(CP from
my own post on the CORP forums.)
While we're still slowly working on getting things moving following the recent shift in membership in the recent months, Eternals Incorporated is pleased to announce that we are again looking to actively accept applications to join our supergroup!
What we hope to achieve is threefold: an iconic roster of heroes with classic looks and ideals, an active environment that encourages initiative and collaboration, and an evolving story that builds on an expansive group history with inspiration from the game we play. And, of course, to have fun while doing it all! We're currently aiming to have one official gathering of players a week, with more in the works dependent on a growing roster and competing Real Life schedules for players.
Joining the Eternals also means you have the ability, if you desire, to get involved in a wider community that's been around for 10 years across several MMOs and other avenues of RP.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to get in touch with one of the players below for more information, or visit the SG's official website at
the-eternals.com and fill out an application to join!
Note: Keep in mind that there are several tabs to the Eternals full website, which features three MMO hubs and another dedicated to virtual tabletop-- you'll know you're in the right one if it's blue, white and grey. (Updates to this will be edited in here if necessary.)
Official contacts@epelesker@Dangerclose50
Heroic Roleplayer
@epelesker |
PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
Anyway, I'm with an SG of friends, so I don't want to leave the group... But at the same time, they haven't been on a lot the last few months, and I'd like to run with a group which *is*. If you're on more often, could I add you to my friends list? If you're okay with that, it would work out very well.
As for me, I'm in the middle of retraining for yet another possible career path (it's been rougher here than I wanted it to be, especially for a mid-career change,) so my availability will shift depending on how difficult the assignments are. Hopefully things will steady down later this year.
If it gives you further trouble, PM me.
Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate