As to the original issue with Mr. Gemini... It all comes down to that the group queued lacked effective AoE to take out the clones as they get spawned. The trouble cascaded down from that and lead this topic into derailing arguments on who healers should heal (and I'm surprised nobody touched on how much more difficult it is to heal in Alerts since the team target hotkeys don't work on Teamup groups, just normal Teams).
ETA: This ^ - quoted cause I agree (somewhat) hehe
Shout out to Carbon. You are much more patient with dealing with this than I .
Nobody expects the healer to heal all, at some point the player is also responsible for keeping himself alive. The DPS should also adopt a style to keep himself alive. A DPS saw a healer and wondered why there was no healing. A healer saw a DPS and expected protection, apparently all lot of it. And healer thrumps DPS in CO it seems.
As to the original issue it's this: plain and simple - Mr Gemini.
This is where it went wrong and rage took over and the integrity of the team was broken.
Mr Gemini did what he is coded to do: spawn. When the spawns are not killed, he spawns some more and so on and so on. DPS on the team was not enough, myself included. I can admit that, no problem there. I know what stats are on my toon - know your limitations. Healer can heal all he wants, with a low DPS, there is a minimal chance of a win on Mr. Gem, my experience tells me this - he is one of my favourite bosses.
Also when I jump in an alert, first thing I do is check the team rooster for levels - setting expectations. As seasoned and not so seasoned players here, we know that sometimes we need to carry the team if we are a level higher or if it's going to suck because it's a low level alert.
Bearing in mind, this Mr Gemini got out of control pretty fast, within the first third he had spawns everywhere. This is not one of your bosses who spawns on 3-4 enemies on the thirds that you can pick off easy. Mr Gem spawns and spawns.
This means Gem has enough spawns running around to keep everyone busy, the healer by nature pulls agro and for him to effectively heal, the mobs need to be kept off him. Now when the DPS tries to kill the mobs, DPS draws aggro and some of the spawns come over to keep him (in this case Gungirl) occupied enough to not be able to do anything else. Gungirl eventually dies. Rinse and Repeat - that screenshot is indeed of me running back into the room thinking, this is awesome/not going anyway.
So no, while we do understand the nature of the healer, also understand the nature of the munitions toon - we all know they draw aggro in a flash.
The seasoned players out there making comments on "what they think should happen" because of whatever bias - a simple lack of understanding of the mechanics of Mr Gemini is really apparent.
I'm perfectly fine with how the alert went, not much far from what I expected (lowbies remember, chance of not controlling the spawns possible).
My Gemini won cause the team couldn't pull it off - no matter the experience of the players.
Now the issue of locking out lowbies in an alert because they hamper the game of the high level players is another discussion all together - I'm partial to keeping it a gated mix. This player does not mind carrying alerts on higher lvls. And when I'm on my lowbies, it's quite nice when I notice a lvl 35/40 on the team.
Now, feel free to get back to your regular gamer bashing, but meaningful discussions on alert mechanics is better done outside this emotionally charged thread.
Also feel free to bail an alert if you ever see my handle in it
I don't like Sigs, but I'll leave this here anyway. At least I'm not to trying to hypnotise you with moving things!
Having a healer on an alert team is a total game-changer when you're pugging. It changes the failure rate by a LOT.
All I'm saying is don't do stuff that gets your healer killed, and don't be like "You're a healer, where's my support" when you're not doing anything to help your healer help you. I wasn't trying to come down on the guy for saying that, but after playing a healer for the first time, it was a real eye-opener seeing what healers have to go through. And it's been my experience that it benefits everyone if you keep the healer alive.
Thank you. :biggrin:
Not everyone can keep an entire team running, so please be respectful to your support and lend them a hand whenever they're in trouble. Show them some love and they'll do the same for you.
Now, I for one like to consider myself a seasoned support player. I build for versatility, being able to keep a team running and fend for myself when the time comes. I have days where I'm a kick-**** supporting pillar, and then I have days where I'm just not into it at all. Playing support can be stressful at times, and many people avoid playing that role because of said stress. It's a rough duty, but it's also a rewarding one when everything is in your favor.
