19 energy
    - Tier 1
    - Can stun, root, etc the target
    - Single target damage

    While the buff is nice, the primary purpose of these abilities is to close gaps. Taking Vicious Descent at this point is nerfing yourself unnecessarily because you can't close gaps as often. Before, that tradeoff was fine because it was a very powerful ability. Not the case anymore

    How about this: Remove the gimmick buff using it applies, bump it down to tier 1 with the other gap closers, reduce its cooldown to perhaps 3-6 seconds, reduce its energy cost to perhaps 19-25, and instead of snares or roots, it can keep its AoE to make it stand out. In its current form, it's just not worth taking--I gladly replaced it with one of the tier 1 gap closers.
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,375 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    aesica wrote: »
    I use 2 of those abilities in various builds, so here's my thoughts on them:

    Ebon Void - Voracious Darkness really wasn't powerful enough to warrant both an increase to 3 advantage points as well as a reduction in stacking ability. Consider this instead:

    - 1 advantage point
    - Stacks to 5
    - Buff duration increased to 20 seconds

    This makes it less of a micromanagement power and allows it to be less powerful overall, and yet still keeps it relevant. By comparison, with Force Shield + Force Sheath or Telekinetic Shield + Telekinetic Reinforcement, all one has to do is tap the block button and the buff is up and ready to go. Neither need to ramp up, both only cost 1 advantage point (which is fine), and Force Shield in particular even gives energy as though the player was blocking.

    Or for something completely new:

    - 1 advantage point
    - Tapping block applies Voracious Darkness to the player (no longer stacking or on-damage)
    - Similar damage reduction as Force Sheath
    - Ebon Void's heal + damage effect can trigger while Voracious darkness is active.

    You can't be serious. Considering Ebon Void returns damage and heals, the block even keeping half it's potency with it's advantage is still too much. And this is not a hard effect to maintain, like at all. If you want some enlightenment, Voracious Darkness was not suppose to linger, like at all. I forget when it was changed but it got turned into a linger. It's still better than Laser Knight which comes with a -10% damage penalty, and all you have to do is maintain it, which has no effort behind it.
    Vicious Descent - Now that it's become significantly less powerful, there's practically no reason to take it over the other gap closing abilities. Let's compare:

    Vicious Descent:
    - 15 second cooldown
    - 38 energy
    - Tier 2
    - No stun, root, etc
    - AoE damage, mediocre self-buff

    All other gap closers
    - 3 second cooldown
    - 9.2, 13, 15, or 19 energy
    - Tier 1
    - Can stun, root, etc the target
    - Single target damage

    While the buff is nice, the primary purpose of these abilities is to close gaps. Taking Vicious Descent at this point is nerfing yourself unnecessarily because you can't close gaps as often. Before, that tradeoff was fine because it was a very powerful ability. Not the case anymore

    How about this: Remove the gimmick buff using it applies, bump it down to tier 1 with the other gap closers, reduce its cooldown to perhaps 3-6 seconds, reduce its energy cost to perhaps 19-25, and instead of snares or roots, it can keep its AoE to make it stand out. In its current form, it's just not worth taking--I gladly replaced it with one of the tier 1 gap closers.

    Contrary to this believe, Vicious decent isn't a gap closer, it's more or less an aggro puller for groups something you use to get in for the first hit. It also does more damage as well and it's AE. And while you consider the buff "not meaningful" and you are more than welcome to that feeling, I am sure some will take it for thematic or use it as it is. You already have your other gap closer if you need something on a shorter CD.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,116 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Fire Framework
    New Power: Absorb Heat
    Absorb Heat consumes all of your Clinging Flames on foes and heals you and your team based on the number consumed.
    This power also applies a heal over time based on the number of clinging flames consumed.
    This power is free to freeform players.

