I'm actually quite surprised I liked this book that much. I never was a fan of Atrocitus and his Red Lanterns. All this flying around growling, screaming, and killing everything that moves because rage... It was pretty shallow and stupid, like reading Lobo minus the merry trainwreck entertainment value and practical jokes done with explosives. Boring.
Now, eventually DC went with a twist to remold Reds into something more like a superhero team. Of course fan outcry was pretty much given. Whatever, I think new Red Lanters are actually one of the better ideas in New 52.
It's not the most innovative book ever, just a "special" superhero team. Their usual methods are somewhat justified by the fact that they're dealing with monsters who, well, deserve nothing better. Plus, the book isn't dead serious all the time.
It's also pretty obvious that DC goes for standard. I can actually tell who's destined to be the team's action girl, who will end as the pretty boy, who's the techie/brain and who's a comic relief character.
They're probably the worst team ever. Shouldn't be given nerf guns, let alone power rings. It tells something when Guy Gardner is the most level-headed and reasonable of them. And that's not because he's no longer acting like himself. His first idea as a leader? Something in line with "we need beds and booze".
Also, there's something inherently fitting and hilarious in giving the red ring of power to angsty teenagers. Or in reactions for a red ring powered Kryptonian.
Also, Guy Gardner.

Still the worst dressed tights-wearer, now with the 'stache.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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