more things that actually have value need to be added to the q store
I've said it before and I'll say it again: There's exactly jack and **** worth buying on our Q-Store. STO and NW both have TONS of stuff to buy with it. We have nothing.
This is quite an apt metaphor for the state of the game.
Fat guy with beard - Emmert, Roper, and Atari wrapped into one person.
Girl with guy's voice - Players.
Booth with girl's voice - This game.
Ghost - Me.
Door - Caliga.
End screen - Neverwinter.
Youtube - The internet.
Your browser - The real world.
You - Nothing, so give me your zen.
Theres Effin Christmas Becomes In A Effin Q-store!!!!!??????
And It's Not Even Christmas!!!!
I know, right? And they keep the halloween stores open year round! They even got a fancy one in the Powerhouse!
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Were you constantly checking the Exchange for when the more reasonably-priced offers finally sold out?
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
That was on the first tab?
what was happening om the second tab there?
as for the Q store,
vigilante gear- I don't want the same stats on all 3 peices of gear.
heroic gear- only for 40's- useless,
becomes the ones they can't sell in z store,
vehicle mods- only the crap ones nobody wants,
costumes- got them,
inflation - no,
limited amount of zen coming in from stipends and people who buy it to dump,
large amount of people who want free zen,
I'll still dump mine on at the same price 50, after all it sells it at the highest offer anyway.
You guys don't get it. You really think this is about the Q exchange?
Its about less than 100 people in all of Millennium City, for eight hours every night for a week and every week going forward. Our overnight population base has been cut in half this week. Down from the consistent 150 players overnight for the last two years to little over half that.
7:25PM Server Time Prime Time USA September 25 2013
The Q exchange when it started was an incentive to play the game, to add value to our accounts.
The top price overnight exchange rates are only going to drive more players away.
Who wants to beat Kevin Poe three times for one lousy cent?
Lets see what happens tonight. Maybe some of the eleven million people
that tuned into Marvel's new TV show will get their hero on and join our game.
I'm sure Cryptic bombarded citizens with advertising during this tremendous opportunity.
I should also remind everyone that this week Cryptic is paying players 2000Q or about 8 cents
for beating up 30 or 40 robots in the same city everyone has been loitering in for years and
yet we are missing bodies all around the town.
Its about less than 100 people in all of Millennium City,[...] Down from the consistent 150 players overnight for the last two years to little over half that.
7:25PM Server Time Prime Time USA September 25 2013
Really? Maybe my calculator is broken, but I'm pretty sure those numbers add up to 246, not "less than 100."
Really? Maybe my calculator is broken, but I'm pretty sure those numbers add up to 246, not "less than 100."
A little bait and switch here? Or do you think we're not paying attention, nextnametaken?
The OP has a different screenshot that adds up to 91, but it says 4:41 AM Server Time, which would be 7:41 AM on the east coast. Prime time? Maybe for Good Morning America and Today. You expect me to run Andrith at that hour? I can barely make my morning coffee in a Keurig.
In what universe is 91 people playing just before dawn in most of North America DOOOOOOM?
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
That's not the 'overnight' crowd after prime time.
This is the overnight, which starts around 11PM server time.
4:41 AM Server Time September 25, 2013
Really, do you have an 11pm screenshot to prove that, and another screenshot to prove those are all the same people between 11pm and 4:42 am? Honestly, it's been proven time and time again that your numbers are meaningless. Different people sign on at different times of the day and unless you have access to Cryptic's own data-mining, you really have no idea how many people are playing this game.
I do have to sleep sometime, but lets see,
930PM September 24 2013
Here's near midnight on the 22nd
It doesn't matter if they are the same people are not. What kind of argument is that?
If there's less people to team, less people to answer questions, less people to see, the game looks actively abandoned.
It doesn't matter if they are the same people are not. What kind of argument is that?
Actually, it does, and it's a good one. You keep claiming these numbers of yours are "proof" that the game is DOOOOOOOM, yet the argument rests on the fact that most of these people would have to be the same people logged in 24/7.
Yeah, we likely are one of the lower populated MMOs on the market, but the incomplete data you keep peddling is absurd and doesn't prove a damn thing.
