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  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,961 Arc User1
    edited May 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Yes, you worked so hard... playing a video game... lemme just cut you a check for all the hours you put in.

    There's a reason nobody's lining up to pay you for all the time you put into playing CO... or watching TV... or "playing with your fiddle" while looking at interestingly dressed ladies and/or fellas on the internet... or playing with your dog... or taking a nap. ;)

    It isn't pixels... it's a bunch of 1's and 0's stored on a server somewhere. If the servers shut down tommorow, you wouldn't get anything as compensation for all the "time" or "property" you lost in the game... and there's a reason for that.

    How other people value their time is not up to yo to evaluate, but to the said people.

    Claiming anything else only makes you looking like an inconsiderate cretin.

    Not the first time, though.

    The point is, someone invests his/her time to acquire something of value. That said thing is of no value in real world, has no meaning. A real world time was spent on acquiring it, and if said object is taken away, said person loses time for nothing in return - not even fun.

    That really should not be too difficult to understand, even for someone like you?

    Or maybe someone needs to explain it to you in pictograms? Might be easier to comprehend, eh?
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    What globals? You want me to donate the ~20G I have? Sure, meet me in rencen in 20 minutes. If you're lucky I won't have spent it on a retcon by then :)

    Oh look, I walk the talk by spending my resources like they're completely meaningless every time I log in! :D

    I have a Mask of the Fool sitting in my bank right now.. it's been in there for a while cause I don't know what to do with the stupid thing. Thinking of giving it away as a CC prize.

    And yes, I give Resources to complete strangers quite frequently. You know all those people who randomly walk up to you and say "PLZ I CAN HAV 5G?"... I'm the reason they keep doing it xD

    Oh I see, so you spending every single global you have at any one time makes you the shining example that everyone else should follow. What, those people who actually decided to perhaps save up some globals so that they can maybe one day have a good use for it? What a couple of maroons. There should be a resource wipe so that we can laugh at them for not spending everything that they have like wise ol' spinny here!

    spinnytop wrote: »
    Yes, you worked so hard... playing a video game... lemme just cut you a check for all the hours you put in.

    There's a reason nobody's lining up to pay you for all the time you put into playing CO... or watching TV... or "playing with your fiddle" while looking at interestingly dressed ladies and/or fellas on the internet... or playing with your dog... or taking a nap. ;)

    It isn't pixels... it's a bunch of 1's and 0's stored on a server somewhere. If the servers shut down tommorow, you wouldn't get anything as compensation for all the "time" or "property" you lost in the game... and there's a reason for that. This isn't EVE Online :P

    Yeah, way to miss the point of what Mee is saying. It's called reward-vs-effort. It's a fundamental thing. The time and effort invested in getting the globals, regardless of it just being 1's and 0's, still means that the globals do have meaningful value as they are rewards for the effort spent in getting them. This isn't some outlandish concept since it has been around in video games for the longest time.

    No one's equating it to a job where wages are earned. That's just you going to extremes.
    spinnytop wrote: »
    If you buy stuff in the Z-Store to sell it for globals, and the process ends there... then you're kind of a nutjob. I mean really... you're spending real money just to acquire Globals? You're not acquiring those Globals to spend them on something else? Of course you are, because having tons of Globals by itself is worthless :3

    Urm, sure. Buying stuff in the Z-store to sell for globals, and in turn using those globals to buy other things is akin to being a nutjob. Nope it has nothing to do with the fact that there is a player-run economy going on in the game that involves both ZEN and globals. That's just crazy talk man.

    Give me a break and dismount from that high horse.
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    selphea wrote: »
    Also, why aren't they skinning powers? PoE is doing pretty well selling cosmetics like that. Have it as a drag and drop mod slot when you open your Powers window. I bet the anime crowd would be all over an Ice Blast projectile reskin that shoots frozen flowers trailing twinkly petals and snowflakes.

    PoE also charges a hell of a lot more for fluff than CO does. People are throwing fits over Auras being over priced and can only be used per character even though they are account bound and tradable between toons. Which is exactly how PoE's skins work with the bonus of being a lot more money. The new Seraph Weapon effect? $22 and you can only use it on one weapon at a time. People would be ****ting kittens if they brought those prices here.

    And I'm going to agree with Foxi that globals aren't worth jack. When I can pay my rent with them, they will have value. Otherwise, LoL at having worth. Globals are given artificial worth by people who care way too much about Having Stuff. Saying Foxi is stupid doesn't make your point valid.
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    sterga wrote: »
    And I'm going to agree with Foxi that globals aren't worth jack. When I can pay my rent with them, they will have value. Otherwise, LoL at having worth. Globals are given artificial worth by people who care way too much about Having Stuff. Saying Foxi is stupid doesn't make your point valid.

