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Telekinesis(Power) Improvement

blkjackwilliamsblkjackwilliams Posts: 256 Arc User
edited October 2013 in Suggestions Box
Telekinesis is a cool power. Problem is, it suffers from just a few flaws.

It takes 4 advantage points, and a power point to lift objects that a Strength user can lift for free.

It is a power selection that is completely invalidated by map design. (From memory, I don't remember a single exploitable item in range in the new Fire and Ice alert on test)

To that end I propose the following.

1. Buff the contribution per rank. R2 should be even with strength, and R3 should get an 80% discount.

2. Make the power a Tap/Maintain like Assault rifle, and the maintain will be 9s activating every 3s

3. On tap the power does it's current effect (throws ****)

4. However, on maintain it generates an exploitable item (Just make it a rock or something, nothing fancy) of the largest size the character can throw. I.E a character with R3 and 320 ego will summon a Titanic size rock that will appear on the ground each activation period.

5. Ranking the power will reduce the Maintain time and activation time by 1/3. So R2 would be 6s at 2s pulses and R3 would be 3s at 1s Pulses

This has been my presentation, titled how to make telekinesis, the power, better.

Thank you
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  • iceih03iceih03 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What about just taking options 4 and 5 ? and create a device that works exactly as the original telekinesis power just for concept and fun? The original was cooler but useless in combat, the fix made it more usable in combat, but not so cool for fun out of combat.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just 4 and 5 would make the move plenty good. Also good would be if might's Hurl got a similar treatment, albeit in the opposite direction.
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • blkjackwilliamsblkjackwilliams Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You would need #2 and #3 to be able to actually throw the objects you make.

    Without the tap/maintain all you'd have is the maintain, and the maintain only summons objects. You'd lose the ability to actually throw anything.

    #1 is just because I don't want the power to -require- R3 to be viable.

    Also, heck yes to a device with the old TK mechanics. That would be awesome.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Without the tap/maintain all you'd have is the maintain, and the maintain only summons objects. You'd lose the ability to actually throw anything.

    Not necessarily. The idea I was thinking about a telekinesis redux would be that it would launch weaker, personally-produced projectiles if there were no applicable objects nearby (the rock chunks). However, if there were, then it would use those objects instead, which would produce a more damaging effect. It would basically be a decent, reliable tap-based attack that gets stronger when other throwing fodder is provided.
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • blkjackwilliamsblkjackwilliams Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    bluhman wrote: »
    Not necessarily. The idea I was thinking about a telekinesis redux would be that it would launch weaker, personally-produced projectiles if there were no applicable objects nearby (the rock chunks). However, if there were, then it would use those objects instead, which would produce a more damaging effect. It would basically be a decent, reliable tap-based attack that gets stronger when other throwing fodder is provided.

    Gotcha, I see what you're saying now.

    Personally, going by trends in maps, I doubt much biggie size fodder will be provided with any real reliability, so I'd prefer being able to make my own Titanic sized rocks if I have the ego/rank for it.

    But if it turns out that your idea or something similar is easier, I'd be all over that.

    I really want to see Telekinesis be a viable ranged attack.

    It's just so cool.
  • chaoswolf820chaoswolf820 Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Gotcha, I see what you're saying now.

    Personally, going by trends in maps, I doubt much biggie size fodder will be provided with any real reliability, so I'd prefer being able to make my own Titanic sized rocks if I have the ego/rank for it.

    But if it turns out that your idea or something similar is easier, I'd be all over that.

    I really want to see Telekinesis be a viable ranged attack.

    It's just so cool.

    I wanna throw trucks with my brain.
  • spordeliaspordelia Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Personally, I think it's fine as it is. I was cool with the original, the fix made it more useable in combat and all, ok - but no summoning/conjuring random objects out of nowhere, I have to draw the line there. It'd really put the nail in the coffin, at least as far as concept goes, might as well rename it to "Summon Objects" or whatever -and in favor of what, even more fast-paced pew-pew-pew, stuff exploding all around in pretty colors and nobody knows who or what is happening? :confused:

    With the original, you could levitate the (picked) object for a bit, surrounded in telekinetic energy, before throwing it at your target. Not perfect, but conceptually pretty darn good, IMO. Too complicated, or useless in combat, I get it - it got "fixed" - and I can live with that (even though I managed to use in combat, almost just as effectively as it is now). Fair compromises.

    Ideally maybe, we'd have most or all environment objects flagged in every map or lair- that's the whole point, manipulating the objects in your surroundings to your advantage - and also possibly a toggle between both versions of this power, more combat or concept oriented? All I know is that I'd hate to see it tweaked beyond recognition, especially when the set itself is, in my opinion, already lackluster in concept, with all the melee-blade powers or whatnot as its "star" of sorts. :rolleyes:

    Leave Britney... errr, I mean, Telekinesis alone! :tongue:
    I wanna throw trucks with my brain.
    You can do that, you know... that is, if you can find a truck, lol (and well, obviously have the required Ego). :wink:
  • dynamechdynamech Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    While I agree that summoning objects would be too unbelievable, surely a generic ball o' ground would be OK ... maybe add a slight time penalty to rip it free from whatever you're standing on, that sort of thing?
  • iceih03iceih03 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    dynamech wrote: »
    While I agree that summoning objects would be too unbelievable, surely a generic ball o' ground would be OK ... maybe add a slight time penalty to rip it free from whatever you're standing on, that sort of thing?

