Hey all,
So I guess the PTS Copy has been messed up due to the ARC changes. Even for those who've been able to get to the copy page, we've been unable to select a character to copy... Until now.
I was able to successfully copy 2 characters to PTS today, the dropdown is once again working!
Unfortunately, you still need to use a workaround to access the page in the first place. There have been a few workarounds posted, but I made up a quick guide to show folks how to do it without having to install any extra software.
Workaround for CO PTS Character CopySTEP 1. Open Internet Explorer and go to the PTS Opt-In and Character Copy PageLog into your account if needed. You should see this post:
STEP 2. Next, open the Tools menu (gear icon) and select "Internet Options"STEP 3. In the internet options window, click on the tab labeled "Security" and then click the "Custom Level" button, a new window will open.STEP 4. Scroll down the list of options until you find "Scripting" and tick the "Prompt" radio button, then click "OK" and then "OK" again in the internet options window.
Continued in next post due to image limit...
STEP 6. Click on "Yes" 5 times, then Click "No" 1 time. after clicking No once, continue clicking yes until the page fully loads (about 9 more times).
The page will load without redirecting to ARC and you should be able to select your character and server from the dropdowns.
Previously this page was not working and said that I didn't have any characters, but it is working now. I was able to transfer 2 characters over today.
Note that Once you click the "Copy Character" button, you'll need to repeat step 6 in order to see that the character was queued for transfer successfully.
To transfer more than 1 character, just hit the back button after you see the page that the character was successfully queued and repeat step 6 again to get the copy page to load. select the new character and hit copy etc.
Once you're done transferring characters, repeat steps 2 & 3... but instead of clicking the "Custom Level" button in step 3, click on "Default Level" and then click "OK"
That's it. Hope this helps someone out