This is more a request than anything else. I was building a Necromancer themed toon and took iniquity as my heal as it seemed appropriately necromantish (transferring my life force to others). The only think I don't like about it is the animation that has the beam spotlight me and then my target from the sky. I would rather it be a beam connecting me to my target or, if I took the advantage, some kind of cone looking effect.
Celestial Conduit does exactly what you want except it doesn't sacrifice your hp or damage you in any way.
So if you are big on the whole RP thing and REALLY care that much about playing the part instead of looking the part just get dark transfusion and pop it before doing celestial conduit.
I think Psionic Healing does something similar as well. It has 100 ft. range (like Iniquity) and sends a wave of sorts to your target. Obviously, no self HP loss though. But as ayonachan said, it can be paired with Dark Transfusion.
Grind for the Grind God! Tokens for the Token Throne!
I was trying to build an offensive support. Originaly had Iniquity and Hex of Suffering. Not sure if I should go with Overseer or Sentinel for 2nd tree.
So if you are big on the whole RP thing and REALLY care that much about playing the part instead of looking the part just get dark transfusion and pop it before doing celestial conduit.
I was trying to build an offensive support. Originaly had Iniquity and Hex of Suffering. Not sure if I should go with Overseer or Sentinel for 2nd tree.