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Our Ultimate powers need a serious buff



  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    I like these ideas.

    I think Soul Siphon would be easiest to do (if it were to be implemented ASAP) why? Because a form of this power already exists on NPC's in game.

    The Constructs in Lemuria, the one near Arvard's place has a Power Construct under it which steals energy first then life.
  • edited September 2013
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  • edited September 2013
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  • cptcooltasticcptcooltastic Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    TELEPATHY-Mass Sedation- AOE maintain-8-12 seconds> you focus your will in an immense statement of mental domination, completely overwhelming the defenses of those around you.

    60 foot sphere maybe?

    Those affected by this power would fall asleep, but the sleep would not be broken by damage and would be unbreakable as a hold so long as you MAINTAIN this power. you would gain massive damage resistance and a large dodge bonus while this power is maintained as well as a complete aggro dump.
    targets emerging from this state after the hold will be disoriented and snared, and suffer a 20% damage debuff duration which scales with CC strength. perhaps 10 seconds of debuff time for every 250-300 pres.

    Animation suggesition- perhaps a hands on temples, imposing stance as your eyes begin to burn with psionic energy, and waves of telepathic power emanate from the head, like a very cool very large ego storm, embellished with dots and those cool circles around your head.

    oh and maybe make it work equally on everything. cosmics possibly excluded. 5 minute cooldown or something. (I understand some people dont like long cooldowns but with CD redux gear its not so bad, and I mean an unbreakable hold on legendaries has to have SOME limit right? xD)

    so, ravenforce, how's this suggestion? :biggrin:

    I'll go ahead and share some feedback on this one. I think it could use a little more tweaking.

    For example if your able to put EVERYTHING around you in an UNBREAKABLE sleep, then why would this power also grant Damage Resistance and Dodge bonuses for the same duration? If they aren't able to hit you at all, seems like it would just be a pointless addition. The Threat Wipe makes sense I suppose, you could simply erase your existence from there memories as they sleep.

    Another example is that Disorient IS a Damage Debuff(10% reduction), so why apply this debuff if your going to add a Damage Debuff that scales with CC strength? You could just add the Disorient amount into the Scaling amount for a single Debuff.

    Also, doesn't quite feel like your getting enough out of the power to be worth a 5min cooldown. But I guess that depends on just how effective that hold would be. *shrug*

    Possible Addition: What if those put to sleep by this power suffered from nightmarish trauma. Which would give each sleeping target a 25% chance to suffer damage every .5secs the power is maintained or something.
  • edited September 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    @gradii's suggestion:

    Putting everything in an unbreakable sleep seems like a really -passive- thing to do.

    Breaking the CC system by allowing holds on Legendaries could cause issues. (Even if this power was tagged, we all know what the CC system is like and how fragile it is). But it would be a nice CC effect for Ego Sleep (perhaps innate against higher ranked foes (NPC's Legendary and Cosmics to be trapped in a 5 second lockdown sleep mode from Ego Sleep.)

    It would be like a control version of Mind Link, it sounds like it would be better suited (albeit changed in some places) as a Tier 3 power.

    12 second maintain which does no damage and a five min CD? I cannot see that being used very much.

    The idea itself is a nice idea, however practical application would cause it to be less needed. AoE's (damaging ones) tend to wipe the floor with mobs, which then would render your 8-12 sec maintain useless, and with a 5min CD to boot.

    I can only see this being used if you were totally swamped and soloing and using this to lockdown everything attacking.

    Also it should be noted that Ultimate powers should not really (ideally) scale on a super stat. That would limit it's application severely.

    Unleashed Rage's scaling is fine since it is buffed by Enrage which is buffed by STR so it works that way and is pretty much a nice set up.

    Mind Link's requirement for EGO? I don't like it myself.