A little bait and switch here? Or do you think we're not paying attention, nextnametaken?
The OP has a different screenshot that adds up to 91, but it says 4:41 AM Server Time, which would be 7:41 AM on the east coast. Prime time? Maybe for Good Morning America and Today. You expect me to run Andrith at that hour? I can barely make my morning coffee in a Keurig.
In what universe is 91 people playing just before dawn in most of North America DOOOOOOM?
He's the only one playing at that hour so he thinks its the end of the world when things look a little empty. I'm sorry but I can only entertain zone chat for so long. Personalities like Caliga and Nepht and MissBehavin can take up zone chat and entertain for hours.
I on the other hand clock out at 8 and think the op should get a life outside of the comedy club because even the people inside of the TV are real and need to sleep.
Set a Strategy! DO NOT spent your Q right now, you will waste too Much Q for little Zen! Keep Gather Q but DO NOT SPEND IT!
Wait AFTER the Mega-Destroid Invansion end along with the Drifter Daily, the Prices should go back at 200-220 (or even lower)
This is ALWAYS happens during Q Events / Double Q weekends :rolleyes:
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
If you look at those numbers and see that 400~500 people are playing the game simultaneously at peak time, you can already know the game is very empty. 500 is a very low number for highest number of users connected at the same time. Even if it peaked at 600 during events, it still would be very low compared to other MMO's. That's half of what we got in the brazilian server of an old korean game (Aika). And it was a ****ty, unknown game with a server dedicated to a single country - you can expect low populations. And even then it beat CO in peak number of players. CO's population is apparently the same of, i dont know, one out of the thousands of pirate servers of mmo's out there.
But then, Champions is riddled with bugs, has no GM's and no updates, zero marketing, pay 2 win strategy, community is made almost entirely of trolls... Geez... we're a pirate server and nobody told me? That's what i got in the A ion pirate servers i used to play ages ago.
Disclaimer: I added a space after the A because typing "A ion" normally is a forbidden word in the forums. I wish i was kidding
Lets see what happens tonight. Maybe some of the eleven million people
that tuned into Marvel's new TV show will get their hero on and join our game.
I'm sure Cryptic bombarded citizens with advertising during this tremendous opportunity.
I should also remind everyone that this week Cryptic is paying players 2000Q or about 8 cents
for beating up 30 or 40 robots in the same city everyone has been loitering in for years and
yet we are missing bodies all around the town.
Not good enough.
No one is under the assumption that the game has tons of people. Everyone knows exactly where the game is at. You posting about it doesn't help anything and solves no problems. This is just going to turn into your typical "Your numbers aren't reliable," and "Yuh-huh they are," thread.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: There's exactly jack and **** worth buying on our Q-Store. STO and NW both have TONS of stuff to buy with it. We have nothing.
Razira's Primus Database Page
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Click here.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
This is quite an apt metaphor for the state of the game.
Fat guy with beard - Emmert, Roper, and Atari wrapped into one person.
Girl with guy's voice - Players.
Booth with girl's voice - This game.
Ghost - Me.
Door - Caliga.
End screen - Neverwinter.
Youtube - The internet.
Your browser - The real world.
You - Nothing, so give me your zen.
IS THIS!<is a clickie
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
No one got mad when they put Christmas becomes in there so any argument to the contrary is pretty much invalid.
And It's Not Even Christmas!!!!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I know, right? And they keep the halloween stores open year round! They even got a fancy one in the Powerhouse!
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Were you constantly checking the Exchange for when the more reasonably-priced offers finally sold out?
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
what was happening om the second tab there?
as for the Q store,
vigilante gear- I don't want the same stats on all 3 peices of gear.
heroic gear- only for 40's- useless,
becomes the ones they can't sell in z store,
vehicle mods- only the crap ones nobody wants,
costumes- got them,
inflation - no,
limited amount of zen coming in from stipends and people who buy it to dump,
large amount of people who want free zen,
I'll still dump mine on at the same price 50, after all it sells it at the highest offer anyway.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Pretty much. Once you've bought everything you want on the C-Store and nothing else is getting added, what then?
Its about less than 100 people in all of Millennium City, for eight hours every night for a week and every week going forward. Our overnight population base has been cut in half this week. Down from the consistent 150 players overnight for the last two years to little over half that.