    Tested this a little yesterday night

    Why is the Animation so... Awkward! onion-3.gif
    I don't like how my Heavy Weapon character was Farting Fire patches out of nowhere so I didn't add it in my Build

    Yeah... this forced Fire synergy with HW... not liking it onion-65.gif
    Moved to tier 3.
    New Advantage: Scorching Blade Annihilate deals an additional 30% damage against targets affected by clinging flames.
    Damage increased slightly.
    NOT Going to sacrifice my RANK 3 Annihilate Visual for the bonus damage ADV​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,116 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Dark Blast
    Now debuffs Dimensional resistance by 18%

    The Devoid Debuff Icon is a RACOON :U
    Wasn't expecting the VIPER'S trappers debuffs icons to be used here...1
    Telekinetic Maelstrom no longer scatters rock debris FX.
    YEEEEES! No more fear of this power! I can spam it like no tomorrow
    Decimate's initial delay when activating has been reduced slightly.

    The change is really Noticeable​​
    Post edited by avianos on
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • beerbanebeerbane Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Mentioned this in the PTS thread but wanted to see if others were experiencing the issue: On live I bought the Stereo Glider Hoverboard skin (not the vehicle, but the costume skin) off of the AH for one of my toons with the hoverboard TP. I click the item, but it indicates the costume is already unlocked. However, the skin is not available at the tailor and the unlock is still in my inventory with the blue mask on it, as if I hadn't clicked on it. Anyone else getting this?

    Edit: If I try to drag the costume to devices, it states 'Only devices can go there.' Just to clarify I'm not sitting there clicking on the vehicle. ;)
  • zer0x0nezer0x0ne Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    zer0x0ne said:

    A dissenting post I made about something else in these patch notes was quite quickly removed.

    I don't know your situation, but nearly every time we've had these kinds of accusations, it turns out the posts were removed for obvious other reasons than complaining.

    It was a one sentence, three word post with an emoticon at the end. I assure you, it broke no other rules.

    Post edited by zer0x0ne on

    "I would be curious of your circles because I know I've never heard of you.​​" - championshewolf
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User

    You can't be serious. Considering Ebon Void returns damage and heals, the block even keeping half it's potency with it's advantage is still too much. And this is not a hard effect to maintain, like at all. If you want some enlightenment, Voracious Darkness was not suppose to linger, like at all. I forget when it was changed but it got turned into a linger. It's still better than Laser Knight which comes with a -10% damage penalty, and all you have to do is maintain it, which has no effort behind it.

    I never said it was hard to maintain, only that it's heavy on the micromanagement. Technically though, in its current form it can be difficult to maintain if you're not actively taking damage. As in, not the tank.

    Also, 3-point advantage costs are absolute cancer, especially since so many advantage points are gobbled up by uninspiring "rank2/rank3" non-choices.

    Contrary to this believe, Vicious decent isn't a gap closer, it's more or less an aggro puller for groups something you use to get in for the first hit. It also does more damage as well and it's AE. And while you consider the buff "not meaningful" and you are more than welcome to that feeling, I am sure some will take it for thematic or use it as it is. You already have your other gap closer if you need something on a shorter CD.​​

    Technically, anything that quickly closes the distance between you and your target is a gap closer. It's a gap closer that tries to be different than the others by featuring an aoe effect, higher cost, and longer cooldown, but it's a gap closer nevertheless. Also, its initial hit is now far less valuable since it does a lot less damage. Now, I can pretty much get the same benefit by popping off any bpaoe after using a more traditional 3s cooldown gap closer.
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • zer0x0nezer0x0ne Posts: 113 Arc User
    Something that didn't make it into these notes, but absolutely should have -

    As of this patch, Cosmic mobs no longer appear to award Globals upon defeat.

    I guess that must be another one of those 6 and a half year old "bugs" that have been mysteriously uncovered recently.

    If this was an intentional change, as opposed to some unintended fluke, I find it odd that it didn't make it into the release notes.

