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9/17/2015 Release Patchnotes



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    squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 869 Arc User

    ATs Are Not Broken.

    Source: ...do I really need one? Pretty sure everyone knows I'm the loser who still uses them vehemently.

    Played a Mind recently?
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    bombermangoldbombermangold Posts: 29 Arc User
    So... can any developer ask when will we see the missing costume parts again? Like that of the Bird people and others that went poof.
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    tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User

    Thank you for doing so!

    We're pushing a minor update this evening that will address this. It will also change the new lockbox auras to be Bind to Account on Equip like Zen Store auras instead of Bind to Character on Equip. The Drifter Store auras will remain Bind to Character on Equip.

    Ooooh, so that's what the thing, is thanks for the quick immediate turnaround on this.

    This is really cool, that you can adapt and react so quickly @ladygadfly
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
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    kitsunemaguskitsunemagus Posts: 16 Arc User
    *sets down soapbox and hops onto it, tails swishing*

    As a precautionary - I wish to excuse myself for any inflammatory or potentially hate-inducing statements that may be forthcoming, but honestly - this needs to be said by someone.

    After reading this all rather extensively, and as someone that experimented with literally EVERY AT before going gold; I can only say one thing to all who complain about AT's getting 'broken' by this CDR change - Learn to Play YOUR ROLE. Minds, Inventors and Radiants are SUPPORT!!!! They are not DPS-ers and DEFINITELY NOT TANKS. I am not targeting this at any one person here - rather, I am pointing out a piece of MMO wisdom that many seem to ignore, especially newbies - ROLES EXIST FOR A REASON. And for all you "one-man party soloist" FF-gurus; I don't care if the "Holy Trinity of MMOs" philosophy to content/teaming chaps your little silky derrieres - GET OVER IT!

    Hybrids are flexible, yes - but they must specialize to a specific role (damage - melee or ranged, healer, or tank) to truly be EFFECTIVE. I know this from my YEARS playing less flexible MMOs as hybrid characters in THOSE systems - Pallies in WoW, anyone? Back BEFORE the first Xpac - they were a tanking class (stated in plain black and white in the game's manual) THAT COULD NOT TANK. They literally had no threat generation, no dps (literally), and only mediocre healing ability when not heal specced. MMOs like WoW, the now-dead CoH/CoV, etc. stick to a "class" system to promote balance and team-playing. Granted, my pally could solo stuff meant for a team of two or three when he was geared up - but that's because by then I knew the class like it was an extension of myself. I could do the same with my "formerly a Mountain AT" first FF main, Terra Shihoin - she was still fairly Mountain-esque in her build, and could solo Cislunar Mechanon pre-build change (and pre-patch, btw).

    To Bottom Line what I am trying to say here - With this CDR change (nerf is a dirty word, and honestly - talk to ppl from WoW and other, less-flexible MMOs before complaining about these "nerfs"), it means you just can't spam your cooldowns for an easy win anymore, or to negate frivolous amounts of damage that you should not have even TRIED to tank yourself as a non-Protector. Damage-dealers are not Tanks, and thus have no business trying to sponge up damage like they are; Healers ARE NOT TANKS OR DAMAGE, and should buff/debuff/heal their teams/pets/themselves to get through fights (battle of attrition here); Tanks are no DAMAGE OR HEALERS, they should not try to be everymen, they should be the good and solid block of stone/steel/neutronium/etc. they are and thus sponge up that damage and wear down the enemy bit by bit. Hybrids should build to what they want to do mostly, be it heals, damage OR tank.

    *steps off soapbox, sighs, and shakes his head*

    Did I REALLY have to just give a "MMO 101" rant on this? Again, I apologize for any inflammatory or hate-inducing statements contained herein. And anyone that wants to "nitpick quote" to refute my logic as being "flawed" or what-have-you ... I will probably NOT be back to check on this EVER. So if you really need to do so to validate your own ego, be my guest.
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    bazodeebazodee Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Add me to the "Please enable the Drifter auras to be account wide" brigade.

    Honestly, I'm missing why these auras are set to characters when all others are account wide (from a players perspective).

    I did my purchasing on one toon so when I bought the aura and equipped it to test it, it is now stuck on that character. Now I have to buy the aura again for the toon it was intended.

