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Kurobasa's Costume Theater

bellatorrexbellatorrex Posts: 169 Arc User
edited November 2013 in Costumes and Concepts
Hello, it's me again. Name changed obviously, and I haven't been around for a long while but, I am here to showcase costumes I've made, right now since I have been switching computers and cleaning out pictures my list won't be huge but, I hope it will do. Note the picture quality will not be showcasing what my computer can actually do, I just feel displaying them in as a high a quality would be right.

Solaris: The Star like being fused to a young man becoming a fiery hero who defends all of the innocent's flame!

Trax the Hunter: A intergalactic bounty hunter who typically brings in his bounties alive for double the pay. He is on earth to track down a rival bounty hunter and a space necromancer who wrecked his ship.
http://imgur.com/mB3IDpd[http://i.imgur.com/mB3IDpd Canda Wear

Iron Panzer: Will Blitzstrum is a up and coming Power Armor Designer and Manufacturer who designs power armors for emergency rescue and various other survival based operations. He designed a suit to go into the hero business to personally test his designs while upgrading the same suit with new improvements along the way. the latest version is known as Valiant.
http://imgur.com/dRPlECG Shining Jaeger: not the best pic but hey, there is one here.
http://imgur.com/g9EqItb]http://i.imgur.com/g9EqItb.jpg Better picture of Shining Jaeger.
http://imgur.com/IFyaDLZ]IFyaDLZ.jpg Thundering Kaiser (Colors still WIP)

Commander: A sentient, robotic being who hails from an alternate Earth where it was the mechanical and not the organic that began life on the planet. He is a fearless leader to his people and a strong pillar of support to those that need it.

Trooper Dan: Obviously Clone Trooper homage, Trooper Dan no less wishes to be considered a hero despite attending ComicCon.

Night Bear: Small but fierce, this Dwarf of the Guild of Whispers is a expert tracker and stealth fighter... when he wants to be. He generally can be found swinging a large axe to take care of foes.

Spy Stalker: A costume made when a friend challenged me to make a spec ops archer. I decided to use the 90's rec costume pieces on him. Always looking for a new spy to stalk, Spy Stalker's name is aptly earned as he zeros in his crosshairs on his next target.

Irish Jack - Manly Dino Hunter (The name itself can't fit all the way in CC so it's Irish Jack -Manly Dino Hunter): Another costume challenge by my friend who challenged me to make a hunter from the future where meat is all but gone for some reason and Dinos are on the menu! I decided the cliche Futuristic looking Dino Hunter wasn't needed and instead opted for a more... Adventurer/Explorer/Big Game Hunter kinda look. Always on the prowl for some dinos to turn into steaks, Irish Jack slinks from no challenge for he is the most manly thing to appear in any time period!

Gladius: Just a super human gladiator, move along!

Chikyu Senshi: A meta human with the power of earth wears a suit to enhance said powers.

Blue Phoenix: A young hero who possess many feats of power thanks to his magical birth.

Celsius: A super soldier from a planet of frail telepaths, Celsius is a odd case in that he can use telepathy as well unlike most of his fellow brethren

Ryker Steir: A superhuman knight from the days of kings and dragons. He was transported to our time by a warlock who was attempting to kill the king for the throne.

Maelstrom: A alien from a planet full of hydrokinetics. Maelstrom is like the rest of his kind born as cyborgs because of a event that happened millions of years ago.
Normal Maelstrom: http://imgur.com/5zg3KJd
Mutated/Molting/Mating Season Maelstrom (Mouth made with the serpent armored jaw)
: http://imgur.com/Zygd8Js

Centurion: A cosmically empowered man made to be the champion of the being known as The Sooth, Centurion fights to protect both the Earth and the stars above with the power he was granted.
Handle: @Kurobasa
Post edited by bellatorrex on


  • bravehoptoadbravehoptoad Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I love Irish Jack - Manly Dino Hunter. That's a look I'd steal. You're really good with black and gold in your first three -- I wish somehow there was a power advantage for being tasteful.

    I like the idea a lot for Night Bear, but he's awfully dark and indistinct now. Maybe more natural-leather colors? A few bits of metal for hightlight?
  • bellatorrexbellatorrex Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thank you for your comments. And, yes, I agree, Night Bear could use some things to make it more distinct. Grant it, he is one of my costumes that is on the back burner as it were since I have my 3 slots fill now and he isn't one of them. But, I'll make some changes to him later.
    Handle: @Kurobasa
  • bellatorrexbellatorrex Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Okay, added in Iron Panzer's Alt Costume. It is him as his secret Identity Will Blitzstrum and in a rather nice business suit. I used the zoot suit simply because it doesn't clip.
    Handle: @Kurobasa
  • bellatorrexbellatorrex Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Alright made a new costume on Panzer.. but, I decided, if Iron Panzer is my Iron Man Expy (Iron is only in the name for no other metal really sounded good with Panzer) and I should have a War Machine Expy I thought. Well I didn't want to go with just a pilot or someone in a weaponized suit. Nah, keeping to theme, I took a more passive look at things. Now I won't bore you all with how many versions of this armor was made before hand but, I do provide in the link above... Shining Jaeger! The astronaut Power Armor user.
    Handle: @Kurobasa
  • kharma23kharma23 Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nice collection of heroes there, I particularly like Solaris, and Iron Panzer's latest version. Nice work!

    You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!

  • bellatorrexbellatorrex Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thank you, I have a new toon I have to post up the list at some point. His look has changed a lot but the theme was always a gladiator. Shining Jaeger costume I plan to make a better picture of and I agree, it is nice. I also have a new costume for Trax designed for Canada I'll have to get up too.
    Handle: @Kurobasa
  • pwkampfykaufmannpwkampfykaufmann Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I have to say, Solaris is one of the best costumes in that category that I've ever seen. Kudos. :smile:
  • bellatorrexbellatorrex Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thanks, and I"ve updated the list a little.
    Handle: @Kurobasa
  • bellatorrexbellatorrex Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm not done with this yet, I posted several new costumes and characters just for you all. If you have questions regarding the looks, just ask!
    Handle: @Kurobasa
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