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Where's Kigatilik?

redkah89redkah89 Posts: 7 Arc User
edited February 2015 in Suggestions Box
There's lots of wonders and adventures in Champions Online. From beast people inhabited islands to space arenas. It's a wonderful thing, and even though we could always use more to do; it'd be great to be able to do some of the things that are already in the game.

My example, and point, to this post is about Kigatilik. I've been playing this game for about three-ish years, and never once have I ever even -seen- Kigatilik. He's like the Waldo of CO, only the reason no one gets to battle them is because he's being monopolized entirely by one or two groups of people.

Kigatilik looks like a fun fight, and even better he drops costume pieces! I love costume pieces... but I'll never have the chance to get them on my own; my only chance would be to wait for someone in that group to get the drop and sell it for 15000 globals! That's a lot of globals, at least for the average player... What's that translate into in real money? like 130-150 dollars? For a single costume drop? We can't be serious here...

I love this game, I've even lifetime subbed, and everything... But why can't I have the same shot as the people in that group? Why can't anyone? Anyways, there's lots of solutions, or at least ideas for solutions.

  1. Remove Kigatilik from his timed respawn, make it random
  2. Maybe make an Alert with him as the main enemy, using his unique fight mechanics!
  3. Make his encounter an instance by team? Not sure if something like that is possible, but that would be awesome.
  4. Make him roam? Maybe he can spawn in his usual spot then walk or super jump around like Grond. At least then the people that hog him would have to seach for him if they weren't at his spawn at the exact time he spawns.
  5. Make him into a Rampage? That's be awesome! A challenging version~
  6. I'm sure smarter people can come up with more ideas! So help me~

Anyways; the major point is... It's really just not fair for the rest of the people who play this game that aren't a part of that/those group(s). They have the timer down, and it's impossible to have a chance. I know life ain't fair, but we should all at least have some chance! ...Right?
Post edited by redkah89 on


  • redkah89redkah89 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Maybe the fight isn't good; I wouldn't know cause I've never gotten a chance to even -see- him in game.

    I feel everyone deserves, at least, that simple chance. Not just the people who farm him all to themselves.
  • vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    redkah89 wrote: »
    Anyways; the major point is... It's really just not fair for the rest of the people who play this game that aren't a part of that/those group(s). They have the timer down, and it's impossible to have a chance. I know life ain't fair, but we should all at least have some chance! ...Right?

    I once created a thread asking for Kigatilik's spawn time in the General Gameplay section of these forums.

    These people you are referencing here, were also referenced, in that thread I started, by others...and they were subsequently ridiculed by people because of what they do.

    However, these same people, who were ridiculed, went out of their way to find me in game and invite me to their channel, and made sure to let me know when Kiga was spawning. Not even two days after I created that thread.

    I was able to fight Kiga along side four other people, for the first time, without having to sit around and figure out his spawn times. All because of the people who everyone else seems to hate on.

    I just wanted to make that clear first, because everyone seems to have a completely wrong idea of what those people are about.

    Anyways...that being said...I wouldn't mind a change where maybe Kiga was spawned after completing a certain mission chain in Canada.

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
  • redkah89redkah89 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I wasn't saying they're horrible mean people. I'm just pointing out the simple truth that people that aren't a part of their group can't fight Kig.

    I was speaking with one of them for a while the other day, and she/he seemed like a nice person... Doesn't change the fact that unless they bless you with their permission to join the fight, you won't do it.

    Furthermore, odds of you being high enough damage while on their team to earn any reward? Slim.
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    the red proclaims truth, Gradii also has a very valid point
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    In the end, even if you made Kigatilik's spawn time totally random, you'd probably still never see him. It just means the first time someone notices he's up, they either solo him down or call for a team, and five minutes later he's dead.

    Also, yes, by far the least interesting of the Cosmics to fight.
  • wardenicewardenice Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I've been able to fight Kigatilik a few times with friends when aforementioned groups were not present and I can attest to the fight not really being challenging. The only real challenge comes from the hounds and then it's a matter of not summoning pets or dying so Kigatilik can't regenerate X amount of health.