    Oh look, someone else automatically defining "worth" strictly as something of actual monetary value and missing the point completely! Why is it any surprise that you actually agree? :rolleyes:
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,961 Arc User1
    edited May 2014
    sterga wrote: »
    Saying Foxi is stupid doesn't make your point valid.

    The point is, you can't say how much importance people should assign to their activities.

    Clinging to pixels having, or not, literal value, doesn't make you sound intelligent either.
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Oh look, someone else automatically defining "worth" strictly as something of actual monetary value and missing the point completely! Why is it any surprise that you actually agree? :rolleyes:

    Stuff doesn't make you happy. Things don't bring you joy. At best, having stuff in a game is neat to play with. If losing all of your globals fills you with rage, then I'm sorry that you have such a poor outlook on life and can't see the things that are truly important.
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    How other people value their time is not up to yo to evaluate, but to the said people.

    Claiming anything else only makes you looking like an inconsiderate cretin.

    Not the first time, though.

    The point is, someone invests his/her time to acquire something of value. That said thing is of no value in real world, has no meaning. A real world time was spent on acquiring it, and if said object is taken away, said person loses time for nothing in return - not even fun.

    That really should not be too difficult to understand, even for someone like you?

    Or maybe someone needs to explain it to you in pictograms? Might be easier to comprehend, eh?

    Sure, you can pretend that what you have in the game world has as much value as you like; you can pretend that you're a virtual billionaire if that's what makes you feel good. Objectively, the actual value doesn't change. Just because you say that something is valuable, doesn't make it valuable. Sure, it may be valuable to you, but that doesn't mean that anyone else... like say a gaming company, has to acknowledge that value (especially when you consider that they gave you the very thing you're trying to claim value on, and they gave it to you for free).

    If I have a rock and I say it's worth one hundred dollars... does that mean it is? No. It may be worth that much to me... if you take it away and ransom it back to me, I may be willing to give you a hundred dollars to get it back. However, it's still a rock, something you can get for free just by walking around and looking at the ground. That rock, and in-game Resources in Champions Online, have a lot in common in that way.

    If the value you're talking about isn't monetary, then what would you suggest they compensate you with when they take your globals away? Fun? Content? Oh hey look, the global wipe I was talking about comes with a storyline attached that could easily include all sorts of fun content! Your compensation has arrived ^_^

    Do you understand, or would you like to continue the "high-and-mighty" act? :)
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Oh I see, so you spending every single global you have at any one time makes you the shining example that everyone else should follow. What, those people who actually decided to perhaps save up some globals so that they can maybe one day have a good use for it? What a couple of maroons. There should be a resource wipe so that we can laugh at them for not spending everything that they have like wise ol' spinny here!


    Why are you calling people dumb for wanting to save up globals? That's not very nice. Remember, you told me to "walk the walk", and I demonstrated to you that I do. I'm not sure how you convinced yourself into believing that I was saying everyone should do the same thing I do, but please do tell, I'm sure it's an interesting story :D
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Yeah, way to miss the point of what Mee is saying. It's called reward-vs-effort. It's a fundamental thing. The time and effort invested in getting the globals, regardless of it just being 1's and 0's, still means that the globals do have meaningful value as they are rewards for the effort spent in getting them. This isn't some outlandish concept since it has been around in video games for the longest time.

    No one's equating it to a job where wages are earned. That's just you going to extremes.

    Again, your personal valuation of something in a video game isn't as concrete as you think it is. Your "reward" for the effort wasn't actually the in-game currency... it was actually the fun you had... you know, the actual reason you play video games? Yes, part of that fun might be getting the in-game currency as a reward, but it's still the fun of getting that currency that is the reward, not the currency itself.

    To prove it to yourself, imagine they came out with a new alert, and all you do is walk up to a button, push it, and get 250G. Are you feeling the joy? :D
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Urm, sure. Buying stuff in the Z-store to sell for globals, and in turn using those globals to buy other things is akin to being a nutjob. Nope it has nothing to do with the fact that there is a player-run economy going on in the game that involves both ZEN and globals. That's just crazy talk man.

    Give me a break and dismount from that high horse.

    Oh look, you tried to strip away the context of what I said so you could argue against a point that's really easy to argue against! I think they have a name for that.

    The thing that I said that makes you a nutjob is if you buy Z-Store stuff to sell for globals simply for the act of accumulating globals and not to get stuff with those globals. Naughty naughty Jenny! :)
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,961 Arc User1
    edited May 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    *more the same pretentionally "smart" rubbish*

    I think I'll have to made it perfectly clear even for such little troll like you.