Just the other night, I ran FnI with a few friends in a pug fashion. Had some pretty nice tanks keeping control. Problem is, we didn't really have much in the way of bashing frozen spires, living fire/ice, and healing the team. The support we did have was a Buffer/Debuffer, and not a lot of AoE was packed. As Turando, I was able to heal our 3 tanks, squash the Living Fire/Ice spawns, revive a couple of people here and there, and break people out of the Frozen Spire fairly well on my own. Even had enough freedom to shoot at Frosticus AND Kenina every once in a while.
Not a lot of people can do that, or even think about doing that all at once. It scares people, and I can understand that. I used to be the same way when I first started playing support. It's not a role for everyone. If you disrespect the support you do have though, it's likely they won't be there to help you when you really need it. So please, for your sake and the team's, respect their role and keep the heat off of them.
Now, these might be meant for another game, but I find their meaning to fit well across many. Big thank you to Youtube's "Krunkidile" for making these.
"Team Service Announcement" is a series where the common mistakes and unused strategies of new and inexperienced players are blown out of proportion and explained in an attempt to help those who make them.
If you know someone who's new to the game, is in need of some pointers, or just want to spread the message, share the videos and help improve the community.
I'm just saying, accusing people of being emotionally charged never leads to anything productive. Otherwise I agree with most of what you said.
I don't think healers trump DPS in any fashion, though. It's just a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. I'll admit that before I played a healer, I was totally ignorant on what they had to deal with. (And yeah, targeting sucks in alerts so most of my time is spent looking at and clicking on the portraits on the left side of the screen.) Before then I never thought to keep an eye on the healers' health bars, either. I pretty much took everything they did for granted.
But anyway, yeah Gemini is just too much for most low-level groups to handle. It's a nice challenge, but there's a tipping point where it goes completely the opposite direction. When you've got lots of high-level characters, everyone's got AoE and Gemini's schtick is completely ignorable because his dupes just die without anyone batting an eyelash. I wouldn't want him changed because there's a good chunk of levels where dealing with him is fun and challenging.
It really helps not to join the Alerts until you at least have all your Super Stats. By that time you probably can handle any Alert you can join if your gear is anything close to useful.
As for the healer and trumping the DPS... If your DPS dies then they are no longer contributing. If your healer is keeping them alive then it is more important that you protect the Healer so they can stay focused on healing the DPS. It is basically a continuous chain.
The REAL friend of a Healer is a Tank not a DPS. Someone who can draw aggro from a group and hold that aggro and who will not die at the slightest touch of damage. DPS loves the Tank too because IF they let them grab aggro first then they can enjoy safe constant attacking while all the damage goes to the Tank and the Healer can stay focused on helping the Tank stay alive.
I also have to say that Tanks do NOT have to be some sort of DPS monster. I get annoyed sometimes when someone gets all bent out of shape because my hardcore Tank doesn't deal massive damage. That is NOT her purpose. She has aggro keeping skills and can hold aggro and take a MASSIVE beating to the face without even NEEDING a Healer. This gives everyone else the chance to deal the damage safely. In the meantime if she HAS a healer then she is pretty much invincible.
However, there is always the question of builds in PUGs. I have seen folks who are shielded under a serious Aura of Radiant Protection, Inertial Dampeners, Aura of Primal Majesty, Both the damage resistance and healing specialty auras, AND the enemies being stunned frequently and still they die in ONE hit from the lowest of the Mobs in the Alert. What that tells me is that their build must be absolutely terrifyingly rice paper thin. I cannot even imagine how you can be that weak. So you can get grouped up with that sort of mix at any moment and it can really make some Alerts impossible. Mostly Ao'HELLNO and sometimes Gemini.
The problem is that the roles might not translate to what is actually expected from the players using those roles. The best example would be support, since players who make use of support passives aren't necessarily support builds in the traditional sense, like being healers.
Then there's the ambiguous hybrid role. I don't see how a role-matchmaking system could realistically determine just what kind of teams hybrids should be put in.