    That being said, there's an additional problem to the reward drop and it's not the drop rate. I'm not sure if it's just me or something else but every time I've fought him alongside another team or person, the team that did the most damage has a reward while the team that didn't do the most damage got nothing. That's not only unfair but horribly discouraging from engaging in further interest where Kigatilik is concerned.

    I would like to see some changes myself.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,582 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    redkah89 wrote: »
    I wasn't saying they're horrible mean people. I'm just pointing out the simple truth that people that aren't a part of their group can't fight Kig.

    I was speaking with one of them for a while the other day, and she/he seemed like a nice person... Doesn't change the fact that unless they bless you with their permission to join the fight, you won't do it.

    Furthermore, odds of you being high enough damage while on their team to earn any reward? Slim.
    I wasn't apart of the group and I killed him plenty of times. Took hours of waiting but I did it. So no permission is needed.

    Let me explain how the rewards works. Team with highest DPS wins drop. If that very slim chance the drop is a costume piece we hold on to it and see who is deserving of it next. I have been farming for a few months now..maybe kill him 4 times a week, maybe. Even if I get a drop its not really mine to keep. It's for the community and who needs it and who deserves it. I'm sure one day I'll get the piece I need but I don't plan on the next drop to me mine. Make sense?
  • redkah89redkah89 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Sure, makes sense; but who's the judge and jury? And why should I have to stand around doing nothing for -hours- just for a shot at fighting him?

    All you've told me is what I'm already saying is a problem. :/
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,582 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    redkah89 wrote: »
    Sure, makes sense; but who's the judge and jury? And why should I have to stand around doing nothing for -hours- just for a shot at fighting him?

    All you've told me is what I'm already saying is a problem. :/

    Kiga is the problem yes. All for fixing his drop rate and timer, 100%.

    Who decided...more everyone really. See who has been here longest, who is on more...I mean it's months! since a drop. Most who have killed him with me already have the piece and they are doing this for the others.

    Because that is what we do. If we miss a timer or something we have to just wait.

    I am sure if you asked they would invite you to join.
  • redkah89redkah89 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I did ask, at least one of the groups. They said they'd get back to me; but really... I'd rather not be part of the problem.

    So I wrote this post in hopes to inspire some sort of solution. This is like, if there was an end game raid, and only one group could do it a couple times a day... Imagine something like in WoW? Or any other major MMO.. it doesn't happen.

    Shouldn't happen here either. :/

    We need to band together and ask for some changes!

    PS: I loved all the Rat artwork, pretty cool :3
  • matarylin014matarylin014 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Kinda sick and tired to attempt Kigatilik.

    Either he's not there.. Or never drops the desired object.

    And costume parts shouldn't be this ungodly hard to acquire because of drop rates.

    Up the damn % for the drops, More Spawns of Kigatilik.

    There's also not enough people in CO to justify the low drop rate.

    Superhero tax.

  • placidacidicplacidacidic Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I for one would love to see something with Kigatilik since I've never seen the bastard either. Also, I find that it takes too much effort and waiting for costume pieces that may or may not even drop. . . Any of the issues the OP made are pretty doable at this point.
  • thesoulstarthesoulstar Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have to admit from past experience it is a pain in the butt to wait for Kiga especially now and days where the norm is just one instance of Canada Wilderness zone. His spawn rate should be much faster for those players who want to make a quick big team and take him down so they can try to capture some of that possible decent loot.
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  • tamxtamx Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    That Kigatilik is a pain to see like all the others cosmics bosses, i would like to see them more often with a shortened respawn rate and some nice loots!

    Tamx2 Primusdatabases
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,360 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    if you want to fight kigatilik
    1. go to his spot right after server reset
    2. about every 6.2 hours afterward
    3. if you see others there be friendly
    i will post full details on all cosmics on the wiki after i get some free time ( working 60 hours a week right now)
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