    Anyway, this suggestion would be something I'd like to see as a power but could with some adjustments be an Ultimate. (It seems Ultimate-ish to me anyway)

    Psychic Domination - Click - 70ft AoE - In a single wave of furious psychic power, you enforce your mental might on everyone around you forcing them to kneel before you and submit to your will. Your wave of psychic power sorts "the boys from the men", killing off the weaker minded foes in your wake. Any foe who you have left standing after such a powerful display is placed under your direct control and will serve you until they die. Stronger minded foes will have taken considerable damage to their mental defenses, leaving them open to further Ego Damage Attacks.

    + This power deals High Ego Damage to those caught in your telepathic reach
    + Henchmen and Villain ranked foes will die outright.
    + Master Villains and Enforcers have a 30% chance to die outright
    + You may place Master Villains and Enforcers under your mind control
    + Super Villains suffer a complete power lockout for 6 seconds
    + Foes under your command will fight for you until they die, they benefit from half your healing
    + Legendary and Cosmic Ranked Foes take double Ego Damage from this power but cannot be placed under your control and instead suffer a 3 second special stun (60% chance to apply stun)
    + Super Villain, Legendary and Cosmic Ranked Foes in addition will suffer from the "Shattered Psyche" Debuff.
    - Requires your energy bar to be maxed upon activation.
    - You suffer from Psychic Drain which puts this power into a 5 minute cooldown (only half affected by cost reductions) and slows the rate of energy gained from all sources by 10% for 5seconds.

    * Shattered Psyche - Debuff - Trying to sustain your psychic might has left the minds of remaining foes weak and almost defenceless against further psychic damage.

    + Applies Shattered Psyche Debuff to target(s), this reduces their Ego Damage resistance value to 40%, causing them to take 60% more damage from further Ego Damage Attacks.

    Cannot stack

    Something like that would be nice.
  • edited September 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    wow nice enhancement of my idea! :biggrin:

    Enhancement? No. Totally different idea. Yes. Faction Conversion could be a tricky thing to do, we can -sort- of do it with summon devices but that isn't the same thing.

    It would be easier perhaps to apply your AoE Sleep idea rather than my Psychic Domination Faction Conversion.
    gradii wrote: »
    I'd prefer a more subtle animation of submission however, as my telepaths aren't the showmanship type. although with the emote structure currently in place kneeling is easy to implement.

    Heh. I didn't mean literal kneeling. They'd likely have my psychic manifestation on their heads and follow me around, like Meat Shields with bullets, knives or whatever. I think they'd also generate a lot more agro than the user.

    gradii wrote: »
    also in pvp the power should just hold the foe in a *very* strong hold while applying a powerful debuff upon the hold breaking. unless they made use of the "assimilated by the borg" tech in STO. which could be cool.

    Sentry Mastery has an affect akin to my 3 sec stun in my suggestion. It also applies to players.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    EDIT: Reflecting on my idea..

    I can see this breaking all sorts of missions and things where you have to kill a certain NPCs..

    So unless -something- changed I'd say it would be game breaking. That's probably one of the reasons we don't have faction conversion like powers.
  • edited September 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    when I said enhancement of my idea I meant the general AOE domination concept. you took it to a new level.

    My bad, it sounded different.
    gradii wrote: »
    also don't give up on faction conversion. what if those said missions could be flagged for the power to not work on said NPC or something?

    It would be all missions in general and alerts. If used in an Alert your pet might need to be killed resulting in slower alerts (like GRAB missions)
    gradii wrote: »
    about the aggro I'd imagine. you use rank3 CoS no? so you generate even less than my paltry tiny aggro on Mentrance. she uses Conditioning, because I have a vendetta on Aoquephoth lol

    Yeah, I usually have to backhand foes to get them to attack me lol.

    As for Ao'healz4lyfe...keep doing what your doing, I think the worst offender for him in Alerts is GRAB and BURST.

    At least in XPs you can fail, but with him in the other alerts...you have to stop fighting and just bail.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    That was pretty exciting back on page 7 when a developer actually posted his thoughts on some of the ideas presented in this thread. Good job guys, you actually made a difference :)
  • edited September 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    but what if it was implemented in a way which counted those mobs as defeated for mission purposes, and just flag the mission NPC's to be not converted?

    Would require going into NPC AI rather, something which could be messy.

    gradii wrote: »
    its one thing my telepath does right now that your's doesn't, nerfing Ao. even if I haven't held any supervillains yet (I'd still REALLY like to know what I'm doing wrong)

    I didn't build around taking Ao down, I have CharmCaster for that (and she's managed to stay in theme), each to their own.

    gradii wrote: »
    I really don't blame people who bail after 10 minutes of fighting without the health bar moving lol.

    Neither would I, sufficient DPS isn't usually an issue if I'm in an alert with Mentella or CharmCaster or Bionic Bullet, its just making sure the melee DPSers learn to block if for some reason I am not debuffing him.
  • edited September 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    lol neither did I. I took conditioning as a bonus effect. I don't think it breaks my theme at all, the placebo effect can have physical implications if the placebo is strong enough. basically if I can force him to truly, utterly believe he cant healz4lyfe, then he can't healz4lyfe! :biggrin:

    edit- the placebo effect IS what I described :P silly redundant me. meaning I could have said that in far fewer words lol

    I am glad Jaybezz suggested this Conditioning bonus effect for CoS as an advantage, it allows for diversity for application of this debuff, something I think most power sets should have access to, instead of limiting it to one or two.

    Anyway back to the OP.
  • edited September 2013
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  • pallihwtfpallihwtf Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Earth : ARMAGEDDON

    100ft Sphere Aoe Damage - Maintain - SUpermegamassive Fire & Crushing damage

    As the sky turns red with black clouds raining fire, a volcano emerges from the ground beneath you taking you to the sky. On top of the mountain, you will punch the volcano with all your might, shattering the whole volcano, making your enemies poop their pants as they melt in the sea of lava.


    @Pallih in game
  • edited September 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    Telekinesis - Telekinetic Ruin AoE maintain. 7 seconds. 60 foot sphere

    Focusing your will in a massive storm of razor sharp mental knives, you unleash RUIN upon your foes. oversized TK blades erupt from the ground, while knives of psionic energy rain from the sky, while your foes are held in a strong root. does HIGH ego damage to targets, while applying a stacking 3% ego damage debuff which stacks up to 10 times depending on how long you maintain this power.

    Animation could include you first impaling your current target on a telekinetic lance, pinning him to the ground, then the hellstorm of blades begins.

    (alternately feel free to suggest a clickie implementation)

    ^ This should be a TK Blades ultimate.

    As for a TK (Power/Ranged) Ultimate something akin to a -real- Telekinetic Energy Storm should be in order. Perhaps picking up (or summoning) pieces of heavy debris from around you (including cars and trailers etc) swirling it around yourself in a Ballistic TK fashion firing it off at foes in your surroundings.

    Would be a click/maintain (similar to Daemonic Avatar, where you are forced to maintain the power once you click to activate.)
  • edited September 2013
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  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    what next, a bestial "POKE OUT YOUR EYE!" power? :biggrin:

    That's a Tier 3 Martial Arts power:


    Tier 4 is the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    That's a Tier 3 Martial Arts power:


    Tier 4 is the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.


    That movie Kill Bill, that was a cool move she did...sad ending though (ish)
  • edited September 2013
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  • dragonelegancedragonelegance Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Flashfire: We already have it, when we use a fully charged Pyre.
    Really, the ultimate powers are mostly not as great as we would expect, and in fact, they are disappointing. (excluding some yet)

    I think, the power we get in lv40 should be a spectacularly-badass-epic-awesomeness thing, in the cost of a huge amount of energy and/or very long cooldown time.
  • aetam1aetam1 Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    That's a Tier 3 Martial Arts power:


    Tier 4 is the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.

    Uh I want that power. So what kind of CC should that apply? Probably a perception debuff, maybe a little fear...

    My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    That's a Tier 3 Martial Arts power:


    Tier 4 is the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.

    That is actually The Grumpy Old Asian Man With Awesome Stach Removes The Eyeball From It's Socket Move.
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