A better thing would be not to have the game take the role you are "in" determine what role you are playing but instead to have it ask you when you join a Que. Just a simple click on one of three buttons. Damage, Tank, Healer. Maybe add a fourth if you want and just call it Support. That way you can make sure you are putting in what you actually are expecting to contribute.
I don't think healers trump DPS in any fashion, though. It's just a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. I'll admit that before I played a healer, I was totally ignorant on what they had to deal with. (And yeah, targeting sucks in alerts so most of my time is spent looking at and clicking on the portraits on the left side of the screen.) Before then I never thought to keep an eye on the healers' health bars, either. I pretty much took everything they did for granted.
(Carbon, if you're reading this cause I know what I said, I'm that cliche of returning to the post I said I'd not go back to... but it's getting interesting here LOL)
I like playing my healer, as mentioned earlier, it's a tough one to play and the demands are high. I built mine from scratch, lvled with gear drops from missions and hopping into alerts once in while. Museum Heist is always the worst, especially when someone goes out of range or gathers all the mobs and you have to decide who to take care of and who dies. Yeah, and it sucks when you see a player drop cause you were busy taking care of another one or you die when no one protected you from the mob that suddenly rushed you. To cope with I've adjusted my toon to mitigate some of that damage myself and cussed out my screen many times.
I jump in Gravitar with my healer when I can. It is a fun run to keep the reflexes and healing skills alert. Targeting, chasing dead players to rez, while trying to keep yourself and others alive, hoping you're good enough to please the power players out there who will in no uncertain terms tell you you suck big time, is all a big ask. I've run fire and Ice as well. I like to be well rounded, I'm also tanking with a couple of my toons, not quite ready for Rampages yet, but I'm getting there I hope. One day I'll be able to make the super builds who can do everything. One day.
But back to healing, the reality is that sometimes when you are in an alert as a healer the rest of the team is just simply focused on keeping themselves alive and downing the boss. It's rare when you come across another player who actively makes an effort to keep the mobs off the healer. I'm even guilty of it when trying to keep my own behind alive/frame of mind that day, etc. We'd all like the ideal situation, but how often does that even exist in a PUG? Even in privately created teams it can go bust.
Jumping in an alert when all is in sync is great, but PUG are just what they are random, or as said before a box of chocolates and then at times you just have to deal.
There will always be a discussion on who should join an alert and on what build, but since most of the alerts end well. I as a player don't mind being with lowbies who don't have the best optimised toon. Everyone(toon) needs to start somewhere and if the games is allowing them in who am I to say they don't belong there.
I don't like Sigs, but I'll leave this here anyway. At least I'm not to trying to hypnotise you with moving things!
At level 18, all Archtypes have AoE attacks. Even worst case scenario in terms of DPS, a lvl 10 Mind, will have Ego Sprites (technically a multi-target DoT, but functional vs mooks.) And if you're Freeform and don't have one, that's just sad.
And if you're Freeform and don't have one, that's just sad.
Doesn't make a difference, level 10 to 18 AoE versus nine level 30 mobs is not going to do enough damage fast enough to make a difference. Especially when AoE like mind sprites can only hit five targets at a time. AoE attacks with little damage aren't going to make a difference against mobs nearly twice or three times the level of the players. Go make a video of your level 18 beating up level 28 demons in downtown if you are such a skilled player with your low level toons. I never even find level 28 players out there fighting level 28 mobs.
Remember the Days you could play XP alerts right from the start, and heaven forbid those trying to power level when single digit levels take up the majority of the team, especially in Harmon Labs styled Alerts.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Doesn't make a difference, level 10 to 18 AoE versus nine level 30 mobs is not going to do enough damage fast enough to make a difference. Especially when AoE like mind sprites can only hit five targets at a time. AoE attacks with little damage aren't going to make a difference against mobs nearly twice or three times the level of the players. Go make a video of your level 18 beating up level 28 demons in downtown if you are such a skilled player with your low level toons. I never even find level 28 players out there fighting level 28 mobs.
