Updated October 21, 2013.Tired of seeing this listed under archived post, so I'm starting a new thread that I can actually edit.If you want to be invited to S.E.C.R.E.T. please be sure to include your character@handle in a game mail to @KenpoJuJitsu3 or @Supercollide.
-Do you enjoy playing PvE in Champions Online?
-Do you enjoy teaming even if you
can solo the missions because it's fun to smash bad guys in a group?
-Do you enjoy interacting with and helping newer players?
-Do you need help/advise on some build ideas you have and/or someone to test them with?
-Do you need help amassing funds for retcons?
Are you a new player to the game and/or a silver player?
If so S.E.C.R.E.T. may be the supergroup for you. S.E.C.R.E.T. is the Selective Elite Champions Reinforcement Emergency Team. We're who the Champions call when the job is too big and it simply must be done. We are the special forces branch of the Champions. Vibora Bay apocalypse? Yeah,
we stopped that.
S.E.C.R.E.T. is a supergroup that started small at launch (though some members have been here since Beta) with myself and some of my close family and friends playing Champions Online. We've since opened the group to others and spent a lot of time helping people with missions when we see requests through zone chat, helping people with build ideas (
see some of the links in my sig for build help), testing builds in the Powerhouse and helping people with retcon costs so they can be the hero they want to be.
Basically we're a group of dedicated Champions Online players who just like to log in, run missions, have fun and help other people get more enjoyment out of the game we enjoy so much. No muss, no fuss.
The requirements are fairly simple:
1) Enjoys playing Champions Online and logs in fairly regularly to play.
2) Enjoys teaming and interacting with the group. SG members are expected to join in on the SG chat and to join teams
somewhat regularly. Players who are anti-social on the chat, ignore chat, ignore tells and/or frequently ignore teaming except when
they need help will be kicked.
3) Mature members please (mature in mind, not in age).
4) Roleplaying is completely optional. If you're RPing let the other members know and remember to ((insert text here)) when breaking character.
5) Loot is openly compared and shared amongst the members. We don't hog loot in S.E.C.R.E.T. The vault is open to everyone who has reached member level (take what you need, contribute what you can) and several members keep a decent amount of gear stored elsewhere that they are willing to share when needed. Just ask.
6) Alts are welcome. No limit on alts per account.
7) Non-exclusive SG. We don't expect anyone to be in our SG and only our SG. Feel free to play however you choose to and to belong to whatever groups you enjoy playing with.
In all seriousness, if I wasn't already busy leading and running my own team of great people, or if it ever tanks unexpectedly [not likely], this is the group I'd be applying to join.
There are a lot of great Super Groups in Champions online, some focus on role-playing, most don't, but this one focuses on great people, and that's king in my book too.
Consider this an unsolicited endorsement from friendly competition!
My global is @Xymox8
42 40s, LTSer.
I've found S.E.C.R.E.T. to be a great SG. I don't need to log in like it's a second job else be booted from the group. People are pretty cool and fun, too. Quite a few are long time veterans who have great advice on builds and such.
Just thought I'd toss in my two cents worth.
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I'm also a bit new.. So yea I'm not good with words... :cool: