OK the Bat rage continues U__U
Seems Bruce Wayne is taking a leaf outta Catwoman's book and handing his cowl to another person ( seems the new Batman is a cop ) ...or should I say handing his BRAND NEW MEGA ZORD to another person -_-"
Sometimes I dont even.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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This is just... I don't know. I think they have the idea that they have to keep coming up with more and more over-the-top ideas, even though "over the top" wasn't what kept Detective Comics selling even when the rest of the industry looked like it was going down the ol' porcelain fixture. So we get the Big Eye storyline, and we get the Omega Beams, and now we get the Mecha-Bunny up there, which seeing it always makes me hear the voice of Arthur (and his brave battle cry, "Not in the face! Not in the face!!").
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
I don't know those old 1950s Batman comics look pretty over the top silly to me.
I thought the tick myself, but at least it's about time he's gained a mech suit.
Just never seen a reason for Bruce Wayne not to pull an Iron Man, when it's shown he can. Made sense not to when he was just Gotham's protector, but joining the League, I think he needs more than being the great tactician.
Now if he never showed himself in such a suit, I'd think differently.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Now that's just embarrassing. If you're going to do something this silly, at least make the armor look good. Though I'm rather surprised they didn't take their silliness further and add racing stripes.
I mean really now. smh
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How the mighty have fallen...
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers that.
Ahhh... the '90s.
It's funny how the only thing I found objectionable about this outfit when I was younger was the lack of a proper belt (like many heroes for whatever reason). That and the thigh pouches annoyed me because where's the symmetry?
And following a MAJOR SPOILER:
Joker is actually an immortal.
'Nuff Said.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Supes one is very Superboy'ish and DAFUQ is going on with Wonder Woman she thinks she's blinking Wolverine now XD
Joker being an immortal doesnt actually mess with batcanon as the Joker in one of his "multiple choice " origins claimed to be the long-lived jester of an Egyptian pharaoh and that was decades ago. He already told Batman he cant die Batman never listened.
Seems his longevity is down too a more pure form of the Lazarus pit chemicals in his system.
But being Immortal means all the "multiple choices" could be sort of correct give or take a few BS which is to be honest sort of funny and very Joker.
Well anyhoo all this stupid seems is to much for Wayne and he has given his mantle to a cop.
He's like "NOPE IM DONE F@%$ IT!"
Hey does that me we can have a epic Ra's Al Ghul vs Joker stab off , they could do some funny stuf with them two trying to kill each other. That said its still dumb U_U
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Superman is now Conner Kent? And holy crap that Wonder Woman costume is horrible. Because the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Wonder Woman is Baraka from Mortal Kombat doing poor Sif from Thor movie cosplay. I mean really now. :rolleyes:
I don't have enough pictures of people laughing to express how silly I find this. Then again, I'm not surprised. They were probably running out of reasons to have Batman save Joker/ways to keep from killing off Joker and decided to drop all pretenses. Oh well.
Clark looks like he's about ready to give up on the whole "hero" gig, and just go crab-fishing in the Bering Sea for the rest of his life.
And any origin story for the Joker should be taken with several grains of salt, preferably accompanied by a large margarita. His defining characteristic at this point, after all, is that he's so far out of touch with reality that they haven't even written to each other in years. And anything touching on the history of Gotham quickly falls prey to the Unreliable Narrator - nothing anyone says on the topic should be trusted.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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With some bright red elements so I don't get hit by traffic.
PS - wonder woman's new outfit is way hotter than the old one.
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They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Wonder Woman is still very recognizable as Wonder Woman even though the blades are stupid.
Superman looks like some random dude who found a t-shirt with the logo on it. And the less said about Rabbitbot the better.
WHAT THE **** IS THIS ****??
Well, except for the silly bracer-blades, that actually looks practical.
Is that actually surprising at all? Considering all of the falls from great heights he's had and times he's allegedly died, that actually makes some sense.
My thoughts exactly.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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All it's missing is pouches and an unnecessary overjacket. Different strokes for different folks I guess (though it amazes and pleases me that people here aren't defending the baraka blades) but I still think it's silly looking, made even worse when waving the banner of practicality around. :rolleyes:
I don't care about practicality, styles, eras, or any of that other nonsense. I'm qouting this picture again because it's just plain sexy. This outfit gives me the vapors somethin' fierce.
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WW's outfit sucks, because it still goes back to feeling like "We can't have her in her iconic outfit because PC people who don't read comics don't like it"
Joker as an immortal...hmmm...taking DC comics as a whole, this doesn't sound bad. When one thinks of just Batman, it seems it might be a little out of place for his number 1 foe to have such a power.
Silly-looking, how? Remember that we're talking about superhero outfits, now.
What's the significance of this part of your comment?
Pleeeeaaase.... it looks like actual armor now and not breast-plate.
