Obligatory "farewell" thread.
If I ever re-sub, it will be for 1 of 3 reasons. 1) Devs actually fix some broken Hero Games queues or 2) I get bored of my Oculus Rift DK2 (which I doubt can happen) or 3) I have a MIGHTY NEEEEED to log on and be "top pr0h A+ #1 L337 PeeVeePee Gawd." If that's the case, I'd be playing for all the wrong reasons, which is what trolls around here always assume of anyone decent at this game's PvP. It's always been about fun. Stop with the rage ppl
If I ever see you on I'll blame your cats.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
RIP Caine
Pfft since when did Xeno give anyone anything before he left... <_<
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Ok... I'll bite. Why the mention of Xeno?
Xeno quit like 50 times and always ended up coming back.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Yes and everytime he has quit he always announces it really randomly to get attention before leaving. Funniest part is that his first announcement of quitting was a few months after the release of the game... You can probably find a bunch of them if you bothered to look through all the hero games threads.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)