So around 2pm in the afternoon I was cruising in Ren Cen then I came across this:
Video was recorded via Bandicam in 1920x1080p
@60fps by FriezaReturns
P.s. Yes some of parts were a little bit sloppy even though I used Alt+F12 to keep the UI off, could've gotten some better angles but hey this was still pretty awesome and it had to be shared so..
Yah get whatcha got.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I demand glitter panties!
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
sorry but the thought of some of the...pc's in those, is just not ... good.
especially uncle Ralph
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I'm still sad I couldn't make it to that.
@dr490nbr347hi / Playing since January 25, '11
Display normal Internet behavior. Come and make fun (yes, make fun) of my PRIMUS page.
It's not so much that Caine started that, as it is that he was the one constantly getting people to do it. The random object conga line was like his trademark. I mean, he could have for all I know, but I doubt anyone will ever be able to give you a clear answer on that. He *DID* however popularize it.
RIP Caine
He must have been good at organizing them. I've only seen it happen once since the memorial. Or maybe I'm just unlucky and missed them when they get organized.