So, due to some things that have popped up, I'm suspending implementation of Strike team 7 until further Notice. However if the idea does interest you, and you think you might like to be part of the team, send me an ingame Email at @Ed_gunner.Not your Average Super Group
UNTIL Strike Team 7
"Having 'super' abilites is a sliding scale. "Off the charts" is a relative term. But there is no denying Exceptional skills. In an organization such as UNTIL, when a soldier shows exceptional promise, they are often pulled from the rank and file, and placed where they are best suited." - Recruiting officer Lt. Reed
Thus Strike Teams are formed. Soldiers are placed together based on a general purpose of their Team. Some Strike Teams are Demolition squads, others are pure stealth recon teams.
Strike Team 7 is what ever They need it to be.
Exceptional humans, great people who go up against greater odds. Who rely on teamwork and training over amazing powers to take on even the toughest jobs. Some are gifted with meta human abilities, but its not what defines them. They aren't a pair of tights and a catch phrase, they're a soldier.
Strike Team 7 is designated a First Response Strike Team, focusing on Mobility and Adaptability. It is made up with an array of different members, who all bring something unique to the team, supporting eachother inorder to take on any challenge, even those of a Super Human Nature.
Strike Teams are a special part of the UNTIL Military, able to be 'loaned' out and stationed where needed. Its not uncomon to see ST Recriuts being trained in MC, or having a ST stationed on PRIMUS military bases to deal with international, or local threats.
ST7 is led by Captain Lancaster. A well decorated officer, he's led many teams into and out of battle. A strong force of will, he's often an inspiring presence to those around him, and an intimidating enemy to those against him.
So, What is it?This whole thing is a personal inquiry to see a team in action not as a group of solos working together, but as a group of teammates, working as a team. Take 5 builds that are designed to support the group as a whole, wrap them around a unifying theme, and see toss them into MC, and see where the story takes them.
Roleplay, right?
Yes. As many of you will be able to tell when you see the builds, they are not designed for min/max'ing, or statistical purity. There are better healers, better tanks, better supports, but that's not the goal here. I'm not looking for another Justice League, or Teen Titans. This could be closer to Agents of Shield. The roles are designed as Exceptional Humans. And I am starting this more for their story, than simply being, or having the best tanks or DPS numbers can roll. Most of the RP will be done in the field, playing the game. There is a nice large game out there with plenty of diverse landscapes and scenes to set up in.
Wait, so what about my Character, the one I already have?
Not to sound disrespectful, but I'd rather you leave that behind. I have several reasons for this. First, baggage. Most characters have a lot of personal baggage that tends to weigh the character down to ridiculous levels. I'm not saying you cant make a character with a backstory, I encourage you to do so, but your current character, probably has little to no reason to actually be in this group, and chances are, will vastly out power it.
That brings me to the second point, levels. And with them, builds. Part of the draw of this group, is the way each build works off the others. Your build may be good for your character, but it will probably not mesh as well with the team as a whole. Most builds are skewed towards solo play. These roles and builds are carefully designed to work in tandem so one isn't more powerful than the other.
Also on levels, part of the draw of this, to me, is growing with your character. Most of these builds don't truly shine till about level 20. The Recon gets its sniper, or the Tech gets its Orbital Canon. But all that time leading up to it is a great time for character introduction, and growth. Dropping in at 40, where do you have to go from there?
However, if you'd like to reroll your current character? We'll talk about it.
You keep mentioning Roles, and Builds?
Yes, I designed this team with 5 Roles in mind. The Team Leader, the Heavy, the Recon, the Medic, and the Tech. The actual builds can be seen at the bottom, thanks to the great superalfgorn.
The LEADER (support role) is a control oriented support. The build itself is decent only when played in the team. Leveling it alone is going to be a chore..
The key power once you have all specialization is Bolas. As a Paralyze on tap it inflics all the debuffs from your specialization trees in one go. Also Sonic Device for the stun is going to be very useful.
The support to your team comes in the form of Sentinel Aura, granting minor healing over time, Aura of Primal Majesty buffing all stats, and Protection Field to shield them, Howl as a battle cry, and Munition bots because having them on several team members and thinking the TECH controls them all is just fun.
This would be my role. No need for a full character bio, but he'd be the one with the plan, and taking the orders from UNTIL command.
The HEAVY (hybrid role), is the tank. The additional threat comes from the protector tree.
It uses power armor powers, but most can be justified by a more techy suit. It ensures protection to the whole team with Inertial Dampening Field and AoRProtection.
The Team defender. The biggest one on the Field, This is what'll draw most of the fire, and dish plenty of it back out. Decked out in Battle ready, UNTIL issued Power armor, it'll bring the strength to bear when its needed. Missiles, Miniguns, and plenty of defensive measures to keep the heat off the team.
The MEDIC (support role) is the ultimate field medic, providing tons of healing and debuffing. It uses pistols for its attacks. Since Two Gun Mojo is awesome, the damage is decent.
But sometimes, people get hurt regardless. Every team needs a medic on hand, just incase. Not exactly the frontlines fighter, This spot is all about the team heals and keeping the group on its feet. It can hold its own in combat, but wouldn't want to take the lead.
The STEALTH (ranged damage) is all out damage and stealth. Using the synergy between thrown weapons and Sniper Rifle.
Also known as Recon, This role is all about battlefield awareness, and intel gathering. Staying out of the fray and picking off stragglers, the Recon is all about being sneaky and doing its dirty work from afar.
The TECH (hybrid role) is going to be a Damage oriented AoE expert with a few tricks.
The main attacks are the submachinegun and the orbital cannon.
Sonic device, gas pellets and miniaturization drive act as Crowd Control/Debuff.
A team needs its smart man. Adding that extra bit of support for the team, the Tech comes in spades. Munition bots, Gas pellets, techy devices, all useful in adding those tricks needed to keep the fight in the teams favor.

So, Is there a Script?
Heh, I do seem to have a lot of story in mind, but really I've just written the back cover. I don't have a goal for the members other than filling the roles of the team. In this age of gods, and demons, and cosmic level threats and heros, I still think a good story can be made from a simple team of Men (And women). You can still have personality and be part of a military unit. I do want you to bring that to the team.
But I only have silver, I can't freeform, I can't do any of this.
Well, I'm sorry, but this team probably isn't for you. Its an ambitious project, and I know its only for a limited amount of people. If you Really want to try and work something out, ask none the less.
You know that Medic/Tank/Tech could be better if...
Thank you, but please hold off on tossing out suggestions just yet. Keep in mind they are themed, so its not the purest Tank, medic, DPS, what have you. I like the way the powers play into eachother, and superalfgorn did a very good job of that. But if you do have all that in mind, and have alternative suggestions, Pick a role, join up, and modify in the field.
I'm in! What...what now?
Great! Post here with your Ingame handle, what role you're interested in, and why. Or send an ingame Email with all this to
@Ed_gunner. Please, I'm not a stickler, but I do request the use of capitals, and punctuation. You don't need to be Oxford level here, just put a little effort into it. I'm not looking for a full application, but understand this is a commitment. I don't need you all the time, but this is a RP character you're bringing in and I hope you're fully interested in taking this somewhere.