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Archery/Unarmed Build help.

mrbeatzeromrbeatzero Posts: 22 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Builds and Roles
So, I'll be the first to admit after playing this game for going on four if not already four years I still have trouble making builds.

I'm stuck on a character who's supposed to be unarmed and bow in the style of Green Arrow and Hawkeye. More a shortbow style mixed with martial arts between shots. I build thematically but I like them to work at the very least.

Is it possible to mix unarmed and archery?
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    flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,779 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Well, Archery has good reach and mobility going for it, and for ST dps its best addition would prob be Explosive Arrow taps using the Kaboom adv (tap it every 3-4 sec, since the explosion has an internal cd- R2 isn't important w/ Kaboom since it only boost the small Peircing dmg).

    Since Unarmed's AoE options are limited reach (unless ya take Shuriken Storm), I'd prob use Archery mostly to cover AoE (and some utility) here.

    Here's one way to go about it:

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)


    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Intelligence (Primary)
    Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
    Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Glacier
    Level 6: Covert Ops Training
    Level 9: Acrobat
    Level 12: Healthy Mind
    Level 15: Coordinated
    Level 18: Quick Recovery
    Level 21: Negotiator

    Level 1: Strafe
    Level 1: Thundering Kicks (Rank 2, Floating Lotus Blossom)
    Level 6: Quarry (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Form of the Tempest
    Level 11: Molecular Self-Assembly
    Level 14: Storm of Arrows (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 17: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 20: Dragon Uppercut (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 23: Explosive Arrow (Where's the Kaboom?)
    Level 26: Gas Arrow (Rank 2, Noxious Fumes)
    Level 29: Evasive Maneuvers (Sleight of Mind)
    Level 32: Resurgence (Rank 2)
    Level 35: Parry (Rank 2)
    Level 38: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Athletics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35:

    Intelligence: Enlightened (3/3)
    Intelligence: Battle of Wits (2/3)
    Intelligence: Detect Vulnerability (3/3)
    Intelligence: Expertise (2/2)
    Warden: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Warden: Slaughter (2/3)
    Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
    Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: Focused Strikes (2/3)
    Vindicator: Mass Destruction (3/3)
    Mastery: Warden Mastery (1/1)

    Gas Arrow was included to add another Archery attack to the rotation, and to help proc MSA. TKicks is mostly for having cheap & quick filer attack, and to build up ur dodge should want more protection (R3 can be taken over Lotus Blossom if you'd like). DU does good dps (better than TKicks), knocks lesser mobs, and gives ya Rush for extra energy. Explosive Arrow taps are added periodically for theme and added dmg.

    Gas, Explosive, and Storm of Arrows can all be used to cover AoE.

    BCR/RR could be taken instead of Conviction for the main heal, if ya dun mind its 10% final dmg penalty when used. Evasive w/ SoM was taken as a (potential) threat wipe, though its up to you if ya want that.

    Gearing for this is would mostly be focused on Dex, w/ a bit of Int and Con on the side.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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