*warning* too much pro ability is shown here, so better keep your eyes open wide and your mouth shut.
Check channel for moar, it's Frontlinetroll.
Done to me, done by me.
I gots more from better players, but who cares?
Ow yes, it was pretty much a fair duel since both of us had 5 useful devices and none of us was using the 4 spec trees according to shag.
You can tell I'm not because of my low hp. Would be around 15.5-16k if I was using bulwark.
Hey I want that Vehicle!!
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Hi. Am a rollercoaster wit guns. My nam is swag and am PvP pro videoer, I never lose, chek channel.
I prefer bananas.
Next chapter will be: swag's aopm bild he made by himself....name: yellow mean Snipin machine.
Irony u say' ? ^...~
This must be a thing.
know your meme: dubstep montage parodies.
Montage parodies subreddit.
Beware the imp!
Impin' ain't easy!
If you have to click on a link to the meme then it's useless!!
No no no.... We need to step it up and post youtube videos by link which will help the conversation along! Jewel, lets do this!
Damn it, video's are too long to be funny! While you wait for a funny video to be posted here is something you could learn to play champions from!
OHOHOHO I think we all know what'll be removed from the hero games forums next! :O
But really sters, you see on your keyboard you have numbers going from 1-9 and then 0 - = at the end. Pressing these will use your skills so you don't have to look down at your bar and click allowing you to move while using skills.
In the world of champions pvp, everyone is a troll. What's the bets on every pvp'er using 1 of each of the best devices now with AOPM?
Ka ka!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
makes game dificult
Okay... There is two things that you could possibly be doing with your other hand. One is the same as what messiah does with is other hand while dueling which is to smoke, the other I don't really want to go into details about. :O
Use your other hand noob! It's not like you play with an xbox controller or anything! :>
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
noe, i easy mode teh game. Tho with the hate am gettin' for farmin' xeno 1vs1, i guess i'll need the other hand too.
Seriously, i will succeed alone at what you guys failed together.(ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego<ego)
anyways, to answer yer question...deh song,what it describes...addicting.
But I've finally found a meme that is actually relevant to champions online! (not really a meme, more of a screencap but what ya gonna do?)
This is what the PvP community is told!
But litterally on topic (if this thread even has a topic) I'm getting my new computer soon so will start recording videos, I may go back to my super squishy build just to make them not take forever and actually have some action in, instead of a bunch of tanks jumping around clicking their skills with a mouse and ebon ruining each other to death until one of them gets low at which point they teleport away.
Bet's on me being farmed and spawn killed? It's fairly likely I must say, but I hope it wont be the case.
Ka ka!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
No one will farm you! I will help you!
We will be like Jango and the Dentist, i'll let you be the dentist tho :P
You, just who do you think your trying to fool with these posts? Yourself? The person your trolling doesn't need to come to the forums and bad mouth you, or make videos of me one shotting you in bash. You apparently do, why is that? Let me clue you in on your sociological block, your weak. You need to desperately try to prove otherwise, but it's so evident to everyone but you. It's pathetic to see you self destruct like this. Every time you come to the forums and drop my name it's a win for me, so keep it up, your tears taste like honey to me, fanboi.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Mrgamenwatch. Yeeeeah, he beat me once after 7 duels or so. Ask him yourself.
Spetzii did beat me. Ask him what happened in bash tho.
You yourself are self contradictory. You ask me for a duel, in bash, you use your devices on me, I don't die. I use 2 nades and Sr and *poof* xeno dead. Then you called 4 more pps to gank me. Eve and I farmed you more successfuly alone tho, since you died 4 times, mrgame 1 and I died 6. So yeah, all those shiz about going that route? No sir.
Let us not discuss that bash when green and I brought you some pain. 2-6 xeno? O.o
Not even aret could help you. Only guy actually playing from you is Spetz.
So your point is? I'm a fanboy? Check who's thread this is and how silly you act bringing 5 people in bash and still dieing.
You're all wrong here Xeno, I am not luci nor dag. I might die 5 times against 5 people, but as long as you die 2-3 with all of them aiding you, I don't think am losing here.
And no, of course am not the best, but as long as I am good enough to get 6 people and myself PvP, I guess I've got some fans!
And yes, I have screenies and vids for those too, but if it reaaaally makes you feel so bad, and am ruining your PvP rep, you can have it. I'm not really going for it.
Again, coming on these forums just to cry out for the AE slaughter is a win for me by itself. Don't really need more.
Btw u got veri niche cotume. Did mrgayme halp yew?
Shaguar makes his own builds? Hmm
Gives them back to the community? You mean SELLS them. Lol.
I don't have to drop your name. Your behavior and actions do that. Also, I never insulted you as a person. I'll take that as a compliment though. Seeing you raging at me in game and here is hilarious.
Seriously man, take a step back and chill you're making it too easy.
copvp is too strong for your human brains
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It's Ok bro. I know when I came back you got lost, you needed my name to prop you up. . That's why on my first night back after a year being gone, you just could not resist posting a video of spamming ice nades on me when I was rocking a chainsaw in bash. Your so pro. Just like how you posted this video tonight, of my friend, thinking you can gleam so cred off someone who has some. Typical you. Display some more your shallow ego for us tonight, reply back with how you killed me or killed that person, who freaking cares Sters, only a child is reduced to acting this way, posting videos laced with a marijuana song, pre-teen style.
