Mission Statement
The Global Defense Force's mission is to uphold the laws of the world and protect all the innocents. We are sworn to defend the Earth from all threats to her inhabitants, both globally and galactically. We protect those who cannot protect themselves for we have the ability to do so. We are the defenders of all life on this Globe and abroad.
About Us
The Global Defense Force is one of Earth's premiere heroic presences. With chapters across the world, the GDF focuses on relief work, battling individuals with criminal intent, and putting an end to activities that threaten our modern cities and citizens.
The GDF enlists only the most dedicated, creative, and skilled of heroes. Together, we work for a brighter, safer tomorrow.
On May 15th, 1955 three heroes from Detroit decided to form a loose coalition to help each other on hard-to-solve cases. They called the group the Global Defense Force; the founding members were Validus, Mister Turbo, Radioactoman, and Bombshell, the late-coming female titan. Over the next several months the team ups led to unrivaled success and so it was decided that since the loose partnership forged strong friendships, they should become a Super Group. Their first true test as a group was against The Exterminator. It took the group months to track him down and eventually win the day after a hard fought battle. This would herald only the first challenge the GDF would overcome during the rest of the decade as their group slowly grew in numbers.
In 1961 the group saw its first expansion to New York with Radioactoman leaving to lead that chapter. The Detroit chapter, at its peak, had 45 members on the roster. They were at the forefront of equal rights and gender equality as long as the members obeyed the laws of the world. The group continued to grow while defeating the likes of Mad Mistress, White Hood, Soviet Star, and many more. In 1969 the group expanded again founding a chapter in Los Angeles right after the summer of love.
In the 70s the group saw a new age of gritty heroes emerge. A slight rift started to from between the veterans and the young guns. The newer members were more prone to skirt the law and take matters into their own hands instead of just solve the crime and hand over the evidence and sometimes villain to the police. The old guard stood with their rules and following the laws that were established by the founders and the group managed to keep its reputation. By the late 70s there was a GDF chapter in Toronto, London, and Berlin.
The ?80s again saw a new wave of heroes and villains alike. Most of the veterans and old guard had long since retired, leaving the reins of the group on the shoulders of still largely untested heroes. There were some speed bumps along the way but the group survived and kept its recognition as well as a still outstanding reputation. Many more villains were apprehended by the GDF as well as making a few nemeses along the way. The end of the '80s saw the GDF on firm footing as a well-established hero group with the community as its main focus.
The '90s were supposed to be a decade of more prosperity but would turn out to be just the opposite. In 1990 the Tokyo chapter of the GDF was launched with lots of fanfare and promises of a bright future. In 1992 the face of GDF was forever changed as Dr. Destroyer set out to destroy the city of Detroit. With it all chapters of the GDF were called in to help most of the heroes from around the world and from chapters within the U.S. arrived to help. This proved to be a fatal error as most of the global roster of the GDF was wiped out that day, many more heroes in the GDF retired shortly after.
The rest of the decade and the '00s saw the rebuilding of the GDF. Some heroes came and went but there wasn?t a foundation like before the attack on Detroit. A U.N. department named ANCILE sponsored and became the financial backer of the GDF, keeping the prestigious group afloat and still backing the group today. 2012 saw the leadership of Powered Omega who had to make a hard decision for the group at large. The Decision kept the universe from delving into chaos but left one of the co-leaders dead.
Shortly thereafter, GDF's other main backer, the Galactic Council, withdrew their support but ANCILE stayed. Powered Omega left to re-find the New York chapter of the GDF completing the chapters that had been all but destroyed in the attacks. The GDF, now with a new group of leaders and chapters all over the world, strive to uphold the memory of every Global Defense Force member before them while ushering yet another new age for the group. Now, with new villains more deadly than ever, like Zoroaster, the group will test its mettle and find a name for themselves, yet. The Global Defense Force has, and always will be, the shield to protect humanity.
The GDF is a heavy RP supergroup where every action warrants appropriate consequence. We have a dedicated officer team, fully functional forums, and a team of writers and artists. We meet for roleplay every day and help each other level and develop our characters.
Please contact one of our officers, as listed below, and submit an application at
http://gdf.shivtr.com/ today!
Global Commander
Zero Line@dashedhope
Global Advocates
Independence Eagle@Zodmeister
Global Captain
Shadowed Mirey@Mirey5