    One suggestion is to update the tool tip to be specific "bind to character on equip", following the example of "bind to Account on equip". "Bind on equip" is vague under these new circumstances. And the drifter costumes say bind on equip and open account wide. Confusing.

    Re the CD nerf, I've noticed negligible (that is playing smarter helps) difference on some toons, and HUGE differences on others, where you think, man this power is near useless in fast paced situations.
    I don't like Sigs, but I'll leave this here anyway. At least I'm not to trying to hypnotise you with moving things!
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    magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    kitsunemagus - there's a lot of fair points made there, but the CDR changes/nerf have made a significant difference to the performance of some FF builds and some ATs. The first can be retconned, fine, but the Mind AT does now feel as if some of its basic CC/hold powers are taking a little too long to reload. I've tried it myself with a lvl 30 - no fancy gear or high level mods - and there are definitely some "block for ten seconds...."moments which weren't there before. And that is something that the devs need to consider - AT players have no choice over superstats, it wasn't either their choice or fault that the INT effect on cooldown was too big. When they nerf one thing to prevent the mighty builds being too strong, they could give something back to the lowest power characters.
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    roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    Not getting a retcon really irks me. I have several toons that have changed a lot with the CDR adjustment, with major attacks like Sonic Device doubling in cooldown.


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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    nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Some kind of bug is disabling the F key to turn in missions or collect items. I thought it was demo record but it's not that.

    Until Hermes laser cannon did a million damage to my Onslaught Villain in two or three shots, wasting six minutes of my time as I have to wait 24 hours to get the device again, fight some players, and complete the remaining 10% of the quest. Already have to wait 24 hours on four other characters to turn the Onslaught villain quest because of UI bugs and/or server not responding.

    What does it say about your super hero game when one NPC laser is more powerful in a two second burst than the 20 heroes I was fighting last night for twenty minutes?

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    magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    It means there needs to be a way of stopping people griefing and spamming lowbie areas. However it's not working properly, at the moment.
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    gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 504 Arc User

    kitsunemagus - there's a lot of fair points made there, but the CDR changes/nerf have made a significant difference to the performance of some FF builds and some ATs. The first can be retconned, fine, but the Mind AT does now feel as if some of its basic CC/hold powers are taking a little too long to reload. I've tried it myself with a lvl 30 - no fancy gear or high level mods - and there are definitely some "block for ten seconds...."moments which weren't there before. And that is something that the devs need to consider - AT players have no choice over superstats, it wasn't either their choice or fault that the INT effect on cooldown was too big. When they nerf one thing to prevent the mighty builds being too strong, they could give something back to the lowest power characters.

    They just said Mind is a Support AT meaning you're not supposed to be taking a lot of damage but should be healing those who are and doing what you can to stem the tides. And who cares if you have to block for a small amount of time? I have to do it much of the time on non tanks because they're taking a little too much damage and have to be healed. My Grimoire vs Necrull is a great example of this. It shows how they're not supposed to be able to solo any instances easily without some added tedium.

    You may need to group up for some content now, which is FINE. It's an MMO, you're expected to group up with people and often encouraged.
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    soniastrummsoniastrumm Posts: 16 Arc User
    You might want to add that people who don't feel like paying any such money are essentially unable to get the "Playing as the Villain" quest, because you either need a Silver freeform, or a Gold/LTS account to get the related quest.

    I feel cheated out.
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    soniastrummsoniastrumm Posts: 16 Arc User
    gradii said:

    No lockboxes are dropping from mobs.

    Just want to point that out again.

    Thank you for doing so!

    We're pushing a minor update this evening that will address this. It will also change the new lockbox auras to be Bind to Account on Equip like Zen Store auras instead of Bind to Character on Equip. The Drifter Store auras will remain Bind to Character on Equip.
    No fixes to the still half finished Onslaught system??!

    1. Onslaught secondaries are worthless crap compared to even purple secondary gear dropped from mobs

    2. Token prices are way too high on the villain unlocks and powers for the current token gain rate

    3. Get RID of the onslaught objectives please aside from "defeat players" as villains. it's extremely poorly thought out and its all the more obvious now that it's live.
    I don't think the ability to think is something that Cryptic has.
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    stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    The Mind AT has a blast power. Ego Blast doesn't have a cooldown. Why would you need to block for 10 seconds? You can still use your blast power. The Mind is support first, not an AoE machine. Neither heal has a cooldown. Bubbles don't have a cooldown. There are a whole bunch of reason why claiming you have to block because there is nothing better to do makes zero sense.