All players in the alert are automatically scaled up or down to level 30...therefore stats and more importantly damage also scale accordingly. In this case the damage output of lower level players are scaled up. It is not comparable to a low level player taking on higher level mobs in open zone areas.
The mobs that he spawns are henchmen ranked. They're very easily taken out by a variety of AoE powers with that damage scaling.
Stop blaming it entirely on the lower levels and start accepting that there was a lack of AoE powers to handle the fight to begin with. That's not the fault of anyone specifically. It's just the random matchmaking system at play.
All players in the alert are automatically scaled up or down to level 30...therefore stats and more importantly damage also scale accordingly.
In this case the damage output of lower level players are scaled up. It is not comparable to a low level player taking on higher level mobs in open zone areas.
This is absolute nonsense.
Here's a sampling of Combat data from an alert I just went into with a level 11.
Level 34 deals 350 (321) Magic Damage to Inner Circle Member with Skarn's Bane.
Level 25 deals 158 Toxic Damage to Brother with Epidemic.
Level 21 deals 114 Magic Damage to Bench with Skarn's Bane.
Level 18 deals 62 (57) Sonic Damage to Inner Circle Member with an unknown ability.
Level 11 deals 49 (45) Ego Damage to Brother (Ego Sprites)
The mobs that he spawns are henchmen ranked. They're very easily taken out by a variety of AoE powers with that damage scaling.
Let's do a little math. If we look in the demo file we can find the HP for the average goon.
EntityRef 1245191
MaxHP 2720.693359
2720 divided by 48 is 55 hits with level 11 ego sprites to kill one henchman.
I just watched the demo recording of the alert that started this thread. My AoE melee attack was useful against about 3 guys at a time, 100% useless against all guys using ranged weapons. Go back to the first post, do you see three guys or more than 30? What was the count 54?
Stop blaming it entirely on the lower levels and start accepting that there was a lack of AoE powers to handle the fight to begin with. That's not the fault of anyone specifically. It's just the random matchmaking system at play.
Well obviously it's the match making system allowing lowbies into alerts that the alerts were never designed or tested for and then setting up bosses for teams that require the challenge.
Fair enough, I'll retract what I said since I overlooked Heirloom gear; I didn't take into account its stats scaling and applied it as something general.
Multiple Man is unique in the sense that his offense is in the form of summons. No other villain has the same summoning capacity that he does in a long shot. You may disagree with my opinion but I don't see there needing to be a fix for him, like slowing down the spawn rate or/and reducing the spawn sizes, because that's dumbing him down unnecessarily.
I don't see any probable changes being made to him in the near future so if it irks you that much and don't want to risk lowbies fouling up your alert, avoid him altogether.
You are as well making a moral judgement that bazodee is the unexperienced newbie and Next knows very well what he is talking about, whereas, according what i know from that alert, bazodee just wondered ONCE where was the healer because she was not receiving ANY healing, and Next complained CONSTANTLY "protect me protect me protect me" from start to end, whereas, as you said it, it was a no-win situation. So another bad judgement.
Whoa, I just caught this HUGE lie.
I didn't say a word in that alert until we all revived at the front door at the same time and I told you that you couldn't win the fight and we should leave.
Here's the chat log. Doesn't really match what you are saying does it?
Line 33013: Me: "boss will heal to 100% everytime we all die"
Line 33106: Me: "and he has like 40 level 30 goons"
Line 33121: "I do not remember him bein' that craycray.
Line 33207: "yeah looks bugged"
Line 33285: "so we quit...."
Line 33292: Me: "or requires a bunch of level 40 AoE"
Line 33419: Me: "yeah take a fight you can win and get your Q"
Doesn't match the 'rage' bazodee was claiming either, does it?
I completely agree that Mr. Gemini is fine as he is, that's his mechanic.
Even Aoquephoth isn't an issue with a decent team in anything but a burst (in which case his scaling simply breaks).
