(I thought posting it on the Forums is the best thing to do to get an answer)
1 Year ago, in one of my Casual runs in
Hi-Pan: Fury of the Dragon Custume Alert, I got the
Right Eye of the Sapphire Dragon
and now I'm trying to sell it since it has been collecting Dust in my Hideout Bank for 1 Year!
However, I noticed that the White Text and the Green Text Desciption of this Core Item say different things!
The White Text Descriptions Says:
This core causes you to deal 10% more with all Electric Offense powers. This core cannot be ranked up.
The White Text States that it boost ONLY
Electric Offense powers
BUT the
GREEN Text says
100 sec
+10% all damage bonus strength **
** Only affects certain things
The green text says that it give
+10% Bonus ALL DAMAGE and NOT Just Electric Powers

My same Question applies for the
Left Eye of the Ruby Dragon as well
The White Text Descriptions Says:
This core causes you to deal 10% more with all Martial Arts Offense powers. This core cannot be ranked up.
BUT the
GREEN Text says
100 sec
+10% all damage bonus strength **
** Only affects certain things
Again, the green text says that it give
+10% Bonus ALL DAMAGE NOT just martial arts like the Description says
So what description is Correct? The white or the Green one?
Does the Item(s) ONLY boost 10% on Electric/Martial powers?
or does in fact give 10% ALL BONUS DAMAGE without Discriminating the type of Framework?
People on the Trade Chat suggested me to trasfer the Core in PTS Server to test it myself, But Since I'm not a GOLD/LFT member, I don't have access to PTS Server :rolleyes:
again I'm asking for curiosity, the description has been bugging me since the day I got the item!
I don't plan to use the Item myself since I'm trying to get rid of it by Selling it, but the people who are interested for it, wonder about the same thing! :eek:
Instead of applying a +10% electric damage, or a +10% martial arts damage (which doesn't exist), these mods give their bonuses to a specific list of powers which isn't explicitly given. However, it's likely that the lists are "All electric powers" and "All martial arts powers", respectively.
I suspect that they add their bonuses to all damage within the specific frameworks, so that if you have an electric attack that does non-electric damage, it's still buffed. Likewise, martial arts powers do slashing, piercing, crushing, dimensional, bleed, and probably other types of damage. And even if you limited it to physical damage, there'd be overlap with lots of other sets. Safer to just buff all damage (but only for certain powers).
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Thank for the Explanation!
ok now I got not 1 but 2 Left Eye of the Ruby Dragon from the Dragon Bags my characters has been Stacking!
My Question this time: Does this Core ALL power from the ENTIRE Martial Art powerframe? and i DO mean ALL of them?
Dual Blades, Fighting Claws, Single Blade, Unarmed OH MY!
If it does, then It seems this Core is more Flexible and precious than the Saphire one! and I have A LOT of toons who use powers from that frame that can take usage of them!
LOL! I did that alert every day with each of my character (both ATs and FFs) for the Silver Reg daily, and all I got was his entire Wardrobe :eek: