Replace the stats with the new tech you have that adds +x to primary superstat and +y to both secondary super stats. that way they will work for everyone.
Change the damage to match level 40 scaled.
Otherwise, leave as is: these things were AMAZING for concept characters: ice guns, psi pistols, flamethrowers! I can't believe you guys let these go to waste.
will pay zen for these things.
For the new people who never got to try these things: they changed the effect + damage type of your power. They had custom visual effects, custom sounds and secondary weapon effects like the ice guns in addition to doing cold damage could apply chilled + ice cages. the gatling pistols were a semi auto burst per shot. Etc
Edit: In the Z store make a tab labeled Power Replacers. In this tab would be 17 different grab bags labeled
1. Archery
2. Dual Blade
3. Fighting Claws
4. Munitions
5. Single Blade
6. Ice
7. Force
8. Electricity
9. Fire
11. Gadgeteering
12. Power Armor
13. Sorcery
14. Supernatural
15. Telekinesis
16. Telepathy
17. Unarmed
And inside each of the grab bags would be a random Power Replacer from the corresponding framework. I would also like to think that maybe these would be better served having the Heirloom Functionality where they grow with the user but following that over all formula of boosting Primary Superstat by X and both Secondary Super Stats by Y. and their effect grows as the character grows (the damage done/added to)
Edit 2: And if they could keep the costume unlocks on the pieces that would have unlocked a costume piece, they would make a lot of people happier too.
These really are great for concepts. Revamping these would be ace. I still got a flamethrower or two (somewhere) but no, not selling that one.