I bought two toon slots because I'd really like to create two new fairies and need help deciding on which ATs.
I'm almost certain that one of them will be a Void, since a Moon/Midnight Fairy theme is nice ^.^ How the Void?
The other toon not so much I'm looking at Impulse, Mountain, and Glacier ATs. According to someone in-game the Impulse sucks. But why? Could I have actual facts as to why Crushing Wave sucks so badly?
Glacier seems to be popular. When I first started this game, I tested out a glacier to see how it was. Didn't like it much, but then again I only went up to level 10. One thing that I didn't like was the energy building. If I were to go with a Glacier, would later lvls be much different?
Lastly, The Mountain. I searched and searched and have not found something good here in the forums and worse, no one in-game to comment on this ATs. On the Wiki, it looks like it'll have a hard time dealing dmg since according to my research the main attack is the only Crip Challenge carrier (Cave-in)
I would guess that you were told Impulse was bad due to all the knockbacks Force uses. On Alert has made KB a bit of a black sheep due to some people using it improperly during timed alerts.
As for the Glacier and Mountain, they're tanks, so damage is inherently pretty low. Glaciers are very survivable due to Invulnerability, but I found it difficult to hold aggro. My very first character was a Glacier, and leveling her was very slow (pun unintended) due to the amount of time it took me to kill enemies. It got slightly better at 11 when I picked up Frost Breath, and much better when I got Avalanche at 40. Deleted that character ages ago, though.
The Mountain was okay, though I seemed to struggle with energy. This could just be due to me using Nemesis Heirloom gear instead of equipment that bolstered recovery. I don't really recall having as much trouble holding aggro, though the fights did take a while. Mine never made it to 30, so I can't promise my information is an accurate representation of the AT.
As for Void? I liked it. Mine didn't use the pets, so I can't tell you how those are. She had pretty good survivability, and I don't recall ever having any major dislikes. Well, except maybe being slightly slower at defeating enemies than I liked. But I always play ranged DPS, so if it's not dead in two seconds, I consider it slow. So I'm slightly biased.
The reason which I understand from people have Negative feeling towards The Impulse 1. Not enough decent damage to level up, you are stuck with the Low Tier power Force Blast until you get the powerfull Force Cascade 2. This AT gets too many USELESS powers, it's basically a SHOWCASE of the Force Framework 3. In which btw, only 1-2 attacks are DAMAGE worthy ( Force Cascade is the ONLY attack which has good damage) Yeah the Force Frameworks needs a revisit... 4. You get Force Snap on a RANGE AT! Unleashed CAN take advantage of Force Snap since it has no Lunge and is Melee! 5. Force Framework is really awful alone. 6. People don't like Crushing Wave because of the Low AoE damage output and the fact that Root your character (personally i found it nice for my FreeForm Sonic Damage character >_> but I ended up taking Shockwave since it was more Efficient with my Build)
I was considering buying Impulse, and thanks god I didn't (I bought The Inventor through... which I ended up Hating! I remade my Inventor into a FreeForm slot character >>)
The Void is a really REALLY good choice since it's balanced! Good Survibility and Damage!
Lifedrain works great!
Endurance, Constitution and Ego are a nice Combo
It has Spirit Reverberation, a really good Energy unlock which scales with CON (but you get it at lvl 25)
For me through the best Deal is the FreeForm Slot since you get make your character TRULLY as you want
Gracier is Tank, so don't expect good damage at all! Heck I even want to remake my Gracier into FreeForm because of the Pitiful damage output and the lack of Self Heals (and concept wise)
But DO expect really good Survivability from Gracier, I tank Alerts really good with mine all the time (Except Gravitar)
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Picked up the Void. Thanks for the info.
It'll be quite difficult to decide the last fairy I'll create! I wish there were some demos on YouTube or something ^.^
It'll be quite difficult to decide the last fairy I'll create! I wish there were some demos on YouTube or something ^.^
IronMarble made some videos that show the different archetypes. They're impromptu, but useful if you want to see how the powers look. If you want analysis and comparison, you're doing the right thing by asking the forums.
On the Wiki, it looks like it'll have a hard time dealing dmg since according to my research the main attack is the only Crip Challenge carrier (Cave-in)
If you prefer, you could put Crippling Challenge on Land Slide and take Cave In to Rank 3.
