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Costume protocol question

bughousebughouse Posts: 105 Arc User
edited December 2013 in Costumes and Concepts
Is it considered rude to use a costume seen online for your own? I've seen a few that I've wanted to borrow and modify or flat-out "steal" from the Costume Exchange or other forum threads here. Sometimes other people have the best looks for your own concepts.

I wanted to check here before I did something like that; I'd hate to get on the bad side of the community just by not coming up with my own costume once.

Bughouse, the overly-sensitive costume lover
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  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    If people have posted costume files, especially in "share your costume" threads, it's probably fair to use them.

    If you're just copying something you've seen in a screenshot, you're probably ok too. The rules on not copying costumes is about published characters, not other players' costumes. However, it never hurts to send off a PM and ask. I have before, and a couple have even sent me their costume files, making it even easier to use the elements I liked.
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I would modify the look always. Pay homage to it but don't clone it.

    Homage- elements from a particular look
    Clone-complete copy of look

    Like all my homages are either from in game players or comics but my guy is a rat. So even if I copy the costume piece by piece...I'm still a rat and have that different element working for me. When in doubt...just ask that person, I'm sure they wouldn't mind having a duo (if you can)
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Good thing about here is, that if you can't come up a costume for your concept/idea, ask, make a thread or post or send a PM asking for some aid. There are lots of people here, who will help to make your idea come true. You get plenty of concepts that you can mix and match.
    And if you really need to copy something, add something into it. Just cloning someones idea straighforward isn't cool.
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  • benevonbenevon Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Isn't the "Costume Exchange" up for that very reason to begin with? lol

    Anything else, it'd probably be best to PM the person posting it and ask for permission to use/modify just to be on the safe side.

    My Characters on PRIMUS
    Toons and costumes thread
    Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited December 2013
    No. It's not rude.

    It may not be the most creative thing ever to do, but it's not especially rude or disallowed. Also, if you modify this costume and it's no longer identical as original, it's even better.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,337 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'd play by the rule of ask first... some of us put in quite a bit of effort to create our unique looks and it can be quite irritating to walk into someone who is practically a carbon copy of one of your characters.. It's always better to just ask first... usually when asked people will say sure... it's only really a problem for the most part when someone copies your costume without asking.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • drgmstrdrgmstr Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    As long as it isn't a Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Hulk, etc. clone you can do what ever. Care if we ask what costume you had in mind you wanted to create or copy/alter? I don't mind sharing costumes that I made to others. They probably look better on a human than a manimal anyways. :tongue:

    Handle: @drgmstr

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  • bughousebughouse Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Thanks for all the response, very much appreciated. I've done my own take on certain looks before, and I'm sure everyone has tried their hand at a "Totally-Not-Batman" or whatnot. Just every now and again I get an idea that I can't peg down but see one that I just adore that fits.

    @drgmstr: specifically, I had my eyes on a character from Dinah_Might's hero-a-day thread from a while back, and a jungle lady done for a video game homage (CptCooltastic I think).

    Also, I would personally NEVER take a person's signature or iconic look, no matter how awesome it is. I've taken "celebrity photo" screenies of a few people - like the paparazzi - but you'll never see me running around with a clone of Thundrax, Chisoku, Sparrowhawk, Caliga, Mentella, Brand X, Ratassassin, Steel Sentinel, Sylvania, Offender or the Flying Finn, even though they are all very cool looks. I have used the file for Brigade the Multiple Man as a body shape base before.

    Wait, did I just show some of my fanboyism? :redface:

    Again though, thanks very much for the advice. I'll do my best to follow it!
  • joybuzzerxjoybuzzerx Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Wouldn't worry about it.

    Sometimes people just make close to the same costume. Some are just basic enough it'd be hard not to see others already using it.

    Especially with a few specific themes and there being a tight design that just fits the theme well (web for spider themes for instance).
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bughouse wrote: »
    Is it considered rude to use a costume seen online for your own? I've seen a few that I've wanted to borrow and modify or flat-out "steal" from the Costume Exchange or other forum threads here. Sometimes other people have the best looks for your own concepts.

    I wanted to check here before I did something like that; I'd hate to get on the bad side of the community just by not coming up with my own costume once.

    It's not a problem at all. With the Costume Exchange, that's pretty much what it's made for, after all (at least that's the way I look at it.) If you put up a costume file image (those comic book page looking jpgs with a character still in the middle) it's almost certainly free-game. Otherwise, it'd probably be wiser for the poster to just take a screenshot and post that - much better appearance, and also isn't as easy to 'steal'.

    In general, paying homage to another player's look is completely free-game. In fact, a lot of the characters I design take some passing pointers, concepts, or tricks I've seen other players use. Only once did I get a complaint on a character that borrowed a single design element, and that was simply because the player in question was just being very uppity (as several members of my SG agreed).

    It's quite situational; different players are going to interpret the borrowing of a look as either homage or stealing. Really, just use your personal judgement. But if I were to say something really cut and dry on the situation, I'd never outright copy someone else's design. The closest I'd get is a different character wearing the same outfit (for example, this character, same hairstyle and build, wearing Devana Hawke's outfit. Or Caliga's outfit). Entering a costume contest, the closest I'd get is simply putting your personal spin on someone else's concept or trick - maybe borrow a technique you saw someone else execute, but everything else should be your design.
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  • drgmstrdrgmstr Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bughouse wrote: »
    @drgmstr: specifically, I had my eyes on a character from Dinah_Might's hero-a-day thread from a while back, and a jungle lady done for a video game homage (CptCooltastic I think).

