So we just had a 6.0m earthquake with an epicenter about 15 miles from my home here in California. It was enough to wake my wife (I am dealing with some insomnia and was already awake). We looked around the bedroom as the walls swayed, shelves bounced, etc and turned to each other to say, "so 6 maybe 7?" She then shrugged, rolled over and went back to sleep.
Its an earthquake in CA. Common as traffic, right? Then it hit me, would a superfight someplace like MC generate a similar response from its citizens?
"Hey Martha, did you hear that?"
"Go back to sleep Henry, probably just the Conquerors and the Champions going at it again."
Sure Champions Online super hero fights don't even damage property, so who would really care.
No broken windows? No destroyed cars? No toppled buildings? No citizens injured in a flurry of flames, black ooze, hand grenades or electricity?
These fights must be some kind of super hero/villain flirty mating business.
They are saying that quake is the strongest in the area in 25 years.
I sorta know how it feels since we get quite a few here in Oklahoma as well. They're normally 2~4 though. It seems like they're happening more frequently here, so if I had to take any guesses I'd say something's coming. And I thought Tornadoes and bipolar weather patterns were the only thing we had to deal with. :rolleyes:
So we just had a 6.0m earthquake with an epicenter about 15 miles from my home here in California. It was enough to wake my wife (I am dealing with some insomnia and was already awake). We looked around the bedroom as the walls swayed, shelves bounced, etc and turned to each other to say, "so 6 maybe 7?" She then shrugged, rolled over and went back to sleep.
Its an earthquake in CA. Common as traffic, right? Then it hit me, would a superfight someplace like MC generate a similar response from its citizens?
"Hey Martha, did you hear that?"
"Go back to sleep Henry, probably just the Conquerors and the Champions going at it again."
You should have said: 'was it as good for you as it was for me, babe?'.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I sorta know how it feels since we get quite a few here in Oklahoma as well. They're normally 2~4 though. It seems like they're happening more frequently here, so if I had to take any guesses I'd say something's coming. And I thought Tornadoes and bipolar weather patterns were the only thing we had to deal with. :rolleyes:
No broken windows? No destroyed cars? No toppled buildings? No citizens injured in a flurry of flames, black ooze, hand grenades or electricity?
These fights must be some kind of super hero/villain flirty mating business.
They are saying that quake is the strongest in the area in 25 years.
Iceland had so many of them it looks like someone playing Missile Command on the map.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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You should have said: 'was it as good for you as it was for me, babe?'.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Just remember: Fracking is totally harmless.
I lived in ND for a while where they were doing it, we'd experienced the same.
RIP Caine
My best friend's xbox was broken!