    Only ATs are all trinity all the time. FFs are not. If you think there aren't still tanks that can pump out more dps than actual dps toons, you'd be very wrong.
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    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
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    gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 504 Arc User

    You might want to add that people who don't feel like paying any such money are essentially unable to get the "Playing as the Villain" quest, because you either need a Silver freeform, or a Gold/LTS account to get the related quest.

    I feel cheated out.

    What? I can get it and I'm silver. You just have to farm the villains for enough Guardian Tokens for a permanent Villain unlock.
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    magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    They just said Mind is a Support AT meaning you're not supposed to be taking a lot of damage but should be healing those who are and doing what you can to stem the tides etc

    It's not about being able to multi-task with a specific purpose AT, it's about that AT now being less effective, in its primary role, as a result of a change made to resolve an overperformance issue which really only affected other builds.

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    gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 504 Arc User
    Sterga just gave the reason why this is wrong.
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    bombermangoldbombermangold Posts: 29 Arc User
    I'd still like the missing costume pieces that for some reason as a veteran reward (which aren't supposed to go poof) to come back from being poof.

    Can ANY developer or someone tell us things? I know at least World of Warcraft, some of the Blizzard peeps gives us certain explanations for things (like why some things are nerfed and such).
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    chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    Today I learned that someone else thinks they know more about archetypes than me. OK, GFN, show me your thread. I'll show you mine.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
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    soniastrummsoniastrumm Posts: 16 Arc User

    You might want to add that people who don't feel like paying any such money are essentially unable to get the "Playing as the Villain" quest, because you either need a Silver freeform, or a Gold/LTS account to get the related quest.

    I feel cheated out.

    What? I can get it and I'm silver. You just have to farm the villains for enough Guardian Tokens for a permanent Villain unlock.
    Everyone else gets a free device without having to do anything, though.

    That's the issue here.
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    theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,070 Arc User

    Everyone else gets a free device without having to do anything, though.

    That's the issue here.

    Sorry, but I'm slightly confused...why is it that paying customers being rewarded for doing so, is an issue for you?

    They get free devices daily, per toon because they are subscribed. That's doing something.

    If you want to be able to participate, you have several options:

    1) Subscribe to Champions Online.

    2) Purchase a [Onslaught Villain Unlock: Gravitar/Grond/Medusa], unlock the villain(s) and build up to 10,000 Questionite and grab an Onslaught Token and use it at the Vendor to purchase a supervillain for use.

    3) Attack villains until you have enough Guardian Tokens for a permanent Villain unlock.
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    themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    Drifter auras should be account bound, not character bound.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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    lilsteffielilsteffie Posts: 598 Arc User
    You know i'm still waiting on my costume set i designed..

    Oh you know.. the one i designed last year?

    I know you said devs said it's on the radar but wow it's been months now since the last contestant had their set made, after that you had other misc costume sets made...

    I don't want to be rude but I am going to see it this year or next year? :/
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
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    ladygadflyladygadfly Posts: 279 Cryptic Developer

    You know i'm still waiting on my costume set i designed..

    Oh you know.. the one i designed last year?

    I know you said devs said it's on the radar but wow it's been months now since the last contestant had their set made, after that you had other misc costume sets made...

    I don't want to be rude but I am going to see it this year or next year? :/

    We have not forgotten about Steel Arachnid.
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    stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    I'll see your thread and raise you a YouTube channel. Bam. I win. Where's my cookie?
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
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    riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I sort of think CO missed the boat as far a AT's are concerned. For example, the Marvel game takes the approach of not wanting a "holy trinity" in the game. So their premade heroes are designed to handle content solo and contribute to a team, when necessary. Sure some of them have access to good support powers. But all of them can heal themselves and dish out decent damage. All of them are playable in the games entire range of content.

    That's what I think AT's should be more like CO. Not tank-mages or overpowered. But capable of soloing and useful in the later game (Rampages, etc..).

