Just something that I made after spending a few in the powerhouse and deciding to give making a pure range walking armory type of character a try and this is what I came up with any advice would be great as this type of character build is a first for me.
Main issue w/ the build is that ya have a few redundant powers:
Assault Rifle isn't really needed w/ Two Gun Mojo and other 100ft Muni powers around.
Don't really need all of Sniper Rifle Rocket and Gatling Gun and Orbital Cannon. I'd pick two of em. Orbital Canon isn't really great outside of alpha strikes (a dps loss to cast it in combat vs. one target), and ya got either Sniper Rifle or Rocket for a Muni alpha strike, as well as potentially Gatling for long range.
Would also get SMG Burst to R3- the bleed adv isn't great unless ur using AotB in Bestial SN or FotS in Single Blade.
Ya prob want another heal or tanking move in there- like unranked Masterful Dodge (most efficient choice), or Palliate w/ absolve (mainly if ya want a threat wipe). Or holdout shot w/ stim pack if ya wanna be thematic.
Other free power slots could be for Ego Surge w/ Nimble Mind, for a strong burst dps cd.
Here's how I'd take the spec trees:
Specializations: Ego:Force of Will(2/2) Ego:Insight(3/3) Ego:Follow Through(3/3) Ego:Sixth Sense(2/3) Guardian:Fortified Gear(3/3) Guardian:Ruthless(2/2) Guardian:Find the Mark(2/3) Guardian:The Best Defense(3/3) Vindicator:Aggressive Stance(2/2) Vindicator:Merciless(3/3) Vindicator:Focused Strikes(2/3) Vindicator:Mass Destruction(3/3) Mastery:Ego Mastery(1/1)
Yeah I can kinda see where I went a bit Metal Slug and tried to load him down with more than needed to fit the theme back to the drawing board also thank you for the help with the spec trees. I hope to have a revised build post soon
Assault Rifle isn't really needed w/ Two Gun Mojo and other 100ft Muni powers around.
Don't really need all of Sniper Rifle Rocket and Gatling Gun and Orbital Cannon. I'd pick two of em. Orbital Canon isn't really great outside of alpha strikes (a dps loss to cast it in combat vs. one target), and ya got either Sniper Rifle or Rocket for a Muni alpha strike, as well as potentially Gatling for long range.
Would also get SMG Burst to R3- the bleed adv isn't great unless ur using AotB in Bestial SN or FotS in Single Blade.
Ya prob want another heal or tanking move in there- like unranked Masterful Dodge (most efficient choice), or Palliate w/ absolve (mainly if ya want a threat wipe). Or holdout shot w/ stim pack if ya wanna be thematic.
Other free power slots could be for Ego Surge w/ Nimble Mind, for a strong burst dps cd.
Here's how I'd take the spec trees:
Ego: Force of Will (2/2)
Ego: Insight (3/3)
Ego: Follow Through (3/3)
Ego: Sixth Sense (2/3)
Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)
Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (2/3)
Vindicator: Mass Destruction (3/3)
Mastery: Ego Mastery (1/1)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Trying never hurt, its how i came up with it