It's still dead in some parts. But yeah, Cryptic North has been doing small tasks to improve the game better.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
i'd personally say that the game is slowly getting back on its feet in terms of content and bug fixes. Because of the latest bundle of costume sets and bug fixes (including the costume bug fixes) they've been trying to make up for the lack of content that we've been missing for a long time.
So yes the game is alive and well again. (I guess...)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
No new zone since vibora bay, thats one of the problems I'm having here.
I play several MMOs, and this one has the least amount of development by far. It is actually kind of sad to see these kinds of threads, because it seems like a person who is starving to death thanking somebody for their crumbs. Dont get me wrong; something is obviously better than nothing. But this is nowhere even remotely close to the normal amount of development most MMOs get. The truly sad part is this is actually a good game; Cryptic just isnt willing to put the resources into it to keep it growing. Adding things like the foundry, expanding the Nemesis system, and a new zone every now and then would make a world of difference.
I would hold off calling it alive until we see how auras are implemented. Will it be well implemented or follow cryptic tradition of "we'll say that we'll wait until it's ready but will push it out too soon and refuse to admit there's anything wrong"? I'm looking at you, Telepathy. I'm thinking it's the later while hoping it's the former. :redface:
Their ability to pull auras off well will speak volumes of CN. If they can do that then I think I feel a pulse. :biggrin:
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
"Good work hero. I've penetrated the other side of the building."
"Too wong have we been at each uddas thwoats like a pack of fewwal dogs."
"Big heroes are going down."
"I hate cell butt."
"Bow down to me, oh suffah the same fate as yoah fohmuh mastahs!"
What, a nice nap? The so-called "Death Dragon" didn't kill anyone - it's specifically stated that all the ringleaders were back in jail afterward. (Well, except Poe - he has to be free to annoy you around lvl 18 later).
(Then again, it is a being that can be summoned interdimensionally for the express purpose of ruling part of one city, so I guess it's not supposed to be that impressive...)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
"Bow down to me, oh suffah the same fate as yoah fohmuh mastahs!"
What, a nice nap? The so-called "Death Dragon" didn't kill anyone - it's specifically stated that all the ringleaders were back in jail afterward. (Well, except Poe - he has to be free to annoy you around lvl 18 later).
(Then again, it is a being that can be summoned interdimensionally for the express purpose of ruling part of one city, so I guess it's not supposed to be that impressive...)
._. sadly, CO again screws up an enemy from the PnP..
In the PnP, The Death Dragon is one of those world destroying threats that should take a team of atleast 10 high powered heroes to defeat.. (Or less depending on your GM)
BUT you can write up it's weakness to Summoning Sickness which severely weakens the summoned creature/person/being/ELDER GOD for a while. Really useful if you want to kill an Interdimensional Squid God.
So, Hi Pan is summoning an eldritch horror so he can take over Westside??
Yeah, got some real ambitious sorcerors in CO. "Arise, o great Cthulhu! Together, we shall seize utter control of - the Garment District!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!"
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I've similar hopes in that regard. I often look at vehicles as another big mishap of the same regards. They still refuse to implement any way to increase the max slot count of the sub-par vehicles(namely, anything from the Z store) or get a vehicle that critical 10% health/damage boost. No customization for vehicle appearance either. It'd speak volumes of CN if they could pull something off properly.
I felt vehicles as a mishap as well. To think color customization was actually there in the tailor on PTS. Even before that I considered hideouts a fail. They are just some toy that have been forgotten. I wish they had been foundry style... we'd still be playing with them.
Customization is Champions' trump card. Don't be afraid to use it to your advantage, CN. The power system and costume system alone have managed to keep a lot of people here this long, even if intermittently. They don't stay for Kevin Poe. Why not give them something else to love?
I have hope but I'm hiding it in my pocket a bit atm....
Death Dragon probably just sent one of his interns when he was told who was calling.
"Dragon! I summon thee!"
"Oh, rex. Who is it this time, minion?"
"O dread Lord Dragon, it is a mortal named Hi Pan."
"Him?" A brimstone-tinged snort. "He has the ambition of a trout. And half the brains. Send the Salamander - that one will never know the difference."
"As You will, O dread Lord Dragon."
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
While I am appreciative of the hard work Cryptic North has done-and it has been quality work, everything they have done has been small, and they havn't even added goatees to half helms!
It is not dead or dieing, but it is not strong either.
Overall I say the current trends are step in the right direction but with all the balance changes there needs to be come actual new permanent playable content to mix into the process.
Honestly, our game is now in the capable(and still learning) hands of X-Pirates(of The Burning Sea). I say it's high time they did some looting and pillaging from our neighbors which means...
-NW's core crafting system with STO's mission assisting crafting tasks, location based crafting tasks, and mission chain unlocking mission tasks.
-NW's mini events like Tymora's Gift and Waukeen which are small, amusing, and can be flipped on like a switch on a Thursday/Friday morning when nothing is happening and let run for the weekend.
-A Campaign Zone like New Romulus(in STO) and/or Feywild(in NW) which has unlockable sections, progressing storyline(some), and an Alternate Advancement System so players can finally improve their 40s and stop talking about this level cap increase rubbish.
-Combining the animation assets from the Roin'esh(in CO, of course) and The Changelings(in STO) into weapon geos and fixed size animations which would get us the Body Morphing Powerset. There is, imo, enough completed stuff to make this a reality once alot of it was anchored to the hands and feet as weapon geos so they wouldn't have to run into the issue of our character customization features. P.S. Some of this could also work for vines for that plant set...I'm just saying.
-Although I understand it's run into some "snags" over in STO-land with compatability, once it's ready really is time to knuckle down and churn out Foundry V2 for CO.
-Take NW's Auction House and the ability to drag items into the search bar from STO's AH, make it all run on Globals(None of this Astral Diamond/Questionite AH garbage), and make it a reality in CO.
-Champions Online Episode I: Placeholder Spot for Snazzy Title: CO needs content. CO needs lore. CO needs story progression. CO needs that epic feel like when Destroyer makes his return in Resistance. Shifting us to the STO Episode System is, imo, the answer to those needs. Oh hey, and it's content, of course. Oh and I want them as BIG as STO Episodes. Cryptic had it's fun with the mini-MEGA-Events in 2013 and there's enough to rerun during 2014 with minor(and not-so-minor in some cases) tweaks and upgrades(also there's that April Fools Day Event, Roxstar, The Drifter Dailies, and such which could be tweaked for return).
I could likely go on and on but I just wanted to show the wealth of options that some crafty X-pirates could get from our neighbors and before anyone says it's not possible....STO gave us LvL X/Scary Tech Mobs so there is a historical precedent. :cool:
So hoist the mass, trim the sails, and raise the flag. It's time to make Champions Online 2014: The Year of The X-Pirates. Arr!
The devs are doing their best with what they've got, but content updates are still small and relatively infrequent.
I'm not hopeful of anything major, but even minor is welcome, especially in contrast with the famine that we experienced for six months prior to NWO's beta release.
The devs are doing their best with what they've got, but content updates are still small and relatively infrequent.
I'm not hopeful of anything major, but even minor is welcome, especially in contrast with the famine that we experienced for six months prior to NWO's beta release.
Exactly. Personally I am going to expect nothing from Cryptic North. That way, even the smallest of updates will be great
So axed right before the big fix everything patch goes live?
Pretty much. So when we see an announcemnet saying we are getting this huge update that everyone has been waiting for, we should be really really worried.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Yeah but it isn't saying much when even fixing a typo in NPC dialog counts as doing something
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
So yes the game is alive and well again. (I guess...)
. . .
That's my opinion anyway.
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I play several MMOs, and this one has the least amount of development by far. It is actually kind of sad to see these kinds of threads, because it seems like a person who is starving to death thanking somebody for their crumbs. Dont get me wrong; something is obviously better than nothing. But this is nowhere even remotely close to the normal amount of development most MMOs get. The truly sad part is this is actually a good game; Cryptic just isnt willing to put the resources into it to keep it growing. Adding things like the foundry, expanding the Nemesis system, and a new zone every now and then would make a world of difference.
It remains to be seen whether we get much more than that, though.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Their ability to pull auras off well will speak volumes of CN. If they can do that then I think I feel a pulse. :biggrin:
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
"Too wong have we been at each uddas thwoats like a pack of fewwal dogs."
"Big heroes are going down."
"I hate cell butt."
Wait? Whaaaa..?
What, a nice nap? The so-called "Death Dragon" didn't kill anyone - it's specifically stated that all the ringleaders were back in jail afterward. (Well, except Poe - he has to be free to annoy you around lvl 18 later).
(Then again, it is a being that can be summoned interdimensionally for the express purpose of ruling part of one city, so I guess it's not supposed to be that impressive...)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
._. sadly, CO again screws up an enemy from the PnP..