I just wish Ao'Qephoth's Passive didn't heal him for as much as it does. Totally fine having an enemy that can heal itself if the players aren't paying attention. I'm not okay with an enemy that requires you to check your DPS when a team doesn't have methods to counter the healing from the passive.
But yes, I like Mr. Gemini the way he is. Most of the other enemies could use a buff though.
Ripper could become stronger and more deadly as his health drops. Draysha and Omicron Tech side-effects and all.
Black Fang, Guy Sweetland, and Bludhound could use Bite to replenish their health if their target fails to block. Healing increased per stack of Bleed their target has. I'm actually surprised Bite doesn't have this function as an advantage or something.
Madam Mayhem should get to use Fire All Weapons. Why? Because MADAM MAYHEM!
Black Talon should be able to summon Support Drones much like his Device counterpart can. Don't take them out, and he starts healing up.
Mechassassin could be able to call in support from ARGENT, combat dropping a Counteragent and Mechenforcer combo every once in a while.
Mindslayer and Medusa could be able to ignore some resistances of their target as their health becomes lower.
Rockjaw should start using "Fighting Claw" type abilities similar to Viper's Fangs to apply Shredded and Tiger's Bite to consume it, as well as keeping his natural ability to cause his targets to bleed on attack.
Start giving some of these guys passives as well.
Mayhem and Mechassassin should get Targeting Computer, Jockraw and Ripper with Unstoppable, Devana Hawke with Quarry.
Oh, and Kevin Poe should have his powers and costume be more fitting to how he was in the PnP again. We can create a new character who uses his current Two-gun/Darkness setup later.
Update enemy AI to think on how to use their powers too. I don't want them to use their strongest abilities when they haven't even set them up. (Bleeds to Rupture, Knock/Control then attempt Big Hit, etc.)
Creezus, the melodrama in here.
ETA: This ^ - quoted cause I agree (somewhat) hehe
Shout out to Carbon. You are much more patient with dealing with this than I .
Nobody expects the healer to heal all, at some point the player is also responsible for keeping himself alive. The DPS should also adopt a style to keep himself alive. A DPS saw a healer and wondered why there was no healing. A healer saw a DPS and expected protection, apparently all lot of it. And healer thrumps DPS in CO it seems.
As to the original issue it's this: plain and simple - Mr Gemini.
This is where it went wrong and rage took over and the integrity of the team was broken.
Mr Gemini did what he is coded to do: spawn. When the spawns are not killed, he spawns some more and so on and so on. DPS on the team was not enough, myself included. I can admit that, no problem there. I know what stats are on my toon - know your limitations. Healer can heal all he wants, with a low DPS, there is a minimal chance of a win on Mr. Gem, my experience tells me this - he is one of my favourite bosses.
Also when I jump in an alert, first thing I do is check the team rooster for levels - setting expectations. As seasoned and not so seasoned players here, we know that sometimes we need to carry the team if we are a level higher or if it's going to suck because it's a low level alert.
Bearing in mind, this Mr Gemini got out of control pretty fast, within the first third he had spawns everywhere. This is not one of your bosses who spawns on 3-4 enemies on the thirds that you can pick off easy. Mr Gem spawns and spawns.
This means Gem has enough spawns running around to keep everyone busy, the healer by nature pulls agro and for him to effectively heal, the mobs need to be kept off him. Now when the DPS tries to kill the mobs, DPS draws aggro and some of the spawns come over to keep him (in this case Gungirl) occupied enough to not be able to do anything else. Gungirl eventually dies. Rinse and Repeat - that screenshot is indeed of me running back into the room thinking, this is awesome/not going anyway.
So no, while we do understand the nature of the healer, also understand the nature of the munitions toon - we all know they draw aggro in a flash.
The seasoned players out there making comments on "what they think should happen" because of whatever bias - a simple lack of understanding of the mechanics of Mr Gemini is really apparent.
I'm perfectly fine with how the alert went, not much far from what I expected (lowbies remember, chance of not controlling the spawns possible).
My Gemini won cause the team couldn't pull it off - no matter the experience of the players.