    Don't worry, this time it will be impossible, even for you, to misunderstood or ignore:

    Your whole pretended attitude play-care=fun and "it's only a game" on this forum is pointless, always was and always will be, because you are neither in information, nor position of authority, to state how much importance people should put on just pixels, playing with pixels, losing just pixels, or doing whatever they do. Nor to give anyone advices about fun.

    And experience tells me, that people with your attitude can maintain this "don't care" pose only as long, as their personal ingame pet peeve isn't violated. They they are as whiny, as anyone else. That's 100% sure.

    In short - you are trying to evaluate things like fun or pleasure. This time your assigned value is, according to unimportant you, zero.

    The same may not be true for someone else.

    And right now I'm not talking about literal monetary value, neither about globals. If you had difficulties with understanding it... Oh, well. Pity.

    Continue with pretending to be "cool" kid, maybe someone will be fooled. Not me, though.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I think I'll have to made it perfectly clear even for such little troll

    I hear petty name calling is the hallmark of credibility ;)
    Your whole pretended attitude play-care=fun and "it's only a game" on this forum is pointless, always was and always will be, because you are neither in information, nor position of authority, to state how much importance people should put on just pixels, playing with pixels, losing just pixels, or doing whatever they do.

    See here's the problem... you think I'm trying to tell people how they can value their stuff in game. I'm not, I'm pointing out that their personal value doesn't need to be acknowledged by other people because of the very fact that it is only their own personal valuation. So you think the stuff in game is valuable... good for you, I don't have to acknowledge that value, and neither does anyone else, because you're not an authority on it either :)
    And experience tells me, that people with your attitude can maintain this "don't care" pose only as long, as their personal ingame pet peeve isn't violated. They they are as whiny, as anyone else. That's 100% sure.

    I dunno. The way I can just casually stop playing this game for months at a time without feeling the need to guilt trip the company or the playerbase about it speaks otherwise :3
    In short - you are trying to evaluate things like fun or pleasure. This time your assigned value is, according to unimportant you, zero.

    I actually find fun and pleasure to be very important. Difference between you and I is, I don't feel the need to attempt to impose my valuation of those things onto other people in the form of "outrage". I can be mature about things like video games, where as other people freak out over them. I understand the concept of sunk costs, and honey, every dime you've spent on this game is a sunk cost.
    The same may not be true for someone else.

    Which is the reason that your valuation is ultimately meaningless to anyone other than you. :)

    And right now I'm not talking about literal monetary value, neither about globals. If you had difficulties with understanding it... Oh, well. Pity.

    If the value you're talking about isn't monetary, then what would you suggest they compensate you with when they take your globals away? Fun? You already had the fun involved with globals. Content? Check out the original idea that sparked this whole conversation ~_^
    Continue with pretending to be "cool" kid, maybe someone will be fooled. Not me, though.

    The heck are you even talking about anymore? I mean sure... I guess disagreeing with people on the internet is... cool... to the kids? o_O
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,883 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I know what will calm you guys down a picture of a kitten.


    Thank me later.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,961 Arc User1
    edited May 2014
    nepht wrote: »
    I know what will calm you guys down a picture of a kitten.


    Thank me later.

    I was eating...
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    You know, in the modern world money is "only 1s and 0s" too. It's an abstraction of what cash used to be. The real difference between globals and dollars these days is that globals can only be traded inside CO.

    On the other hand, let someone take away all the ones and zeroes you have stored in your bank's computer system, and we'll see just how philosophically you can regard it then...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jennymachx wrote: »
    When you say "people", are you talking about friends, or some random player you meet on the street?

    There is a huge difference.

    I do handouts to friends and random people who ask or who are simply in zone trying to get something.
    If you want to collect a large amount of ingame cash. I am fine with that, that is how you measure how well you are doing.
    Same for those who like to collect particular items, just because I don't consider the items ingame items to not have any real value doesn't mean that they don't to other people.

    I don't agree with wiping all money from the game, that's the same as going to a sandcastle contest and destroying everyone's work. The sandcastles have no intrinsic value but a lot of effort went into making them.

    I measure how well i am doing by whether I still enjoy playing the game. I'm still happily playing after 3 years.
    I have people I can talk to while doing missions, random trade chat (which is often worse than random zone chat)
    Crashing into trees if I'm stupid enough to try using a vehicle(all mine have :detect and home in on trees, uncontrollable, always on)
    A US court actually found that they did have real value despite only bein useable in game,
    when someone sued the person who stole their acct and sold items from it.
    the judges decision was " since the person invested a lot of time and effort into acquiring those items, they have value. selling them to another removes the value from that person and is the same as real world theft."
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    nepht wrote: »
    I know what will calm you guys down a picture of a kitten.


