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Asteroid Aversion - Survival Rampage

bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Suggestions Box
All over the world, news has broken out about an asteroid heading for the earth. Although most astrologists have reassured the public repeatedly that an asteroid of that size would likely burn up in the atmosphere, Canada's Star Force has uncovered some troubling details about the celestial body: It is heading at the earth at an extremely high velocity, and while this normally would ensure that it would simply burn up faster in the atmosphere, the asteroid also has an unusually high electromagnetic signature - a shield! At the speed this rock is heading at earth, it will no doubt cause significant damage to the planet if it is allowed to collide. More troubling is that its projected point of contact is Millennium City. This is no natural disaster, but a coordinated attack by a clever and unknown foe - one who clearly has access to great resources, and holds a vendetta with earth's heroes.

The scientists at Steelhead have put together a counter-force of 10 heroes to be sent up in interception pods to land on the Asteroid and disable whatever is shielding it. They will also be equipped with recall transporters (graciously donated by Harmon Technologies) for emergency escape from the asteroid once the mission is complete (or if their condition goes critical). As one of the heroes being sent up to the asteroid, you have the opportunity to become one of earth's greatest heroes, or to doom it to destruction. Be prepared for anything!

The rampage takes place on top of the Asteroid. Above is the expanse of space, below is the earth, seen from high above. Despite the seeming impossibility of survival in space, the shield around the asteroid seems to be storing some sort of mini-atmosphere of sorts. In the middle of the asteroid, a single metallic spire juts out - this is the shield generator, and the central target for this Rampage.

The generator itself doesn't attack. Instead, the goal is to destroy it within 6 minutes (which effectively makes this entire rampage the exact opposite of Until Carrier, on multiple levels actually). Making matters worse, however, is that it turns out the Asteroid has escorts - Robotic drones emerge from within the asteroid to guard it!
  • Destructors - Small, floating drones that float towards characters slowly. Upon getting in melee range, they do a self-destruct PBAoE attack for high damage.
  • Observer - Puts a crosshair debuff on targets attacking the shield generator. The debuff appears very similar to the effect of Targeting Computer. These targets generate much more threat than normal. Taking them out causes targets with the debuff to drop all aggro.
  • Tracker - Flings down bombs constantly on top of targets, in sets of 3. The attack that the Tracker does is very similar to Fire/Ice's falling ice/whatever that other one attack is, tracking delayed PBAoE's after 3 targets. It does this until killed.
  • Sweeper - This drone fires out a cylindrical, maintained blast of energy while slowly turning. They sometimes like to spawn in columns, making it impossible to jump through their fire.
  • Destroyer - The only ground-based robot, it scoots across the ground at high speeds, rapidly shredding up any target it gets within melee range of. Blocking against it knocks it away and does damage to it.
  • Avatar - Around the 2 minute mark, a gigantic, spiky, humanoid metal torso will emerge out from the side of the asteroid to fight you. He attacks slowly with powerful beams and ground smashes, which, while they occupy decent amounts of the battlefield, are all easily avoided with coordinated movement. Defeating the avatar deals a bit of bonus damage to the generator and bestows an extra end-alert bonus to the team.
A good deal of the drones float in midair. In general, the team breakup of this alert is as such:

Ranged DPS - Drone crowd control.
Melee DPS - Main damage to shield generator.
Tank - Identical to DPS, depending on whether it's melee or ranged.
Support - Same as always, emergency aid.

As the alert is based around a time limit (and the name itself is even 'survival') any characters who die during this alert are completely removed from play within 30 seconds of dying. After that, they become spectators. The alert automatically fails if all players die, but even then points will be rewarded to players who did the most damage and lasted the longest, and small prizes (EXP, Resources, other items) are handed out.

The arena's makeup will change as the alert goes further on. The Asteroid has 4 forms, which correspond to time and health conditions being met. If one condition isn't met (say, the asteroid has been reduced to 2/3 health but only 5 minutes have passed, or the asteroid is still full health and 1 minute is left, the asteroid will still be in the 2nd phase.)
  • Initial - Full time and Full health - Initially, the asteroid is just heading towards earth at a normal pace in zero G. Fall speed is slowed and jump height is increased, and the asteroid is at full size. It is possible to jump off the asteroid, which deals 1/3rd your total HP in damage and teleports you back on near the center.
  • Gravity - Full health, 4:30 left - The asteroid has entered earth's gravity field. Fall speed is returned to normal, and the earth appears a little closer. Meanwhile, the asteroid itself is still in full condition.
  • Friction - 2/3 health, 3 minutes left - A combination of falling further into the atmosphere, as well as the weakened shield, cause friction to begin grinding at the asteroid. The arena's area contracts a bit, and standing at the edges of it will deal fire damage to you. Being reinforced for this sort of work, the drones unfortunately don't suffer from this effect.
  • Breakup - 1/3 health, 1:30 left - At this point, the asteroid has fallen far enough into the atmosphere that the sky is now recognizably blue. By this point, hopefully, the team has dealt enough damage to the asteroid's shields that it now begins to completely fall apart. There are now gaps between different sections of the asteroid, which, while most are usually small enough to walk over, will sometimes spout flame or electricity, dealing damage. Through those cracks, you can clearly see that the Asteroid is a large, disguised robot fortress of some sort.
In all phases, there are chances that the asteroid might rotate while falling. In these cases all characters get a warning in the form of a flashing arrow, and get pushed in the corresponding direction repeatedly. Careful not to fall off!

Gameplay variety and foreshadowing.
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    gradii wrote: »
    make ALL rewards drop (perhaps at a reduced rate) for those who die in the rampage, and I'm on board with this idea.

    The idea is that once either a character is defeated, or the alert ends in victory, they are teleported to a mission control area back on earth. That said, all possible prizes get spawned there, and not on the asteroid area of the map.

    Also, another idea that I had in my head before I began writing this down and forgot about: Defeated allies back in mission control have the ability to spawn as invisible drones, assigned to a neutral (civilian) faction. In this state, they can actually send in moderately powerful, but slow, coordinated airstrikes on to the asteroid to help the remaining teammates out, as well as send out healing packs once every 5 minutes.
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  • ninten92ninten92 Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I like this. This could work. Three questions, though. What created the robots? Who's represented by this Avatar? Would questions one and two be followed up in a sequel rampage or event?
    Just another average RPer, costume part collector, and tabletop gamer.

    Looking for a lore-based Superhero RPSG? Why not http://earth-guard.shivtr.com/

  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ninten92 wrote: »
    I like this. This could work. Three questions, though. What created the robots? Who's represented by this Avatar? Would questions one and two be followed up in a sequel rampage or event?

    The fact you had to ask is probably a good sign. Here's a hint:

    This would likely lead into moon zone.

    EDIT: For more detail, this is Mechanon, a villain in Champions Lore that's already foreshadowed the hell out of in open-world lore objects. I'm also pretty sure that he's the one behind Whiteout ultimately.
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  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Idea: /signed :biggrin:
    Hashtags: /unsigned. :tongue:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm not a fan of it because it's exactly what Dr. Destroyer did...and one hero alone was enough to stop it. (although at the cost of his own life)

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
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