Now the issue of locking out lowbies in an alert because they hamper the game of the high level players is another discussion all together - I'm partial to keeping it a gated mix. This player does not mind carrying alerts on higher lvls. And when I'm on my lowbies, it's quite nice when I notice a lvl 35/40 on the team.
Now, feel free to get back to your regular gamer bashing, but meaningful discussions on alert mechanics is better done outside this emotionally charged thread.
Also feel free to bail an alert if you ever see my handle in it
Just about perfect, until the last two sentences.
BiffSmackwell - cool name, but man.. sometimes...
Let me have my disillusionment at least..
Nah, I'll let you do the work for me, unless I have double xp running then I don't have 20 minutes to wait for you to lose the alert.
Thank you. :biggrin:
Not everyone can keep an entire team running, so please be respectful to your support and lend them a hand whenever they're in trouble. Show them some love and they'll do the same for you.
Now, I for one like to consider myself a seasoned support player. I build for versatility, being able to keep a team running and fend for myself when the time comes. I have days where I'm a kick-**** supporting pillar, and then I have days where I'm just not into it at all. Playing support can be stressful at times, and many people avoid playing that role because of said stress. It's a rough duty, but it's also a rewarding one when everything is in your favor.
Just the other night, I ran FnI with a few friends in a pug fashion. Had some pretty nice tanks keeping control. Problem is, we didn't really have much in the way of bashing frozen spires, living fire/ice, and healing the team. The support we did have was a Buffer/Debuffer, and not a lot of AoE was packed. As Turando, I was able to heal our 3 tanks, squash the Living Fire/Ice spawns, revive a couple of people here and there, and break people out of the Frozen Spire fairly well on my own. Even had enough freedom to shoot at Frosticus AND Kenina every once in a while.
Not a lot of people can do that, or even think about doing that all at once. It scares people, and I can understand that. I used to be the same way when I first started playing support. It's not a role for everyone. If you disrespect the support you do have though, it's likely they won't be there to help you when you really need it. So please, for your sake and the team's, respect their role and keep the heat off of them.
Now, these might be meant for another game, but I find their meaning to fit well across many. Big thank you to Youtube's "Krunkidile" for making these.
"Team Service Announcement" is a series where the common mistakes and unused strategies of new and inexperienced players are blown out of proportion and explained in an attempt to help those who make them.
If you know someone who's new to the game, is in need of some pointers, or just want to spread the message, share the videos and help improve the community.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I'm just saying, accusing people of being emotionally charged never leads to anything productive. Otherwise I agree with most of what you said.
I don't think healers trump DPS in any fashion, though. It's just a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. I'll admit that before I played a healer, I was totally ignorant on what they had to deal with. (And yeah, targeting sucks in alerts so most of my time is spent looking at and clicking on the portraits on the left side of the screen.) Before then I never thought to keep an eye on the healers' health bars, either. I pretty much took everything they did for granted.
But anyway, yeah Gemini is just too much for most low-level groups to handle. It's a nice challenge, but there's a tipping point where it goes completely the opposite direction. When you've got lots of high-level characters, everyone's got AoE and Gemini's schtick is completely ignorable because his dupes just die without anyone batting an eyelash. I wouldn't want him changed because there's a good chunk of levels where dealing with him is fun and challenging.
As for the healer and trumping the DPS... If your DPS dies then they are no longer contributing. If your healer is keeping them alive then it is more important that you protect the Healer so they can stay focused on healing the DPS. It is basically a continuous chain.
The REAL friend of a Healer is a Tank not a DPS. Someone who can draw aggro from a group and hold that aggro and who will not die at the slightest touch of damage. DPS loves the Tank too because IF they let them grab aggro first then they can enjoy safe constant attacking while all the damage goes to the Tank and the Healer can stay focused on helping the Tank stay alive.
I also have to say that Tanks do NOT have to be some sort of DPS monster. I get annoyed sometimes when someone gets all bent out of shape because my hardcore Tank doesn't deal massive damage. That is NOT her purpose. She has aggro keeping skills and can hold aggro and take a MASSIVE beating to the face without even NEEDING a Healer. This gives everyone else the chance to deal the damage safely. In the meantime if she HAS a healer then she is pretty much invincible.