Because as far as superhero outfits go, this is hardly a bad design and impractical.
Yes, it's a matter of opinion, but laughing at and rolling your eyes at people who think it's decent, I think warrants some discussion. Like, what's wrong with a "metal pelvic piece" (disregarding the fact that it doesn't look like metal at all, unless you're talking about the belt), thigh high boots (which have been around in comics forever), and a 90's aesthetic (which I'm not even really seeing)?
None of these things fall outside the normal area of superhero designs. So I'm wondering what you think is so ridiculous about it.
Now, Mecha Rabbit Batman is plain hilarious.
Supes t-shirt isn't anything new. He had this kind of makeshift costume right at the very beginning of New52.
That's relative as hell.
Honestly, and I'm going to be blunt and maybe a bit harsh, but that's too bad. Ban me if a rule has been broken (I don't frequent this board often enough anyways) but such conduct is standard fare as far as this board is concerned. In any case, I also found the idea that such a outfit is practical funny because most people who use it know little about what exactly counts as practical for an actual fight. At least Spinny was honest enough to say it turns him on. I can't **** on that and it doesn't evoke amorphous concepts grounded in often conflicting ideas.
I also found the outfit to be ugly so people thinking this outfit was good was amusing to me.
The idea of practicality in comics is a weird one. People are willing to **** on one thing while excusing the other even though they fall under the same banner. It's one thing to say you like the outfit. Fine. It's another to call it practical and then **** on part of the outfit that actually has a use while excusing parts of the outfit that are not practical.
What's wrong with the baraka blades she is sporting then? Unless you think those look good. Those are not new to comics and serve a purpose as far as comic book outfits go and thus can be seen as practical, so should we defend that as well? To excuse one and not the other doesn't make sense. Its almost hypocritical. Even commenting on practicality, they have a use in combat so they pass that test as well whereas the thigh-high boots only mean something if she is going wading in high water, which is silly for someone who can fly.
The thigh high boots look silly, just like the baraka blades look silly. The belt (yes I was referring to the belt) looks silly and can't be comfortable (think of a giant belt buckle), the thigh high boots can't be comfortable as well and look silly, and the 90s aesthetic refers to the overall look including the baraka blades (that screams 90s). The extra parts and so on add to that as well. Again, all it is missing is a jacket and pouches to complete the look.
I've commented on those parts, among other parts I've ignored because it seems pointless/unnecessary to comment on. One is free to like it, as I said before but it I still think it looks silly and impractical and to call it practical is silly. And to use the excuse "None of these things fall outside the normal area of superhero designs" excuses a whole lot of things because many things in superhero design fall within this idea. Seriously, think about a costume or superhero design you dislike and you'll find yourself answering your own question.
I swear that's loin-skirt is clipping.
Edit: Supe's stopped tryin'...
...and apparently Bruce has given up completely, heh.
Sooner or later icon characters will just end up back in their iconic costumes anyway...
Robobat looks like a joke however, and superman looks like the laziest cosplayer ever. The wonder woman outfit gets a shrug, I guess it's aight as far as redesigns go.
I love comics and I love them staying to the spandex with the rare exception (like Iron Man) and maybe a few armored up ones (like movie Batman can work in the comics) but if we're going to go realistic...WW isn't bulletproof! Mecha her up!
Compared to what Wonder Woman previously wore, it's very practical.
Judging from your comments about "comfort", though, I'm gathering you're not overly familiar with armor....
Does this look like it was comfortable?
Does this look like it was comfortable?
What about this?
Then why are you arguing the point at all? You seem to be arguing for your right to ridicule people for having a different opinion. I mean sure, go for it... but consider what you're arguing for.
The fact that you're even mentioning the idea that you might be moderated for what you're saying shows that you at least in some way realize how you're coming off.
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Well first off, I think you took way too much offense to what I was asking. I just honestly didn't think you were the type of person that ridiculed people for having a differing opinion.
I asked you how this outfit was "silly-looking." You think thigh-high boots are silly. Okay, your opinion, fine. I don't think it warranted the snarky GIF and talking down to everyone who likes it. It's like telling someone they're silly-looking for wearing a blue shirt because your favorite color happens to be seafoam green.
But, if you're going to poo-poo the "practicality" of this costume, I'd imagine you're just not a big fan of typical superhero dress anyway. If I may, I'd like to know what you'd come up with as a "practical" costume.
Practical, for me, is a costume where a superhero has mobility, and isn't hindered by erroneous bits that are there to just look cool. Like gigantic shoulder pads that would only make sense if you had super strength, 30 knives strapped all over your body, helmets or headwear that restrict peripheral vision, a long, flowing robe, a two-bladed sword, stuff like that.
I have no problem with "skimpier" outfits, like Wonder Woman's original, at all. I don't find them less "practical" just because they show some skin.