The Mountain. I searched and searched and have not found something good here in the forums and worse, no one in-game to comment on this ATs. On the Wiki, it looks like it'll have a hard time dealing dmg since according to my research the main attack is the only Crip Challenge carrier (Cave-in)
The Mountain is ranged tank, not unlike the Glacier.
Actually, both Archetypes are very similar in playstyle. Main difference is self-heal on the Mountain, But it comes very late, on 40 lvl.
Main source of DPS on this AT are its AoEs, Tremor on 6lvl and Quicksand on 25 lvl. It's main single target attack is actually quite useful with Crippling Challenge (after all, it's a tank, it needs to grab aggro). On the other hand the way how this AT is set up, you may as well have CC on its lunge. Since all attacks are 50 feet range only, you will be using lunge moves anyway to stay close enough to your targets.
As for gameplay. It's static. You are staying in one place, stacking AoE under your feet, sometimes using lunges to have all opponents in range.
It's even more obvious at 40 lvl when you are basically standing in your own AoE, blocking and healing over time.
It's a good AT, but very static one and in terms of theme not very suited for something like a fairy.
Earth elemental, sure.
But not a fairy.
Unless it's a kind of bulky panzer fairy.
Also, there is one reason why people may be avoiding avoiding picking up Earth powers. Debris produced by its graphic FX can murder framerate for people with older machines and video cards.
You're gonna want to make a Soldier. Military fairies with highly illegal firepower in both the fae world and the real world is extremely awesome.
Now onto actual seriousness:
The Void is awesome. Decently survivable, great damage and it's the only AT that has access to Ebon Ruin. I've seen you in AT PvP a bit, and the Void is great for AT PvP. It's the go-to premium AT for magical characters since the Grimoire is so middle of the road.
The Glacier is also awesome but starts off slow. Remember to block to gain energy in PvE, and Ice Blast + Hard Frost is your best friend when it's tapped. By the time you get Concentration you should be OK.
The Impulse is The Squall but with far less damage. The Impulse really doesn't know what to do with itself, so I'd give it a miss. In the right hands it can be situationally deadly, but...
You might also be interested in The Tempest, which is like the Squall but with maintained DPS. The Disciple is also decent for a fairy concept, and the Scourge ... if you want a potentially demonic evil fairy of doom, gloom and FAR TOO MUCH DAMAGE, that's your best bet.
Yes, I remember you too ^.^ I've crossed out the Impulse off the list, and definitely want something different than Squall gameplay. I enjoy my 20k Typhoon crits ^.^
Also, thanks for posting the link to the vids, definitely come in handy.
I'm actually a fan of the Impulse. I'll admit that it's disappointing you don't get cascade until level 40, and force snap is a useless power for the character type. Crushing wave could have more repel strength, but does decent damage for an AoE maintain.
Where the Impulse shines to me though is in survivability. After you pick up IDF when using PFF as a passive most mobs can't damage you, unless you count 1 point as damage.
There are advantages and specializations you can choose to boost damage so that almost makes up for not choosing KM and in fact being able to survive longer means more damage in the long term.
As for the Glacier and Mountain, they're tanks, so damage is inherently pretty low. Glaciers are very survivable due to Invulnerability, but I found it difficult to hold aggro. My very first character was a Glacier, and leveling her was very slow (pun unintended) due to the amount of time it took me to kill enemies. It got slightly better at 11 when I picked up Frost Breath, and much better when I got Avalanche at 40. Deleted that character ages ago, though.
The Mountain was okay, though I seemed to struggle with energy. This could just be due to me using Nemesis Heirloom gear instead of equipment that bolstered recovery. I don't really recall having as much trouble holding aggro, though the fights did take a while. Mine never made it to 30, so I can't promise my information is an accurate representation of the AT.
As for Void? I liked it. Mine didn't use the pets, so I can't tell you how those are. She had pretty good survivability, and I don't recall ever having any major dislikes. Well, except maybe being slightly slower at defeating enemies than I liked. But I always play ranged DPS, so if it's not dead in two seconds, I consider it slow. So I'm slightly biased.