However, there is always the question of builds in PUGs. I have seen folks who are shielded under a serious Aura of Radiant Protection, Inertial Dampeners, Aura of Primal Majesty, Both the damage resistance and healing specialty auras, AND the enemies being stunned frequently and still they die in ONE hit from the lowest of the Mobs in the Alert. What that tells me is that their build must be absolutely terrifyingly rice paper thin. I cannot even imagine how you can be that weak. So you can get grouped up with that sort of mix at any moment and it can really make some Alerts impossible. Mostly Ao'HELLNO and sometimes Gemini.
A better thing would be not to have the game take the role you are "in" determine what role you are playing but instead to have it ask you when you join a Que. Just a simple click on one of three buttons. Damage, Tank, Healer. Maybe add a fourth if you want and just call it Support. That way you can make sure you are putting in what you actually are expecting to contribute.
(Carbon, if you're reading this cause I know what I said, I'm that cliche of returning to the post I said I'd not go back to... but it's getting interesting here LOL)
I like playing my healer, as mentioned earlier, it's a tough one to play and the demands are high. I built mine from scratch, lvled with gear drops from missions and hopping into alerts once in while. Museum Heist is always the worst, especially when someone goes out of range or gathers all the mobs and you have to decide who to take care of and who dies. Yeah, and it sucks when you see a player drop cause you were busy taking care of another one or you die when no one protected you from the mob that suddenly rushed you. To cope with I've adjusted my toon to mitigate some of that damage myself and cussed out my screen many times.
I jump in Gravitar with my healer when I can. It is a fun run to keep the reflexes and healing skills alert. Targeting, chasing dead players to rez, while trying to keep yourself and others alive, hoping you're good enough to please the power players out there who will in no uncertain terms tell you you suck big time, is all a big ask. I've run fire and Ice as well. I like to be well rounded, I'm also tanking with a couple of my toons, not quite ready for Rampages yet, but I'm getting there I hope. One day I'll be able to make the super builds who can do everything. One day.
But back to healing, the reality is that sometimes when you are in an alert as a healer the rest of the team is just simply focused on keeping themselves alive and downing the boss. It's rare when you come across another player who actively makes an effort to keep the mobs off the healer. I'm even guilty of it when trying to keep my own behind alive/frame of mind that day, etc. We'd all like the ideal situation, but how often does that even exist in a PUG? Even in privately created teams it can go bust.
Jumping in an alert when all is in sync is great, but PUG are just what they are random, or as said before a box of chocolates and then at times you just have to deal.
There will always be a discussion on who should join an alert and on what build, but since most of the alerts end well. I as a player don't mind being with lowbies who don't have the best optimised toon. Everyone(toon) needs to start somewhere and if the games is allowing them in who am I to say they don't belong there.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
Mind sprites are barely useful against Maniacs at level 10, and a level 10 inferno like we had in the alert is about as weak an AT as you can find.
Doesn't make a difference, level 10 to 18 AoE versus nine level 30 mobs is not going to do enough damage fast enough to make a difference. Especially when AoE like mind sprites can only hit five targets at a time. AoE attacks with little damage aren't going to make a difference against mobs nearly twice or three times the level of the players. Go make a video of your level 18 beating up level 28 demons in downtown if you are such a skilled player with your low level toons. I never even find level 28 players out there fighting level 28 mobs.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
Elegant Dinner Party!
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
All players in the alert are automatically scaled up or down to level 30...therefore stats and more importantly damage also scale accordingly. In this case the damage output of lower level players are scaled up. It is not comparable to a low level player taking on higher level mobs in open zone areas.
The mobs that he spawns are henchmen ranked. They're very easily taken out by a variety of AoE powers with that damage scaling.
Stop blaming it entirely on the lower levels and start accepting that there was a lack of AoE powers to handle the fight to begin with. That's not the fault of anyone specifically. It's just the random matchmaking system at play.
