I can't use them, they appear in tailor but when I try to purchase the costume always pop a message saying I must buy some costume pieces, I have a lifetime account and the buy shows "for free", but when I push the buy button I receive an erros message that say I can't buy that cause I don't have enough Zen (must be free for gold players but anyway I have almost 2000Z).
i tried to claim it in Zstore without any luck.
Sorry for my english, I know is .... worst than bad but is my third languaje and I must work a lot more on it.
Yes it unlocks by opening a foxbat lockbox or being gold. I'm gold and opened that box, but tailor says I must buy it for free and then not allow me to do that.
Yea, the Hybrid Alien set is reward for Series 1 compleation. By opening 3 Lock Boxes. So far we had the 1st one, Foxbat one.
The UI has 3 boxes on Series 1, with Foxbat mug on 1st and next 2 has Big ? on them. And Reward boxes 'Claim' is greyed out. So one would think that Series 1 isn't compleated yet. It even says ' Open one of each Lock Box in a series to unlock unique rewards'. Ofcourse, you've had to actually find the LockBox Bonus Card UI 1st.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
i'm new to the agme and i ahve the same problem, it shows to me but i can't use it or buy it, what are lockboxes and how you get and unlock them?
You unlock Lockboxes using Cosmic Keys of Power, which are sold in the C-Store for 100 Zen, or are available in the AH for usually about 110-150 Globals. You can also often buy them from other players for 100 G, but that runs the risk of getting scammed, so it's up to you.
If you can send me a message in-game (@jonsills), I'll shoot you a full set of all the lockboxes to date. Got too many of everything.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Vanish in the air you'll never find me
Edit: Image of the card
The UI has 3 boxes on Series 1, with Foxbat mug on 1st and next 2 has Big ? on them. And Reward boxes 'Claim' is greyed out. So one would think that Series 1 isn't compleated yet. It even says ' Open one of each Lock Box in a series to unlock unique rewards'. Ofcourse, you've had to actually find the LockBox Bonus Card UI 1st.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
1) Look at the UI...it will show you what lockboxes you need to open
2) Buy lockboxes from AH or get them from other players.
3) Acquire Cosmic Keys from AH, Z-Store or other players to open said lockboxes.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
If you can send me a message in-game (@jonsills), I'll shoot you a full set of all the lockboxes to date. Got too many of everything.
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Ja, buns und tighs.