    As far as The Mind goes. It has to be one of the more well thought out AT's. The mind has access to one of the best heals (Empathic), a damage Shield (Mindful Reinforcement), Crowd Control, and various debuffs through specs. I really don't feel heavily impacted on Mind by CDR changes. I have keybinds to spam heal and shield myself when playing her and she holds up well.

    However, I think AT's that rely on AD's for survival probably are suffering a little more under CDR, than the Mind. But bottom line, AT's need a review since we've had changes to both CDR and dodge. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they get one.
    Questions About AT Play? Visit Silverwolfx11's Updated AT Guides!
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    soniastrummsoniastrumm Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    Everyone else gets a free device without having to do anything, though.

    That's the issue here.

    Sorry, but I'm slightly confused...why is it that paying customers being rewarded for doing so, is an issue for you?

    They get free devices daily, per toon because they are subscribed. That's doing something.

    If you want to be able to participate, you have several options:

    1) Subscribe to Champions Online.

    2) Purchase a [Onslaught Villain Unlock: Gravitar/Grond/Medusa], unlock the villain(s) and build up to 10,000 Questionite and grab an Onslaught Token and use it at the Vendor to purchase a supervillain for use.

    3) Attack villains until you have enough Guardian Tokens for a permanent Villain unlock.
    My issue is that literally everyone except for Silver ATs get the quest. I don't have the kind of money flow for a subscription, and I'm definitely not paying $50 for an additional character unlock.
    And I hate being locked out of a quest just because I decided to play a Silver AT.
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    stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    You're not locked out, you just have to play the hero until you get the tokens or buy a Villain device from the AH. You can get a FF slot without spending any money.
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    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
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    meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,961 Arc User1
    edited September 2015
    With a change of this caliber there should be a retcon token handed to players. Otherwise you're punishing freeform players.
    People who had no other option but to pay for their characters.
    They're the ones who have to tweak their builds, not AT players.

    Fix it Cryptic.

    You know i'm still waiting on my costume set i designed..

    Oh you know.. the one i designed last year?

    I know you said devs said it's on the radar but wow it's been months now since the last contestant had their set made, after that you had other misc costume sets made...

    I don't want to be rude but I am going to see it this year or next year? :/

    Better pray it can be handled better that their last costume contest set, lol. Otherwise you may as well wish it was never made.
    Post edited by meedacthunist on
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    crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,596 Arc User
    Drifter Auras Bound to Character? Are we slowly becoming DC Universe?​​
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    aokimiaokimi Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    The entire Villain Costume set for females is off on X-Axis, it's slightly off to the right. Do you intend to fix that?
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    soniastrummsoniastrumm Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    sterga said:

    You're not locked out, you just have to play the hero until you get the tokens or buy a Villain device from the AH. You can get a FF slot without spending any money.

    Not at all worth $15/mo or $300.

    Also, devs should place three or four turrets near each respawn, so people can't spawncamp.
    Post edited by soniastrumm on
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    stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User

    Not at all worth $15/mo or $300.

    ... What does sub / lts have to do with what I said? I am neither. As a filthy silver, I can get a become villain device. I also 'purchased' my first FF by grinding q and can do the villain daily. You can get the daily without spending a single cent on the game. Someone who spends money can get stuff sooner. That's about it.
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
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    avianosavianos Posts: 6,028 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    The Big Rings from Toxic Steel set that looks like Shoulderpads... are actually Chest Wear!
    OK! Who though this was a good idea? Those things should been in Shoulderpads or Arm Accessories NOT the chest layer!

    Waste of costume, too limited and inflexible

    The Robotic Legs have potential​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
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    chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    haven't noticed any difference running my Mind AT. Only things with CD were ego sleep and hold at 14 and 9 secs. which is about what they always were for me.
    Heals still work as normal , ego sprites still annoys everything.
    Nightmares still chase things.
    Villain unlocks can also be got form lockboxes or from the AH after someone else gets them from a lockbox. I just got Medusa form the AH.​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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    zemmaxzemmax Posts: 295 Arc User
    We will be performing shard maintenance on September 24th from 6-9 AM Pacific (13:00-16:00 UTC). Please check the forums.​​
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    zemmaxzemmax Posts: 295 Arc User
    5 minutes later we had release notes! yayy​​
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