I think it would be awesome to have a supergroup hideout. And the SG hideout can have a SG vault and it can have a AH store in it. It can have a training room where SG members can duel and stuff and test their abilities. The SG leader will have all the control for the SG hideout and they can set the permission to who is allowed into the SG hideout. It will be very interesting and I think a lot of people will appreciate it.
I know that if any of my SGs had hideouts with the things in them that you mention, I probably wouldn't be spending any time there.
And we all know that Caliga wouldn't use his, because then there would be nobody to look at him while he stands around doing nothing.
Doing what though? Sitting around thinking about playing video games? o.o I don't think it's the number of people restriction that's keeping people out of their hideouts, it's the lack of anything meaningful to do in them ( other than ERP ).
Remember when I mentioned all the things about what could be in the SG hideout that we could do in there? and ERP? Most RPers do not approve of ERP. I can not even say I know too many ERPers.
I mean come on, get creative. They can add some activations in the hideouts like, looking in the fridge or drinking some water, etc. And adding an *Active* training room would be awesome to have for sure. I see that some hideouts we have now have training rooms but they are not even active. You can even get in them. Why have it if you can not get in it or use it. Characters would be able to test powers and stuff. They can even bring back item crafting and put it in the SG hideouts.
And people can pick where they would like for their hideout base to be location like in space, in a jungle, in the big city, etc. Get creative with it.
We all what champions to be the best right? How can we do that if we have some dull stuff and if everything is just for show or looks. We have to make it interesting and give everyone something beside just standing around all the time. Even most of the buildings we have, you can not even get in them. They are just there for show or looks.
Just get creative with it.
And we are not the only SG who wish for this to happen. There are others who mentioned about this great idea for SGs.
These simple improvements can attract new players and who knows, it may bring back some old members.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
What they should do is this first^
THEN make a hideout capable of being designated to be open to SG members. Current hideouts are not large enough for this, but the extra rooms locked away in the hideouts would make them capable of being used as SG hideouts (Only one I'm not sure of is the Basement hideout :P)