I was just thinking; I love the use of Athletics/Acrobatics, The balance between Jump height and Run speed make it(them) a great TP.
HOWEVER. Has anyone else ever wished the animations DIDN'T Have Ninja Back/flips, in favor of just a normal Backpeddle/Superjump-esq jump?
It was just a thought that came to mind. Another Athletics/Acrobatics TP, with Super/Mach speed's backpeddle, and super jumps jumping animations. For toons that like to use the travel power, but aren't strictly intended to be ninjas.
I was just thinking; I love the use of Athletics/Acrobatics, The balance between Jump height and Run speed make it(them) a great TP.
HOWEVER. Has anyone else ever wished the animations DIDN'T Have Ninja Back/flips, in favor of just a normal Backpeddle/Superjump-esq jump?
It was just a thought that came to mind. Another Athletics/Acrobatics TP, with Super/Mach speed's backpeddle, and super jumps jumping animations. For toons that like to use the travel power, but aren't strictly intended to be ninjas.
Actually, back in the day there was a device dropped from White Rhino that if you clicked on it you would do a "bull" charge towards an opponent and knock it down. Thus, they have the animation (could have been made into a power) but as with many things in the game, it's not used. :rolleyes:
athletics may not involve flips but acrobatics does and not necessarily ninjas. Just normal sports acrobatics, gymnastics , calisthenics
althetics should have the standard jump animation
Actually, back in the day there was a device dropped from White Rhino that if you clicked on it you would do a "bull" charge towards an opponent and knock it down. Thus, they have the animation (could have been made into a power) but as with many things in the game, it's not used. :rolleyes:
althetics should have the standard jump animation
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