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1-Shot NPCs: A Few of my Favorites

ninjapiffninjapiff Posts: 286 Arc User
edited August 2014 in Champions Online Discussion
Through playing the missions in Champions Online (wait, people actually play the game, and not just do Alerts? Woah! :eek: ) there are countless named Villains that you encounter once, and then never see again. While some of these enemies aren't very noteworthy, and kinda just blend into a blur of characters of the past, some of these 1-Shot NPCs were really well done, and (in some, rare cases) were actually Voice Acted fairly well. Here's a list of some of my favorites.

-Alamogordo: First up is one of my favorite CO NPCs of all time. Head of a Cult of Irradiates, Alamogordo preaches how one should love the Mutation and Radiation. What's best about this character is how he's voiced; he sounds like a televangelist, putting emphasis on the ends of his words.

"My friends, you must open your mind and soul to Radiation-ah and Mutation-ah!" -Alamogordo

Classic. Also, he's got see-through arms. Pretty neat, huh?

-Landshark: One of the many Supervillains you can encounter in the Bunker Buster Nemesis Mission, Landshark's name says it all; He's a Shark, on the Land. His info doesn't really tell very much, saying how his origin is fairly unknown, but he might have been a Surfer caught in a freak accident. Although he's not a very detailed character, would this be awesome:


Microman: Although he's not technically a 1-shot NPC (he's always in the Ren Cen, just sitting around...), Microman is a character that is hardly ever used. Only incorporated in 2 missions, both of which lead up to Dr. Destroyer's Robot Factory, Microman should have been used for much more than that. Reading his backstory, Microman is MUCH more than just some tiny guy; I mean, he founded the Sentinels (though, that superteam hasn't been seen in CO as of yet...). Basically, he's the HERO System's version of Ant Man.

Although there's plenty of other characters, I'll let others include them in this list. Don't wanna get greedy!
It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
Post edited by ninjapiff on


  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited May 2014

    A hired villain from the final nemesis mission.

    He's actually a villain described in Champions Villains, but he's hardly anyone memorable.
  • edited May 2014
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  • aceretrieveraceretriever Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Alamogordo is the only one-shot I remember. First time I heard him speak I had to put down the controller and just laugh.
    Champions: @ace112233
  • selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    How about Edmund Cully? :p
  • jellycupsowbugjellycupsowbug Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    My favorite is the guy that interrupts Mechaniste's villain monologue with "Oooh! I better power down these defense turrets before someone important gets hurt". Unfortunately, it's near impossible to have a high enough level of Arms to use the game mechanic that he refers to without over leveling.

    Mechaniste is ok, too, I guess. He'd be great for a custom alert.
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Some of my favorites we don't see enough of

    - Stingray from the "The One That Got Away" mission from Prince Marus
    - White Rhino from Monster Island

    The Villains of GRAB
    - Cheshire
    - Black Diamond
    - Bluejay

    And there's a ton more I can't think of right now. The game is loaded with super villain NPC's that only get used once or twice. I keep hoping some them get recycled as a cheap way of putting in some new game content :smile:

    It would be great that if the random missions we could pick up.. had one of these lesser used villains as surprise end bosses!
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  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Not only Alamogordo was memorable but the Demon Key from Demonflame having great dialogue lines! Probably the best reasonable banter in the game, even talking over a big villain's major speech. Also can't forget Fallout. What is up with the desert and old content having some good character dialogue?

    Its characters like these that really give an idea of what their motivations are through such short presentation. Something very lacking in characters or dialogue in general for the whole game. That's what's missing in all Cryptic games except for early niches like these. Character.
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Let's not forget about poor Tachyon, who seems to have vanished from the game completely.
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    Let's not forget about poor Tachyon, who seems to have vanished from the game completely.

    I like Tachyon's outfit a lot. I can't seem to precisely copy of it though. I can get close, but there always seems to be something still missing. Either the colors are off or one of the patterns are off. Maybe there is just something I don't understand about the CC. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, he's one villain I've never seen in game. Joined too late, I guess. May the Devs should start sticking these losties into some Alerts.

    Edit - Do we ever see Leech twice?

  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    How many times do we fight talisman? She used to have a loading screen, I can't remember fighting her more than once.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • jellycupsowbugjellycupsowbug Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sinisister and Stranglehold missions, I think.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Talking about Talisman, they removed the mission where you capture her. Now she just leaves the Fallout mission and is suddenly found in the prison. What?
  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Ghost Veil!

    Because she is the only one I can think of off the top of my head right now...

    but actually there are a lot of one-shot villians I really like that pop up during nemesis missions.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Talking about Talisman, they removed the mission where you capture her. Now she just leaves the Fallout mission and is suddenly found in the prison. What?

