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Relax Cybermind's initial lockout mechanic, revise respawning, and more

luesatchmo402luesatchmo402 Posts: 70 Arc User
edited August 2014 in Suggestions Box
Cybermind's initial barrier is thrown up the instant that someone attacks the boss, which has very easily locked other players out (mainly, myself) when I was no more than a step behind the whole group, due to a ranged player or a melee player lunging. The lockout happens the instant the fight begins in Cybermind's case, though in other alerts (Warlord) there exists a period of about 10-15 seconds where other players have time to run past the barrier before it goes up, regardless of whether the fight was started.

Please consider changing the initial lockout condition on the Cybermind fight to one similar to Warlord's, with a grace period for those who may be several steps behind to enter regardless of someone immediately jumping at the boss. While this CAN be avoided by player awareness, there are still many cases where players are either unaware or don't really seem to care, and initiate the fight anyway, getting themselves killed (which brings me to respawning) or taking ~30 minutes to solo his 2 million+ HP down while everyone has to stand at the door and watch.

On the topic of respawning, having players who die in a staggered fashion, coupled with the long walk back to the gate from the spawn point in the firewall room, will leave some players waiting at the door as the final player dies, resetting the boss. However, a common problem with unaware players is that as the final player is running back to the door (takes about 30 seconds), the other players have already jumped in and (most likely) die because the person(s) running back were locked out. This has led to some alternating cycles of two sets of players repeatedly running in without everyone present and dying. Please move the respawn from the boss fight closer to the actual door, so there isn't a 30 second lag between respawn and actually entering the room, in an alert of this type with lockout it servers no purpose.

Third, please fix ascension in travel power suppression zones. It shouldn't work there, or in Hi-pan.

Fourth, please consider adding the binary aura as a drop to Cybermind, or the circuit aura effect from picking up colored upgrades during the fight. Though I realize that the second might interfere with gameplay for those wearing it... It just looks really neat on the new Holoforce and Dragon sets if you color the see-through pieces black. :P
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  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,881 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    All good suggestions. IIRC, Gravi teleports you inside her fighting area if you just dawdle in the starter area after the event starts. Could add a similar teleport for Cybermind. Its quite silly how it insta-lockouts atm.

    Ascension prob shouldn't be flagged as ignoring TP-removing effects like NttG. Its not like its on a really long base cd for it to have that powerful of an effect, tbh.
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  • luesatchmo402luesatchmo402 Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ideally they would find some kind of implementation where Ascension wouldn't be usable in the zones with debuffs whose sole purpose is to nail EVERYONE for the sake of pacing/function of the alert.

    I don't PVP enough to say anything on whether nailed should cancel it, but it shouldn't work in zones where using it either leaves practically everyone behind or (in the case of Hi-pan) actually results in the alert breaking to the point where people have to leave, re-queue, and watch the cutscene again while hoping someone doesn't do it a second time. The debuffs in the alerts were pretty deliberately placed to remove all flying, and they should really remove ALL flying.
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  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    After (finally) running this last night, the part I dislike is the room you have to break the highlighted red panel. I had to zoom the camera in pretty close just so it wouldn't bump into the wall and effectively hide the entire room behind the panels. That and having to put the controller down to manually click on things I wanted to target was annoying.

    Another thing with the red panels, I've heard two different things. One is that the panels regen HP when you attack them while not highlighted and the other is they regen HP is you don't keep hitting the red panel. The only way to know what's going on is to test it or have someone tell you after they test it. I didn't see anything to tell if the panels were healing. This whole room is just designed to be as annoying as possible instead of fun or interesting.

    It seems like having the camera zoomed out too much is detrimental to parts. And if you don't have sound on, you'll probably miss instructions.
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  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yea. It's not a zergrush.
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  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    AFAIK the firewalls just regenerate naturally. Mixing around attacking other walls (because sometimes I'll trigger a spike and then the active firewall will change, throwing all of that dps at a red wall) doesn't seem to increase it. Not attacking anything definitely doesn't make it regen faster, that's my default state. I attack just the first wall and beat up the adds the rest of the time.

    What's wrong with ascension? It's like 10 seconds of flight, that's hardly game-breaking. People have been trying to get that power nerfed since it was introduced, I really don't understand it.
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What's wrong with ascension? It's like 10 seconds of flight, that's hardly game-breaking. People have been trying to get that power nerfed since it was introduced, I really don't understand it.

    A flight that actually is breaking no travel power rules as well as ignoring nailed to the ground when I hit people with it. Not to mention being a defensive and offensive click in one move, providing both a damage boost and a substantial heal. It's hugely imbalanced,a nd that's not including the free flight people use to bypass content.
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  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,881 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What's wrong with ascension? It's like 10 seconds of flight, that's hardly game-breaking. People have been trying to get that power nerfed since it was introduced, I really don't understand it.

    It breaks Hi-Pan's alert, where most avg players won't have or use ascension for that purpose (making it also quite rude to do in random teams) and w/ ranking it can last upto 18 sec. Its also just cause giving one power a special free-pass/exemption of an intended game mechanic limitation, when the power is already very good w/o it, is overkill and not fair to similar powers (namely, any AO that doesn't have an inanely broken thing like nimble mind associated with it).
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
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  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    All good suggestions... except for Ascension. Ascension giving flight is fine in travel-suppressed areas; it's not as if it can be used for the entire fight, and seeing as you can already just waddle your way out of whatever hazards are present I don't really see the issue. It's fun, it doesn't break anything, leave it be.

    If you have an issue with ascension's mobility, you should also be trying to get evasive maneuvers and all lunges nerfed, since they give you greater mobility during those encounters than someone without them.
  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The only real beef I have with Ascension is in the Hi-Pan custom alert.
  • luesatchmo402luesatchmo402 Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I suppose it doesn't do much in terms of Cybermind besides ease dodging the rain, but it's still incredibly silly when he's all like "lol no flying" and someone immediately flies away.

    In Hi-pan's current state, though, giving a flight power under all travel suppression isn't fine. At worst the alert breaks and becomes unbeatable and at best it can leave people struggling to fight the mobs to reach the boss as a small handful whack the boss and leave.
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  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    haha for cybermind, I do it as a "you don't have enough badges to train me" thing. I *Always* pop ascension at that line if I have it.

    You know how vb has that insta-death zone near the edges? We need to make the blank space in hi pan like that. "Just gonna go ruin this here aler" *50k damage* "OH WHAT THE HELL!"
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
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  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    sterga wrote: »
    After (finally) running this last night, the part I dislike is the room you have to break the highlighted red panel. I had to zoom the camera in pretty close just so it wouldn't bump into the wall and effectively hide the entire room behind the panels. That and having to put the controller down to manually click on things I wanted to target was annoying.

    Another thing with the red panels, I've heard two different things. One is that the panels regen HP when you attack them while not highlighted and the other is they regen HP is you don't keep hitting the red panel. The only way to know what's going on is to test it or have someone tell you after they test it. I didn't see anything to tell if the panels were healing. This whole room is just designed to be as annoying as possible instead of fun or interesting.

    It seems like having the camera zoomed out too much is detrimental to parts. And if you don't have sound on, you'll probably miss instructions.

    TrailTurtle provided a great link of Cybermind tips back '12. One of them was as follows:
    Just a quick round-up so everyone's up to speed...

    -If you're having trouble with the firewalls, make sure you're disabling their heals. When one of the walls is red/vulnerable, if it doesn't get attacked, it starts to heal the other walls. This is shut down for a couple seconds whenever someone attacks the wall -- just make sure that someone's always hitting the red wall, even if everyone else needs to focus the minions.

