For Telepathy:
-The Login Screen ID's have reverted back to the Cryptic Login ID's instead of the PWE versions which made logging in easier as it remembered PWE login ID's. This bug has been around since the Bullet Bound For Biselle Open Mission was fixed on LIVE.
- Mental Leech heals foes in PvP
- These powers tooltips are a serious case of misrepresentation.
- The fact that these powers do not proc TELEPATHIC REVERBERATION, is a stark reminder that they were not ready for LIVE.
- Ego DoTs can be dodged using any means
- The DoTs need more to be able to deal with resistances. The defense penetration does not work after the initial hit because the passive is on the player. If it was a debuff then it would allow for the damage to become penetrated but it isn't.
- The debuffs cannot stack upon each other making multi telepath teams a simple case of refresh the stacks. Whilst stack refreshing can be done faster with two telepaths it is essentially the job of ONE telepath with high CD.
- These stacks can be detonated by any one with Mind Break. <--Bad idea.
Please add to this list in subsequent posts.
Champions Online cannot afford a combat designer.
I guess then it is just one of those odd things then. I'd attribute it to the lack of effect ranking up has on both Mental Leech and Shadow of Doubt.
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It was my pleasure. Thanks for the response
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I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
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I posted most of these bugs on the PTS ages back and they still made it in.
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only press z.
If you press z, it locks up the game
System] Banned command emote
emotes actually are banned now. Thats the message I got when I tried to use one.
just checked, they aren't banned in nevermind.
so what exactly was this maintencance supposed to do?
and apart from the telepathy stuffups, has the rimefire been fixed?
when I used it, the buffs were all mixed up and you got the wrong ones for-clingifre, frozen(whatever its called ) both and none.
I would check in the PH but I don't want to lock up my game again
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Part of the problem since December, 2012.
The above agrees with that I think.
You can argue that multiple instances of the debuff would be too much but that's pretty much utter "trite". These new powers are so bad I am yet to see another player who uses them outside of the PH apart from myself, as I have grown weary of waiting to play my main character.
Unless all in game stackable DoTs are capped at 5 or 4 and everyone can rupture or exploit each others stacks I maintain that this poor mechanic in place for Telepathy is a bug by design.
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I know some people mentioned that it was healing Cosmics as well, though. If that's the case, please get a screenshot or something so we can be sure. That would be a deeper and more bizarre bug.
Isn't there ANYONE else who can do it.. he's done enough
Dependency no longer heals Cosmic Level Entities like Gravitar. Just tried it.
Results of Mentella vs Gravitar are as follows.
Gravitar deals 2329 (81969) Crushing Damage to you with Force Detonation.
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I am @RavenForce in game
For the most part yes.
Buggy, some have bad FX and these DoTs can be dodged.
DPS wise they are viable.
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I am @RavenForce in game
hey a new Pvp game, two teams. One attacks the cosmic. the other keeps healing it
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Nerf Telepathy?
lol impossibru!!
That Alert instance was seriously messed up. As soon as she was on her last legs it started kicking people out of the instance.
She had 3k HP left and it was just me. I got 1.5k Q and her necklace :eek:
And I'm not entirely sure HOW I survived that hit even with MD active. I've weathered worse on other toons but they had either Invuln/LR or PFF.
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I am @RavenForce in game
[*]Mental Leech heals foes in PvP *FIXED*
[*]These powers tooltips are a serious case of misrepresentation.
[*]The fact that these powers do not proc TELEPATHIC REVERBERATION, is a stark reminder that they were not ready for LIVE.
[*]Ego DoTs can be dodged using any means
[*]The DoTs need more to be able to deal with resistances. The defense penetration does not work after the initial hit because the passive is on the player. If it was a debuff then it would allow for the damage to become penetrated but it isn't.
[*]The debuffs cannot stack upon each other making multi telepath teams a simple case of refresh the stacks. Whilst stack refreshing can be done faster with two telepaths it is essentially the job of ONE telepath with high CD.
[*]These stacks can be detonated by any one with Mind Break. <--Bad idea.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
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I am @RavenForce in game
shadow of doubt, says 31 per sec mental leech 24 per
gigantic 33 ..................... 25
maSSIVE 32 ........................ 24
MEDIUM 30 ................... 22
LIGHT 28 ....................... 25
(forgot to put spacers in, silly me, I thought normal spaces would work)
lets see them explain that, I shot the boxes becasue I was getting all diferent amounts on the same level dummy with one shot. not crits, normal damage
the weights supposedly have no defences, so how do they all take different damage. i shot each size in turn. If you do a group you get differing amounts too
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I like Single Blade. It's in my top three favorite sets. If I couldn't stack Bleeds because someone else had already put 5 on my target, or I couldn't maintain my Bleeds because someone else kept Rupturing them, I would be pissed off.
The stacks should be changed to be like Bleeds (and presumably Poison) in that each player has their own stack, and can only Detonate their own. If there's an issue with the debuffs stacking too much, make it like Aura passives and IDF, where stacks over a certain threshold have reduced effectiveness.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
This guy. Sees Sense.
Glad to hear another person agrees, perhaps with enough goading the devs can fix this issue.
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couldn't they at least write them in so we think that they do more damage
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no consistency at all
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No, I didn't even have time to fire off mind break fully charged for detonation. I piled on the DoT debuffs and she came running towards me and then I tapped Mind Break and she collapsed.
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She tried to, but her attacks were on CD or something from my last debuffing so she came closer (within 100ft range) to use Force Yank on me, but thankfully I had 2 stacks of KB resist and debuffed and cracked her mind open
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I am @RavenForce in game
Incorrect. Malaise and Mental Weakness are not broken by any damage and are NOT control effects, they are utility debuffs.
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My pleasure
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It's standard Wikipedia stuff. You don't need to know or learn HTML to do it. Just find someone's page that you kinda like the style of, or if you see a particular thing that you want to copy (like making text bold, or making a headline), just hit the "View Source" tab on the top of the page, and see how they did it.
There are PLENTY of support pages regarding exactly how to build your desired PRIMUS page.
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Just make sure if possible you get in contact with that person, as they may be able to help you with their style.
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Personally I am still working on my various character pages, updating them with text and other effects, however that page I have linked will help with colouring and the character boxes.
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