    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It's a little obvious but I'll say the ones that I feel should have more impact in CO in terms of missions or SOMETHING:

    - Menton- Only featured in two missions, one of which is a "real" fight with him, the other is meeting his astral form and all you do is chat in that mission. He's one of the most feared Super Villains in CO lore. I would have loved to see some more of him, instead of him forever plotting to escape a prison with zero security that isn't under his control. (I guess we could say he is using the prison as a base of sorts to manipulate the masses) Either way, I'd like to see more of him and his sister and her team, namely MENTALLA and Eurostar.

    - The Futurists (The Fiend & Morticius) <-- IIRC only EVER featured in Bunker Buster, with no explanation as to WHY they suddenly decide to team with your nemesis.

    - Other villain NPCs who show up in Bunker Buster which are just dragged from all corners of lore <-- If you ever have the patience to run Bunker Buster with a team and can deal with the annoyingly close NPCs who are useless in the final battle, count how many Villain NPCs there are and remember that you've never encountered them ANYWHERE in CO aside from this mission (excluding your Nemesis).

    - Caringorm Stoneblood - Aside from the alert and the one mission in Qliphothic Vibora Bay. You never see him anywhere or even referred to much;


    - Gravitar - We only see her once and she's just farmed and made out like a really bratty kid. Lore wise she hates Mechanon and I'd personally LOVE to see a Mechanon mission/arc or event where we get to team up with Gravitar to take down Mechanon.

    There are so many, heroes as well, people who really aren't expanded upon like: Celestar and The Constable (not sure if he is actually canon or not for example.

    I may be biased heavily, but I'd say that PSI is probably one of the major but least expanded upon villain groups in CO. After their brief arc in MC, you don't even hear any mention about them until level 35's Psidewinder mission where you fight a bunch of VIPER Mentalists under Mind Slayer's control. VIPER and ARGENT are everywhere throughout the game, DEMON has their own presence in an adventure pack (Demonflame), VIPER has it's own AP as well (Serpent Lantern) and PSI has...a mission chain in MC.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    PSI would definitely add the "give more mobs some CC and the game will get more interesting" thing I've been asking for. Plus, most of our other bad guys either read like GI JOE villains (argent and viper) or even more magic stuff. PSI just feels more... I dunno... Super villainy?

    Of course, I'm kinda biased. Mind Inc. reminds me a LOT of the Universal Brotherhood from Shadowrun. The concept of "We pretend to be self help good guys, while secretly enslaving people" is fantastic, and opens up a lot of plot options. Some of my fondest pnp memories were built on that trope.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • edited May 2014
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  • ajanusajanus Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Not only Alamogordo was memorable but the Demon Key from Demonflame having great dialogue lines! Probably the best reasonable banter in the game, even talking over a big villain's major speech. Also can't forget Fallout. What is up with the desert and old content having some good character dialogue?

    Its characters like these that really give an idea of what their motivations are through such short presentation. Something very lacking in characters or dialogue in general for the whole game. That's what's missing in all Cryptic games except for early niches like these. Character.

    Love Demon Key lines! I have a few friends that don't play anymore, but even in Vent, they still quote Demon Key.



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  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited May 2014
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The Mechaniste only shows up once, so far as I can remember.


    Can't think of an Alert he's popped up in, either. { puts on thinking cap }
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    gradii wrote: »

    Because he hammer you into the grond.

    wait.. you see him all the time..

    well he's still a classic.
    Grond is a one-shot villain.

    Hold still when he shows up, and he'll one-shot you into next week.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    Grond is a one-shot villain.

    Hold still when he shows up, and he'll one-shot you into next week.

    It goes the other way around with most of the other villains mentioned in this thread... if you happen to have a character running around with Night Warrior...

    Hey nice speech Alamogordo. *shank.* Good bye!
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I like Black Adder in the Nemesis mission in Canada where you destroy the Draysha stockpiles. More specifically, I like that if you free the Viper soldiers from the prison they'll help you beat the crap out of him when he turns on you in the final room.
  • edited May 2014
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  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    gradii wrote: »
    giving mobs too much CC will only serve to seriously piss off the players. the OP holds of some alert mobs are )(*@() stupid enough.

    we seriously need more endgame VIPER and Destroids though, strong destroids. also Mechanon because Mechanon.

    I'd prefer blocking to avoid cc, and being debuffed, to the massive damage wall we get instead. An AT can survive a debuff or cc just as well as a freeform. I'd rather be hindered and use tactics, you know? A fight doesn't have to be hard through sheer dps or bag of hit points.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • edited May 2014
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  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Speaking of Grond...

    The other day I spotted the Big Longhorn and he was really low on hit points - down to the last sliver of green. My hero was too low of a level to even try to take him on alone even as badly as he was hurt, so I tried following him to each of his known jump-to location figuring a team of heroes might be waiting for him at one of the next locations, but no one seemed to be waiting for him anywhere.