1. Not enough decent damage to level up, you are stuck with the Low Tier power Force Blast until you get the powerfull Force Cascade
2. This AT gets too many USELESS powers, it's basically a SHOWCASE of the Force Framework
3. In which btw, only 1-2 attacks are DAMAGE worthy ( Force Cascade is the ONLY attack which has good damage) Yeah the Force Frameworks needs a revisit...
4. You get Force Snap on a RANGE AT! Unleashed CAN take advantage of Force Snap since it has no Lunge and is Melee!
5. Force Framework is really awful alone.
6. People don't like Crushing Wave because of the Low AoE damage output and the fact that Root your character (personally i found it nice for my FreeForm Sonic Damage character >_> but I ended up taking Shockwave since it was more Efficient with my Build)
I was considering buying Impulse, and thanks god I didn't (I bought The Inventor through... which I ended up Hating! I remade my Inventor into a FreeForm slot character >>)
The Void is a really REALLY good choice since it's balanced! Good Survibility and Damage!
Lifedrain works great!
Endurance, Constitution and Ego are a nice Combo
It has Spirit Reverberation, a really good Energy unlock which scales with CON (but you get it at lvl 25)
For me through the best Deal is the FreeForm Slot since you get make your character TRULLY as you want
Gracier is Tank, so don't expect good damage at all! Heck I even want to remake my Gracier into FreeForm because of the Pitiful damage output and the lack of Self Heals (and concept wise)
But DO expect really good Survivability from Gracier, I tank Alerts really good with mine all the time
Picked up the Void. Thanks for the info.
It'll be quite difficult to decide the last fairy I'll create! I wish there were some demos on YouTube or something ^.^
IronMarble made some videos that show the different archetypes. They're impromptu, but useful if you want to see how the powers look. If you want analysis and comparison, you're doing the right thing by asking the forums.
If you prefer, you could put Crippling Challenge on Land Slide and take Cave In to Rank 3.
Actually, both Archetypes are very similar in playstyle. Main difference is self-heal on the Mountain, But it comes very late, on 40 lvl.
Main source of DPS on this AT are its AoEs, Tremor on 6lvl and Quicksand on 25 lvl. It's main single target attack is actually quite useful with Crippling Challenge (after all, it's a tank, it needs to grab aggro). On the other hand the way how this AT is set up, you may as well have CC on its lunge. Since all attacks are 50 feet range only, you will be using lunge moves anyway to stay close enough to your targets.
As for gameplay. It's static. You are staying in one place, stacking AoE under your feet, sometimes using lunges to have all opponents in range.
It's even more obvious at 40 lvl when you are basically standing in your own AoE, blocking and healing over time.
It's a good AT, but very static one and in terms of theme not very suited for something like a fairy.
Earth elemental, sure.
But not a fairy.
Unless it's a kind of bulky panzer fairy.
Also, there is one reason why people may be avoiding avoiding picking up Earth powers. Debris produced by its graphic FX can murder framerate for people with older machines and video cards.
Now onto actual seriousness:
The Void is awesome. Decently survivable, great damage and it's the only AT that has access to Ebon Ruin. I've seen you in AT PvP a bit, and the Void is great for AT PvP. It's the go-to premium AT for magical characters since the Grimoire is so middle of the road.
The Glacier is also awesome but starts off slow. Remember to block to gain energy in PvE, and Ice Blast + Hard Frost is your best friend when it's tapped. By the time you get Concentration you should be OK.
The Impulse is The Squall but with far less damage. The Impulse really doesn't know what to do with itself, so I'd give it a miss. In the right hands it can be situationally deadly, but...
You might also be interested in The Tempest, which is like the Squall but with maintained DPS. The Disciple is also decent for a fairy concept, and the Scourge ... if you want a potentially demonic evil fairy of doom, gloom and FAR TOO MUCH DAMAGE, that's your best bet.
Yes, I remember you too ^.^ I've crossed out the Impulse off the list, and definitely want something different than Squall gameplay. I enjoy my 20k Typhoon crits ^.^
Also, thanks for posting the link to the vids, definitely come in handy.
Where the Impulse shines to me though is in survivability. After you pick up IDF when using PFF as a passive most mobs can't damage you, unless you count 1 point as damage.
There are advantages and specializations you can choose to boost damage so that almost makes up for not choosing KM and in fact being able to survive longer means more damage in the long term.