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  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,881 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You know how vb has that insta-death zone near the edges? We need to make the blank space in hi pan like that. "Just gonna go ruin this here aler" *50k damage* "OH WHAT THE HELL!"

    heh, that could work too
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
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  • luesatchmo402luesatchmo402 Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    haha for cybermind, I do it as a "you don't have enough badges to train me" thing. I *Always* pop ascension at that line if I have it.

    You know how vb has that insta-death zone near the edges? We need to make the blank space in hi pan like that. "Just gonna go ruin this here aler" *50k damage* "OH WHAT THE HELL!"

    oh my god this would be amazing

    the kinds of people exploiting that probably wouldn't read the patch notes too and would slam right into it and be like "WTF?"
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  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    xydaxyda wrote: »
    The only real beef I have with Ascension is in the Hi-Pan custom alert.

    Yeah, something to prevent players from rushing ahead of the group to start a boss fight when the rest of the group is numerically unable to get there in time to participate is something that several instances need.
    You know how vb has that insta-death zone near the edges? We need to make the blank space in hi pan like that. "Just gonna go ruin this here aler" *50k damage* "OH WHAT THE HELL!"

    I was under the impression that the problem was players flying over the mooks to get directly to Hi-Pan, with the rest of the party unable to follow. Wouldn't a more logical solution be some sort of poison cloud that hovers just above the npcs to prevent players from staying out of aggro range above them?
  • luesatchmo402luesatchmo402 Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Yeah, something to prevent players from rushing ahead of the group to start a boss fight when the rest of the group is numerically unable to get there in time to participate is something that several instances need.

    I was under the impression that the problem was players flying over the mooks to get directly to Hi-Pan, with the rest of the party unable to follow. Wouldn't a more logical solution be some sort of poison cloud that hovers just above the npcs to prevent players from staying out of aggro range above them?

    That is a problem, yes, but when I've seen people do it they just pop it and beeline to the last platform where the boss is. The flight is long/fast enough to go straight from the start to the fight without even following the path.
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  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The best way to do Hi-Pan is to have a whole team of Ascension.
    Then the alert can really be farmed.

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  • morigosamorigosa Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ascension is... neat, but yeah, allows some nasty trolling in Hi Pan's alert. I don't think it's related to the alert sometimes bugging out, though; I've seen it bug out when nobody used Ascension, and I've seen it not bug out when people do. (Bugging out = not playing second cutscene, which leaves Hi Pan invulnerable and un-attackable.)

    Now, personally, I haven't had too much trouble with this, because I tend to bring characters that can solo the packs of enemies - and if there are people around without ascension, I'll do that. But... yeah, jerk move to just fly ahead.

    So the question is, what's the easiest way to program in a fix to this issue? Changing Ascension to not grant flight while travel powers are suppressed seems like it would be doable, but I don't know what the code looks like; that may be too complicated or too likely to cause other problems.

    So here's an alternative thought: give that girl who's holding open the portal a conversation option - once the second cutscene has played, you can talk to her and get teleported directly to Hi Pan.

    As for PvP... well, I don't PvP, so I'll mostly stay out of that. As long as whatever fix ends up here doesn't break things in PvE, I don't really care.

    ...Maybe the right thing to do is make Ascension work like Night Warrior? Instead of having the flight built-in, it gives you an extra "travel power" that - like teleport - has a limited duration and a combat cooldown?
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Or just make it so Hi-Pan doesn't show up until all the henchmen are dead. Boom, no more point to rushing ahead, ascension or no.

    I just don't really see why the rest of us ascension users who don't abuse it should be punished because a few people think it's fun to skip fun.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hi-Pan bugs when a pet (controllable or summons) crosses the cutscene trigger before a hero.
    It's not related to Ascension.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Hi-Pan bugs when a pet (controllable or summons) crosses the cutscene trigger before a hero.
    It's not related to Ascension.

    Or when one of the npc's is knocked over it, that can happen easily when someone uses a fully charged cascade on the last group.
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