Also, since you mentioned it, I think the bracer blades are impractical because a hand-held weapon, which has been the go-to for armed combatants for thousands of years, is more practical because you can set it down, you have wrist movement there, a lot more versatility. Imagine being in a battlefield and your shoe came untied. Still practical? What if you've got an itch on your chin? What if you have to use the bathroom real bad? What if you're trying to open a door by using a doorknob? What if your buddy is bleeding out and you have to bandage him up quickly? What if you need to defuse a bomb? What if you have to carry a child to safety?
Superheroes aren't in heated battle 100% of the time. Having a weapon like this doesn't seem practical, unless it can retract like ol' sniketty snoo.
However, the blade thing, to me personally, is distasteful because a dude knee-deep in blades has always come off to me as just trying to be a badass, a guy who doesn't care if he murders a guy for trying to rob a liquor store. This is why I don't like Wolverine and Deadpool and the like (but note that I'll give my opinion on those characters without laughing at you for liking them).
You mention the thigh-high boots "can't be comfortable." Have you worn thigh-high boots before? Were they made to be walked in or made to look good? Did they have stiletto heels or comfortable soles and insoles? Or do you just think they're silly because you've made up your mind that shoes that ride up past the knees can't be comfortable to anyone?
Honestly, if those "metal" parts on her really are metal, I find the most "impractical" part of it to be the chest plate, since it would maybe restrict forward-back shoulder movement, but I'd imagine a lot less than a platemail breastplate. Still, it wouldn't be the first time that a nonmetal material looked like metal in comics. But the belt doesn't seem to be affecting any area of mobility.
lol okay. :rolleyes:
My comments in red.
I can't help but laugh. I know I've used this word a lot but this whole huff seems rather silly. I mean people are free to offer up a rebuttal to any opinion expressed but assuming malice where there is none, well, again that's just silly. Some of y'all need to calm down.
Though your overreacting is as amusing as their overreacting...so don't worry about it.
meh, seems normal except for the wonky antenna things on the ears.
did they get bent or are they meant to be like that.
Pikachu tail is what they remind me of.
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I'm not over-reacting though. I'm honestly truly stupefied and confused. Worse stuff goes down and it's no big deal but when a gif posted, some people some people start crying. I mean, what? If I was tearing into people I would understand but really now. :rolleyes:
The whole argument of armor and outfit practicality...since when has Diana ever needed to rely on armor for protection? Doesn't she have superhuman resistance to bodily harm? The amount of punishment she can take would rival that of Superman. That being said, I do like the look of her new outfit, minus the long sharp thingies.
Armor would make more sense for Batman since he has no superpowers and relies on his gadgets to make up for it. That bluish one in the pic though looks ridiculous. What happened to the Dark Knight concept, and why does it look like he's some kind of mecha cop with those blue and red LEDs on his back?
Because they are originated in a XVI century military equipment.
Because people who were riding into a battle were deliberately picking a kind of boots that are not comfortable and useful.
Totally nobody would wear high boots in combat situation. Nobody. Never. Ever.
Though probably WW thigh-highs have mandatory high heels...
And wristblades are practically one idiotic trope.
They were not used in reality for a reason.
You have no leverage with wrists strapped to your forearm. You don't wield a weapon. It has no support on your hand and will slide along with the entire bracer when it connects with target. You'd need a crossbar to wield it like a tonfa.
In which case you could just use a bladed tonfa anyway.
Wristblades are idiotic to the point when the don't even have any "cool factor". Always were.
"What do you mean I can't run a red light? That guy did it!"
Nice line of reasoning, but no.
There are ways to say "I don't think this costume is practical" without tacking on "and anyone who thinks so is dumb".
Some people can't express their opinion without implying that anyone who thinks otherwise is inferior. Your life will be better if you're not one of those people. Of course, we can all see your forum avatar.
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There's a reason why those boots fell out of fashion. And even then, they were used mostly by horseback infantrymen. Beyond that, they were used for other things since they provides little comfort unless it was the type that was actually knee-high in height and had the top extend above the knees.
Goodness gracious. Way to miss the mark. Your analogy entails my "offense" is on par with another person's offense. Posting a gif of someone laughing is not on par with calling them a bigot, or a troll, or worse which occurs on this board. My point is: When worse **** goes down, none of you guys ever say anything but you're making a huff about this. I'm curious as to how you explain this hypocrisy. I know you guys see those comments because you often comment on them but you let them slide as opposed to calling out people on that. Why now? I really want to know. The funny part is, seeing people be mean without reprisal or anything and sometimes the person being mean being defended made me think such was the order of the day. Tell me that people are not mean without reprisal on here and are sometimes supported- you'd know that's a lie to say otherwise. :rolleyes:
1. You're offended. So what?
2. "I think people finding the costume practical is funny" hence the laughing gif. People tend to laugh when they find things funny.
3. I felt like this needed a third point.