So I've been a player for a long while now, and I'm there any sort of new content being made right now? Cause it feels like everything is on a boring rotation at the moment. New costume pack, Lockbox, then Gold Reward. Nothing new has really come up, sure Steel Crusade was a nice start, but we want more big stuff. (Or at least I do) New zones, missions, stories. Stuff like that. Maybe some actual Endgame?! The Endgame is severely limited. The game just needs more BIG stuff. Not instances or dailies, but full zones and stories. That kind of stuff. Is there anything relatively BIG being worked on? Something?
You shouldn't make that assumption.
Also, to quote my game design teachers "Players don't actually know what they want".
Also also, yay another chance to argue about what "real content" is. Or we can all just finally agree that everything in the game is content and we need to stop asking for "real content" and instead ask for the specific content that we want.
I was never trying to say what is "real content" and what is not. I was saying that personally I and, from what I've seen appears to be a good chunk of the community, I'm not assuming I'm just going off of what I've seen, want bigger amounts of content. More than just a small zone and some daily missions. Like a new big zone or something like that. New leveling zones, or maybe endgame lairs. Just more than a few daily missions. might want to check the thread title.
We all have our opinions on what that would mean. I was simply referring to the fact that there wasn't much to Steel Crusade, even the boss fight was pretty weak. It was really just another set of Daily Missions. What I mean by "actual new content" is something that isn't a Daily, because those are just getting boring.
I know what you mean, and I agree that the types of content that you're listing would also be nice to have... so long as there's actually something new about them and they're not just reskinned versions of what we already have.
They are working on something for the game right now. What it is who knows.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
We know that it is open world team content centered around sporks.
How much of the current endgame content have you already played?
UNITY and UNITY2 missions
Adventure Packs and Comic series at level 40
HIgh-level open world missions
You may have played all of them, but many newer players (past 2-3 years) do little beyond Millennium City missions up to level 20 and then Alerts and events.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I am going to have to ask for a citation on that.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Don't get your hopes up. A recent statement by a dev basically says "We can only do stuff if we can justify the production cost with some sort of potential income", and I don't really know how big zones, adventure packs, or extensive lairs fit into that.
Late comic writer Mark Gruenwald once said "A writer's job is not to give the reader what they want. It's their job to give the reader what they didn't even know they wanted."
Marketing's job is to make them think they wanted it to start with.
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Oddly enough, it's apparently the same with chefs. As a chef you can't worry about what people want, you just have to make what you know is good food and serve it to them. Restaurant owners often make the mistake of having a huge menu to make sure that everything someone could want to order is on there... when the better way to go is to have a small menu of quality dishes. It'd be like making a comic book where you include tons of characters to make sure everyone is happy, or making a video game where you include a slew of different game types to make sure you're making a game for everyone.
I am assuming that is making you chuckle for the same reasons. Though I am applauding the devs for tackling bugs in their overtime, but I still reserve judgment of anything new. Our updates have been less than inspiring, to be blunt about it, and part of me keeps hoping that there is still life here left that the devs are working on, but because of how Cryptic operates, in that Champions is the first to be sacrificed when it concerns quality, standards, and well, updates, I remain skeptical.
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I was just laughing 'cause Splosions said the new content was gonna be "spork-like."
Which, I guess may be the same reasons!
I think at this point, you don't have to try so hard; nobody is disagreeing with you except for the handful of patently obvious yes men.
I'm expecting the same thing we got the last time they said they were doing something new; which is something old, reskinned.
actually they were asked, " If it was a kitchen implement, what would it be?"
the answer was a spork.
may the spork be with you.
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Good thing he didn't say 'sink'......
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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We may have to feed Caliga as a wee tot. We need a team because holy crap that kid is strong.
I'm pretty sure he learned these lessons during his first tour on the CO forums.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
I will, Arkayne, I will.
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
Content Actually, in theaters this summer.
Now if only he would make some comment as to how this content is new just to get the hype train going. Reskinned new? Or like, "we got creative with mechanics and level design" new? New new? or nu nu?
also, providing some discontent for our malcontents, who wish all content would stop .
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