Let us all know when your done, I'll give you your pacifier back.
Yeah, am so immature. Maturity is shown when you make threads about PvP wars. You made my night. And how can you expect maturity in a game full of gods, angels, demons, aliens and talking cats is beyond me.
Your first night back you say? Lolno. I waited a whole week after your first HG to even attack you. I expected something better. Was disappointed...still am. Dish me that thing 100x back lol. What I see is killing you and dieing afterwards. You can't fight back the stairs! They just keep coming!
You wanna settle this? Apologize here for acting dumb. Then I might switch my target to a more worthy player.
Did that song shock you? Sorry.
Check your first post. You only care about your rep. Your scores don't count right? I'm not really here to make friends and dominate bash with them over theme builds like yourself. Before I got in there, you and Spetz were farming a quarry/pbr+mini gun player who had never played before. I don't think he will play again for a long time.
Foxi, can't you see it? AE pps PvP because of me. It is this hate and rage that makes PvP poppin'. However, his elitist-getting-rolled-by-SR attitude makes newcomers go away. Strait Jacket is back too Xeno. You sure you wanna keep going?
Long live peaceful pvp forums!
Ka ka!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Respect. Imp you just nullified me. Though you were posting the same things a month ago or so :-(P
Haha, those war's were funny.
Anyway I'm still waiting on my stupid computer to arrive, I don't like playing on a laggy laptop while using a graphic's tablet instead of a mouse, it's pretty challenging when in BASH.
If you don't know what a graphic's tablet is, this is pretty much the one I am using: http://www.quietpc.com/images/products/wa-ctl-470k-en-1-large.jpg
Ka ka!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
A pencil and a notebook? U a waiter imp?
how can u play with that?
U A Fanboi Too
Haha, it's a digital pen and paper used for doing digital art.
Basically to hold down right click I hold down a button on the pen and hover it over, to left click I click down on the pad. It is actually pretty hard but kinda makes things more interesting too.
Green, you're too late!
Ka ka!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Since you need the forums to troll people in game in clear violation of the forum rules, why don't you meet me online today, bring your video camera and we can settle this. No Devices. It's time to take you down a notch. Then everyone can talk about your legacy that I helped write for you, then you can truly be my #1 fanboi.
No more talk, no more spin, put up or stfu.
already in. Waiting for you.
Bring it onnnn
btw, very mature way of putting it
Veri smart xeno, say come bash and gather 5 pps to kill me three times and die twice :'-(0
But i guess that's duelin' for ya.
After this, i can't take you more seriously, sorry.
Vid? Sure.
Hmmm, works for me.
Gg ;-(p
No... of course that wouldn't help... if anything I've ignited your hate fires even more u_u well at least it's warm
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
uhm... Hm....
We need to stop playing around and get our serious faces on now, it's about to go down! Sters VS the world is a must see!
Ka ka!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
@Pallih in game
Noe dotn u teh only one of them that might kewl me .
Thankies ;;--)))))))
I got 2 veri god allies tho. Or no....2 god allies and a god called Messiah.
If aphro comes i'll have 3. But i bet he won't be sidin' wit my allies so Aphro's gonna be against meh too.
Since Spetz is the only problem, i guess we can continue winning.
Hell, Zeno dies from the nades' AoE while am targettin' Spetz in Support role, while the rest of them get crazed when i use the shift key. Block=OP much, ha?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
@Pallih in game
Omge translate y u no work?
I do not drink milk slowly I drink milk fast. For that defamation of character you are now on my list ._.
You also misspelled a lot of that it should have said
I'wv unf ibber dund Penny fout uggle duf epserson şters bub bub gubledun performance het ehch shamp durn Spectre wa'p guppi sunder wapenrusting, pam deffffffff ipsoden jc denton hat karb gifr dush ch'um ber Nepht drinking milk slowly wub tur'duck yuf Kimber ackbowl Xeno harf deningo ekste'en you all
Thank me later.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Frightened, she shrank down into her seat. She sat in silence for a while, and then she noticed another sound. Bump. Bump. Bump. It was a soft sound, like something being blown by the wind.
Suddenly, the car was illuminated by a bright light. An official sounding voice told her to get out of the car. Ned must have found a police officer. Susan unlocked the door and stepped out of the car. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she saw it.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Wat hapend to Suzan??????????? Ned-ded?
Thx ;'-((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))-';
I bash yo focken ead in i swear on me mum
@Pallih in game
Yo cnt kewl me me has SR ebn run undished rag 4 dotz 4 gen mofo* rimebeer burst adn eye bimz pvpvpvp bild u ded in 1 sec if I uses ice.
Kthx =-)))))))))))((((((((((((-=
@Pallih in game
^ ascii art of a laptop
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Close enough, am usually on an iMac.
Ow sry penny, couldn't log at the time, I might log in next week when the devices patch goes live...free time for CO is an issue nowadays ;'-(((((((((((