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Bug list for July 11th 2013 Update.

theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
For Telepathy:

-The Login Screen ID's have reverted back to the Cryptic Login ID's instead of the PWE versions which made logging in easier as it remembered PWE login ID's. This bug has been around since the Bullet Bound For Biselle Open Mission was fixed on LIVE.
  • Mental Leech heals foes in PvP
  • These powers tooltips are a serious case of misrepresentation.
  • The fact that these powers do not proc TELEPATHIC REVERBERATION, is a stark reminder that they were not ready for LIVE.
  • Ego DoTs can be dodged using any means
  • The DoTs need more to be able to deal with resistances. The defense penetration does not work after the initial hit because the passive is on the player. If it was a debuff then it would allow for the damage to become penetrated but it isn't.
  • The debuffs cannot stack upon each other making multi telepath teams a simple case of refresh the stacks. Whilst stack refreshing can be done faster with two telepaths it is essentially the job of ONE telepath with high CD.
  • These stacks can be detonated by any one with Mind Break. <--Bad idea.

Please add to this list in subsequent posts.
Post edited by theravenforce on


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