This is absolute nonsense.
Here's a sampling of Combat data from an alert I just went into with a level 11.
Level 34 deals 350 (321) Magic Damage to Inner Circle Member with Skarn's Bane.
Level 25 deals 158 Toxic Damage to Brother with Epidemic.
Level 21 deals 114 Magic Damage to Bench with Skarn's Bane.
Level 18 deals 62 (57) Sonic Damage to Inner Circle Member with an unknown ability.
Level 11 deals 49 (45) Ego Damage to Brother (Ego Sprites)
Let's do a little math. If we look in the demo file we can find the HP for the average goon.
EntityRef 1245191
MaxHP 2720.693359
2720 divided by 48 is 55 hits with level 11 ego sprites to kill one henchman.
I just watched the demo recording of the alert that started this thread. My AoE melee attack was useful against about 3 guys at a time, 100% useless against all guys using ranged weapons. Go back to the first post, do you see three guys or more than 30? What was the count 54?
Well obviously it's the match making system allowing lowbies into alerts that the alerts were never designed or tested for and then setting up bosses for teams that require the challenge.
Multiple Man is unique in the sense that his offense is in the form of summons. No other villain has the same summoning capacity that he does in a long shot. You may disagree with my opinion but I don't see there needing to be a fix for him, like slowing down the spawn rate or/and reducing the spawn sizes, because that's dumbing him down unnecessarily.
I don't see any probable changes being made to him in the near future so if it irks you that much and don't want to risk lowbies fouling up your alert, avoid him altogether.
Whoa, I just caught this HUGE lie.
I didn't say a word in that alert until we all revived at the front door at the same time and I told you that you couldn't win the fight and we should leave.
Here's the chat log. Doesn't really match what you are saying does it?
Line 33013: Me: "boss will heal to 100% everytime we all die"
Line 33106: Me: "and he has like 40 level 30 goons"
Line 33121: "I do not remember him bein' that craycray.
Line 33207: "yeah looks bugged"
Line 33285: "so we quit...."
Line 33292: Me: "or requires a bunch of level 40 AoE"
Line 33419: Me: "yeah take a fight you can win and get your Q"
Doesn't match the 'rage' bazodee was claiming either, does it?
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
I just wish Ao'Qephoth's Passive didn't heal him for as much as it does. Totally fine having an enemy that can heal itself if the players aren't paying attention. I'm not okay with an enemy that requires you to check your DPS when a team doesn't have methods to counter the healing from the passive.
But yes, I like Mr. Gemini the way he is. Most of the other enemies could use a buff though.
Ripper could become stronger and more deadly as his health drops. Draysha and Omicron Tech side-effects and all.
Black Fang, Guy Sweetland, and Bludhound could use Bite to replenish their health if their target fails to block. Healing increased per stack of Bleed their target has. I'm actually surprised Bite doesn't have this function as an advantage or something.
Madam Mayhem should get to use Fire All Weapons. Why? Because MADAM MAYHEM!
Black Talon should be able to summon Support Drones much like his Device counterpart can. Don't take them out, and he starts healing up.
Mechassassin could be able to call in support from ARGENT, combat dropping a Counteragent and Mechenforcer combo every once in a while.
Mindslayer and Medusa could be able to ignore some resistances of their target as their health becomes lower.
Rockjaw should start using "Fighting Claw" type abilities similar to Viper's Fangs to apply Shredded and Tiger's Bite to consume it, as well as keeping his natural ability to cause his targets to bleed on attack.
Start giving some of these guys passives as well.
Mayhem and Mechassassin should get Targeting Computer, Jockraw and Ripper with Unstoppable, Devana Hawke with Quarry.
Oh, and Kevin Poe should have his powers and costume be more fitting to how he was in the PnP again. We can create a new character who uses his current Two-gun/Darkness setup later.
Update enemy AI to think on how to use their powers too. I don't want them to use their strongest abilities when they haven't even set them up. (Bleeds to Rupture, Knock/Control then attempt Big Hit, etc.)
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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