This is at least in part because CO's damage bonus calculation is incredibly laggy.
Try spamming Sniper Rifle up to 8 stacks of Concentration with Quarry. Even after you hit 8 stacks, Sniper's damage continues to increase mysteriously before finally topping out about 5 or 6 shots after you get 8 stacks.
The only thing I dun like about the toggle charges is how being pushed by another hitbox cancels them- so 'yea' to disabling lockdown I guess. Even if its minor, its also rather annoying and not necessarily so.
Concentration + Manipulator with Int and Quarry spamming Ego Blast + Mind Opener (Wonder why Int is on just about everything o_O)
Switching between forms makes all those stacks go away. At least it ought to be adjusted so. If you can keep Manipulator stacks after switching to Concentration now, the small charge time for Concentration is nothing and its already doing this supposed broken thing on live already.
Switching between forms makes all those stacks go away. At least it ought to be adjusted so. If you can keep Manipulator stacks after switching to Concentration now, the small charge time for Concentration is nothing and its already doing this supposed broken thing on live already.
I'd just be happy with a form that boosts melee and ranged. Any attempt to make a character using both falls apart when I have to pick a form and then I'm suddenly stuck as primarily one or the other.
I thought being able to flip between forms would be a good compromise. But I seemed to have stepped in something.
This gets a solid no from me.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Try spamming Sniper Rifle up to 8 stacks of Concentration with Quarry. Even after you hit 8 stacks, Sniper's damage continues to increase mysteriously before finally topping out about 5 or 6 shots after you get 8 stacks.
Not particularly exploitable since since its an extra power slot and you have to stat for both form to get the most out of them.
Concentration + Manipulator with Int and Quarry spamming Ego Blast + Mind Opener
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Switching between forms makes all those stacks go away. At least it ought to be adjusted so. If you can keep Manipulator stacks after switching to Concentration now, the small charge time for Concentration is nothing and its already doing this supposed broken thing on live already.
Oh Forms do cancel each other
- Having to hold down a button waiting for a stupid effect to activate whenever: Dying, Exiting a vehicle, Changing Roles, Being revived.
- Being interrupted due to other people spawning on top of you and having to start again.
It's functionally identical to how it works now, just abates those two issues above.You can work around that one with a keybind.
I always set my form in the top right slot and use the F7 key.
The keybind for that is:
/bind F7 "PowerTrayExec 1 13"
I thought being able to flip between forms would be a good compromise. But I seemed to have stepped in something.
New effects for old powers
More EXP for Adventure Packs please.