    When summoning I imagine something like the ground in the earth flight, not magical summon.
  • blkjackwilliamsblkjackwilliams Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yup and if you didn't want to, you wouldn't have to use the power any different that you do now, just tap.

    All the maintain part would do is pull rocks from the ground a la telekineic maelstrom, or as iceiho3 said, earth flight. Then, after the maintain, you could tap away and throw the rocks.

    The only difference being that now you could use the power in places where there are no exploitable objects. Or at least nothing bigger than a street light.
  • spordeliaspordelia Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well, Telekinetic Maelstrom already does that: draws stones from the earth to hurl at enemies. I have no problem with it, happen to love it, actually. But adding yet another earth/rock gimmick to the set, and to the power that *defines* it, pretty much, would be adding insult to injury (feeling a bit dramatic :tongue:)! Dunno, surely seems convenient, easier for combat, but again, at what cost...?

    Not sure if you guys have played this one Alert (forget which enemy right now, but it takes place at the docks?) You can literally just stand there hurling (huge) containers (and I think vehicles, too) at your enemy as the objects keep respawning - dealing great damage, using only the environment and the power of your mind. So much fun! And to me, a pointer in the right direction should another "fix" be implemented - flagging more objects in the environment.

    I've dealt with (sometimes, groups) of enemies using only Telekinesis. And that's another cool aspect of it, different environments, you never know what throwable objects you'll find/have at disposal, making the fight much more dynamic and... well, realistic. In a completely empty room, there should be no throwable objects. At a warehouse? Fun times! Conversely, in other maps (especially true with lairs), you'll find literally zero objects that can be lifted/thrown. And that's the only problem or part that needs "fixing", IMO, nothing wrong with the power itself.
  • ramthananaxramthananax Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well, one idea I've been kind of kicking around is to change TK so it turns objects into pets. You target an object, activate the power... and for while the object will follow you around and act like an uncontrolled pet, with one attack- a lunge crushing attack. Each time it attacks, it loses some health. Larger objects would have more health, but the damage would always be based on your Ego, so you'd prefer to use larger objects, although smaller objects would do in a pinch. If you activate the power without an object selected, it would grab the nearest object.

    Your object is destroyed if you reactivate the power before your object is destroyed or the time runs out.

    One of the advantages could be "Summon", which would create a standard object up to your Ego's carrying capacity if there's nothing nearby. Another advantage might be to increase the number of objects you can carry/possess.

    This would, I think, simulate both mental TK and a sort of magical poltergeist ability.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Adding more flagged objects to maps would be the best fix, but that takes a lot of work going through maps.

    What about the power being a knock of some type when no objects are nearby? Instead of throwing an object, you throw the enemy.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • chaoswolf820chaoswolf820 Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just have it tear a chunk out of the ground, the way Hurl does...
  • iceih03iceih03 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well, one idea I've been kind of kicking around is to change TK so it turns objects into pets. You target an object, activate the power... and for while the object will follow you around and act like an uncontrolled pet, with one attack- a lunge crushing attack. Each time it attacks, it loses some health. Larger objects would have more health, but the damage would always be based on your Ego, so you'd prefer to use larger objects, although smaller objects would do in a pinch. If you activate the power without an object selected, it would grab the nearest object.

    Your object is destroyed if you reactivate the power before your object is destroyed or the time runs out.

    One of the advantages could be "Summon", which would create a standard object up to your Ego's carrying capacity if there's nothing nearby. Another advantage might be to increase the number of objects you can carry/possess.

    This would, I think, simulate both mental TK and a sort of magical poltergeist ability.

    This idea is very good, but it should be a new power, because it is more than a fix to improve playability it is a new concept/idea.
  • spordeliaspordelia Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Adding more flagged objects to maps would be the best fix, but that takes a lot of work going through maps.

    What about the power being a knock of some type when no objects are nearby? Instead of throwing an object, you throw the enemy.
    Throwing enemies: sounds good in theory, and the idea has been thrown around quite a few times, if memory serves me right. But then again we already have similar powers in TK (i.e Telekinetic Wave), not to mention, the Force set almost as a whole...
    iceih03 wrote: »
    This idea is very good, but it should be a new power, because it is more than a fix to improve playability it is a new concept/idea.
    Agreed! And one that'd fall better under Mysticism, I'd think - the ability to "animate" objects, transforming them into servants/pets. Brings to mind a certain Disney mouse as a wizard? :D

    The "issue" with Telekinesis, as this keeps coming up: it's a conditional power, so to speak: in that, you need objects around to be thrown, and that needs to be accepted. That's the power, the concept and the description. It's its own thing. Most ideas for "fixes" or solutions, aren't even that (band-aids, at best) - as they often seek to transform the power into something it is not. The real issue isn't with the power, but in the lack of interactable/liftable objects. So, the next step, even if probably the most difficult to implement - which would be flagging/coding objects in all maps - remains the most logical, viable and really the proper (only!) way to go about this, in my opinion. In the meanwhile, you may choose to keep the power, for concept, if nothing else; but also might find it quite enjoyable and not anywhere near that bad, actually. :smile:
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