Right now, I'm looking through some of the costume options, and I gotta say- we're kinda lacking options to make some more 'authentic' commando-style options.
I'm not trying to make this game 'Cawladoodie'. But I have to admit, the options would help.
Look at the various categories that are neglected.
Our pistols are lousy- It's either 'Flat Desert eagle', 'USP', or 'Pewee concealed pistol'. Would it be that hard to get some more options? A Five-seveN? A Colt 1911? Hell, a 'tactical revolver' would be nice (And the Anime Revolver is all borked, so not an option).
Head Side Accessory? A combat-camera would be awesome.
Emblem Front? Instead of some of the 'bleh' things in there, why not have a knife on a shoulder harness or some magazines?
Rear accessory? A bigger knife at an angle, or another pistol. This category is only used by fur-persons and tail-people.
The pistols for the thigh are already pathetic- can we get something a bit more realistic here, an actual carry holster that connects to the belt, or maybe even an option for magazine pouches (for non-dual wielders).
Even our SMG 'Uzi' (The smallest one), I've been BEGGING to have this moved to pistols or made a pistol option as well. And the thigh piece is metal-only, which sucks.
Not to mention, the materials of weapons- why can't they be something other than metal? Multiple firearms nowadays are using non-metal parts, and even metal ones are subdued and non-reflective.
A bracer for shotgun shells? Or maybe even throwing knives?
I mean, can we get some love here? Or can I expect more 'silly' and 'supernatural' costumes? If I get visual references, will it help?
Seriously, we need more options in the matter.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Honestly, regardless of the arm it's on- they should be on the inside of the forearm, but I can suspend disbelief for the sake of 'looking cool in a video game'.
(I keep mine on the shotgun or on a belt, but that's just me.)