    Thank me later.

    I see your kitten and raise a puppy
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • krazykarazankrazykarazan Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    chaelk wrote: »
    I see your kitten and raise a puppy

    OK, I see where this game is headed. Let's up the ante..

    I'll see to your kitten and puppy and raise you a piglet,fluffy rabbit, a chick and a duckling!!

    I am @krazykarazan ingame
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    You know, in the modern world money is "only 1s and 0s" too. It's an abstraction of what cash used to be. The real difference between globals and dollars these days is that globals can only be traded inside CO.

    On the other hand, let someone take away all the ones and zeroes you have stored in your bank's computer system, and we'll see just how philosophically you can regard it then...

    Thank you for supporting my point :)
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    You know, in the modern world money is "only 1s and 0s" too. It's an abstraction of what cash used to be. The real difference between globals and dollars these days is that globals can only be traded inside CO.

    On the other hand, let someone take away all the ones and zeroes you have stored in your bank's computer system, and we'll see just how philosophically you can regard it then...

    Exactly. Globals are a form of currency and has relevant value within the game's virtual environment, just like money has relevant value in our real world environment. Just because it isn't a real-world environment doesn't by default mean that it should be regarded as zero value hence worthless.

    Yes, real world currency is used for our living expenses and in that aspect and that aspect alone, it has value over virtual currency for that specific reason. We're not talking about that aspect at all. We're talking about the ramifications of experiencing losing the virtual currency and how it affects the person in that virtual environment and not loss of real world money. Real-world scenarios to do with real currency has absolutely nothing to do with it and it baffles me as to why that has to be brought up.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    OK, I see where this game is headed. Let's up the ante..

    I'll see to your kitten and puppy and raise you a piglet,fluffy rabbit, a chick and a duckling!!


    Fail, you upped the ante but didn't include the original, there is no puppy in your bid.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Real-world scenarios to do with real currency has absolutely nothing to do with it and it baffles me as to why that has to be brought up.

    Because of the idea of people being outraged because I threw their monopoly money in a campfire. Especially when you consider it wasn't even their monopoly money... it was mine, I was just letting them use it to play around with. They don't have the right to get mad at me just because they chose to attach some personal value to something that belonged to me.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Because of the idea of people being outraged because I threw their monopoly money in a campfire. Especially when you consider it wasn't even their monopoly money... it was mine, I was just letting them use it to play around with. They don't have the right to get mad at me just because they chose to attach some personal value to something that belonged to me.

    Obviously if it was your Monopoly money, no one would give a rat's behind if you threw it in a fire or wiped your nose with it. If a game of Monopoly involving other people was in session and you did that (logically the board game would belong to you anyway), no one would really care still.

    But we're not exclusively talking about your currency here, fake or real. We're not just talking about you. I don't care about what you do with your globals or how your really value them. It's none of my business how you validate your personal fun. Just accept that not everyone has to abide by your standards of fun and treat the value of things differently like globals, especially when there is practical reason enough.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Obviously if it was your Monopoly money, no one would give a rat's behind if you threw it in a fire or wiped your nose with it. If a game of Monopoly involving other people was in session and you did that (logically the board game would belong to you anyway), no one would really care still.

    But we're not exclusively talking about your currency here, fake or real. We're not just talking about you. I don't care about what you do with your globals or how your really value them. It's none of my business how you validate your personal fun. Just accept that not everyone has to abide by your standards of fun and treat the value of things differently like globals, especially when there is practical reason enough.

    In the example, I am Cryptic. They own the globals, all of them. It's their monopoly money, they're just letting you play around with it. If they decide to take it away, that's their right. You don't get to keep it or get mad just because you attached personal value to their property.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    In the example, I am Cryptic. They own the globals, all of them. It's their monopoly money, they're just letting you play around with it. If they decide to take it away, that's their right. You don't get to keep it or get mad just because you attached personal value to their property.

    Thanks for telling me something I already know.

    How does that justify you being an a-hat to want to laugh and mock anyone who would feel unfairly blindsided by a sudden unannounced resource wipe that would lead to an understandably angry reaction?
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Thanks for telling me something I already know.

    How does that justify you being an a-hat to want to laugh and mock anyone who would feel unfairly blindsided by a sudden unannounced resource wipe that would lead to an understandably angry reaction?

