...Hello all.
I myself am not a new player and what I'm going to ask about is completely new to me.
I just got my boyfriend to download the game and try it out with me, I had had him do it a few years ago just to show him Hideouts but we never actually played. But now, we've been a little bored with our other games and he decided to actually give it a go this time.
So, we make our character and log into the tutorial and under his name it says "New Champions 1011"...it's quite distracting and really unattractive but we can't find any info on it, how to make it go away, what exactly is the point of it.
And I was just wondering if anyone could give a little insight as to a way to get rid of it. Does it go away on it's own when you reach a certain level or is there something he needs to click or unclick as the case may be.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance.
Thank you so very much. I had no idea they had started doing that.
We'll take care of that tomorrow.
Thanks again.
I think it's very romantic.
More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
If you two are Role-players as well, hit up my guild [link is in my sig], we're always looking for more great people, and we're very new player friendly, full of vets and middle experience players with all the advice you can possibly need.
Much of it even useful! :biggrin:
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Your comments can sometimes be more towards the edge than humorous.
"Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."
My characters
And welcome to CO, Oxygenate's boyfriend! Hit us up with any questions, most of us will actually answer them. Ignore Spinnytop. He has... issues.
I don't know why everyone gets pigeonholed into a New Champions SG on joining (and randomly even later, IME) - it provides absolutely none of the benefits of SG membership, not even the extra costume slot, and serves only to add a step before you can join a real SG. Fortunately, it's easy enough to get out - you can follow vizzone's instructions, or you can type "/sgquit" in the chat box, and next thing you know, you're free!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I am. @purpulius
"Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."
Actually it does give you a costume slot just like joining any other SG, so there is one redeeming thing about it...
Don't add me but if you see me, (ill be the the creepy Rat occasionally making cheese puns and telling people to Praise Cheesus!) say hello!!
Reason is...I'm OCD about my friendlist.
It's probably to get people communicating and cooperating or something, since archetypes need that... eventually. At least I'm sure that's the intent behind it. Just like the intent behind the restricted costume selection is to make it easier for new players to get into CO.
o.o ...?
>.> ...?
<.< ...?
Was one of those what you meant? o3o
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Stop trying to derail the thread Jenny, why you always do this? u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Whatever you say. *cough* hypocrisy *cough*
I am not a doctor u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I'm not expecting it. Takes quite an idiot of a doctor to confuse the word "Hippocrates" with "hypocrite", especially when taking the oath, or maybe just plain idiot in a general sense.
Someone with such a long track record of consistently responding seriously to posts that are very obvious attempts to incite exactly that type of response doesn't get to directly or indirectly call anyone else an idiot.
Since we're going to bring up long track records shieldtower dear, might I remind you that you too have a habit of responding seriously to those "type of posts". Do spare me the pretentiousness.
Just because you can type something doesn't always mean you should type something.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Thank you for proving my point. I couldn't have done that without you.
And please don't call me 'dear' until after we've at least had dinner together first. Thanks.
1) I have already purchased 5 slots, 4 regular and one FF, how many slots will that give me when I go gold?
2) If I purchase an item with zen from the monthly stipend, is that perm or does it get locked if I go back to silver?
3) all my alts are silver right now, can they still be played as silver (i.e my 26th lvl soldier, dont really want to convert him) if they have to convert to gold, can they be converted back to silver later?
thats all for now, thanks
2) Items you purchase via stipend are permanent. The only way to lock yourself out of a purchased item is if that item is in the inventory of a character made on a gold character slot(the slots you get for going gold) and your account goes back to silver status thereby locking you out of that character entirely.
3) I've not had to deal with character converting in quite some time so I'm not really sure.
That's permanent - anything you buy is permanent. Also, if you don't spend the Zen and your sub lapses, you still have the Zen.
You do have to convert them to Gold; however, if you keep the same Archetype, you can change them back and forth between Gold and Silver for free. (If you change the AT to another AT or to Freeform, you can change each character for free once. If you change it to another AT that you own, you can continue playing it as that AT even if you go Silver. If you change to an AT that you don't own, or to FF, it'll cost you to change it back again as a Silver.)
It's important to note here that if you have all your Silver slots filled, and create more toons as a Gold than you have Silver slots, then if you go Silver again and try to delete a toon (to make room for another, for instance), the system will delete your Gold slots first, and toons in those will be lost forever, along with their equipment. (I lost a Widow bike that way...) Once you're down to just your Silver slots, you can finally clear a space out for a new toon. Therefore, if your sub is about to lapse, get into your Gold toons and put everything they have that you want to keep (especially Resources) into your shared bank before you go back to Silver. (You'll still have your free Hideout.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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