In the PnP, The Death Dragon is one of those world destroying threats that should take a team of atleast 10 high powered heroes to defeat.. (Or less depending on your GM)
BUT you can write up it's weakness to Summoning Sickness which severely weakens the summoned creature/person/being/ELDER GOD for a while. Really useful if you want to kill an Interdimensional Squid God.
Yeah, got some real ambitious sorcerors in CO. "Arise, o great Cthulhu! Together, we shall seize utter control of - the Garment District!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!"
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I felt vehicles as a mishap as well. To think color customization was actually there in the tailor on PTS.
Customization is Champions' trump card. Don't be afraid to use it to your advantage, CN. The power system and costume system alone have managed to keep a lot of people here this long, even if intermittently. They don't stay for Kevin Poe. Why not give them something else to love?
I have hope but I'm hiding it in my pocket a bit atm....
xD This sounds about right. Slightly Harmful Iguana! I hope death dragon gets his own retcon to live up to the pnp... if he really was that... deadly.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
"Oh, rex. Who is it this time, minion?"
"O dread Lord Dragon, it is a mortal named Hi Pan."
"Him?" A brimstone-tinged snort. "He has the ambition of a trout. And half the brains. Send the Salamander - that one will never know the difference."
"As You will, O dread Lord Dragon."
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
While I am appreciative of the hard work Cryptic North has done-and it has been quality work, everything they have done has been small, and they havn't even added goatees to half helms!
It is not dead or dieing, but it is not strong either.
The game has a long way to go if it is to secure the lion's share of superhero MMO demographic (like the Foundry), but alive is a start at least.
We are certainly better off than we were a year ago.
True. Let's just hope it continues. xD
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
Honestly, our game is now in the capable(and still learning) hands of X-Pirates(of The Burning Sea). I say it's high time they did some looting and pillaging from our neighbors which means...
-NW's core crafting system with STO's mission assisting crafting tasks, location based crafting tasks, and mission chain unlocking mission tasks.
-NW's mini events like Tymora's Gift and Waukeen which are small, amusing, and can be flipped on like a switch on a Thursday/Friday morning when nothing is happening and let run for the weekend.
-A Campaign Zone like New Romulus(in STO) and/or Feywild(in NW) which has unlockable sections, progressing storyline(some), and an Alternate Advancement System so players can finally improve their 40s and stop talking about this level cap increase rubbish.
-Combining the animation assets from the Roin'esh(in CO, of course) and The Changelings(in STO) into weapon geos and fixed size animations which would get us the Body Morphing Powerset. There is, imo, enough completed stuff to make this a reality once alot of it was anchored to the hands and feet as weapon geos so they wouldn't have to run into the issue of our character customization features. P.S. Some of this could also work for vines for that plant set...I'm just saying.
-Although I understand it's run into some "snags" over in STO-land with compatability, once it's ready really is time to knuckle down and churn out Foundry V2 for CO.
-Take NW's Auction House and the ability to drag items into the search bar from STO's AH, make it all run on Globals(None of this Astral Diamond/Questionite AH garbage), and make it a reality in CO.
-Champions Online Episode I: Placeholder Spot for Snazzy Title: CO needs content. CO needs lore. CO needs story progression. CO needs that epic feel like when Destroyer makes his return in Resistance. Shifting us to the STO Episode System is, imo, the answer to those needs. Oh hey, and it's content, of course. Oh and I want them as BIG as STO Episodes. Cryptic had it's fun with the mini-MEGA-Events in 2013 and there's enough to rerun during 2014 with minor(and not-so-minor in some cases) tweaks and upgrades(also there's that April Fools Day Event, Roxstar, The Drifter Dailies, and such which could be tweaked for return).
I could likely go on and on but I just wanted to show the wealth of options that some crafty X-pirates could get from our neighbors and before anyone says it's not possible....STO gave us LvL X/Scary Tech Mobs so there is a historical precedent. :cool:
So hoist the mass, trim the sails, and raise the flag. It's time to make Champions Online 2014: The Year of The X-Pirates. Arr!
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
I'm not hopeful of anything major, but even minor is welcome, especially in contrast with the famine that we experienced for six months prior to NWO's beta release.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
I sad faced.
Deliciously nutritious!
Exactly. Personally I am going to expect nothing from Cryptic North. That way, even the smallest of updates will be great
Even worse. We could be CoX.
So axed right before the big fix everything patch goes live?
Pretty much. So when we see an announcemnet saying we are getting this huge update that everyone has been waiting for, we should be really really worried.