    Think of it like you're sitting around playing D&D with your friends. At one point the DM decides you and the other players have too much stuff... so he engineers a story where a giant konks you over the head without you being able to do anything about it, and takes all your gear and valuables and walks off with them never to be seen again. Yeah, you did a lot of stuff in the game to get that stuff... are you going to get outraged and scream at the DM for what he did? That stuff was never yours, the player... it was all a part of the story that he was DMing, and he had the right to snatch it away at any point without consulting you.

    The "fun value" you're talking about is something you already used up. You can't store up "fun value". If cryptic zeros out your Global balance, it doesn't take away all the fun you had, and it doesn't take away any of the fun you'll have in the future. It doesn't even take away any of the fun you were having at that moment.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Think of it like you're sitting around playing D&D with your friends. At one point the DM decides you and the other players have too much stuff... so he engineers a story where a giant konks you over the head and takes all your gear and valuables and walks off with them never to be seen again. Yeah, you did a lot of stuff in the game to get that stuff... are you going to get outraged and scream at the DM for what he did? That stuff was never yours, the player... it was all a part of the story that he was DMing, and he had the right to snatch it away at any point without consulting you.

    So you're saying that you would be all smiles and sunshine if one day, Cryptic decided to do a complete gear wipe, that just because Cryptic has every right to do so technically, that it's something that should be readily accepted without argument or negative ramifications, especially when players have invested heavily in both time and resources to get things like Legion gear?

    Yeah, that's really pretentious. The fact that you're putting yourself on some high ground and implying that other people should follow that example only makes it more profound.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jennymachx wrote: »
    So you're saying that you would be all smiles and sunshine if one day, Cryptic decided to do a complete gear wipe, that just because Cryptic has every right to do so technically, that it's something that should be readily accepted without argument or negative ramifications, especially when players have invested heavily in both time and resources to get things like Legion gear?

    Yeah, that's really pretentious. The fact that you're putting yourself on some high ground and implying that other people should follow that example only makes it more profound.

    What high ground? Is it really such a virtue that I'm not particularly concerned about my imaginary stuff in a video game? That just seems like a normal, sensible state of mind to me. I played CO for the fun, not the virtual "stuff".

    Hell, if tommorow they did that gear wipe you're talking about and said that it was part of a project to create a more balanced game I'd be happy. I mean what? OH NO, now I'm going to have to play the game to get gear again! :O ..oh wait, I was going to play the game anyway, so what did I really lose? Anything?

    The irony here is that whatever argument you're trying to make, my argument is that I value the fun, more than the stuff.

    If you value the stuff more... well, you chose wrong, and I'm going to laugh when that causes you grief, because mine never will :P
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    What high ground? Is it really such a virtue that I'm not particularly concerned about my imaginary stuff in a video game? That just seems like a normal, sensible state of mind to me. I played CO for the fun, not the virtual "stuff".

    Hell, if tommorow they did that gear wipe you're talking about and said that it was part of a project to create a more balanced game I'd be happy. I mean what? OH NO, now I'm going to have to play the game to get gear again! :O ..oh wait, I was going to play the game anyway, so what did I really lose? Anything?

    The irony here is that whatever argument you're trying to make, my argument is that I value the fun, more than the stuff.

    Yeah, and my argument is that putting value solely on the experience and not the virtual items to validate fun is not the be-all and end-all of what fun has to be.

    If you don't want to look at it objectively then there's no point going on with this.
    spinnytop wrote: »
    If you value the stuff more... well, you chose wrong, and I'm going to laugh when that causes you grief, because mine never will :P

    How delightfully pompous.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Yeah, and my argument is that putting value solely on the experience and not the virtual items to validate fun is not the be-all and end-all of what fun has to be.

    If you don't want to look at it objectively then there's no point going on with this.

    Sweet, we're getting to the part where you get frustrated because I won't agree with you and then you give up. That doesn't happen to me because I'm okay with people having different opinions from me. s( u w u )z
    jennymachx wrote: »
    How delightfully pompous.

    But true. So very, very true. Some fat guy in an orange robe once said something similar, he just use different words o3o

    Put too much value in stuff, and you will be sad when it goes away, as all stuff does. Put value in only the experiences that you had with that stuff, and you will never be sad, because no one can take those away from you :D ...well, unless a giant whacks you over the head and makes you lose your memory.

    Put value in stuff that belongs to someone else, and you're just asking for trouble. :|
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    We don't need a resource wipe. We need a purchaseable g cap increase.

    I tried to buy val's halo all day yesterday. I finally found one, but he was silver. Then I spent a half hour tracking down keys, because I had g. Finally, I found enough, and he was gone. This legitimately punishes people for subbing, when we can't buy things from people who aren't subbing without a huge runaround. It's stupid, it's flawed, and fixing it will make them money. Why hasn't it happened yesterday?
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
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