7:25PM Server Time Prime Time USA September 25 2013
The Q exchange when it started was an incentive to play the game, to add value to our accounts.
The top price overnight exchange rates are only going to drive more players away.
Who wants to beat Kevin Poe three times for one lousy cent?
What is the purpose of this thread?
How low can we go?
Lets see what happens tonight. Maybe some of the eleven million people
that tuned into Marvel's new TV show will get their hero on and join our game.
I'm sure Cryptic bombarded citizens with advertising during this tremendous opportunity.
I should also remind everyone that this week Cryptic is paying players 2000Q or about 8 cents
for beating up 30 or 40 robots in the same city everyone has been loitering in for years and
yet we are missing bodies all around the town.
Really? Maybe my calculator is broken, but I'm pretty sure those numbers add up to 246, not "less than 100."
A little bait and switch here? Or do you think we're not paying attention, nextnametaken?
The OP has a different screenshot that adds up to 91, but it says 4:41 AM Server Time, which would be 7:41 AM on the east coast. Prime time? Maybe for Good Morning America and Today. You expect me to run Andrith at that hour? I can barely make my morning coffee in a Keurig.
In what universe is 91 people playing just before dawn in most of North America DOOOOOOM?
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
That's not the 'overnight' crowd after prime time.
This is the overnight, which starts around 11PM server time.
1:00 AM Server Time September 25, 2013
4:41 AM Server Time September 25, 2013
I posted this one specifically because of what also happened to the Q exchange.
This is 1055AM Server Time September 25, 2013
This is prime time again.
7:25PM Server Time Prime Time USA September 25 2013
That's the best its gonna get all day.
Really, do you have an 11pm screenshot to prove that, and another screenshot to prove those are all the same people between 11pm and 4:42 am? Honestly, it's been proven time and time again that your numbers are meaningless. Different people sign on at different times of the day and unless you have access to Cryptic's own data-mining, you really have no idea how many people are playing this game.
930PM September 24 2013
Here's near midnight on the 22nd
It doesn't matter if they are the same people are not. What kind of argument is that?
If there's less people to team, less people to answer questions, less people to see, the game looks actively abandoned.
Actually, it does, and it's a good one. You keep claiming these numbers of yours are "proof" that the game is DOOOOOOOM, yet the argument rests on the fact that most of these people would have to be the same people logged in 24/7.
Yeah, we likely are one of the lower populated MMOs on the market, but the incomplete data you keep peddling is absurd and doesn't prove a damn thing.
Doesn't matter how many new players there are every minute if they don't stick around.
1158 PM September 25, 2013
1236 AM September 26, 2013
I'm not even sure why you're asking. I thought his cherry picking ways and spurious connections were well established at this point. :biggrin:
He's the only one playing at that hour so he thinks its the end of the world when things look a little empty. I'm sorry but I can only entertain zone chat for so long. Personalities like Caliga and Nepht and MissBehavin can take up zone chat and entertain for hours.
I on the other hand clock out at 8 and think the op should get a life outside of the comedy club because even the people inside of the TV are real and need to sleep.
Wait AFTER the Mega-Destroid Invansion end along with the Drifter Daily, the Prices should go back at 200-220 (or even lower)
This is ALWAYS happens during Q Events / Double Q weekends :rolleyes:
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
But then, Champions is riddled with bugs, has no GM's and no updates, zero marketing, pay 2 win strategy, community is made almost entirely of trolls... Geez... we're a pirate server and nobody told me? That's what i got in the A ion pirate servers i used to play ages ago.
Disclaimer: I added a space after the A because typing "A ion" normally is a forbidden word in the forums. I wish i was kidding
Trollin' trollin' trollin'! Toxic forum trollin'!
You need a hobby. Try playing MMOs.
To everyone else... stop trying to reason with him, he's just gonna post more photoshoped pics (and then fap to them later :O)
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Not good enough.
No one is under the assumption that the game has tons of people. Everyone knows exactly where the game is at. You posting about it doesn't help anything and solves no problems. This is just going to turn into your typical "Your numbers aren't reliable," and "Yuh-huh they are," thread.