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Defensive Passive Suggestion

rtmartma Posts: 1,193 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Suggestions Box
Hello, I'd like to throw out an idea on a Defensive passive that I'm curious on Feedback, this idea was originally based off Unstable Brute/Primal Incarnation Adaptive Form, but tweaked it to be more useful, basically this would be timed based, the Passive would be called 'Adaptation' you don't gain any initial benefit but it works by adapting to the specific damage type (Works any type, anytime) and basically works in 3 stages,

1st Stage is being damaged triggers the Adaptation to work, and to build up resistence (Adapting) to that particular type of damage you're not limited to how many damage types you build up just takes time, and it's based off rank, Rank 1 is 5/6 Sec Cycle, Rank 2 - 4/5 sec, and Rank 3 - 3/4secs.

2nd Stage is once that adaptation cycle ran it's time, you gain the first level of resistence, 50% Flat Reduction of that damage type, then it cycles for how many secs your rank is while your damage resistence stays in place.

3rd Stage, once you build up a second cycle you become Immune to said damage for 15secs then it fades off, then you'll have to build up adaptation to the damage type again, going thru the Stages.

Finally I thought of a Advantage that costs 2 pts that could act like Defiance Force of Will but instead of Stun/Knock/Hold resistence, you'll gain a All Damage/All Resistence upto +30% based on how low your HP is, I call it, Primal Instinct.

What do you think? Plausable?
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I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Post edited by rtma on


  • smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,567 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm just going to have to give a flat no to more Immunity mechanics.

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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I had similar ideas, though a bit smaller scale - Villain groups tend to stick to only a few damage types, so once you get immunity in a PvE battle, you're pretty much going to be entirely unkillable by enemies.

    Actually, the unlimited number of damage types you can build defense against also adds to that, so...

    My concept of such a passive would go a bit like this:
    Energy Projector - Adaptive Form

    Your body's makeup can masterfully adapt to any kind of conditions that are thrown your way.
    • Offers a small percentage of general damage resistance (~25%). This benefit is lost when Adaptation kicks in.
    • When hit, you will build stacks of Adaptation against the damage class the attack belongs to. There are four different damage classes: Physical, Elemental, Paranormal, and Energy.
    • Each stack will offer high (~40%) damage resistance to the damage types in question, and can stack up to 3 times.
    • Can only gain 1 stack every 3 seconds.
    • You can only build up resistance to damage against 1 damage type at a time. If struck with a different damage type than the form you have, all stacks of Adaptation are dropped, and the cooldown on its stacking is reset. In addition, this can also restore up to 5% of your health immediately once every 5 seconds.
    • Advantage - Survival of the Fittest - Enables you to build 2 Adaptation types at a time instead of 1.
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