This would probably be a very low priority request, but I think it would be cool as hell.
First, these powers do not go on your powers bar. They'd get their own little activation icon and only last as long as you hold that icon down. They are in addition to the powers you already get. I'm thinking one at level 15 and another at 35.
Thermal Imaging: You can see people's heat through walls. You can count how many NPCs are waling around in the next room or around the corner.
X-Ray vision: While active your computer stops rendering the world so you can only see characters; NPCs and players.
Astral Projection A ghost of your character, looking like you if you were sneaking, steps out of your character. You can move it around and scout things out. The projection is ignored by NPCs and (this might be impossible) walk through walls.
Mind Vision You see through the eyes of your target.
Telescopic Vision You click the icon then a point on the landscape with line of sight and you can see as if you're standing right there.
Tactical HUD NPCs in your line of sight are haloed in a red box if they're primarily a ranged attacker and blue if melee.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!