    Well that is perfectly fine. To be quite honest, many here have made a costume inspired by one they have seen. I know I have gave others my costume ideas before but they went ahead and changed one or two things so it's not a exact copy, which is perfectly fine. I love to make power armors and I will say some of the armors I have made are from others I have seen playing the game but with my own personal touch. Have anyone complained to me about it yet? Not at all because it is my own design, just had a little help to get it started is all.

    Handle: @drgmstr

    "Embrace your dreams"

    Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I've also seen it like this:

    You make this awesome costume you are proud of, someone admires it and then makes a almost exact ripoff of it.

    You both enter a Costume Contest and you decide to either (A) switch to something different or (B) keep the same one. Then that other person ends up winning, it can be frustrating because everyone is like, "oh nice costume well done!" But you know deep down that it was your idea.

    This has honestly happen both ways for me personally. One time I was the copier, I messaged the person I was copying(it was meant to be a joke) and was like you should have the prize...but they were cool with it. If it's the exchange, sure fair game. But anything else should be asked and altered always. Sure you could do it anyways but just use proper in games etiquette.

    I personally don't mind only if someone asked me if they could use a look. If I feel you went and just made my look without talking to me or if you didn't at least acknowledge the fact this was based on you, I'd probably get a little annoyed. Now I'm not saying after every win give an oscar acceptance speech but a simple, "hey I used your fantasy idea for this guy..is that cool?" I'll be fine....I bet this is coming off as a total costume snob. Haha
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bughouse wrote: »
    Also, I would personally NEVER take a person's signature or iconic look, no matter how awesome it is. I've taken "celebrity photo" screenies of a few people - like the paparazzi - but you'll never see me running around with a clone of Thundrax, Chisoku, Sparrowhawk, Caliga, Mentella, Brand X, Ratassassin, Steel Sentinel, Sylvania, Offender or the Flying Finn, even though they are all very cool looks. I have used the file for Brigade the Multiple Man as a body shape base before.

    Aw. No Rune?

    I knew I should have opened every game session by allcaps "shouting" "Ruuuunnneee!" into zone chat.

    In all honesty though, I'd just ask permission if it's someone "Iconic main look", and assume the rest is probably fair game. Hell, I am generally pleased whenever I see anyone copying elements from the costumes and civvies suits of my various characters.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    iamrune wrote: »
    Aw. No Rune?

    I knew I should have opened every game session by allcaps "shouting" "Ruuuunnneee!" into zone chat.

    Inversely I have no clue how I was even included in that listing; I don't ever talk in zone/do anything really.
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  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I had one guy tell me that he liked Offender's colors and he used them in one of his costumes. He showed me a screenshot and his character didn't really look anything like mine, but the colors jumped out at me as being spot-on. I thought it was cool.

    Another time I had someone message me and tell me they really liked one of my characters. He created his own version that was some 90% the same as mine, even the name had one of the same words. This one bothered me a bit. On the one hand he did compliment the character, but on the other, he just basically stole his look and slapped some different colors and substituted a costume piece.

    I would definitely ask first, and even then try to not make your character look so much like the other person's. And the costume exchange is basically there for people who can't come up with a certain costume, so you should feel free to take from that as you wish.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,156 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Personally, I'd ask before outright using a costume of someone else's, some people may just want to use the costume but make slight alterations.

    I've sadly had people rip off costumes I've made, something which I despise wholly.

    (I've had direct and very bad rip off clones of Mentella*, Bionic Bullet, CharmCaster and ForceGirl)

    The worst I've found is when people do it and it looks BAD. :tongue:

    I think as long as you don't entirely rip off the costume and ask it should be fine, but that's just me.

    In some instances, costumes may not work unless a certain body figure or scale is adjusted from what I've found.

    Parodies like this:


    *MANTELLO doesn't count cause it was damn hilarious and I was fine with it. Parodies, I think are a fine line, so long as it isn't overly insulting to the original character/player.
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Costume and name is a foul. It's like impersonation.
    There are only so many combinations, but if you think you look 85% give credit.
    Just in your info say "inspired by character@handle"
  • bughousebughouse Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I can't believe I forgot Rune in my list o' examples! I once changed a character because he looked too much like Rune! Of course, if I listed EVERY character whose costume I like a lot, we'd be here forever.

    I r teh subtle! d-(^.^)z

    Seriously though, that is a whole heaping helping of good thinking. Thank you all for the advice! I can't stress highly enough how much help this has been.

    @jasinblaze: You make a great point. If I use another player as inspiration, there will definitely be due credit given in the info box.
  • benevonbenevon Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Personally, I'd ask before outright using a costume of someone else's, some people may just want to use the costume but make slight alterations.

    I've sadly had people rip off costumes I've made, something which I despise wholly.

    (I've had direct and very bad rip off clones of Mentella*, Bionic Bullet, CharmCaster and ForceGirl)

    The worst I've found is when people do it and it looks BAD. :tongue:

    I think as long as you don't entirely rip off the costume and ask it should be fine, but that's just me.

    In some instances, costumes may not work unless a certain body figure or scale is adjusted from what I've found.

    *MANTELLO doesn't count cause it was damn hilarious and I was fine with it. Parodies, I think are a fine line, so long as it isn't overly insulting to the original character/player.

    Parodies are especially fun. I have one ore two costumes where Rugby is dressed as another character in game. But I always make sure to retain elements of my own character to give it that "Rugby is clearly wearing a bad costume of somebody else".

    There is also a few of my SG mates that decided to boost my ego...



    *fixed links

    My Characters on PRIMUS
    Toons and costumes thread
    Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
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