    My main question is - Can the local wild life actually do that much damage to him even if a hero never intervenes?

    My minor question is, When Grond is defeated, how long before he reappears? Is it a matter of hours (a set time) or is it more like the next time the server is re-set or another instance gets created?
  • ninjapiffninjapiff Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Edit - Do we ever see Leech twice?
    Does Eclipse show up more than the one Canada mission?

    I can't remember ever seeing him outside of that Lair.

    Fun Fact about Leech: The costume piece for Leech's head exists within the game files (along with a handful of other unreleased costume pieces, can't find the forum post though :frown:)

    About Eclipse: I'd like to not only see more of Eclipse, but more of ALL of the Crowns of Krim; Eclipse, Bloodstone, Phoenix, Temblor and Force (the last 3 don't appear in CO at all, iirc).

    Also, on the topic of supervillain 'teams', I'd like to bring up the Viper Dragon Branch, and how little emphasis is put on its members. We encounter a few in-game quite often (namely Ripper, Viper X and Draconis), but there are many others that are seen briefly, like Redstone during the MI Crisis, Diamondback in the Desert, and Freon in Serpent Lantern. Even more, there are over a dozen other Dragon Branch members unaccounted for in CO, like Copperhead, HalfJack (interestingly, the name 'Halfjack' is prohibited to be used as a character name...), El Cabron, Adder, Gauntlet, Oculon, Spitfire, and Tungarak, to name a few.

    I would like to see more Viper stuff... or, at least, I WOULD have if I didn't already hit my 5k Viper Kill Perk. How 'bout some content for Canadian Wildlife, or Sea Creatures?
    It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
    Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    gradii wrote: »
    Debuff avoiding is fine, mobs however need no more CC than they already have.

    Thing is: Name me 5 mobs that actually use CC. Bonus points if you can avoid those level 12 foxbat things. Even psi doesn't cc us, and that's a bit silly.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Speaking of Grond...

    The other day I spotted the Big Longhorn and he was really low on hit points - down to the last sliver of green. My hero was too low of a level to even try to take him on alone even as badly as he was hurt, so I tried following him to each of his known jump-to location figuring a team of heroes might be waiting for him at one of the next locations, but no one seemed to be waiting for him anywhere.

    My main question is - Can the local wild life actually do that much damage to him even if a hero never intervenes?

    My minor question is, When Grond is defeated, how long before he reappears? Is it a matter of hours (a set time) or is it more like the next time the server is re-set or another instance gets created?

    Not really? He's way too overpowered for everything in that zone, and he regenerates at a steady pace.
    ..... unless Grond is glitched somehow and no one's noticed....
  • edited May 2014
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Even psi doesn't cc us, and that's a bit silly.

    PSI utilize the following:

    Multi hand Fighting - PSI Agent - A combo that can be blocked (but not at the last second) and will apply an AoE Stun followed by a medium level knockback to main target.

    Ego Placate - A high perception debuff which places the PSI Hypnotists in "Placated" mode which grants them that stealth look.

    IN terms of the general understanding of crowd control they only use one CC attack.

    In terms of what CC actually encompasses, they use two CC attacks.

    In terms of what CC is said to cover they all utilize knockback as a form of CC, making it three CC attacks (with PSI Wave from PSI Hypnotists being this knockback).

    Note: Name of that PSI attack may be wrong, it's been a while since I went up against a PSI Agent.

    So so far;

    - PSI Agents - AoE Stun to Knockback.

    - PSI Hypnotists - Ego Placate style attack, and knockback

    - Botono's with their Disabling Voodoo blasts.

    - New Shadows Female Vampires with the kiss attack which applies a placate to you.

    - VIPER Tartrappers - Rooting ability as this is a CC effect.

    - ARGENT Counter Agents do have access to stunning tasers IIRC

    - Westside Prison escapees in the open mission, the five bosses have access to stun inducing tasers and knockback.

    - Qularr Bugkeepers on Slither Beach? (Great Barrier Grief open mission, around that area) These guys are nasty if you let them attack you. Not only can they put you in a hold, but they can also impregnate you. Upon birth of their offspring FROM your body, it will explode out of you, removing half of your HP. This HP removal is not affected by and cannot be negated by the following:

    - Blocking

    - Uber Healing

    - Any defensive passive

    - Eruption Device.

    Whilst the half HP removal does not show up on combat log, the initial attack is called: Impregnate.

    CC amongst mobs is scarce yes, but piling CC onto them isn't going to make them any harder for heroes who can either sneak towards them or snipe them from long ranges, or hit them so hard they die before firing any attack off.

