That's the new series and one of the weirdest things I saw recently.
It took some furious beating from the hardcore G.I. Joe and Transformer fans, but was well received by the general comic book audience.
There's a reason for that.
IDW went with making it as a very close homage to the Silver Age style, not only with writing, but also with graphics style and even with making pages looking worn and old.
Anyhow, old Kirby style is all over the place. But that's defnitely something shocking for younger readers.
That's pure nostalgia up to eleven:
I must say, I was surprised that this Kirbyformer look even works.
It's absolutely hated by majority of TF and G I Joe collectors who were expecting something more in line with modern Devil's Due, Dreamwave or IDW outputs, but it took very well with general comic book fandom.
I love it.
It's ridiculously over the top and campy and makes me giggle.
I can't see it as a long term ongoing, but I think it's great.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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It's funny, because there was a Thor artist in the eighties, Herb Trimpe I think, who also went with a strong Kirby style for a time and I wasn't really all that enthused by it then.. I guess it felt too forced, since Kirby created Thor, and while I knew it was meant as a loving homage to Kirby's style, it wasn't needed to be done over again on the Thor title, to me.
But this? It is awesome, and a really unique take on the Transformers / G.I. Joe mash up. Well done!
Plot is also both crazy and classic for this title.
Problem is, I can't afford one more ongoing, so I'd have to ditch something to follow this series.
Well... He always was my favorite Marvel character, so I'll probably ditch Red Hood and the Outlaws.
Because I'm certainy not leaving Soule's Guy Gardner and his new Red Lanterns.
Funny, I remember Herb Trimpe very well.
He was one of the recurring artists for G.I.Joe classic Marvel series in the eighties and Marvel G1 Transformers series (albeit for TFs he did only three issues not counting classic G.I.Joe vs Transformers crossovers - these books are counted under G.I.Joe brand).
A very good artist. A solid one. Not very over-the-top with personal style or being unique, but he certainly knows his trade.
I think there's not enough appreciation for go-to artists who basically built Marvel and DC back in the day. They weren't the most flashy guys and not the ones most dedicated to the showcase of the personal bells and whistles, but they did build the industry. And considering skill, the probably could totally pwn all the nineties and modern starlets.
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Im not a GI Joe fan, or a big Transformers fan, but I find its a good change when taking a break from reading super hero titles all the time.
This one was published for free comic book day. It was an extra page printed in a Robots in Disguse #0.
A definite homage to Kirby. Also sort of reminds of the Eternals/Celestials with the bot designs.
Not that would be a crossover... Transformers/Celestials.. i'd buy that for sure.