    "I would be curious of your circles because I know I've never heard of you.​​" - championshewolf
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,618 Arc User
    The only problems I have with this update is that Voracious Darkness should be a 2 point advantage and Cleave no longer lets you gain Enrage reliably on par with Shred and Aspect of the Bestial.​​
  • eviltwintwoeviltwintwo Posts: 352 Arc User
    I agree with aesica. Increasing the cost AND decreasing the stacks was too much. And I have never understood why these things cost 3 points. (Any of them, not just Voracious Darkness.) If they cost 2, that would still prevent you from getting rank 3 but would save a point for something else. Not game-breaking, but still.

    Oh well, it's their game. If they nerf it enough, we'll all quit playing. But I have to say in all honesty, I have been somewhat expecting something about Ebon Void + Voracious Darkness to get nerfed at some point...because, you know, it worked and made your character tougher. It remains to be seen if it will be worth keeping on the characters I have it on; they may have killed at least one of my FF builds.

    Here's hoping it's just something we can get used to.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,537 Arc User
    Personally, I'm not a big fan of the design behind rank 2/rank 3 advantages. I mean yeah, they're really important, but they're also extremely uninteresting and they get in the way with what could be a choice between several more interesting ways to flavor our powers. "I'd love to take this thing that makes Power X behave in a new and interesting way...but nope! Gotta make my numbers bigger!"
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,116 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Cowboyification Ray
    Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds.
    No longer restricted to just Foxbatcon.
    Duration increased to 20 seconds.
    After the hat expires, players are immune to hatification for 10 minutes.
    These devices are disabled in the powerhouse theater and club caprice.

    Makes me wonder why wasn't those chances made from the First Foxbatcon, it would save so much from the drama and the AntiFan-Police
    I find the device hilarious and I welcomed when people use it on my characters~ onion-2.gif
    Debuff no longer scale with rank. It now provides a flat -3% res to elemental damage and -5% res to fire damage per stack. Firesnake now stacks up to 3 times per player and has a global cap of 9 stacks.
    Firesnake's chance to apply clinging flames is now 10% at R1, 20% at R2, and 30% at R3. Lowered Firesnake's cooldown to 25 seconds (from 30).


    It doesn't look like a snake at all!

    since it required a target to summon, it need to get fixed to trigger concetration/chilled form
    No longer applies Enrage.
    Moved to Tier 3.
    Cost increased to fit the amount of damage it deals.
    Now has a 22-50% chance to apply Bleed.

    and WHY would you remove the ENRAGED building from Skewer!?
    Just make it work ONLY with the enraged forms​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • avianos wrote: »

    It doesn't look like a snake at all!

    it didn't look like one before! it just looked like a trail of fire

    when i picture 'fire snake', i'm picturing something like this Fire_snake.gif​​
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    Proofread your stuff before it goes live. I've already found two copy / paste failures on powers from these patch notes.
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • rtmartma Posts: 1,198 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    avianos said:

    since it required a target to summon, it need to get fixed to trigger concetration/chilled form


    No longer applies Enrage.

    Moved to Tier 3.

    Cost increased to fit the amount of damage it deals.

    Now has a 22-50% chance to apply Bleed.

    and WHY would you remove the ENRAGED building from Skewer!?

    Just make it work ONLY with the enraged forms​​

    First, their are a few powers that could trigger Concentration/Chilled Form, Ebon Rift for example, secondly they removed Cleaves Innate Enrage building for Clinging Flames, that's why it's slow to stack with Heavy Weapons now.

    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
  • rtmartma Posts: 1,198 Arc User
    avianos said:

    since it required a target to summon, it need to get fixed to trigger concetration/chilled form


    No longer applies Enrage.

    Moved to Tier 3.

    Cost increased to fit the amount of damage it deals.

    Now has a 22-50% chance to apply Bleed.

    and WHY would you remove the ENRAGED building from Skewer!?

    Just make it work ONLY with the enraged forms​​

    First they could have a few other powers that could trigger Concentration/Chilled Form, like Ebon Rift, secondly they replaced Cleaves Innate enrage building for Clinging Flames/Knockdown, that's why Heavy Weapons are slow to stack now.

    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
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