    If Players had access to NPC CC with the specs and form power we have...Crowd Controllers would be more abundant than they are now and not to mention wanted.

    Take for example Caringorm Stoneblood's hold or Vigil's hold from bloodmoon. Those sorts of holds are designed to be annoying and what players had access to.

    But I'd really hate to drag this thread any further off the rails with my CC lecture. :tongue:
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    He actually does better than being 1-Shot Villain....
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  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    He actually does better than being 1-Shot Villain....

    WHOA! D
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    gradii wrote: »
    PSI does. in any PSI alert you'll notice the brokenly overpowered hold which gets put on you when the Agent does that ground pound.

    You can't even block it.

    if there's one thing players universally despise, its mobs using too much CC. It's the complete opposite of fun.


    IMO, the complete opposite of fun is a cakewalk. I did mention though that I wanted rezzers and debuffers and buffers, too. You kinda only latched on to one tiny fragment of what I'm talking about.

    Raven, fair enough. I never notice em. Psi can't be too bad with the holds, though, because I don't even run much cc resistance and I don't even remember them having any.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • ninjapiffninjapiff Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I know that this thread hasn't been touched in a little while, but I recently have been doing some missions that I normally don't do while levelling up my characters, and I've noticed a few more characters I wish we'd see again.

    Sea Serpents/Water Moccasins: While these aren't actually Villains, but Henchmen, I find it odd that we only see these aquatic Viper goons in one mission (in Canada, no less). Bring 'em back for a Megalodon Rampage, or something. Speaking of which...

    Megalodon: C'mon, a Megalodon Rampage would be freakin' sweet. Originally meant to be Lemuria's Cosmic world-boss, early Devs decided not to finish Megalodon, and stated that chances are they wouldn't finish it... unless they decided it would fit into future content (they actually said that in a really, really old CO News Post. I'd have to go back and find it). What would be a better time than for an Underwater Megalodon/Viper Rampage?

    Blue Diamond: On a side note, there's one Hero you can meet in Bunker Buster (the Nemesis Mission) named Blue Diamond. She can be found in one of the stasis tubes, and has an interesting backstory. Mainly because it actually references, by name, 'Facebook' and 'Twitter'. Which is odd, considering civvie NPC's refer to those things as 'Facespace' and 'Tweeter'. Funny.
    It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
    Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ninjapiff wrote: »
    About Eclipse: I'd like to not only see more of Eclipse, but more of ALL of the Crowns of Krim; Eclipse, Bloodstone, Phoenix, Temblor and Force (the last 3 don't appear in CO at all, iirc).

    For the record, Phoenix is in the game, he's just really easy to miss.

    He has a lair in Monster Island, on the south-southwest side of the Volcano just southeast of Slither beach, where the Viper area is located. Sort of just east of where that Viper guy tries to trick the PC into going with him to an ambush. I can show you in-game sometime. Or, follow these links!

    Link one

    Link two

    Link three [map]

    Temblor is mentioned in the game text in each of the existing Crowns of Krim missions, as spying on the player character.
  • edited July 2014
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  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Yo if you a real gee den urry npc in da game is a one shot npc s( u 3 u )z
  • ninjapiffninjapiff Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Landshark: One Of The Many Supervillains You Can Encounter In The Bunker Buster Nemesis Mission, Landshark's Name Says It All; He's A Shark, On The Land. His Info Doesn't Really Tell Very Much, Saying How His Origin Is Fairly Unknown, But He Might Have Been A Surfer Caught In A Freak Accident. Although He's Not A Very Detailed Character, Would This Be Awesome:

    Landshark! Alert!
    It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
    Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
  • ninjapiffninjapiff Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Also, Microman is making a reappearance in the upcoming Steel Crusade update! Whoopie! Now, it's only a matter of time until we see some other characters... including these ones that I have recently seen, and remembered!

    - John Devil. A fairly important character in the Champions PnP lore, but only makes a cameo in the cutscene before the Nemesis Museum mission (aka the First Nemesis Mission). I'm curious as to why he was with Kevin Poe there, anyway...

    -The Drifter. Yeah, he stands in the Ren Cen and sells stuff for Drifter Salvage (you know, he really isn't 'drifting' nowadays...), and you see him in the first Nemesis Mission in the Museum, and later when you fight Ghost Veil (another Nemesis Mission), but there really isn't much background on the Drifter. I'd kinda like to know more about the guy, you know?

    -Kinetik. Technically not a 'one shot', but might as well be. You almost never see him, and he's never really used much. At least Sapphire sings during the Anniversary event (which is coming up, by the way! Next month! Mark your calendars!); Kinetik just stands over near the southern-end of City Center chatting with two cops all day long.

    There are so many more characters that can be used again (or, for the first time in CO). Anyone got any others?
    It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
    Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
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